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小孩突然發高燒怎麼辦?馬偕醫院副院長、小兒科醫師黃富源表示,人體因病毒、細菌感染,引發感冒等疾病時,會有發燒的症狀,這時四肢血管會收縮,如果用冰敷、全身擦酒精方式幫小孩退燒,會讓四肢的血管更加收縮,對退燒沒有幫助。 他表示,感染疾病引發的發燒,應該用退燒藥退燒才是正確的處理方式,同時也應就醫由醫師找出導致發燒症狀的原因,針對原因加以治療,家長千萬不要以為小孩燒退了,疾病就會好。 台大醫院小兒部小兒感染科主治醫師呂俊毅指出,小孩發燒是疾病表現出的症狀,發燒通常是人體發炎反應的一部分,就是人對疾病的一種防禦機制。 有研究指出,人體體溫高對疾病的恢復較有幫助,例如出水痘的患者,不退燒的病患比起服用退燒藥的患者,恢復得較快。因此,呂俊毅提醒,家長面對小孩發燒,不要太過焦慮,但仍應帶小孩就醫,由醫師診斷導致發燒的疾病是什麼,因為引發發燒的腦膜炎、病毒感染等疾病,不治療是不會痊癒的。 小孩發燒就醫前,該如何在家中初步處理?呂俊毅表示,小孩剛開始發燒的階段,身體正在發炎,會誤以為38、39度才是正常體溫,不像健康人會把體溫調節在39度,因此千萬不要在這個階段用冰枕、冰塊幫小孩退燒降體溫,不然小孩反而會覺得很冷很不舒服。 他指出,如果發燒到39至40度,應該注意散熱。傳統偏方認為要讓小孩穿很多衣服,用悶熱、悶汗的方式來退燒也不正確,燒起來就不應讓小孩穿太多衣服,應該散熱。 台大醫院小兒部小兒感染科主治醫師張鑾英表示,小孩發燒的原因很多,施打疫苗是原因之一,打三合一疫苗的小孩,約有3至6成會在接種後發燒,五合一疫苗則有1至3成小孩接種後發燒,發燒通常發生在施打數小時到24小時後。 醫師會預先在小孩打疫苗時開給退燒藥,若時間點吻合,家長可給小孩服退燒藥退燒,但如果打三合一疫苗48小時後才發燒,家長就應該注意小孩發燒不是因為接種疫苗,應該就醫讓醫師找出原因,而非自行退燒。但疫苗接種後發燒的時間也有不同,張鑾英表示,水痘、麻疹、德國麻疹疫苗接種後7至14天,才會發生發燒。 感冒與中耳炎、鼻竇炎、肺炎等感冒併發症,還有尿道感染、腸胃炎、自體免疫疾病、腫瘤、嚴重的敗血症等疾病,都可能讓小孩發燒。張鑾英表示,這些疾病表現出的發燒只是症狀,家長千萬不要自行幫小孩退燒,應該就醫找出發燒的原因,以免延誤治療。 不過,醫師表示,小孩發燒也可能因為中暑、衣服穿太多,而不是病毒細菌感染等發炎性疾病。如果發燒是因為中暑或衣服穿太多,這種高體溫對人體沒有幫助,隨時可以退燒,此時可以用冰枕、散熱貼片等物理退燒法來幫助小孩退燒。 肛溫逾38.5度 就算發燒 體溫幾度才算發燒?台大醫院小兒部小兒感染科主治醫師張鑾英表示,發燒是指肛溫有兩次在攝氏38度以上,或1次超過38度5。肛溫的測量方式,是使用水銀溫度計插入肛門,約1到2分鐘,溫度計前方可先塗抹凡士林,幫助潤滑插入肛門。 張鑾英表示,家庭常用且較方便的耳溫槍量出的耳溫,比肛溫多0.2到0.3度,但如果耳溫槍長期使用未校正,量出的溫度可能會少0.5到1度。因此,使用耳溫槍時,可同時量耳溫與肛溫做校正,將兩者的溫度差距記錄下來,供往後使用耳溫槍參考。腋溫、用貼片溫度計量額溫都不準確,她不建議使用。

News from the world~


繼續練習英打囉.相信必然會有所收穫的~ Keep going~ 這篇文章是介紹關於New Zealand的人文風情.也勾起媽咪當年跟同事自助旅行遊New Zealand 南北島共18天的滿滿回憶喔. 因此順便show 一下當年爬冰河的"壯舉"相片囉.. (哈..自認為很棒呢)~ 翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行.. 翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行.. 爬冰河 翻拍~New Zealand自助旅行.. 爬冰河 x x x x During the New Zealand summer-November to March in the southern hemisphere-families move into camper vans and tour the country. About four million people live in New Zealand; Japan's population is more than 30 times as large. And the country- made up of two large islands, the North Island and the South Island, as well as several small islands- is still three-fourth Japan's size. What fills up all that extra space? New Zealand has astonishingly beautiful mountains, rivers, forests, fiords, glaciers, towns, cities, gullies, gorges, vineyards, and also is home to the bridge where bungee-jumping got its start. (If you've seen Lord of the Rings, you may believe New Zealand also has a lot of hobbits, though in reality it does not.) When my boy friend Brian and I were in Zew Zeland this pass summer, we met families who were Kayaking fiords, climbing mountains and looking for non-exitent hobbits. At the Franz Josef Glacier, a glacier that borders on temperate rainforest, we met a couple and their 10-year-old daughter who were hiking to see the glacier. The father explained to his daughter that the glacier, which is made of blue ice, sometimes retreats (get smaller), but now is advancing. "It's because this summer is so cold," the father said. (未完成喔..)

Story~The Ugly Duckling


跟小鈞說說醜小鴨的故事~ 媽咪順便把故事內容 key in.. 練練自己的"英文打字"吧.. Quack! Quack! The mother duck builds her nest by the water and spends a long time hatching her eggs.She hatched all the eggs except one, a big round egg. The mother duck stayed with the big egg. She didin't care what the other mother ducks said. A few days later, a big ugly duckling hatched from the big egg. When the mother duck brought all of her ducklings to visit her friends, the other ducks had never seen such a big, ugly duckling!! All of the ducks were mean to the poor duckling because he was so ugly. The other ducklinga bit him and the hens chased him away. The poor duckling was very sad. One day, the ugly duckling couldn't take it anymore. He ran away as far as he could. He ran and ran until he met some wild ducka and geese. The wild ducks and geese didn't mind being his friend. They even planned to fly together to a warmer place because winter was coming. But the poor duckling couldn't fly, so he had to walk alone in the cold, could winter! Spring finally arrived! The ugly duckling walked to a great pond and saw three beautiful swans gliding gracefully over the water. When the ugly duckling swam over to them, he looked down into the water and saw his reflection. He was surprised to see that he was also a beautiful swan! The pretty swan was no longer an ugly duckling! He swam happily with the other swans, ducks, and geese in the great pond. What a happy swan he has!!