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年底就要過期的電影票 爸比也沒空跟我去看電影 本已打算自己一個人去看吧 剛好amber也把年度研究報告丟出去 兩人昨天中午已談妥今天下午一起去看阿凡達(詠玲姐強力推薦) 昨晚兩人下班後就到威秀影城去劃位 (好久沒這樣走空橋從101先去劃位再走到市府捷運 走得我是氣喘吁吁啊) 因為媽咪是大肚婆 影城人員應媽咪之要求 幫媽咪劃了個最邊角最後排的位子(這樣出入方便 空氣也比較好一些些吧) 因為影城該廳不大 果然這樣看3D影片比較沒有壓迫感 看完影片真的是直呼過癮啊.... 果真是如詠玲姐所說 很發人深省.... --------------------------- 看完電影搭信義幹線到台大產檢 沒想到時間抓得剛剛好 覺得停留等候的時間還沒之前的久呢 以後都四點再出發就好了... 上回B型鏈球菌檢驗結果出爐 幸好沒有..這樣自然產過程就不必打抗生素了..YA!! 今天已經刻意喝多點水 但是跟35週檢驗結果一樣 還是有一點點蛋白尿 不過血壓還很正常 所以不必太在意 因為近期便秘嚴重 還是請徐醫師幫我開軟便劑 果然台大是依健保給付次數照超音波的 從30週以來只有32週那次自費照了次超音波 爾後每次產檢就是聽聽胎心音 徐醫師按按胎頭位置與量量胎心音與拿出皮尺來量肚皮 徐醫師是說...最近都有可能生 多走走運動一下 會比較有體力生 --------------------------------- 因為我都搭配著在診所量寶寶體重 而昨天診所衛教師建議我這次可以試著看除了女醫林儀文之外的劉遠祺醫師(三家連鎖婦產科的實際負責人) 他們的用意我了解..他們希望我能考慮在他們診所生 (不過...媽咪是高齡產婦啦..還是以安全保險整體支援系統完整性為主要考量) 劉醫師看得很仔細 體重一量... 小俊變成大寶寶了 一週長400g? (上週2340 本週2830?) 我猜不是上週末預測值失準太低 要不就是本週預估太高 否則我這週也沒有吃啥啊... (承認吃了不少甜食啦..週二中午吃豆花 週四晚上吃紅豆湯 週五產檢前看電影吃了一包甜爆米花) 後期真的是媽寶體重完全失去控制啊.... 劉醫師告誡寶寶大的話 產程也應該會蠻快 我的身材大概自然產3300應該還不成問題 不過再超過就比較難自然生 醫師說1/8前後就很有可能生了 媽咪嚇了一大跳啊 因為我還有一個案子打算1/7-1/8才要跟同仁說明呢 幸虧中午出門前還沒把公告正式丟出去 (準備下週就來跟同仁說明吧 小孩子真要出生哪能管你工作怎樣規劃呢) 媽咪急call爸比分享產檢心情 但大概call了10通都沒人接 媽咪火氣上來 想說萬一媽咪是在家或公司急產 爸以也一樣不接電話怎麼辦 原來是爸比在開車回家的路上 他手機聲音一向不大 媽咪劈頭就把他罵了一頓 相信爸比應該知道媽咪生氣的原因在哪裡了



12月 23 星期三 - 12月 30 星期三 信義威秀影城 02-27572345 09 : 45 AM | 10 : 35 AM | 11 : 20 AM | 12 : 05 PM | 12 : 50 PM | 01 : 40 PM | 02 : 25 PM | 03 : 10 PM | 04 : 45 PM | 07 : 50 PM | 10 : 55 PM | 02 : 00 AM 信義威秀影城(3D) 02-27572345 08 : 30 AM | 09 : 05 AM | 09 : 40 AM | 10 : 20 AM | 10 : 55 AM | 11 : 35 AM | 12 : 10 PM | 12 : 45 PM | 01 : 25 PM | 02 : 00 PM | 02 : 40 PM | 03 : 15 PM | 03 : 50 PM | 04 : 30 PM | 05 : 05 PM | 05 : 45 PM | 06 : 20 PM | 06 : 55 PM | 07 : 35 PM | 08 : 10 PM | 08 : 50 PM | 09 : 25 PM | 10 : 00 PM | 10 : 40 PM | 11 : 15 PM | 11 : 55 PM | 12 : 30 AM | 01 : 45 AM | 02 : 20 AM (3D 數位)阿凡達 (普遍級) 12月 23 星期三 15:40, 16:15, 16:55, 17:30, 18:05, 18:45, 19:20, 20:00, 20:35, 21:10, 21:50, 22:25, 23:05, 23:40, 00:15, 00:55, 01:30 12月 24 星期四 08:30, 09:05, 09:40, 10:20, 10:55, 11:35, 12:10, 12:45, 13:25, 14:00, 14:40, 15:15, 15:50, 