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Summary 2 - The New House

Dora, Andy, Winnie 小一;Rice 大班


Summary (摘要) 書寫方式:孩子閱讀故事並討論,然後將故事改成四格圖畫故事,把故事大意寫下來。



1. Andy's summary

A van comes to the house.
"What a lot of things!" says the man.
Biff says goodbye to her friend. Then they go to the new house.
but they are sorry, because the fish bowl is broken.

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2. Winnie's summary

A van comes to the house. Chip looks at the van. "What a big van!" he says.
Mum and Dad help the man. They put things in the van. "What a lot of things!" says Dad.
"Good bye," say William and Wendy. "Good bye" says Biff. "Come and play soon."
They go to the house. "Oh no!" say Biff and Chip. They are sorry. "What a day!" they say.

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3. Rice's summary

A van and man come to the house. Chip looks at the man.
The man look at the things. What a lot of things! says Man.
The man put heavy things in the van. Mum and Dad help the man.
The fish bowl was broken. They are sorry.

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4. Dora's summary

A big van and big man come to the house. "Hi good morning" he says.
"What a lot of things!" he says. "This is heavy" says man.
"Goodbye friend" says Biff. Come and play soon.
"What a day" they say

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