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一直覺得姐姐上了Writing課以後並沒有顯著的進步 今天為了功課的事情 媽咪還罵了姐姐一頓 最後媽咪還是決定給老師一封email 問問他功課的事 媽咪問: Dear Mr. Simon, Thank you so much for being such a wonderful writing teacher to motivate Serena to write. She enjoy going to the class very much. Recently, I have been a little bit confused about Serena's homework assignment. She tried to explain to me but I think I did have hard time to understand. Therefore, I really don't know whether she did it right or not. If it is possible, could you please ask her to write down detail instructions about everyweek's assignment? Also, can you please give her more writing practice at home? She usually finishes her weekly homework in 10 mins. I believe if she spends 1 hours to learn writing, she probably need more than 10 mins to practice what she learned in the class. Thank you very much and I really appreciate your help. Sincerely, Charlene Chen 老師記錯人了 回答如下: Dear Charlene, Serena's homework last week was to write a five paragraph essay on who her favorite teachers are. She did a good job with organization and having concrete details, as opposed to generalities. So far, she has made huge growth in those areas. She needed to work on on longer sentences, adding a lot more detail, and varying her verb choice. Her homework this week was to revise that essay. If she finishes in ten minutes, it's because she's not really doing it all. I have a feeling she only changed her verbs. She should then go through and add more concrete detail to every single body sentence, with conjunctions, appositives, and prepositional phrases. Then she can go through and check her subjects and verbs to make sure they do not repeat to often. Then it's time for editing, reading slowly and aloud through the entire essay while fixing mistakes. When she can go through the entire essay twice in a row without finding anything to fix or improve, she is done. Thank you so much for letting me know. I will repeat to her class what I expect them to do for homework. Are there any other questions or concerns? Thank you, Mr. Simon 老師發現他記錯Serena了 馬上又回了一封信 外加一通電話親自解釋 Sorry! I got my Serenas mixed up and thought yours was a 7th grader! Please disregard my first e-mail. We're starting to do essays so she should have to spend more time on homework. I will be sure to have her write down more specific details on what she is supposed to do. It's also good to make sure she spends time editing and writing larger sentences with prepositions and conjunctions. Thanks, and sorry for the mix-up, Mr. Simon 媽咪回答 Dear Mr. Simon, You are absolutely right. Now I know why she could finish her homework in 10 mins. This is great tip to follow. It really helps me to monitor how she does her homework. BTW, she just finished her homework this morning by following your instructions. I believe she did a wonderful job. Thank you so much. Regards, Charlene 媽咪覺得還好有問 至少讓老師知道家長有在注意 並不是放牛吃草 老師以後也會特別注意 不會隨意亂教 而且姐姐今天回家後寫的作文超正的 不會再有錢丟到水裡的感覺了 媽咪決定為了小孩好 今後都要繼續當個令人討厭的家長



媽咪今天特別誇獎了姐姐一番 因為今天拿到的姐姐的期末成績單 超級"A" 每次考試成績如下: 10/12/07 Test#1 91% correct 11/01/07 Test#2 97% correct 12/01/07 Test#3 100% correct 01/11/08 Test#4 100% correct 02/08/08 Test#5 93% correct 02/15/08 Test#6 100% correct 04/03/08 Test#7 100% correct 04/18/08 Test#8 99% correct 05/23/08 Test#9 99% correct 05/23/08 Test#10 100% correct 姐姐在以下項目中拿到滿分5分 是屬於Advanced level 程度超過一般一年級同學所應得的分數 Language Arts 1.Reading 2.Writing Mathematics 1.Number Sense 2.Statistics, Data Analysis and Probability 3.Measurement and Geometry 4.Aigebra and Functions 5.Mathematical Reasoning 在非課業方面也有不俗的表現 Social and Study Skills-Demonstrates Strength Science,Art,Music,Library-Demonstrates Strength 唯一需要加強的是體育 Physical Education-Developing Appropriately 哈哈哈 老師的話: What a joy it has been to have Serena in my class! I will so miss her cheerfulness, confidence, and yes even her "crazy, silly" days when I just know that she has had too much suger! She has an insatiable love of learning which is contagious to others! She is strong academically across the curriculum, but her best subject is reading (obviously). Keep reading over the summer and encourage her to read all types of literature..fiction, non-fiction, magazines, newspapers and even poetry. Her number sense is very strong and she is able to make connections between problems and justify her answers to problems. Over the summer, keep practicing the memorization of addition and subtraction facts to 20. It makes second and third grade so much easier! One thing that will keep her writing strong will be to orally tell you stories. They can be true stories from her own life and fictional stories. The one thing though that I love the most about Serena is her kindness towards others. That is not something you can teach. It's just a wonderful part of who she is. Have a wonderful summer. Please visit often next year!



