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Your 7-Year-Old: The jokester in the house

The jokester in the house

"Knock knock." "Who's there?" "Who." "Who who?" "I didn't know you talked like an owl!" Jokes that rely on word puns or other forms of wordplay are music to the ears of a young 7-year-old. Credit more sophisticated language skills and an eagerness to see the merry side of things. This makes your child delightful to be around – provided you can muster the patience for 20 consecutive knock-knock jokes. (He's persistent, too.)

Your 7-year-old now

A quick mind and advanced appreciation for wordplay mean that your child's sense of humor is terrific. Jokes he tells now actually make sense. And they're often told again and again because the payoff — your laughter and his sense of accomplishment — is so great.

Among the forms of humor popular now:

Silly wordplay. Dr. Seuss books, with their rhymes and absurdities, are particular favorites at this age, not least because your child can now read them to himself.
Riddle books. Bennett Cerf's Book of Riddles ("Why did the boy throw a clock out the window? He wanted to see if time flies.") is a classic for good reason.
Magic. Your child may enjoy learning some basic tricks or be fascinated by magicians.
Movies with silly characters. Bumbling crooks and funny sidekicks appeal because they make your child feel smarter and more mature.

Your life now

Here's the secret to smoother playdates: Limit them to two kids at a time. Group play is wonderful and obviously has a place in your child's life. But when your child just wants to have a friend over for a few hours, things almost always go more smoothly with one than with three or four.

When there are three, triangles often form: Two want to do some thing together and the third is left out. Or arguments ensue, especially when there's more than one alpha personality in the group. That means you're more liable to have to stop what you're doing and intervene or referee.
三個人來我們家玩嗎?現在還沒有這種情形,不過三個人玩會造成一個人容易left out狀況。