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Your 4-Year-Old: Learning Resbosibility

Learning Responsibility

Having something to dote on, like a plant or pet, is great training for your child's budding sense of responsibility. That doesn't mean you should bring home a puppy just yet, unless you plan to do most of the work yourself. Your child is far from ready to take full responsibility for an animal. What she is ripe for, though, is a chance to help out with small jobs that make her feel useful and teach her what living things need.

Your 4-year-old now
Your child isn't ready to be responsible for a plant or animal yet. But she is old enough to help out with watering and feeding. These small chores teach responsibility.

Helping to take care of a plant or garden is a great first job for preschoolers. They love to watch plants grow, flower, and bear fruit, especially when they feel it's partly their doing. Get a watering can that's easy for your child to hold, even when it's full. It shouldn't be too large, and ideally it should have a very long, thin spout to minimize spills. The first few times, show her how much water to use, then put her in charge. Don't expect her to remember when to water, though. You'll need to remind her.

The same goes for feeding your pets. Your child is probably an eager helper, though not ready to initiate the work consistently. She'll need reminders about when to scoop food or fill water bowls. Be sure to teach how to do this safely: Your pet shouldn't be around when food is poured, and your child needs to know never to tease him or try to take his food away. Animals may snap to protect their food.

Your life now
Now's a great time to initiate "family night" or "pizza-and-movie night" in your household. Your child is old enough to appreciate a special ritual and will be one of its strongest keepers once the routine gets started. Some families hold an "unplugged" night where there are no electronics, only board games or other old-fashioned activities. Some hit a family-friendly restaurant for Sunday brunch. The main idea is to do something together as a group on a regular basis. It's an idea that can help keep your family close in the years to come.