16:30, 17:05, 17:45, 18:20, 18:55, 19:35, 20:10, 20:50, 21:25, 22:00, 22:40, 23:15, 23:55, 00:30, 01:45, 02:20 12月 25 星期五 08:30, 09:05, 09:40, 10:20, 10:55, 11:35, 12:10, 12:45, 13:25, 15:15, 15:50, 16:30, 17:05, 17:45, 18:20, 18:55, 19:35, 20:10, 20:50, 21:25, 22:00, 22:40, 23:15, 23:55, 00:30, 01:45, 02:20 12月 26 星期六 08:30, 09:05, 09:40, 10:20, 11:35, 12:10, 12:45, 13:25, 14:00, 15:15, 15:50, 16:30, 17:05, 17:45, 18:20, 18:55, 19:35, 20:10, 20:50, 21:25, 22:00, 22:40, 23:15, 23:55, 00:30, 01:45, 02:20 12月 27 星期日 08:30, 09:05, 09:40, 10:20, 10:55, 11:35, 12:10, 12:45, 13:25, 14:00, 15:15, 15:50, 16:30, 17:05, 17:45, 18:20, 18:55, 19:35, 20:10, 20:50, 21:25, 22:00, 22:40, 23:15, 23:55, 00:30, 01:45 12月 28 星期一 09:00, 09:35, 10:10, 10:50, 11:25, 12:05, 12:40, 13:15, 13:55, 14:30, 15:45, 16:20, 17:00, 17:35, 18:15, 19:25, 20:05, 20:40, 21:20, 21:55, 22:30, 23:10, 23:45, 01:00, 01:35 12月 29 星期二 09:00, 09:35, 10:10, 10:50, 11:25, 12:05, 12:40, 13:15, 13:55, 14:30, 15:45, 16:20, 17:00, 17:35, 18:15, 19:25, 20:05, 20:40, 21:20, 21:55, 22:30, 23:10, 23:45, 01:00, 01:35 12月 30 星期三 09:00, 09:35, 10:10, 10:50, 11:25, 12:05, 12:40, 13:15, 13:55, 14:30 (粵)風雲 2 (保護級) 12月 23 星期三 20:30 12月 24 星期四 09:50 2012 (保護級) 12月 23 星期三 16:00, 17:30, 22:00, 23:30, 01:00 12月 24 星期四 10:35, 12:05, 13:35, 01:05 12月 25 星期五 09:25, 12:25, 01:05 12月 26 星期六 09:25, 12:25, 01:05 12月 27 星期日 09:25, 12:25, 01:05 12月 28 星期一 09:30, 12:30, 00:25 12月 29 星期二 09:30, 12:30, 00:25 12月 30 星期三 09:30, 12:30 戀夏 500 日 (保護級) 12月 23 星期三 19:15 阿凡達 (普遍級) 12月 23 星期三 16:00, 16:35, 17:15, 19:40, 20:20, 20:55, 21:30, 22:10, 22:45, 23:25, 00:40, 01:15, 01:50 12月 24 星期四 09:45, 10:35, 11:20, 12:05, 12:50, 13:40, 14:25, 15:10, 16:45, 19:50, 22:55, 02:00 12月 25 星期五 10:35, 13:40, 14:40, 16:45, 19:50, 22:55, 02:00 12月 26 星期六 10:35, 13:40, 14:40, 16:45, 19:50, 22:55, 02:00 12月 27 星期日 10:35, 13:40, 14:40, 16:45, 19:50, 22:55 12月 28 星期一 11:05, 14:10, 15:10, 17:15, 20:20, 23:25 12月 29 星期二 11:05, 14:10, 15:10, 17:15, 20:20, 23:25 12月 30 星期三 11:05, 14:10, 15:10 十月圍城 (輔導級) 12月 24 星期四 08:20, 09:20, 11:00, 12:00, 