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The princess by Mina and Sean


作者小檔案: Mina 國小一年級 目前參加課程:故事與閱讀每週2小時. Fun Time每週1小時 跟著小蜜老師學習的時間:2008~recent Sean 國小三年級 目前參加課程:閱讀遊戲課每週1小時. Fun Time每週1小時 跟著小蜜老師學習的時間:2009~recent ***** 口語故事創作:兩個孩子和老師接龍說故事,老師記錄,一字不改,保留孩子的原創性。 方式:讓孩子從200個基礎單字中抽籤,抽到的字必須放進句子裡,抽一字、講一句、還得輪流講、接著別人的尾巴講,很挑戰!這是第一次嘗試,孩子們竟然欲罷不能,連說了三個星期才把故事結束∼ Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She had a warm castle. It was raining. There were women outside in the rain. They came to the castle. They found a blanket. They dried their hair with the blanket. They saw a smart man on the bed. It was the king. Then they saw a little mouse. The king, the princess and the mouse were families. They were happy. They ate pizza. While they were eating pizza, they saw the women. The women were good witches. The first witch said, "Hello, Princess!" She gave her a gift. It was a green dress. The second witch gave her some grapes. The third witch gave her a golden ball. They ate some cake. They went running. They ate the cake again. The sky was turning black. The princess's teacher came to the castle. The teacher had a large nose. They thought the teacher's nose was funny. Then they watched a lion show. The lion was dancing on the bicycle. They saw a seal and seal had a ball. Then the lion wanted to be a bee. And the seal said, "I'm cold." They thought the seal was very funny. The princess taught the mouse how to learn words. When they were busy, the king said, "It's bedtime!" The princess took the cat to bed with her. They slept and slept and slept until Friday. The end.