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Harry By Dale

Dale 小四


Summary書寫:閱讀Leveled Reader之後,改寫成短篇文章。


By Dale

Harry was a dog. He loved his neighbors, except one. He did not love the lady next door because his ear was hurt. One day, Harry ’s house had a party. They invited the lady next door. Harry bit the leg of the piano instead. The family sent Harry out. Then the wind blew the pages. Harry got some pages. Then he lay down and slept.

Then Harry had an idea. He barked at the cows. The cows went to Harry ‘s house. Harry stopped the cows and the cows mooed. But it did not do any good. That night Harry slept in the dog house.

Harry heard the pig born. He caught the stick and ran to the lady ’s house. The band was singing. But it did not do any good. That night, Harry slept in the dog house.

A few nights after that, the family took Harry to the park to listen to the big horn. The man come out and said “ The big horn player is all out of breath, so we have a singing contest.” Harry saw the lady next door and he ran away. Then Harry saw the frog in the watering can, so Harry took the handle to the contest. He put the watering can behind the lady next door. The frogs jump out, but the lady next door still singing. The lady next door won. She could go far away to learn music. Soon the lady next door went.

The end.