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Angel ''Mama

when the sun rose

When The Sun Rose
When the Sun Rose
When the Sun Rose

Author: Barbara Helen Berger

when the sun rose today, a frind came to visit me

she came in a carriage bright as the sun

Even the stones in the road were shinning

Her lion

Stopped at my gate

Then she got out of her carriage and came to my door
I opened and said,"Come in!"

When the Sun Rose lion p3
When the Sun Rose lion p3

The lion came in with her. I was afriad.
Yet hus feet were quiet as sunlight on the floor.
And my whole playhouse was warm.

We sat down and had some honycake and tea.
The lion had blueberries with cream.

Then our dolls traded dresses.

The lion purred.

And we made rainbows.

All day.

when the sun rose
when the sun rose

Then my friend had to say goodbye.

Her carriage was gold as sunset.

"Will you come again?" I asked.

"Yes,"she said, "I promise."

All the way , I watched her going home.

Even the stones had long shadows.

Now it is dark. My friend is gone.
But she will keep her promise, I know,
for the rainbow we made still shines on the wall.

And my house is full of roses.


when the sun rose是一個很適合小女孩的故事,兩個小女孩那種不熟悉的親切令人很印象深刻,當說再見的時候,angel也好像是故事裡的主人翁一樣,有深深的不捨之情,當然此刻她會要求再看一次!
