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Your 3-Year Old: Using Your Sences

Using Your Senses

One of the reasons kids are discouraged from watching much TV in the early years is that they learn best from handling three-dimensional objects. Seeing a flower on TV is not nearly the same as holding one, feeling how soft and lightweight it is, smelling it, and noticing the gradations in color. Scientists now know that the best way to learn something is to take it in through multiple senses at the same time.
Your 3-year-old now
Did you ever find it easy to learn a new scientific principle or rule of grammar because it was set to music, a la "Schoolhouse Rock"? Research has shown that children may learn best when more than one sense is engaged at the same time. So, when your child is learning to write letters, have him trace the letter in a plate of sand or sugar. Seeing the letter, feeling the shape of it, and moving fingers and arms causes different parts of the brain to work simultaneously to reinforce the learning of the letter.

You can see this kind of multisensory learning in action during ordinary play — wiggling toes in mud, tasting snow, or dancing to kiddie CDs. The more opportunities you give your child to smell, touch, taste, see, and hear his world, the more he learns about it.

Your child also has his own personal learning style that may favor one kind of sensory input above others. Some children are visual, for example, and need to see how things work; others understand better if they listen or if they get up and move around.

Your life now
Big kids make big sneezes! Although you've probably taught your child how to sneeze into a tissue, there's another trick worth learning. When he can't get to a tissue in time, tell him to turn and sneeze into the inside of his elbow. That's better than broadcasting germs all over the room.