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原來是chalazion :(


今天帶小花去看了pediatric ophthalmologist, 才赫然發現,原來小花不是長針眼,是更難纏的chalazion啦! 難怪都不會好! 名字唸來叫台灣人臉紅心跳的蘭嬌醫生Dr. Langell只開出兩項療方: 一是多吃富含omega-3的魚類與堅果﹝吃油通油ㄏㄧㄛ﹞, 二則是warm compress熱敷眼睛。 然後就只能等了! 唉! ●What is a chalazion? A chalazion (kuh-LAY-zee-uhn) is a lump or nodule on the eyelid. When a small, oil-producing gland in the lid (the meibomian gland) becomes blocked, the oil builds up in the tissue, causing inflammation. A chalazion can start out as small as a poppy seed and — over the course of days or weeks — grow to the size of a pea. You may notice your preschooler's eye tearing a little, but the condition isn't contagious. Chalazia are often confused with sties, but a sty is closer to the surface of the skin and often has discharge, redness, and swelling. A sty is typically more painful than a chalazion, though a chalazion can cause the lid to be a little tender. A small chalazion won't affect your preschooler's vision, but a large one can put pressure on his eyeball and cause his sight to be distorted. If this is the first time your child has had a chalazion, you should give his doctor a call. She may want to see him to confirm the diagnosis or refer you to an ophthalmologist to rule out a more serious eye infection. ●How is a chalazion treated? Chalazia usually go away on their own within a few weeks to a few months. With treatment, they may disappear more quickly. If the chalazion is still in the early stages, some doctors will recommend applying warm compresses. These compresses encourage drainage by softening the hardened oils blocking the duct. Here's the drill: First, make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before you touch the affected area so that you don't introduce a new type of bacteria and cause a secondary infection. Wash your preschooler's hands as well, since he may rub his eyes. Next, hold your child on your lap in whatever way is most comfortable for him. Then apply a warm compress to the area for ten to 15 minutes, at least four times a day, until the lump has gone away. Use a clean washcloth with very warm water — you'll need to keep wetting the washcloth to keep it warm. You can help the time pass by listening to a book on tape, watching a video, or reading aloud to your child. After applying the compress, you might try gently massaging the area around the cyst to help unblock the clogged duct. Don't try to "pop" the chalazion in order to drain it. Finally, your doctor may give you some eyedrops or antibiotic ointment to smear on the edge of the lid if she thinks your child has a secondary infection. ●What if the chalazion won't go away? If your child's chalazion doesn't respond to the compresses, your doctor will refer you to an ophthalmologist for further treatment. The ophthalmologist may decide to inject the chalazion with steroids, which should stop the inflammation and cause the lump to go away within a week or two. A second injection may be necessary. If the injections don't work, the ophthalmologist can remove the lump surgically. The surgery is an outpatient procedure, so you'll be able to take your child home when it's finished. It'll have to be done using general anesthesia, however, because preschoolers are too young to stay still when they're awake. Unless the chalazion is very large and disfiguring or it's affecting your child's vision, the ophthalmologist may recommend waiting to perform surgery until your child is older (at least school age). Then your child will be better able to sit still, and the surgery can be done using local anesthesia. ●Is there any way to prevent chalazia? Once your child has had one chalazion, he's more likely to get another one. Some doctors say there's no way to prevent these cysts from developing — some people are just prone to them. Other doctors recommend a daily regimen of lid washing to clear away bacteria and dead skin cells so the pores stay open. If your child's doctor prescribes lid washing, she'll provide you with specific directions and perhaps suggest using baby shampoo or a commercial lid-cleansing preparation.



花花喜歡近水玩水, 可是極度痛恨+恐懼臉上有水的感覺: 於是游泳課當然要碰到一個大瓶頸! 本來開開心心的, 只要Teacher Kristin一開始要把拔嘗試著讓花花嘴巴浸水, 花花便要臉色大變, 一臉驚恐地緊扒住把拔不放、甚至啊啊驚叫; 兩週下來,把拔終於決定, 要趁每晚洗澡的時候對花花展開特訓: 用蓮蓬頭直接沖頭沖臉! 第一天不消說, 慘況空前,花花呼天搶地哭得梨花帶雨久久不能自己; 第二天之後甚至更慘, 花花從進浴缸甚至還沒沾到水就開始哭喊「目睭!目睭!」, 好笑的是,特訓結束、臉上的水才抹乾淨, 目睭哭喊聲便會戛然而止破涕為笑,彷彿剛才只是一場夢! 接下來的日子裡, 把拔馬麻有事沒事便要跟花花提提這件事: 臉上眼睛上碰到水沒什麼啊! 就是甩甩頭、用手抹一抹揉一揉就好啦!像這樣! 呵呵呵,其實還蠻好玩的ㄋㄟ! 所以說花花晚上練習的時候要怎樣? 對啦!要勇敢哦! 然後,差不多是特訓展開後的第十天吧, 花花一進浴缸便問把拔, 「一定不可以目睭目睭嗎?一定不可以嗎?」 哈哈,把拔當然很認真地點點頭, 嗯啊,小花要勇敢喔,不要再目睭目睭了── 結果小花竟然做到了!! 不再哭喊,甚至練習時間到、水就這麼劈頭淋下來的時候, 花花也只是鎮定地接過把拔手中的小手帕, 自己擦了擦便重新睜開眼睛、 對著蹲在浴缸外看得好意外好感動瘋狂拍手中的馬麻咧嘴也笑開了! 這是十天前完全unimaginable的事! 小花勇敢地做到了! 從之前想到就來討價還價說今天晚上不要練習好不好, 到現在甚至會期待每晚洗澡的練習時間! 這份克服天生對水恐懼的勇氣, 怎能不叫馬麻也要深受啟發! 這些amazing amazing的小小人!



晚上馬麻靈光一閃, 要小花去把字母積木搬出來倒在地板上, 馬麻接著拿起磁性畫板在上頭寫了一個大大的「A」, 還沒來得及交代花花去積木堆裡把A找出來呢, 花花便一派氣定神閒理所當然地指著畫板大聲說道:A! 馬麻大吃一驚喜出望外,啊啊大叫轉頭看把拔, 不料把拔只是驕傲地裝出一派氣定神閒理所當然, 說是因為花花不時會要求把拔在紙上畫板上寫出花花的名字ANDREA, 所以小女孩學會認個A也不過是理所當然的事嘛! 把拔裝什麼鎮定啊!這可是絕對significant的大事一樁ㄋㄟ! 我們小花終於正式脫離文盲的行列了! 文明的曙光已現!光明就在不遠處了! 其實上星期馬麻就從Eileen媽咪的日記裡讀到說Melody已經會認數字0到9, 於是便想來有為者亦若是一下; 小花果然一下就學會認1到4,只是常常轉眼又忘記... ﹝說到這,馬麻一定要來不相干插播一則多年前在台灣讀過的一則小新聞: 警方臨檢帶回一對未成年即攜手同闖江湖的姊妹花, 姊妹花其實沒有血緣關係,只是同樣沒有好家庭可以依靠; 總之,警方後來意外發現,十來歲的姊妹花竟然都是大字不識的文盲! 苦情姊妹看來也早學會以幽默化解傷痛,說道: 『所以如果有人問我們是哪裡人,我們都說自己是阿拉伯人, 因為我們只認識阿拉伯數字啊~哈~哈~哈~』 多麼叫人又好笑又心酸的一句話!﹞ 話說回來,小花阿拉伯人還做不太成, 倒是先認了字母A...果然是根小香蕉美國人,欸!