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Harry By Dale


作者小檔案: Dale 小四 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀\"每週一小時 小一開始"故事與閱讀\"課程。 Summary書寫:閱讀Leveled Reader之後,改寫成短篇文章。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份、常見文法錯誤,盡量不做太多更動,讓孩子勇敢地寫故事。 **********孩子的書寫************** Harry By Dale Harry was a dog. He loved his neighbors, except one. He did not love the lady next door because his ear was hurt. One day, Harry ’s house had a party. They invited the lady next door. Harry bit the leg of the piano instead. The family sent Harry out. Then the wind blew the pages. Harry got some pages. Then he lay down and slept. Then Harry had an idea. He barked at the cows. The cows went to Harry ‘s house. Harry stopped the cows and the cows mooed. But it did not do any good. That night Harry slept in the dog house. Harry heard the pig born. He caught the stick and ran to the lady ’s house. The band was singing. But it did not do any good. That night, Harry slept in the dog house. A few nights after that, the family took Harry to the park to listen to the big horn. The man come out and said “ The big horn player is all out of breath, so we have a singing contest.” Harry saw the lady next door and he ran away. Then Harry saw the frog in the watering can, so Harry took the handle to the contest. He put the watering can behind the lady next door. The frogs jump out, but the lady next door still singing. The lady next door won. She could go far away to learn music. Soon the lady next door went. The end.

Summary-Little Bear's Visit By Dale


作者小檔案: Dale 小四 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週一小時 小一開始"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary書寫:閱讀Leveled Reader之後,改寫成短篇文章。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份、常見文法錯誤,盡量不做太多更動,讓孩子勇敢地寫故事。 **********孩子的書寫************** Little Bear's Visit By Dale One day Little Bear came to visit Grandfather and Grandmother bear. This was something Little Bear liked to do. He liked to put on Grandfather's big hat. He had some bread and jam. Little Bear ate them and Grandmother told him a story about Mother Bear and the robin. One spring day, Mother Bear found a baby robin. She game the baby robin a little house. The robin flew about the house. They played happily, but one day the robin flew away. Then Little Bear wanted Grandfather told him a story and Grandfather began. One day a goblin went by an old cave. Then something inside it went bump. The goblin got so scared that he jumped right out of his shoes. Then he began to run. Something was running after him. The goblin saw a hole in a tree. He jumped inside to hide. He peered out and he saw his shoes. He put them back on. Little Bear lay on the sofa. He said to himself, "I am not tired. I can shut my eyes, but I will not go to sleep." Then he heard a door open. He heard Mother and Father Bear said hello. Father Bear said tomorrow he would take Little Bear fishing. Then Little Bear opened his eyes and said, "Will you really take me fishing?" "You scamp!" said Mother Bear to Little Bear. Little Bear was fast asleep. The End

Summary 9- In the Garden


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy 小二;Rice 小一 目前參加課程: "故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式: 孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師的話: 因為開始進入以過去式敘述的故事閱讀(Level: Orange Books),句子變長、故事較為複雜、故事敘述者和故事主角說話時的時態轉換等等,對孩子都是挑戰,因此除了提醒拼字錯誤的部份,時態的錯誤或不一致暫時還不點出,讓孩子勇敢地練習。 由於劇情開始複雜,Summary的寫作也變得比較難,如何取捨該寫下來的重要句子,是一種很重要的練習,這就是閱讀之後能不能抓到重點的能力。這個時期孩子如果無法使用自己的話來寫,只是擷取故事裡的句子來重組是沒關係的,能找到重要的句子組合成一小篇文章,就是很棒的能力,看看孩子們的寫作,有沒有抓到重點了呢?這篇summary是不是夠完整了呢?如果覺得漏了什麼細節,下次在孩子動筆前,可以先口頭討論這個故事(中文討論也ok),到底發生的事情當中,有哪些是很重要的呢? ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Andy's summary The key began to glow. Kipper ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip. "Come on, everyone," Biff shouted. The children got to the top. Whoosh! The car went quickly down the mountain. "Look!" said William. " Giant strawberries!" It began to rain. "What big drops!" said Wendy. The key began to glow. The magic finished. "I can't see," said Chip. 2. Rice's summary Kipper went into Chip's room and picked up the magic key. The key was glowing. Biff was angry with Kipper. The children got smaller. They came to a mountain. "Let's climb up!" "Look at the toy car." The car went quickly down the mountain. They walked over the desert. "I like strawberries," said Chip. It began to rain. The children ran to a giant flowerpot. They hid under it. The key began to glow. 3. Dora's summary Kipper went into Chip's room and picked up the magic key. Kipper ran outside and looked for Biff and Chip. "Run to the magic house," shouted Biff. It was too late. The children got smaller and smaller. The children were in the grass. Chip began to climb. The children got to the top. Kipper was hot. "Let's go down." "Let's get inside and ride down," says Wendy. The car went quickly down the mountain. Everyone was frightened. The cat looked inside the bottle. Floppy came and chased the cat away. Everyone felt hot. The children run to eat strawberries! "I like strawberries," say Chip. It began to rain. The children ran to under flowerpot. The key began to glow. The next day, Dad looked at his strawberries. "There are giant insects in my garden," say Dad.

