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This week in prek


Dear Parents, This week the children have been doing some assessment on Seasons. The children for the most part identify what Season it is and something that happens during this time. In Maths we continued our work on simple addition. After ECW we will start reviewing the Maths concepts we have been learning this year. In Language Arts we continued looking at our letters and letter sounds. After ECW our letter will be q. Monday is Summer Olympics. Please make sure your child is wearing their house colour shirt and running shoes. It starts at 11.00 and finishes at 12.20. All parents welcome to attend. Don't forget that next week is ECW. Experience China Week is a chance for the children to experience some of the wonderful things that China has to offer. The children has the chance to try many different cultural activities. The children need to arrive by 8.20 everyday or risk having the bus leave them behind. Everyday the children need to bring their own water. If your child was here last school year, they also need to bring their BCIS hat. If you have lost it please just bring another one. Lunch will be provided each day. We have taken into consideration any special diets. If you have any questions, please email me. ECW Activities Tuesday - Chinese Railway Museum and visit a local Chinese restaurant called Guolin. Wednesday - Happy Land - pottery, making soaps, tie dyeing and sand painting. Thursday - Going to the Hutong Friday - Acrobats and Chinese Dancing. Movie - Mulan Don't forget to check out the WIKI each week. Next week everyday there will be new pictures posted showing some of the things that we have done that day. Have a good weekend. Rebecca Dobson PreKindergarten Teacher/Team Faciliator