13:40, 14:40, 15:30, 16:20, 17:20, 18:10, 19:05, 20:05, 20:55, 21:45, 22:45, 23:35, 00:25, 01:25, 02:15 12月 25 星期五 08:20, 09:20, 11:00, 12:00, 13:40, 14:40, 15:30, 16:20, 17:20, 18:10, 19:05, 20:05, 20:55, 21:45, 22:45, 23:35, 00:25, 01:25, 02:15 12月 26 星期六 08:20, 09:20, 11:00, 12:00, 13:40, 15:30, 16:20, 17:20, 18:10, 19:05, 20:05, 20:55, 21:45, 22:45, 23:35, 00:25, 01:25, 02:15 12月 27 星期日 08:20, 09:20, 11:00, 12:00, 13:40, 14:40, 15:30, 16:20, 17:20, 18:10, 19:05, 20:05, 20:55, 21:45, 22:45, 23:35, 00:25 12月 28 星期一 09:15, 11:00, 11:55, 13:40, 14:35, 15:30, 16:20, 17:15, 18:10, 19:55, 20:50, 21:40, 22:35, 23:30, 00:20, 01:15 12月 29 星期二 09:15, 11:00, 11:55, 13:40, 14:35, 15:30, 16:20, 17:15, 18:10, 19:00, 19:55, 20:50, 21:40, 22:35, 23:30, 00:20, 01:15 12月 30 星期三 09:15, 11:00, 11:55, 13:40, 14:35, 15:30 39 號特案 (輔導級) 12月 23 星期三 00:30 第九禁區 (輔導級) 12月 23 星期三 19:20, 00:15 12月 24 星期四 10:45 極道鮮師電影版 (保護級) 12月 24 星期四 10:25, 14:45, 17:10, 22:10 12月 25 星期五 10:25, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40, 22:10 12月 26 星期六 10:25, 17:10, 19:40, 22:10 12月 27 星期日 10:25, 14:45, 17:10, 19:40, 22:10 12月 28 星期一 09:55, 14:05, 16:30, 18:55, 21:15 12月 29 星期二 09:55, 14:05, 16:30, 18:55, 21:15 12月 30 星期三 09:55, 14:05 重案對決 (限制級) 12月 23 星期三 17:45, 20:00, 22:15 12月 24 星期四 09:00, 17:40, 02:30 12月 25 星期五 08:15, 17:40, 02:30 12月 26 星期六 08:15, 17:40, 02:30 12月 27 星期日 08:15, 17:40, 00:20 12月 28 星期一 09:10, 18:10, 00:50 12月 29 星期二 09:10, 18:10, 00:50 12月 30 星期三 09:10 紐約 我愛你 (輔導級) 12月 24 星期四 08:55, 11:05, 13:15, 15:25, 20:00, 22:10, 00:20 12月 25 星期五 08:55, 11:05, 13:15, 15:25, 20:00, 22:10, 00:20 12月 26 星期六 08:55, 11:05, 13:15, 15:25, 20:00, 22:10, 00:20 12月 27 星期日 08:55, 11:05, 13:15, 15:25, 20:00, 22:10 12月 28 星期一 09:25, 11:35, 13:45, 16:00, 20:30, 22:40 12月 29 星期二 09:25, 11:35, 13:45, 16:00, 20:30, 22:40 12月 30 星期三 09:25, 11:35, 13:45 靈動 鬼影實錄 (輔導級) 12月 23 星期三 17:15, 21:20, 23:15, 01:05 12月 24 星期四 12:45, 00:45 12月 25 星期五 12:45, 00:45 12月 26 星期六 12:45, 00:45 12月 27 星期日 12:45, 00:45 12月 28 星期一 12:15, 23:40 12月 29 星期二 12:15, 23:40 12月 30 星期三 12:15 福爾摩斯 (保護級) 12月 24 星期四 16:40, 17:05, 17:30, 17:55, 18:20, 19:10, 20:00, 20:25, 20:50, 21:15, 21:40, 22:05, 22:55, 23:20, 23:45, 00:10, 00:35, 01:00, 01:25, 01:50, 02:15, 02:40 12月 25 星期五 08:45, 09:10, 09:35, 10:25, 10:50, 11:15, 11:40, 12:05, 12:30, 12:55, 13:20, 14:10, 14:35, 15:00, 15:25, 15:50, 16:15, 16:40, 17:05, 17:30, 17:55, 18:20, 19:10, 20:00, 20:25, 20:50, 21:15, 21:40, 22:05, 22:55, 23:20, 23:45, 00:10, 00:35, 01:00, 01:25, 01:50, 02:15, 02:40 12月 26 星期六 08:45, 09:10, 09:35, 10:25, 10:50, 11:15, 11:40, 12:05, 12:30, 12:55, 13:20, 14:10, 15:00, 15:25, 15:50, 16:15, 16:40, 17:05, 17:30, 17:55, 18:20, 19:10, 19:35, 20:00, 20:25, 20:50, 21:15, 21:40, 22:05, 22:55, 23:20, 23:45, 00:10, 00:35, 01:00, 01:25, 01:50, 02:15, 02:40 12月 27 星期日 08:45, 09:10, 09:35, 10:25, 10:50, 11:15, 11:40, 12:05, 12:30, 12:55, 13:20, 14:10, 14:35, 15:00, 15:25, 15:50, 16:15, 16:40, 17:05, 17:30, 17:55, 18:20, 19:10, 19:35, 20:00, 20:25, 20:50, 21:15, 21:40, 22:05, 22:55, 23:20, 23:45, 00:10, 00:35, 01:00, 01:25, 02:15 12月 28 星期一 09:15, 09:40, 10:05, 10:55, 11:20, 11:45, 12:10, 13:00, 13:25, 13:50, 14:40, 15:05, 15:30, 15:55, 16:20, 16:45, 17:10, 17:35, 18:00, 18:25, 18:50, 19:15, 19:40, 20:05, 20:55, 21:20, 21:45, 22:10, 22:35, 23:00, 23:25, 23:50, 00:40, 01:05, 01:30, 01:55 12月 29 星期二 09:15, 09:40, 10:05, 10:55, 11:20, 11:45, 12:10, 13:00, 13:25, 13:50, 14:40, 15:05, 15:30, 15:55, 16:20, 16:45, 17:10, 17:35, 18:00, 18:25, 19:15, 19:40, 20:55, 21:20, 21:45, 22:10, 22:35, 23:00, 23:25, 23:50, 00:40, 01:05, 01:30, 01:55 12月 30 星期三 09:15, 09:40, 10:05, 10:55, 11:20, 11:45, 12:10, 13:00, 13:25, 13:50, 14:40, 15:05, 15:30 外慾殺機 (保護級) 12月 24 星期四 10:10 暮光之城2 新月 (保護級) 12月 23 星期三 16:35, 17:20, 18:10, 19:55, 20:45, 21:40, 22:30, 23:20, 01:05 12月 24 星期四 11:35, 13:00, 14:20, 15:40, 18:45, 22:30 12月 25 星期五 10:00, 13:45, 18:45, 22:30 12月 26 星期六 10:00, 13:45, 18:45, 22:30 12月 27 星期日 10:00, 13:45, 18:45, 22:30 12月 28 星期一 10:30, 14:15, 20:30, 00:15 12月 29 星期二 10:30, 14:15, 20:30, 00:15 12月 30 星期三 10:30, 14:15 蝙蝠 血色情慾 (限制級) 12月 23 星期三 17:50, 00:00

We're going on a bear hunt.


