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Cheryl 媽咪




St. Patrick’s Day(聖派翠克節)


聖派翠克節(St. Patrick’s Day):3月17日 男士女士們,你們今天忘記穿綠衣服了。今天是聖派翠克節!根據愛爾蘭的習俗,每年的3月17日,愛爾蘭人與愛爾蘭裔美國人都會穿上綠衣服紀念派翠克(Patrick)的去世。派翠克是愛爾蘭的一位愛國志士,他死於西元492年的3月17日。不過現在人們主要是在慶祝愛爾蘭的傳統以及愛爾蘭豐富的文化與習俗。美國各地都會在這一天舉辦遊行與慶典,包括波士頓自1737年開始舉辦的遊行、紐約自1762年開始舉辦的遊行,以及喬治亞州薩瓦那(Savannah)自1812年開始舉辦的遊行最為有名。你要做些什麼來彰顯愛爾蘭傳統呢?穿綠色衣服嗎?四處尋找四葉草?還是要唱愛爾蘭歌曲呢? Aye lads and lassies, don't ya' forget to wear the green today. Today is St. Patrick's Day! On March 17, Irish and Irish Americans commemorate the death, as legend has it, of Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, who died on March 17, around 492. But mainly, people today honor Irish heritage and its rich culture and traditions. Cities all over the U.S. celebrate with parades and festivities. The most famous of these annual festival traditions includes the Boston parade, with its first parade in 1737; the New York City parade, which began in 1762; and the Savannah, Georgia, parade which started in 1812. What do you do to honor Irish tradition? Wear green? Look for four-leaf clovers? Sing Irish songs? 聖派翠克節(St. Patrick’s Day):3月17日 愛爾蘭裔美國人,尤其是那些在1840年代到達美國的人,必須要面對、克服許多艱難。愛爾蘭在1845年至1849年發生「馬鈴薯大飢荒」(Great Potato Famine)時,據說有1百萬愛爾蘭人受到影響。為了逃避飢荒,這些人只好移民到美洲地區。在這段期間來到美國的愛爾蘭人,沒有受過太多教育,身上也沒有太多財產,雖然他們留在美國定居,但是卻遇到貧窮與歧視的問題。大多數的愛爾蘭人都是天主教徒,也因為這個宗教差別,而受到長時期的歧視,不過愛爾蘭裔美國人也展現了他們堅韌的生命力與勇氣。 Irish Americans, especially those who arrived in the U.S. in the 1840s, have had to overcome much suffering. The Great Potato Famine of 1845-49 claimed the lives of 1 million Irish back on the Isle of Erin (Ireland is also called Eire). To escape starvation, those that could immigrated to America. Most of the Irish who settled in the U.S. during this period arrived with little education and few material possessions. As a result, they encountered poverty and discrimination. Most were Catholics and also suffered because of longstanding prejudices against their religion. But Irish Americans showed their strength and courage. 聖派翠克節(St. Patrick’s Day):3月17日 愛爾蘭兵團(Irish Brigade)在1862年美國內戰時組成。這些愛爾蘭裔士兵為聯邦軍隊作戰,並參與了一些很血腥的戰爭。一個叫做菲利普•湯瑪斯•塔克(Phillip Thomas Tucker)的歷史學家說:「這些凱爾特士兵(Celtic)可說是為了自己的將來,以及為了一個沒有種族隔離、沒有迫害、不會歧視愛爾蘭人、天主教、愛爾蘭文化,以及凱爾特傳統的美國而戰。」愛爾蘭美國人的傳統已經成為美國文化裡很重要的一部分。不管是在歌曲裡、節慶中,外表上,或企業裡,不管是哪一個種族的美國人現在都會慶祝聖派翠克節。 In 1862, during the Civil War, the Irish Brigade was formed. These Irish American soldiers fought for the Union in some of the bloodiest battles of the war. One historian, Phillip Thomas Tucker, said, "These Celtic soldiers were fighting most of all for their own future and an America which did not segregate, persecute, and discriminate against the Irish people and their Catholicism, Irish culture, and distinctive Celtic heritage." Irish American heritage has become an important part of American culture. In song, festivity, appearance and company, Americans of all ethnicities are celebrating St. Patrick's Day! 霍尤克(Holyoke)的聖派翠克日(St. Patrick's Day)遊行 地方性遺產 當您聽到聖派翠克日時,您也許會想到四葉幸運草及小妖精?但您對聖派翠克本人有多了解? 根據傳說,聖派翠克驅離了愛爾蘭境內的蛇。但沒有人可以確認這個故事的真實性,因為從一開始愛爾蘭境內就沒有蛇的踨影。愛爾蘭是一個島國,它在1百60萬年前的冰河時期即脫離歐洲大陸自成一個島嶼。不同的傳說都講述著山坡上的聖派翠克,使用一枝木製手杖迫使蛇群躍入海中並將它們永遠驅離愛爾蘭。 不論它的真實性為何,世界各地的許多國家都會歡慶3月17日的聖派翠克日。19世紀中期的馬鈴薯飢荒(Great Potato Famine)時,許多愛爾蘭人都移居美國。麻州霍尤克所舉行聖派翠克日遊行是北美最大的聖派翠克日遊行之一,它吸引了數十萬的旁觀者前來觀看由 15,000名遊行者所組成的遊行行列。雖然麻州剛好是許多愛爾蘭移民後裔的故鄉,並不代表著您必須是愛爾蘭人,才能夠參加或享受這個遊行。 When you think of St. Patrick's Day you probably think of four-leaf clovers and leprechauns, right? But how much do you know about St. Patrick himself? According to legend, St. Patrick drove the snakes from Ireland. No one really knows if this story is true, since chances are there never were any snakes in Ireland to begin with. Ireland is an island nation that was separated from the rest of the European continent during the Ice Age -- more than 1.6 million years ago. Different tales tell of St. Patrick standing upon a hill, using a wooden staff to force the serpents into the sea, and driving them away from Ireland forever. Whether or not this is true, March 17 is celebrated as St. Patrick's Day in many parts of the world. Many Irish people immigrated to the United States during the Great Potato Famine of the mid-19th century. Holyoke, Massachusetts, is home to one of the largest St. Patrick's Day parades in North America. It attracts hundreds of thousands of spectators with 15,000 marchers. You don't have to be Irish to participate in or enjoy the parade, but it just so happens that Massachusetts is home to the descendants of many Irish Immigrants.



