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星期五買了桂圓蛋糕回家, 星期六在公司打了電話回家提醒小布丁要記得吃, 卻在電話這頭聽到小布丁拿著蛋糕說:ㄣ~~有點聞到... (小布丁的口頭禪,若她覺得有怪味,或是有臭味,她就會這樣說,意思就是不好聞啦~~) 媽媽:怎麼會,是蛋糕ㄟ... 小布丁:ㄣ~~臭臭的...... 媽媽:吃ㄧ口看看,很好吃的,有像葡萄一樣的一顆顆龍眼喔... 小布丁一臉嫌棄的聲音:ㄣ~~不要... 我現在比較看得開了, 隨小布丁的意思, 也不會勉強她吃, 不愛吃就算了, 像她最近都不吃青菜, 雖然很傷腦筋, 但也沒辦法, 三餐都沒辦法看著她吃, 假日又都在外面吃, 也沒辦法靠花什麼心思來吸引她愛吃青菜的心, 就隨她了, 只是跟阿嬤說不吃青菜的話, 水果就不能少了, 盡可能的要多給她吃水果了, 但阿麼的反應可能嫌麻煩吧, 聽阿嬤的語氣應該白天也不一定有給小布丁吃水果, 以前我只好晚上下班回家後再弄水果給小布丁吃, 但有一陣子有時候回家阿嬤還沒給小布丁吃晚餐, 我要餵小布丁吃晚餐、吃水果、洗澡, 也就沒剩多少時間跟小布丁互動, 搞得生活步調很緊湊, 後來也是看開了, 若回家看小布丁尚未吃晚飯 也就不再花力氣逼她將晚飯吃完, 隨她了, 還好目前她的體格尚壯, 短時間內應該也不會瘦下去吧!!



自己動手擷取的play along圖片跟歌詞, 有好一陣子沒拿出來用了, 晚上看到小布丁在唱貼在房間牆面的play along歌詞, 趕緊拿出這本來複習複習, 唱了三首歌, Peekaboo、My ball及Me and you, 雖然有少部份歌詞唱的不是很正確, 但大概都有唱對了..... Peekaboo! Now , let’s dry off . First , let’s dry your back and your tummy . Now , let’s dry your legs and your feet and your arms and your hands . And now, let’s dry your head. Froggy ! Froggy ! where are you ? Here I am ! Peekaboo ! Mommy , mommy , where are you ? Here I am ! Peekaboo ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! Daddy , daddy , where are you ? Here I am ! Peekaboo ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! Little bunny , where are you ? Here I am ! Peekaboo ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! Little baby , where are you ? There you are ! Peekaboo ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! Peekaboo ! I see you ! My ball ! My ball is red and yellow and blue , Red and yellow and blue . And if you ask me to , I can show each color to you . Show me red . Here it is . Show me yellow . Here it is . Show me blue . Here it is . Good for you ! My ball is red and yellow and blue , Red and yellow and blue . And if you ask me to , I can name each color for you . What color is this ? ( Red. )It’s red ! What color is this ? ( Yellow. )It’s yellow ! What color is this ? ( Blue. )It’s blue ! Good for you ! My ball is red and yellow and blue , Red and yellow and blue . Me and you ! Roll the ball to me , And I’ll roll it back to you . Roll the ball to me , And I’ll roll it back to you . Me and You . Now throw the ball to me , And I’ll throw it back to you. ( Catch ! ) Throw the ball to me , And I’ll throw it back to you. ( Catch ! ) Me and You . ( Come here ! ) Please give the ball to me . ( Thank you ! ) And I’ll give it back to you . Give the ball to me . ( Thank you ! ) And I’ll give it back to you . Me and You . Now give me a hug , And I’ll give you one , too . Me and You .