我們要去獵熊囉(WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT) http://store.pchome.com.tw/livingmarket/M00499264.htm 一個風和日麗的早晨,勇敢的Oxenbury一家人帶著小狗一起去獵熊!可是,當真的碰到熊的時候,全家卻嚇得拔腿落荒而逃,全書以正敘、倒敘方式呈現故事,以及各種模擬聲音,令人印象深刻。Smarties 童書大獎 橫跨草長過人的原野,涉過深冷的河流,越過泥沼,一步一步奮力往前進……唉呀!是一隻熊! 看看作者michael rosen自己怎麼說這個生動的故事: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytc0U2WAz4s 我們要去捉狗熊。 我們要去捉一隻大大的。 天氣這麼好,沒什麼好怕的。 喔唷,野草! 高大搖擺的野草。 上面飛不過,下面鑽不透。 天啊,只好硬著頭皮向前走。 窸窸窣窣! 窸窸窣窣! 窸窸窣窣! “我們要去獵熊” We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared. Uh-uh! Grass! Long wavy grass. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it! swishy swashy! swishy swashy! swishy swashy! We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared. Uh-uh! A river! A deep cold river. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it! splash! splosh! splash! splosh! splash! splosh! We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared. Uh-uh! Mud! Thick oozy mud. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it! Squelch! Squerch! Squelch! Squerch! Squelch! Squerch! We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared. Uh-uh! A forest! A big dark forest. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it! stumble trip! stumble trip! stumble trip! We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared. Uh-uh! A snowstorm! A swirling whirling snowstorm. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! We're going on a bear hunt. We're going to catch a big one. What a beautiful day! We're not scared. Uh-uh! A cave! A narrow gloomy cave. We can't go over it. We can't go under it. Oh no! We've got to go through it! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! WHAT'S THAT? One shiny wet nose! Two big furry ears! Two big goggly eyes! IT'S A BEAR!!!! Quick! Back through the cave! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Back through the snowstorm! Hoooo woooo! Hoooo woooo! Back through the forest! Strumble trip! Strumble trip! Back through the mud! Squelch squerch! Squelch squerch! Back through the river! Splash splosh! Splash splosh! Back through the grass! Swishy swashy! Swishy swashy! Get to our front door. Open the door. Up the stairs. Oh-no! We forgot to shut the door. Back downstairs. Shut the door. Back upstairs. Into the bedroom. Into bed. Under the covers. We're not going on a bear hunt again.

