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啊…蝦米弄不驚 啊哈!瞎郎ㄟ 當瞭解😀🌼

啊…蝦米弄不驚 啊哈!瞎郎ㄟ 當瞭解😀🌼




Bt xxx Tixxx plaza 吃飯(被罵了)


大約下午一點多吧 和朋友講完電話 和Alex在B1 fair price 一家綜合中西的平價餐廳吃飯 alex敲盤子(兒童用塑料餐具) 我小聲對alex說別這樣在餐廳吃飯不可以這樣吵影響別人 alex開始說yeeees it ok !開始做出一連串的嘻哈聲 不聽我的 我對他說別這樣 讓我訝異的事發生了 坐在我前面桌的中老年華族男子竟轉過頭來 對alex大吼"Shut Up" !! you think is your home??? 感覺他指沒人教 我和alex從來沒在任何一個餐廳被人這樣吼過 我很錯愕 老實說嚇到 感到不可思議 公共場所 他(這華族老男)大聲到在場每個人也都轉頭回來看 我蠻難過的覺得發生甚麼事要對一個坐在兒童椅上的小朋友用和粗暴語氣 罵呢???和他坐一起的女人(和他用華語講了一些話) 男子沒有再說甚麼了 我回他一句sorry"蛇SIR" [這種人不配我叫他蛇]!真不懂我為何要這麼白?明明就不同意沒錯,幹麻道歉 兒子說話又沒很大聲,也沒吼叫(小孩不能說話嗎???) 旁邊桌的那麼近也沒反應擺臭臉阿! 更無法理解我自己 竟打了alex一巴掌(我心好痛) 那男人不知在火大甚麼 而我竟犯了全天下父母最不該犯的錯 我把面子丟了的帳算在兒子小小臉上 我痛心就這樣一下 我不知要疚多久?? 櫃台antie 說他又沒錯幹麻打他 他哭了不更吵?? 沒錯!我錯了 我不敢再帶alex出門吃飯了?? 我為什麼這麼容易生氣呢???



早上6:30 前要到起跑點! 昨晚睡不到五小時 4:30鬧鐘響了 今年今天起的最早 煮好了麥片給老公吃 alex竟也跟著起床看看 媽咪在哪裡??後來又回床睡了~ 好吧要來去給老公加油了! 車開到近city hall停車後 就沿路回走到起跑點 很早天還黑黑的 雖早到但天阿!人好多大家都穿一樣的衣服 突然每個都很像 找不到老公了 照了一堆人但都不是老公 更扯的事我老公三小時跑完二十一公里我卻都沒看到他 四個多小時我以為老大發生..... 包裡電話響 我正著急問你(老公)在哪?? 等不到你?? 他氣沖沖的說我都回家了妳跑哪去??? 等半天我才氣ㄋ!背著重重老公換洗衣物毛巾 和攝影機想說等老公跑回終點時照下歷史見證 結果他竟然說腿太酸痛沒法找我 先搭德士回家了 不過有看到兩位台灣的代表有小小的國旗 真的好棒成績也挺好的!但沒聽到主持人說到台灣好手的好成績是後來看聯合報(台)才看到的 我要大力的為你們加油 (他們是跑全程四十二公里的也差不多,跟老公時間差不多21公里哈哈~) 下次我要記得帶國旗幫台灣加油 我連忙大喊台灣加油 嗯!明年我也來為台灣跑 要來好好練習跑步了! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 第一名(當我走到終點等老公"沒想到42公里全程馬拉松已跑回來了兩三小時還真會跑哩)太突然沒照好很模糊 他也是前幾名喔!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 好吧!等半天 日桃恰呀呀沒給老公照半張像 找@2004新加坡馬拉松較優的成績來過下乾癮 鼓勵鼓勵 (台灣好手代表新聞) http://udn.com/NEWS/SPORTS/SPO1/4634106.shtml 我有看到他們想給他們照相卻找不到他們(動作太慢了)

Oulu family tragedy


Previous recession led to more violent deaths Money worries possibly behind Oulu family tragedy Economic recession and the worries associated with it could lead to an increase in violent deaths. A statistical peak in the numbers of murders, suicides, and manslaughter cases was recorded in the years after the last recession. Between 1990 and 1994, a total of 818 Finns died violently, reports researcher Martti Lehti of the National Research Institute of Legal Policy. in the years from 1985 to 1990 the figure for violent deaths was 714, and between 1995 and 1999 it stood at 732. One minor surprise in the data collected by Statistics Finland is that during the period when the figures rose, alcohol consumption actually declined, as did the number of other violent crimes such as assaults. "Normally crimes of violence in the Finnish experience are associated with heavy use of alcohol. During the recession there was not the money around to buy alcohol, but other worries piled on the pressure", says Lehti. Tragedies such as that which occurred in Oulu at the weekend are in Lehti's view more common in middle-class families, but this is not something that has been examined since the last recession. Being trapped between two homes, and the burden of debt that followed is seen as a possible reason for a shooting in which four people were killed in Oulu during the weekend, writes the late-edition tabloid Ilta-Sanomat. The construction of the family’s new house had been well under way when damage caused by damp had been found in the structures of the semi-detached home where they lived. Consequently, the planned sale of the semi-detached property was cancelled, although the deal had nearly been closed. “The man was very serious looking when I carried out repairs to get rid of the damp. At that point he did not understand humour”, recalled one contractor on Monday as he was buying construction equipment at a hardware store in Oulu. The man, a schoolteacher at the nearby Kuivasjärvi School, shot his wife, two children, and himself on Saturday. According to the Swedish-language newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet, the mother of the family had said at the school where she worked that her husband had been making threats to kill his family. “I do not want to talk about the matter at this stage”, says the school’s head teacher Jari Haapalainen. “I have not heard of anything like this”, said Mika Penttilä personnel director of the Oulu education department. The head of the investigation into the deaths, Kari Rantanen of the Oulu Police, did not wish to take a stand on the internal problems or monetary difficulties of the family. “These patterns will be investigated, but I cannot say what the timeline will be, in light of the suffering of the next of kin. There is no hurry”, Rantanen says. Previously in HS International Edition: Family of four die in murder-suicide, Oulu neighbourhood in shock (20.10.2008)