Summary 8 - Castle Adventure


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy 小二;Rice 小一 目前參加課程: "故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式: 孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師的話: 除了提醒拼字錯誤的部份,現在開始會點出孩子們較常出現的文法錯誤、或文意銜接問題,但還是尊重孩子的原創,不更動過多,這一個階段的閱讀即將進入尾聲(Level: Green Books),比較一下孩子們的書寫,會發現他們敘述的邏輯越來越好,越來越能夠抓住故事的重點。 Summary書寫訓練對於將來自由創作是非常有幫助的,因為孩子們可以從閱讀當中學會一個故事該怎麼敘述?怎麼營造高低起伏?自由創作最需要的不是正確,而是勇氣,所以,我們花很長的時間讓孩子們隨意寫、不糾正太多。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Andy's summary Three witches live in the castle. They are bad witches. The black witch opens the door. Chip locks the door. The witch cannot get out. A witch is coming. It is the red witch. Grandma puts a net over the red witch. Grandma throws the witch on the floor. Now the witches are frogs. The magic takes Grandma and the children back to Biff's room. 2. Rice's summary The magic takes Grandma and children to a castle. Three witches live in the castle. They are bad. A witch is coming. Grandma pushes the witch. Chip locks the door. Red witch is coming. She puts a net over the witch. Grandma goes to the green witch. Now the witches are frogs. Grandma puts the book on the fire. Everyone goes to the party. The magic key is glowing. The magic takes Grandma and children back to Biff's room. 3. Dora's summary The magic takes Grandma and children to a castle. Three bad witches live in the castle. "I am the king of this castle," says the frog. The witch opens the door. Grandma pushes the witch. Chip takes the key. She puts a net over the red witch. Grandma throws the witch on the floor. Now they are frogs. The king has a party. The magic key is glowing. It's time to go.

Summary 7 - Grandma


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy 小二;Rice 小一 目前參加課程: "故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式: 孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師的話: 除了提醒拼字錯誤的部份,現在開始會點出孩子們較常出現的文法錯誤、或文意銜接問題,但還是尊重孩子的原創,不更動過多,這一個階段的閱讀即將進入尾聲(Level: Green Books),比較一下孩子們的書寫,會發現他們敘述的邏輯越來越好,越來越能夠抓住故事的重點。 Summary書寫訓練對於將來自由創作是非常有幫助的,因為孩子們可以從閱讀當中學會一個故事該怎麼敘述?怎麼營造高低起伏?自由創作最需要的不是正確,而是勇氣,所以,我們花很長的時間讓孩子們隨意寫、不糾正太多。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Dora's summary Grandma comes to the house. Grandma plays with the children. The children go in Grandma's old car. The children run into the fun park. Grandma goes on the castle. Grandma makes a hole in the castle. The castle begins to go down. A man is angry with Grandma. "Go home," shouts the man. Grandma takes the children home. Grandma goes to Chip's room. She looks at the magic key. The magic takes Grandma and the children to a new adventure. 看看Dora的作品和插畫 2. Rice's summary A car comes to the house. They take Grandma's things. Grandma plays with the children. Grandma takes them to the fun park. The children go on the jumping castle. Grandma makes a hole in the castle. The castle begins to go down. He is angry with Grandma. Mom is angry with Grandma. The key is glowing. The magic takes Grandma and the children to a new adventure. 看看Rice的作品和插畫 3. Andy's summary A car comes to the house. The children run to see. "It's Grandma," says Kipper. The children go in Grandma's old car. William and Wendy go, too. Grandma takes them to the fun park. The children go on the jumping castle. Grandma makes a hole in the castle. Biff tells Mom about the castle. The key is glowing. "Look at this," she says. "Oh, no!" says Kipper. "It's the magic." The magic takes Grandma and the children to a new adventure.

Summary 6 - Pirate Adventure


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Andy's summary The key begins to glow. "The magic is working," says Biff. The children get smaller and smaller. The children go inside the house. Everyone goes in the boat. "We want a party," say the pirates. "No body wants to come." The children go to the party. It is a good party. "I like pirates," says Biff. "The key is glowing," says Biff. "What an adventure," says Biff. 看看Andy的作品和插畫 2. Rice's summary William and Wendy come to play. The key begins to glow. The children get smaller and smaller. The windows are glowing. It's a magic house. Look at that big rope. The children go to the party. It is a good party. The key is glowing. "It's time to go," says Biff. What an adventure. 看看Rice的作品和插畫 3. Dora's summary William and Wendy come to play. They go to Biff's room. The key begins to glow. The magic is working. The children get smaller. They look at the house. She puts the key in the lock. She opens the door. Look at sand. Look at sea. A pirate sees the children. Children! Everyone goes in the boat. We want a party. I like the party. What an adventure! Everyone look at small hat. 看看Dora的作品和插畫 4. Winnie的作品已經帶回家,沒有存檔。Sorry!

