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(1)杏仁粥  [功效] 適用于外感風寒、肺胃失調所引起的咳嗽吐痰,     氣逆喘息,大便干或咳嗽吐食等症止咳調中。  [材料] 杏仁20克去皮尖,白米50克。  [用法] 煮米成半熟時入杏仁,繼煮成粥即可。     晨起作早餐,服時可加白糖調味。 (2) 冰糖鴨蛋  [功效] 潤肺止咳。適用于小兒久咳及百日咳等。  [材料] 冰糖50克,鴨蛋2個。  [用法] 將冰糖溶化,倒入鴨蛋攪拌蒸熟即成,分3-5次服。 (3) 糖橘皮  [功效] 宣肺止咳平喘。     適用于小兒風寒感冒引起的咳嗽氣急等。  [材料] 鮮橘皮20克,白糖40克。  [用法] 將鮮橘皮與白糖水同煮至濃汁即成。     每服一湯勺,每日3-4次。 (4) 蜜餞柚肉  [功效] 祛濕化痰,止咳和胃。     適用于寒濕咳嗽而食慾不之振之症。  [材料] 鮮柚肉250克,蜂蜜120克,白酒少量。  [用法] 將柚肉用酒加水浸泡24小時撈出,     入鍋內熬取稠汁,加入蜂蜜拌勻即可食用,     每服2克,日服3-4次。     【柚】味酸,寒。主消食,解酒毒。        寬中理氣,化痰止咳。 (5) 薑汁糖  [功效] 宣肺止咳,化痰和中,     適用于風寒咳嗽、吐泡沫痰、伴咳而嘔者。  [材料] 生薑汁10毫升,白糖30克。  [用法] 將生薑汁倒入熬稠的白糖汁中攪勻即成,     制成糖塊頻服。 (6) 蘿蔔糖  [功效] 止咳化痰。     適用于小兒受涼即咳,吐白色泡沫痰。  [材料] 白蘿蔔250克、冰糖60克、蜂蜜20克。  [用法] 將洗淨切片之蘿蔔與冰糖同煮一碗,     加入蜂蜜即可服用,不拘時服之。 (7) 木耳粥  [功效] 滋肺止咳,適用于肺熱傷陰之咳嗽氣喘等。  [材料] 黑木耳5克,大棗5枚,粳米100克,冰糖適量。  [用法] 將黑木耳溫水發透揀淨,撕成小塊,     放入盛米及棗的鍋內共煮成粥,食時入冰糖適量。     食不限量。     【黑木耳】甘、平。          潤肺,滋陰益胃,和血養營。益氣強身。 (8) 麥冬(天冬)粥  [功效] 潤肺止咳,適用于肺燥干咳無痰等症。  [材料] 麥冬(天冬)15克,粳米50克。  [用法] 將麥冬(天冬)搗爛取汁,用汁加水煮米成粥,早晚當飯食。     食時加少許糖調味。     【麥冬】甘、微苦,微寒。入心、肺、胃經。         清心潤肺,養胃生津。     【天冬】甘、苦,大寒。入肺、腎經。         潤肺止咳,養陰生津。 (9) 雪羹湯  [功效] 養陰清熱,潤肺止咳。     適用于肺熱咳嗽,吐黃痰大便干等症。  [材料] 海蜇30克,鮮荸薺15克。  [用法] 將泡發洗淨的海蜇及去皮的荸薺切碎放入鍋內加水煮1時,     取汁分次服用。     【海蜇】鹹,溫。軟堅化痰。 (10) 蜜餞百合  [功效] 潤肺止咳。適用于低熱咳嗽或久咳陰傷者。  [材料] 乾百合100克,蜂蜜150克。  [用法] 將百合洗淨與蜂蜜放入碗內蒸1小時,     趁熱調均勻,入罐內密封。     早晚各服一湯匙。 (11) 羅漢果煲豬肺  [功效] 清熱化痰,潤肺止咳。用     于小兒肺熱咳嗽,痰吐不利等。  [材料] 羅漢果1個,豬肺24克。  [用法] 將肺切成小塊,擠盡泡沫,     與羅漢果同煮,以肺熱為度,吃肺喝湯。     【羅漢果】性涼、味甘。清肺潤腸。          主治痰火咳嗽,血燥便秘。潤喉。     【豬肺】味甘,微寒。主補肺,治肺虛咳嗽。



