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My first DAY-OFF

Today Ryan stayed in the Child Care whole day, so I got a day-off. Since I had a little cold, I didn't do much but rested. I finally opened a bank account- thanks to my American Express Credit Card.

Ryan was very happy that he could spend a whole day in the Child Care. I don't know why he likes it so much, but it is a good thing. Ryan drew two big pictures for us. They were so interesting. One of them told us what he did in the Child Care: drawing, talking, eating, going to bathroom, playing... and so on. He actually used the word "對話" to express that he was talking to his friends. Hazel and I were surprised. That picture helped us to understand his life in the Child Care.

Recently, he started to sound out all the words he'd like to write, such as:

"I (heart) u, bud." (=I love you, bird.)
"I (heart) u, danso." (=I love you, dinosaur.)
"I (heart) u, alpa." (=I love you, airplane.)

Those were good tries. It just so happened. I saw this kind of words written on children's pictures in the homestay many times before. Now Ryan started to do so. I am satisfied.


Photos for Week 2
