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Iris let me order the CD Baby Order! (#3653975)


Physical Items in this order: === Shipped Items === ** Shipped on 2008-03-23: ** 1 of LAURA KAUFMAN: Lullabies ($12.00 each) *************** ========================= SHIPPING: $5.00 GRAND TOTAL : $17.00 - US Dollars SHIPPING ADDRESS: Ching Yang Hsieh 3FL,No6 Tun-Hua North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan 10595 Taipei TAIWAN BILLING ADDRESS: Ching Yang Hsieh 3FL,No6 Tun-Hua North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan 10595 Taipei TAIWAN Your CD has been gently taken from our CD Baby shelves with sterilized contamination-free gloves and placed onto a satin pillow. A team of 50 employees inspected your CD and polished it to make sure it was in the best possible condition before mailing. Our packing specialist from Japan lit a candle and a hush fell over the crowd as he put your CD into the finest gold-lined box that money can buy. We all had a wonderful celebration afterwards and the whole party marched down the street to the post office where the entire town of Portland waved "Bon Voyage!" to your package, on its way to you, in our private CD Baby jet on this day, Sunday, March 23rd. I hope you had a wonderful time shopping at CD Baby. We sure did. Your picture is on our wall as "Customer of the Year." We're all exhausted but can't wait for you to come back to CDBABY.COM!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sigh... -- Derek Sivers, president, CD Baby the little store with the best new independent music http://cdbaby.com/ [email protected] (503)595-3000



今天已經是小郁昏迷第三天了,我怕他覺得孤單無助害怕大部分的時間,我多在緊急病房幫小郁按摩 陪她聊天告訴她要繼續堅持下去,我們一分秒都沒有放棄過!加上現在有越來越多人在幫你加油打氣增加你的意志力, 所以小郁你一定要繼續堅持下去,現在你昏迷痛楚我都能感受,因為你現在肝指數還在657及1127,及阿摩尼亞176 所以讓你的腦子昏昏沉沉,你現在最重要就是要用大小便來排泄你身上的氨值,你就可以漸漸清醒接下來你就可以拔呼吸管.......... 我是盡量重複主治醫師講的程序,讓小郁知道那是最好的醫療方式,讓她有心理有準備忍耐一下你很快就會醒了........... 一大早我就去看我們的小baby他今天多了一個小奶嘴,手腳很有活力的動,護士說Baby的情況是越還越好你可以說一點的時間陪老婆 要告訴她趕快醒來一起來看小baby想想他的名子,講到baby小郁是會有一些表情動作,所以我對小郁醒來很有信心! 你們今天不管是來病房看她或是發簡訊,打電話,我都有收到也轉達給小郁知道,我們一家人心中滿是對你們的感激 今天有些電話無法接到或是回電藉此E-mail跟各位說聲抱歉及告知目前小郁及Baby的狀況!因為這幾天有很多電話我都忘了回, 那今晚我要離開加護病房時 看著小郁的氣色好很多了,多虧各位鼎力相助讓我們身子恢復許多的元氣,準備第四天的醒來~~~~~ 也希望您寄許給母子力量 榮民總醫院中正樓2樓重症加護中心23床~ 8樓新生兒早產加護病房10床~詹芳郁之男