章魚哥Paul預言再次成真! 靠著Carles Puyol禁區衝頂成功, 西班牙以1比0拆解德國坦克,將於決賽火拼荷蘭橘子軍 2008歐錦賽踩在坦克上拔錦旗的西班牙無敵艦隊, 世足歷史成績卻是差強人意, 僅在1950年的賽事累積唯一的四強紀錄, 總算靠著黃金一代航向暌違一甲子的準決賽, 更將締造國史上前所未有的輝煌 賽前預言本屆世足賽事五戰全中的德國章魚哥Paul 這場四強賽前預測西班牙獲勝 想不到竟然又猜中比賽勝負 目前世足預測已來到猜六中六的境界! 前2場燒出8個進球的德國裝甲兵, 陸續讓英格蘭、阿根廷泣不成聲 今天一開賽卻是防守至上, 身穿幸運藍色羊毛衫、駕馭德製坦克, 主帥Joachim Löw就是要和西班牙一賭誰先出現失誤 雙方上半場均為銅牆鐵壁, 加上雙門神Manuel Neuer(德)、Iker Casillas(西)了得 難以攻破對手城池 死守70多分鐘的德國人 竟在第73分鐘露出破綻 西班牙中場Xavi高高開出角球讓隊友爭頂 一臉兇神惡煞、卻又長髮飄逸的防守猛將Puyol 遠遠從禁區上緣「突飛猛進」 率先一頭頂進球門,殺得對手措手不及 一路佔有持球優勢的西班牙 取得領先後仍不滿足,之後Pedro靠著精湛腳法一路殺入禁區 Fernando Torres一旁更有絕佳空檔 未料Pedro選擇自行起腳遭攔截 就此和保險分擦身而過 德國今日在進攻上少了往日雄風 全場僅5次射門,難以突破Casillas的堅強防線, 最後更任由西班牙盤球拖光時間, 辜負了前輩們的滿心期待 無敵艦隊12日凌晨2點半(台北時間)將航向足球城市球場 和橘色風車決一死戰,David Villa不僅要一拼金球、金靴雙冠王 更希望摘下鬱金香慶賀冠軍; 四強戰敗的德國、烏拉圭則先在11日凌晨2點半於伊麗莎白港爭掛銅牌

Nadal cruises past Berdych to win second title


Rafael Nadal made a simple job of winning his second Wimbledon men's crown, swatting aside the giant Czech Tomas Berdych 6-3, 7-5, 6-4 in two hours 13 minutes. Those who had feared that the 6ft 5in Berdych would be overwhelmed, but not overawed, were proved correct as Nadal never dropped serve in three routine sets, centring his winning attack on that formidable forehand, the best shot of its kind in tennis. Nadal came into the final having won six straight matches against Berdych, accumulating 14 sets in doing so, and those statistics were extended to 17 sets with no discernible problem. This is Nadal's eighth Grand Slam title and the second time he has come straight from winning the French Open at Roland Garros to lift the Wimbledon title. A swirling breeze threatened to affect the timing of both of these big-hitters but initially, at least, both coped admirably with the wind and a bright sun, each holding serve to love as they tested out each other's reactions. The Centre Court crowd was vociferously behind the Spaniard, with one (male) voice booming out "I love you, Rafa", soon followed by "You're a genius, Rafa" from the same section, a fact which the world No.1 underlined with some fine, tight serving in the opening set, in which he conceded a paltry four points on serve. Berdych stayed in the hunt with excellent serving and heavily-struck forehands until he faltered in the seventh game, offering Nadal a glimmer of opportunity by directing a backhand long to fall love-30 behind. Rafa pounced in a flash with a great forehand pass to open up break points and captured the Czech serve with a backhand service return with which Berdych could not cope. Now in full, exciting flow Nadal made it four games in a row by breaking Berdych again to take the first set in 34 minutes. Then, at the start of the second, he made it five games in succession, albeit with some difficulty in a service game which lasted 11 minutes and in which the Czech held three break points without managing to capitalise on any, despite Nadal's best effort to assist him with a pair of double-faults. After that marathon game, with Berdych shaking his head in despair at the chances he had missed, normality was restored on serve, both men holding with confidence and comfort. Aware that Berdych urgently needed to get back into this final, the crowd were behind him every time he captured a point on the Nadal serve, something which did not happen frequently. With Nadal leading 6-5 the second set seemed destined for resolution by tiebreak, since the Czech had permitted Nadal just four points in five service games. Then, spectacularly, he imploded, dropped his delivery to love with a forehand driven tamely wide and Nadal was two sets in front with an hour and 28 minutes gone. Berdych's urgent need was to get into the Nadal serve, get a break somehow and get himself back into a match which was inexorably draining away from him. But the Spaniard was not in a "giving" mood, bearing down as he headed towards another triumph on the lawns of London. In a rare moment of relaxation, Nadal permitted Berdych a break point in the third game of the third set but the Czech dumped a backhand into the net and the opening was lost. For the rest, the howitzer that is the Nadal forehand was running the show. And it was that forehand which decided it in the tenth game as Berdych served to stay in contention. A couple of Nadal forehands had the Czech groggy at deuce and when he over hit his own forehand to offer Rafa his first championship point, it was all he needed, clinching his second Wimbledon with a stupendous cross-court forehand before falling flat on his back in the baseline dust and then executing a celebratory forward roll.