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Sarah 萌






想幹好久好久了 終於立定決心把小琳這麼多年的作品給整理一下 (其實也就是一,兩年罷了) 我在"相簿"裏開了新的檔案夾放小琳的作品 大家隔一段時間可以進去看看 然後我再把其中某些稍稍精彩的放進"日記"裏稍加解釋 希望我能堅持下去吧! 先看看小琳今天自己寫的一篇故事 (她常常自己寫故事) 因為她愛用鉛筆的緣故 所以拍得不太清楚 我在下面再用電腦打出來以便記錄 為了尊重版權 錯別字也會按照原著如實刊登 不再加更正版本了 大家自己猜測正確的用字吧 (除非錯得太離譜) 因她還不太會用標點符號 我只幫她加進一些基本的逗號和句號和分段以方便閱讀 書名: Stephenie's dog Fluffy Level 22 內容: Onec a point a time, there was a girl called Stephenie. She had a big big dog called fluffy. he is aways naughty. Evertime he barks and barks WO!WO! WO!WO! Stephenie stops him in a loud voice. She said stop! Stop! but Fluffy still barks this time. He barks louder. Stephenie shouts stop, you are so noisy!! She shouts and shouts but he still barks. She shout Getout, you bad bad dog!!! She pushed and pushed and pushed. She goes sees him in her Garden eatting her carrots, and she throws him into the back yeard. One day it was Stephenie's birthday, her frinds all came. Her dog barks and barks. What a bad dog, said one. I'm sared of dogs, said another. Get out Get out of the party! She shout. She push and push. I need your help she said. They push and push. Hey it still not work, we need our parunts said Angela. MaMa would help us? BaBa would you help us? Sue they shout. Stephenie had to push the outhers pull. They pushed and pull and pushed and pull. Hooray! we did it! The parunts came in. They ate a peace of cake and play some games. The games are: londen bridge, pas the ball, the wells on the bus, hang Man, and drawing on the bord and pant a picture. Then they weant to a beach. They made some sand castles some sand hats. Lucy and Judy want to swim but they don't know to swim. Helen ran to safe Lucy and Judy. Help!! Help!! Where is the Help sound comeing from? ask Helena. Oh she floght ma by (thought may be) its Lucy and Judy. She goes to the water and save them. The outhers helped. It is time to take a bath said Stephenie. Time to go! Bye! This story is telling about a girl and her scarrd dog. Are you scarrd of this story?



和好友們又組織了一次一年一度的暑期大旅行 這次去了深圳東部華僑城 一共有五個家庭參加 規模龐大 17個大人+5個小朋友 年齡由2歲橫跨到80多歲 包下了一整個康泰的旅行團 由於一大早七點就要在九龍塘集合 六點多就要出門了 還好兩位小姐都很合作早起床沒發脾氣 小白被還沒見過幾次面的uncle Sammy抱上了旅遊巴 又是害羞地低下了頭半天半天 (不安地在玩手指!!) 在皇崗口岸過了關 (別人拉著小白走 雖然她心裏應該是害怕不願意 但也不敢開口...) 再坐了一個鐘頭左右的車才到華僑城 小白在車上就睡著了 下了車進了酒店大堂還一直睡 等房間的時候 小朋友們已經玩的很開心了 小白睡醒啦! 哥哥姐姐們玩的遊戲還弄不懂 還是先專心把肚子填飽再說 先到酒店位處的茶溪谷遊玩 因為有個颱風將來不來的關係 天氣悶熱得要死 我想得有33,34度吧! 禧禧哥哥對小白照顧有加 幾個大孩子爭相要推小白的手推車 小白現在對"笑"的要求十分合作 小白太矮 只好站在門口才能照得到相 坐遊覽車去大華興寺 後面的大佛其實要爬好多級樓梯才能到達 小白居然自己走了上去也沒要抱 少不免來一張全體大合照 下午四點半看了一場不好看的表演之後 大家回房間休息了一會兒準備去吃晚飯 二位小姐又把自己的寶貝們翻了出來帶去吃飯 匆忙吃了晚飯(海鮮餐!) 又看了一場表演 回到酒店已經九點多了 給二位小姐洗完澡沒多久 小琳就昏睡過去了 小白去親親熟睡的姐姐 然後就開始在房間裏翻箱倒櫃地到處研究 買了三隻走地雞回酒店分享 見小白十一點多還沒睡 (她白天只睡了兩小覺) 把昏睡的小琳抱去了同樣睡著了的沛詩房給她婆婆看 帶上了小白上另一間房去吃雞 已經半夜十二點了!! 小白還在目不轉睛地等吃雞!!! 結果快一點了才各自回房休息