大約11點左右吧∼Lindsay和Ingrid的媽媽打來,約中午吃飯,正好,這樣我午餐就可以不用煩惱要吃什麼好了!!也不需要煮了!!哈哈!! 於是去接了TINE下課後,就直接開車前往麥當勞,哇!!麥當勞的人還不少呢!遊戲區裡完全沒位子了,於是先找地方坐,因為我們是第一個到,加上2寶貝也餓了,就先幫她們買了兒童餐,這次的玩具女生的是公主系列的,2寶貝正好喜歡,(咪的玩具最後在麥當勞裡不見了,因為不知道被她自己丟去哪裡了,回家還吵著要,所以只好情商TINE看看要不要先給妹妹玩,還好TINE OK∼∼真是好姊姊啊!!)點餐點完正好Lindsay和Ingrid來了,就看到4個女生很高興的一起跑到玩具的展示櫃去看玩具,接著Amy媽媽一家來了,是一個姊姊(跟TINE同學校,但是她念的是需要抽籤的雙語班級。)一個弟弟,(比咪小一點。)。都先跟小朋友們說好,吃完才可以去玩,所以5個女生吃完後就一起跑去遊戲區玩了,後來又來了一位媽媽,我第一次見面,她有3個女生,其中小的是1對雙胞胎,而且年齡正好又跟我們家2寶貝差不多,所以我們這4位媽媽的小朋友年齡都是差不多的,而且只有一位小男生,其他8位全都是女生,呵呵∼∼∼好有趣喔!! 我們幾個媽媽聊到快3:30才走,還好那時出門時有直接把TINE的畫袋放車上,所以我們就直接去上畫圖課囉!!



今天是補課,我們4:00PM才到,但是也正好上到下課是一個半小時。 4:00PM∼5:30PM 老師今天就說 hue primary color(紅、黃、藍) 紅+黃=橘 黃+藍=綠 紅+藍=紫 而形成 secondary color(綠、橘、紫) complementary color(互補色) 就看primary color(紅、黃、藍)∼另外2顏色的secondary color就是complementary color 紅色的complementary color是(黃+藍=)綠色 黃色的complementary color是(紅+藍=)紫色 藍色的complementary color是(紅+黃=)橘色 最後是family Color∼ 老師在白版上畫了4個昆蟲,就利用紅、黃、藍、綠的family Color來著色,需要有設計圖案,每個設計圖案的大小要不一樣,背景不用畫,還有不要畫邊線。 老師說這種課在大學2年級才上的到的,但是因為TINE還小,所以老師也講解的比較簡單,還有背景也不需要畫,因為要畫背景救難了。 另外不要畫邊線也是要提高難度,因為劃上邊線整個主題就會跳出來,那就簡單了。 TINE在上課畫圖的同時,咪是倒在我懷理睡著得,到TINE快下課時才醒,醒了以後還跟老師說:我剛剛睡著了...... 老師說:喔!所以妳剛剛沒聽到課,是吧!! 咪說:是..... 要走時還拉著她的小箱子包包,(自己堅持要帶的。)然後跟老師掰掰,然後說:我下次再來上課。 呵呵呵∼真是可愛啊!!!