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Your 2-Year-Old​: Why Preschoole​rs Lie

Why Preschoolers Lie

Your maturing preschooler probably gives you plenty of reason to feel proud: when he remembers to say "thank you," for example, or gives you an empathetic hug if he sees you're sad. So you may be thrown for a loop the first time your child tells a bald-faced lie. It's not deviance. An active imagination and a tendency to forget what happened ten minutes ago explain away most lying in this age group.

Your 2-year-old now
For preschoolers, the line between fantasy and reality is blurry, which may explain their tendency to lie.(沒錯,真實的生活與故事的情境對他們來說是模糊的,他們純真的心理認為這是同一個時空發生的事情,因此讓大人有「小孩會說謊」的錯覺) Your child's intent isn't to deceive you. Rather, she wants to say what will make you happy — even if it isn't true. Make it less scary for her to tell the truth and you'll help her avoid fibbing. For example, if she denies drawing on the wall, calmly help her clean up and point out that crayons are for coloring books and paper. Counterintuitively, humor can be another useful response. Go along with the tall tale and embroider it yourself, and your child will probably catch on to the absurdity of her story.

Two-year-olds' lies also sprout from their active imaginations. They come to believe certain things they've imagined really did happen: Maybe it was the dragon under the bed who messed up all those clothes all over the floor.(哈哈,這麼說來,每晚睡前媽媽提到大野狼和虎姑婆,就是小馨想像力最被刺激的時候!昨晚趁著「大野狼」的餘威,讓小馨點頭願意在臉上擦乳液)

And sometimes what seems like a lie is sheer forgetfulness. You ask, "Did you put your finger in the frosting of that birthday cake?" and if it happened much earlier in a busy day, she just might not be sure whether she did it or her big brother did.

Your life now
As a baby your child was content to sit in the grocery cart gazing quietly at the kaleidoscope(萬花筒) of colors in the aisles. Now it's "I want that!" and "Can I have ...?" Don't be afraid to say no.
Concentrate on buying what you came for and don't give into begging and whining unless you want to live with the habits. Bonus: Experiencing frustration allows a child to learn patience and self-control.