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Kyla La Grange 《Hummingbird》 Oh baby I'm a light left on Still waiting for the moment Burn steady and the fuse is gone High and heavy, and I've blown it Oh baby I'm a flightless bird Crying out to the treetops Wings heavy and my voice unheard Keep saying I'm enough, oh Watch your step Find your love Use your legs Keep it up Brace your heart Know yourself Face the dark Ask for help Like a hummingbird I'll hover But never taste the fruit Like the memory of a lover That flickers into view And all the things you wanted, that kept on calling you And you try, but cannot choose Oh baby I'm an unmade bed Uncovered in the half light Still warm from you sleeping here So empty that I could cry And oh baby this is what you say I'm never gonna not run You never would've killed us dead You were right I'm a shotgun Watch your step Find your love 更多更詳盡歌詞 在 ※ Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網 Use your legs Keep it up Like a hummingbird I'll hover But never taste the fruit Like the memory of a lover That flickers into view And all the things you want to, that kept on calling you And you try, but cannot choose No don't don't let me let you down Don't don't let me let you down Don't don't let me let you down, no don't No don't don't let me let you down Don't don't let me let you down Don't don't let me let you down, no don't Oh I still want you baby So help me stay from words Oh I still want you baby So help me stay for worse Like a hummingbird I'll hover But never taste the fruit Like the memory of a lover That flickers into view And all the things you want to, that kept on calling you And you try, but cannot choose Like a hummingbird I'll hover But never taste the fruit Like the memory of a lover That flickers into view And all the things you want to, that kept on calling you And you try, but cannot choose

む電影め裸睡美人The Limit of Sleep Beauty


很奇特的電影∼ 在夢境中迷失的女主角,最後炸了極光之家,從夢中醒來。 在人生的路上,甚麼是真實?甚麼又是夢境? 亞紀是一名懷抱星夢,卻缺乏天份的女演員,在演藝圈載浮載沉十年,好不容易有擔任女主角的機會,卻慘遭製片威逼潛規則,甚至被黑道爆打性侵得逞,終於被逼瘋… @mago_moviereview 「要生存還是毀滅?這是一個問題。」 - 這一次是真的了,這一鍵按下後從此,你與我再也無關。 那天,你逕自闖進我的心室建造只屬於你和我的城堡,如此蠻橫的、我享受著你蠻橫的溫柔,然後你維持你一貫的不經同意留下了我,留我一個人在空蕩的房間裡和回音對話 我投以太多單向的思念,那樣的思念讓我毀滅,我無法前進亦無法後退,所以這一次是真的了,我要離開你的城堡重建我崩塌的世界,這一鍵按下後從此,你與我再也無關。 - 故事講述一名懷抱演員夢來到東京的女子亞紀,被一間地下俱樂部的老闆海斗收留後成為魔術助理,並與海斗相戀,但某一日失去愛人後,女子開始無法分辨自己的夢境和現實,遊走在兩極之中的她,世界漸漸崩壞...。 我非常喜歡這部電影的英文片名”The Limit of Sleep Beauty”,亞紀無法接受失去海斗的事實,於是用夢境麻痺自己、希望可以永遠不要醒來,可做夢是有的極限的,在到達那個界線之前我們又將在現實中做出多少犧牲? 被留下來的人還是要繼續生活,電影談的是告別、是選擇,如同《藍色情挑》裡的茱莉、《百日告別》裡的心敏、或是《全面啟動》裡的茉兒,我們可以自我放逐、想辦法療傷、也可以永遠活在夢中,而亞紀是在毀滅之後重生;所以我特別喜歡電影最後那段超現實像是電玩的掃射(殺死那些讓她痛苦的心裡因素),還有她和海斗在夢中道別後親手瓦解他們相識、相戀的地方。 這是一部有點奇怪、有點哀傷,卻可以在其中帶走一些什麼的電影,導演用奇幻大膽的影像風格、奪目的色彩、直擊心臟的音樂、破碎卻有邏輯架構的剪輯方式帶領觀眾一步步和亞紀一起掉進夢中、成為亞紀,最後再把你從深淵拉出來,像是拼上了你心中原本缺少的某一塊拼圖,這樣的詮釋方式意外的有力量和深刻。 轉https://www.instagram.com/p/BgZCdyenoSg/?hl=zh-hk&taken-by=mago_moviereview