之前聽蛋媽說三元出了一種"老酸奶"很好吃 我就買來給娃吃吃看 結果她還蠻愛吃的 所以只要去超市 我就會給她買一罐 今天娃放學 我拿了一罐要給她吃 娃看了一眼 語重心長的說 "馬麻,這上面的圖案,好像是老人吃的,以後我不要吃老酸奶了" 唉∼∼不想吃就直說 還牽拖說什麼圖案像老人吃的 不過後來上網查了一下 老酸奶感覺沒什麼營養價值 算了,不吃也罷 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 老酸奶有害?食品专家详解“老酸奶”的骗局 不知道什么时候开始,各超市的酸奶柜台突然被铺天盖地的“老酸奶”所占据。几个月以来,许多朋友都问我:老酸奶是不是最天然的酸奶?是不是营养价值比其他酸奶高?是不是有特殊保健作用?是不是比其他酸奶安全?是不是不含添加剂特别适合孩子吃? 真正的老酸奶是怎么制作的? 其实,所谓的“老酸奶”,是一个传统制作酸奶产品的概念,但已经变味了。各地都有自己的“老酸奶”,也就是过去传统制作的凝固型酸奶。这种酸奶不是黏稠的液态,而是基本上呈现固态。这种固态不是加了任何凝固剂,而是牛奶蛋白质的一种特殊凝胶状态。把消过毒的牛奶、糖和菌种加到干净的容器当中,保温发酵几个小时,牛奶就会变成固态,每个自制酸奶的人都知道。这种蛋白质凝胶状态很脆弱,只要用力搅拌,就能让看似坚实的凝胶重新变成液态的奶。 普通酸奶是老酸奶加了增稠剂等 在我们小时候,各地的酸奶都是这种固态的产品,但随着奶制品产量的增大,这种产品慢慢地退出了市场。这是因为凝固型的酸奶在运输中容易因为摇晃、震荡等机械力量影响口感,消费者看到的是破碎的冻,甚至是变成液态的酸奶,肯定会不满意。 同时,因为在固态酸奶没法加入果汁、果粒之类配料,为了便于运输和销售,人们就加入一些增稠剂,把大罐发酵好的酸奶凝冻慢慢搅碎,让它变成黏稠的半流体。这就是市面上占优势的酸奶产品状态。 如果少加增稠剂,酸奶产品往往会呈现液态,只不过比牛奶略浓一些,有些消费者以为酸奶“内容不够”而产生嫌弃心情,其实这是很正常的状态。 如今的“老酸奶”添加了凝胶剂 但是,喝惯了这种黏稠的酸奶,人们也有点腻了。这时候,新产品 “老酸奶”让人们眼前一亮。它以传统产品的面目出现,但为了避免运输中变稀的麻烦,添加了凝胶剂,这样,无论怎么震荡都不会变成液态,运输和销售非常方便。 普通的牛奶原料,加明胶、琼脂、卡拉胶等等植物胶,就可以制成这种凝冻状态。我的实验室里就曾经做过类似的冻,而且口感效果比某些市售产品还理想,只不过没有把这种配方变成产品。 所以,严格来说,市面上所谓的“老酸奶”产品,应当叫做“酸奶冻”比较确切。 所谓的“老酸奶”营养可能更低 知道这个制作过程就能明白,其实这些酸奶冻产品并不会增加酸奶产品的营养价值。其中既没有加什么保健菌,也没有加什么营养素,原料质量无需提高,甚至还可以降低。因为传统上做酸奶的牛奶原料必须是蛋白质含量较高的原料,抗生素含量必须低,杂菌含量必须少,才能顺利做出酸奶凝冻。现在有了植物胶帮忙,即便原料蛋白质含量低,也不妨碍做成凝冻状态,原料要求反而降低了。 实际上,我看了一下市面上“老酸奶”产品的营养成分标注,与其他产品相比并无优势,甚至有的还偏低。从感官品尝来说,也感觉有些产品的蛋白质含量偏低,而果冻感太强。从安全性来说,它也没有任何优势。除了原料质量要求不提高之外,其中也不妨碍加入各种食品添加剂。有些产品的香精味道非常别扭,而且似乎除了发酵产生的乳酸之外还添加了其他有机酸。 “老酸奶”不适合婴幼儿食用 可见,如今市面上的大部分“老酸奶”产品,和过去传统制作的原料纯粹的老酸奶不一样,营养安全性都没有优势,也没有特殊保健作用。而且,因为其中普遍含有食品添加剂,并不适合2岁以下儿童食用。 特别需要叮咛的是,有些“老酸奶”产品呈强度比较大的冻状,不能搅成液态。和果冻一样,孩子把这种酸奶冻呛入气管是很危险的。 3岁以上的孩子不必担心,但吞咽功能没发育好的低龄幼儿吃的时候应当特别注意,大人要小心看护,避免发生危险。 “老酸奶”门槛低、利润高 只要看到各企业做“老酸奶”的热情,就知道这种产品肯定是效益相当好——也就是说,它属于门槛比较低,技术比较平淡,利润却很大的产品,便于一拥而上。但是,如果我们的市场上,都让那些技术含量不高,营养安全质量平淡,仅仅凭炒概念的产品赚到大钱,内在健康品质优秀技术含量较高的产品被冷落,谁还会努力给消费者做更健康更营养更优质的产品呢?长久来说,最后吃亏的还是消费者。 所以,喜欢一种产品的口感没关系,愿意为这种口感花钱,本是愿打愿挨的事情。不要说酸奶本身是很健康的食品,即便健康价值那么差的可乐,不是也有人花很多钱自愿去买吗?但是,我们的消费,必须是明明白白的消费,自己要知道买到的是什么东西。如果以为老酸奶比其他产品更营养、更安全、更保健,为了这个原因而更换酸奶产品,那就赶紧更新一下知识,然后再做选择吧。



Seasons - High As part of the unit on Seasons, which is our year long unit, the children learnt about Winter and Spring. We discussed the changes that occur during these seasons and what can be seen and felt. In Winter she could identify the name and also explain that there are no leaves on the trees and it might snow. In Spring she could also identify the name and knew that flowers come out at this time. When assessed on all the Seasons she could name and identify what happened during each season. Seasons - Middle As part of the unit on Seasons, which is our year long unit, the children learnt about Winter and Spring. We discussed the changes that occur during these seasons and what can be seen and felt. In Winter he knew the name and that there are no leaves in the trees. In Spring he knew the name and that the flowers come out, When assessed on all four Seasons he could name Winter and Spring but not the other two. He did however know what happened in each. Seasons - Low As part of the unit on Seasons, which is our year long unit, the children learnt about Winter and Spring. We discussed the changes that occur during these seasons and what can be seen and felt. In Winter he didn’t know the name but he knew that there are no leaves on the trees. There is snow. In Spring he didn’t know the name but he knew that the flowers come out. When assessed on all four Seasons, he didn’t know any of the names but he knew what happened in each. Rebecca Dobson PreKindergarten Teacher/Team Faciliator