Must Be Santa


Must Be Santa. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63VIU9oWtHY Here's the lyrics Who's got a beard that's long and white? Santa's got a beard that's long and white. Who comes around on a special night? Santa comes around on a special night. Special night, beard that's white... Must be santa, must be santa, Must be santa, santa claus. Who wears boots and a suit of red? Santa wears boots and a suit of red. Who wears a long cap on his head? Santa wears a long cap on his head. Cap on head, suit that's red, Special night, beard that's white... Must be santa, must be santa, Must be santa, santa claus. Who's got a big red cherry nose? Santa's got a big red cherry nose. Who laughs this way, "ho, ho, ho!"? Santa laughs this way, "ho, ho, ho!". Ho, ho, ho, cherry nose, Cap on head, suit that's red, Special night, beard that's white... Must be santa, must be santa, Must be santa, santa claus. Who very soon will come our way? Santa very soon will come our way. Eight little reindeer pull his sleigh. Santa's little reindeer pull his sleigh. Reindeer sleigh, come our way, Ho, ho, ho, cherry nose, Cap on head, suit that's red, Special night, beard that's white... Must be santa, must be santa, Must be santa, santa claus. Dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, Eisenhower, kennedy, johnson, nixon. Dasher, dancer, prancer, vixen, Carter, reagan, bush, and clinton. Reindeer sleigh, come our way, Ho, ho, ho, cherry nose, Cap on head, suit that's red, Special night, beard that's white... Must be santa, must be santa, Must be santa, santa claus



昨天徐醫師雖然沒用超音波照 但他用手摸肚 即知小朋友的頭已經就定位很穩了 所以35-36周間可作的b型鍊球菌檢查 他說:還是這週就檢查吧 免得你提早生 來不及拿到檢驗報告 聽得我實在是膽顫心驚 今早再到板橋遠興量寶寶大小(35W2D= 2430g) 林儀文醫師再次確認寶寶頭真的已經就定位 所以難怪我這週恥骨真的痛到不行 已經快要變成掰咖了 足月至少要37週啊 這樣大小才不至於太輕太小 很怕從明年一月中的小孩變成12月底的小孩 怕寶寶太小啊... 莫非現在要開始進行養肥寶寶運動 (喝傳說中很好養胎的酪梨牛奶呢?) ===================================== 好幾週沒有回娘家了 前一週先是怕h1n1疫情太嚴重 再來一週又是我有點不舒服 能在家休息則休息 這週天冷到不行 媽剛好在老家準備包我最愛的包餡湯圓準備冬至要來吃 小子剛好可以隨伺在側幫忙把阿嬤的小麵團揉成阿嬤需要的圓形 以便阿嬤把餡料包入 凱開對於能幫上忙 得意的很呢 下午我帶凱去上音樂課 爸比陪阿嬤等櫻花熱水器送安檢 晚上爸比帶凱回爺奶家吃飯 走不動的我就帶著老媽的愛心湯圓回家自行烹煮 真的好好吃喔... 不過讓我回想到六年前 我就是吃完了老媽親手包的包餡湯圓 有很充沛的體力 當晚到次日滴水滴米未進 還能有力氣生下凱開啊...



