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Dear Parents,

We are starting to get used to the lovely weather we’ve had at camp this summer. Today was no different. And thanks to party night last night, campers let counselors sleep in until the morning bell at 7 a.m. as they were all pretty knackered from the night before. Friday is the penultimate day in the camp week so we try to pack as much as we can into it.

Mini campers spent the morning on arts and crafts and ecology. It is great to see the small kids out hunting for insects with their nets and ecology boxes. After lunch, mini campers had a chance to finish their rotation through sports and pond play. In pond play they splash around and get their counselors pretty soaked.

Youth campers finished their signup free choice activities this morning. Many have now earned their rock climbing and archery level badges. After lunch is when we offer our out-of-the-ordinary name tag free choice activities. Kids love the chance to play board games with counselors and learn cool jump roping routines. It was then time for tent time where campers and counselors practiced for tonight’s closing campfire talent show. It should be a beautiful night for it under the stars.

Teen campers had a very active day as well. They played soccer, climbed the giant ladder, went on the zip line and even found time to do some crafts and play kick ball. They will join our campfire tonight as well and I always look forward to the teen camp performance.

Campers are currently showering and getting ready for dinner. After dinner and journals we will hold our closing campfire ceremony. It is hard to believe campers will be heading home tomorrow. Session six has passed by too quickly.

The pictures will be uploaded a little later tonight. Check back at around 9 or 9:30 for today’s photos.

Good night from Camp Taiwan,

Please note, we try to get as many pictures on the blog as we can. Our counselors work very hard to make sure campers are safe and having fun. They take lots of photos as well, but that is not their primary responsibility, of course. At the end of the camp we will pass on all of our photos and videos.