Summary 5 - The Magic Key


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Rice's summary Biff picks up the key and the magic begins. Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Everything looks big. The house is big. The windows are glowing. Biff and Chip get bigger and bigger and bigger. The magic takes them back to Biff's room. 2. Dora's summary The box is glowing. Chip runs into Biff's room. It's a magic key! Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Everything looks big. They look at the house. It looks big. The windows are glowing. She pushes and pushes the door, but she cannot open it. Chip pulls and pulls the window, but he cannot open it. Biff and Chip get bigger and bigger and bigger. The magic takes them back to Biff's room. 3. Winnie's summary The box is by Chip's bed. Something is glowing inside it. Biff and Chip look at the box. They open the box. They look inside. The key is the box is glowing. Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Everything looks big. Chip picks up big pencil. Biff picks up a big pin. Something is coming. Chip picks up the pin. "Oh help!" he says. It is a mouse. Biff gets the magic key. Then they get bigger and bigger. 4. Andy's summary The box is by Chips bed. Something is glowing inside it. Chip picks up the key and the magic begins. Biff and Chip get smaller and smaller. Something is coming. Biff and Chip look at the mouse. Something is glowing. It is the magic key. Biff and Chip get bigger and bigger.

Summary 4 - The Storm


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Dora's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. The children go outside. They look at the tree house. Dad helps the children. He mends the roof. Chip and William paint the tree house. William paints the door. Chip paints the walls. Biff and Wendy mend the door. The tree house looks new. They have a party in the tree house. It is the next day. It it time to go to school. "What a storm" says Mum. The children cannot play outside. It is time to go home. The mums and dads come. The tree is down. Floppy finds something. It is a box. Mum opens it. They find a key inside. 看看Dora的作品和插畫 2. Andy's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. The tree house looks new. They have a party in the tree house. Floppy finds something. It is a box. Chip wants the box. He puts it in his bedroom. 看看Andy的作品和插畫 3. Rice's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. They look at the the house. They mend the tree house. They have a party in the tree house. There is the storm. The wind blows. The tree is down. Floppy finds a box. They finds the key. 看看Rice的作品和插畫 4. Winnie's summary William and Wendy come to the house. They come to play. The children go outside. They climb up the ladder. They mend and paint the tree house. Then they have a party in the tree house. There is a storm. The wind blows. The rain comes down. The children cannot play outside. "What a storm!" "What a wind!" "Oh, no!" The tree is down. "What a mess!" Floppy barks and barks. Floppy finds a box. Mum opens it. They find a key inside. 看看Winnie的作品和插畫

Summary 2 - The New House


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 這是第二次書寫,老師僅提醒拼字錯誤的部份,不在乎文法錯誤、或文意是否銜接,先讓孩子勇敢地學習用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解,而他們的書寫已經開始有不同的開頭和結尾了。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Andy's summary A van comes to the house. "What a lot of things!" says the man. Biff says goodbye to her friend. Then they go to the new house. but they are sorry, because the fish bowl is broken. 2. Winnie's summary A van comes to the house. Chip looks at the van. "What a big van!" he says. Mum and Dad help the man. They put things in the van. "What a lot of things!" says Dad. "Good bye," say William and Wendy. "Good bye" says Biff. "Come and play soon." They go to the house. "Oh no!" say Biff and Chip. They are sorry. "What a day!" they say. 3. Rice's summary A van and man come to the house. Chip looks at the man. The man look at the things. What a lot of things! says Man. The man put heavy things in the van. Mum and Dad help the man. The fish bowl was broken. They are sorry. 4. Dora's summary A big van and big man come to the house. "Hi good morning" he says. "What a lot of things!" he says. "This is heavy" says man. "Goodbye friend" says Biff. Come and play soon. "What a day" they say

Summary 1 - House for sale


作者小檔案: Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班 目前參加課程:"故事與閱讀"每週2小時 3-4歲開始在故事喵聽故事,99年春季進入"故事與閱讀"課程。 Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。 這是孩子們第一次書寫,老師沒有做任何修正更動,孩子們剛開始會寫出跟討論時比較相關的內容,不太敢有自己的意見,不過老師還是希望孩子勇敢地用自己的方式去敘述他們對這個故事的理解。 ***********未經修改的孩子的Summary書寫************** 1. Rice's summary This house is for sale. Dad likes the house. Mum likes it too. The children go up the stairs. They go to the sitting room and the bedroom. The children go to the garden. They see the tree house. Everyone likes the house. Floppy likes it, too. 看看Rice的作品和插畫 2. Dora's summary This house is for sale. Dad and mum see the house. The childen go up the stairs. Everyone likes the house. They go in the sitting room. kipper jumps on the bed. Everyone likes the house. Floppy likes it, too. 看看Dora的作品和插畫 3. Andy's summary This house is for sale. Dad likes the house. Mom likes it, too. The children go up the stairs. They go in the sitting-room and the bedroom. The children go in the garden. They see a tree house. Everyone likes the house. Floppy likes it, too. 看看Andy的作品和插畫 4. Winnie的作品已帶回家,沒有存檔。Sorry!