http://dino.ishow.gmg.tw/ ================== 幼稚園小朋友稚嫩的歡呼加上恐龍低沉的嘶吼,為十二月十二日登場的「世界恐龍大展」揭開序幕。這場近年台灣規模最大、化石數量最豐富的恐龍盛會,不但有壯觀的恐龍化石帶給民眾感官刺激,也還原恐龍化石挖掘現場,帶給民眾更多教育意義。 (陳正興攝) 由聯合報系、中正紀念堂管理處共同主辦的「世界恐龍大展」,展出來自五大洲,美、英、德、巴西、摩洛哥、墨西哥、大陸、蒙古,和南極洲等地出土的十二隻大型恐龍化石完整模型;恐龍齒、爪、蛋等化石,以及全球最大的菊石化石、腔棘魚化石等與恐龍差不多時期的生物化石,總共近兩百五十件展品,都將呈現在台灣民眾眼前。 聯合報系金傳媒集團執行長楊仁烽指出,這次是台灣有史以來展品來源最廣的恐龍展,「六千五百萬年前滅絕的恐龍,在生存、生態、生活上代表的意義,仍是現代人關注的話題」。 這次展品主要來自日本林原自然科學博物館,副館長石垣忍說明這次展品的特色:最大恐龍化石標本長十二公尺,高約六公尺,「居高臨下,張開大口露出牙齒的氣勢,會讓觀眾有身歷其境的震撼」,而五歲小恐龍化石、一窩十五隻小恐龍埋在一起的化石,以及南極洲出土的冰脊龍化石,都是難得一見的。 除了恐龍化石,聯合報系還引進十一隻會叫、會動、會用中文跟小朋友說話的機械恐龍,保證讓展場的氣氛high到最高點。 石垣忍說,不只感官上的刺激,恐龍展也將忠實呈現博物館從一九九二年起在蒙古的挖掘成果並還原挖掘現場,讓民眾體會考古現場的氣氛。民眾還可在現場親手摸到一支貨真價實,長一百八十公分的腕龍左大腿骨。 「世界恐龍大展」即日起開始預售門票到十二月十一日,民眾前往全省7-11、全家、萊爾富便利商店,以及博客來網路書店預購,可享「全票買二送一」優惠。展期自十二月十二日至明年四月五日。 【2009/10/29 聯合報】



Yankee Doodle went to town A-riding on a pony Stuck a feather in his hat And called it macaroni Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle, Dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy Father and I went down to camp Along with Captain Goodwin There were the men and boys As thick as hasty puddin' Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle, Dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy And there was Captain Washington Upon a slapping stallion Giving orders to his men I guess there were a million Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle, Dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy "Yankee Doodle" is a tune That comes in mighty handy The enemy all runs away At "Yankee Doodle Dandy" Yankee Doodle, keep it up Yankee Doodle, Dandy Mind the music and the step And with the girls be handy 中文 洋基•嘟得兒, 騎著小駒進城去, 帽上插根羽毛, 稱爲時髦哥兒。 合唱 洋基•嘟得兒,加把勁兒, 洋基•嘟得兒,時髦哥兒, 留心音樂和腳步, 輕巧地伴著姑娘舞。   我爹和我上軍營, 跟古丁上尉同行, 在那我們看見許多士兵, 密密麻麻就像玉米布丁。 在那兒我們看見上千人, 都是大衛財主一樣的有錢人; 他們每天揮霍的東西, 我真想能夠省下一絲。 還有那首領華盛頓, 騎著一匹高頭駿馬, 向部下發號施令, 我猜準有上百萬人。 在那我看到一小桶, 它的蓋是用皮做的, 他們用兩根棒擊它, 把士兵召集到一起。 在那我看到一尊巨大的炮, 大得就像一根長長的楓木, 架在一輛堅實的小車上, 要我爹的牛來拉。 每次他們開炮, 得裝一牛角火藥, 響聲就像我爹的槍, 只是大大超過槍聲。 啊,亂七八糟一大堆, 我連一半都說不全, 於是我脫帽鞠個躬, 急奔回家去找娘親。 洋基•嘟得兒, 美利堅人就愛這曲兒, 它可供你吹哨、唱吟或彈奏, 而且在戰鬥時有它最帶勁。 早在美国独立战争以前,在这些英国殖民地上《洋基歌》的曲调和歌词的某些段落就已经很流行。甚至在十八世纪七十年代以前,英军就曾唱《洋基歌》来嘲笑独立军。歌词的早期版本是嘲笑殖民地居民粗俗的衣着和举止的。“洋基”是对参加法印战争的新英格兰人的轻蔑之词,这个词可能来自与儿歌Lucy Locket,有一个版本的歌词暗示可能来自于Richard Shuckburgh,他是一名英国外科医生。而“嘟得儿”的意思即蠢货或傻瓜。然而,在美国独立战争期间,美军却采用《洋基歌》作爲他们自己的歌,以表明他们对自己朴素,家纺的衣着和毫不矫揉造作的举止感到自豪。歌词有许多不同版本。多年来,这首歌一直被当作非正式的国歌,也是最受欢迎的儿歌。在电影电视和动画片中,我们经常能听见这首歌曲。 其它版本 台湾歌手阿雅的《锉冰进行曲》(ㄘㄨㄚ冰进行曲),其主旋律即是来自《洋基歌》。 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifQuotPMzGE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AwHvyqNDUvE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNkcydLzuKk&feature=related