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Your 7-Year-Old: Showing a sporty side

Showing a sporty side

Physical activity helps kids refine their motor skills, and this year you'll see that your child's balance and accuracy in skills like throwing or kicking a ball are much improved. That said, this is the age when differences in ability grow more apparent. Generally, kids who have lots of opportunity to be active develop better physical skills than kids who run around less.
Your 7-year-old now

During this year the typical kid will show great physical prowess. She can throw or kick a ball accurately, skip and gallop, and show mastery in balancing when hopping or riding a bicycle. Hand-eye coordination is very good, and she can run fast and turn or stop accurately and without falling.

Differences in physical skill level among peers will become more obvious, depending on two things: 1) innate natural physical talents and 2) amount of practice. Kids who are generally active tend to be more physically capable than sedentary children.

Monitor screen time carefully and find low-pressure athletic activities for your child, such as swimming or skiing lessons, a tumbling class, or regular playground outings. Make outdoor play part of your child's day. At first you may hear "there's nothing to do!" but it's remarkable what an inventive little mind can come up with.

Your life now

Stop doing all the thinking for your child. It's a good time to learn that actions can have consequences — not in terms of discipline and punishment, but in everyday life.

If your child leaves her bike in the backyard instead of parking it in the garage, it will get wet. Don't bring it in for her. If she forgets her homework for the third day in a row, don't bring it to her at school; let her face the teacher on her own. It's called "learning the hard way," and it does a great job of teaching responsibility.