看到妹妹baby home上放了她朋友高金爸 高金媽的故事 讓媽咪又繼續花了三小時去逛了他們家 看了完整的故事及照片 http://www.babyhome.com.tw/pinknini1016 嗚嗚嗚嗚 媽咪好難過呦 也有好多的感觸 感觸1. 高金媽是超人 這麼忙了還會自己手工做衣服給她的兩個寶貝 感觸2. 她家的兩個姐姐怎麼這麼美啊? 真的就是小小模特兒了嘛 !!! 感觸3. 我家小鬼是被放牛吃草帶大的嗎? 她們活動怎麼這麼豐富啊? 感觸4. 高金媽到處吃好吃的 怎麼還是辣媽一個? 我不過吃一桶ice cream就肥死了 感觸5. 健康就是福 對小孩不要再太苛求了 感觸6. 好心疼小佳佳 心疼她爸媽 感觸7. 我們真的好幸福 大小S 媽咪愛你們 作者: 高金爸 小佳佳已經快兩歲了-- 回想起2660年的5月5號下午,我跟老婆期待第三胎的出生,看著老婆被推進台大5樓的生產室,心裡非常的喜悅(雖然是第三胎)但總是還會有些緊張,因為前兩胎都生的順利與健康,心想應該沒有問題吧! 但是---生產時間慢慢的流逝卻沒聽到嬰兒的哭聲也沒看到醫生的蹤影,不經讓我產生了焦慮與不安,大概過了50分鐘--醫生出來了卻告訴我小孩有問題?--------我愣在那裡----心慌---心急,等我回神時醫生已快走到〝新生兒加護病房〞門口,醫生領我進去,當我看到我的小佳佳的第一眼居然是插滿了管子身上也貼滿了監看器材的線----我哭了 倒底發生了什麼事?直到醫生告訴我,我的小佳佳得了罕見的〝多重器官發育不完全〞?當時我聽不懂,醫生很細心的跟我解釋告訴我,就是眼睛、鼻子、耳朵、、、裡面內部發育不完全而且心臟也有主動脈宮狹宰,總而言之醫生說---沒看過這樣的病症(雖然小佳佳是早產,醫生說這樣的症狀跟早產沒任何關係)。 經過醫生的解釋,我回到病房卻不敢告訴老婆小佳佳的事,她問我--小佳佳漂亮嗎???我回說很好又漂亮(心很痛)因為麻醉還沒退身體也很虛,我告訴老婆請她先休息。到了晚上老婆醒了又問我,怎麼沒看到小佳佳推進來他要喝ㄋㄟㄋㄟ了(母嬰同房),我說因為小佳佳是早產所以要再觀察(又騙了她)。 每次看我老婆很努力的在擠ㄋㄟㄋㄟ我心都很痛(因為小佳佳不能進食),直到過了第三天,我老婆告訴我他想去看小佳佳-----哇!!心想怎麼辦?隱瞞不了了 我推著輪椅慢慢的走向新生兒加護病房腳步之沉重可想而知,醫生也會診了耳鼻喉還有心臟內科等等很多的醫生在小佳佳的病床前討論,當時我跟醫生說:先不要給我老婆知道太多,畢竟我老婆剛生產完身體很虛(剖腹)醫生也懂,老婆看了看也掉下了眼淚問我:小佳佳怎麼了?我回答沒問題啦妳放心並推著輪椅回病床去了。 醫生說我的小佳佳心臟要先開刀因為〝主動脈宮狹宰〞若不開血液無法輸送氧氣到全身細胞就會衰竭而死所以馬上要開刀,還有眼睛部份因為發育不完全也可能弱視甚至於全盲,不只眼睛鼻子也無法呼吸,因為外觀雖然已發育完成了但是要經過咽喉的通路沒有簡單的說就是沒有洞可呼吸,所以也要做氣切,至於耳朵:中耳部分也沒發育所以也可能聽不到,而且出生時全身也在抽經腦部不知有沒有受損,聽到這裡我已經快不行了,我問醫生到底位蛇麼會這樣?醫生回我---無法理解為何會這樣,因為他們碰到的各案都是一種而已,而不是這些徵狀集中在我的小佳佳。 ---------------------------------------------------------- 醫生告訴我給我幾天的時間考慮再不開刀就遲了,我們開了一個家庭會議且告訴家人這些症狀也告訴家人醫生的建議,我知道他們希望放棄而不敢直說,當時我亦然決然的說了一句話〝我要留下小佳佳〞 其實我知道家人很訝異,但是小孩畢竟是我跟ㄇㄇ生的,我說:我會讓小佳佳得到最好的照顧與醫療。第二天我告訴醫生我的決定,醫生告訴我要馬上開刀因為小佳佳的腳趾頭已經開始變黑了若血液打不下去可能會截肢,於是小佳佳開了心臟的刀,開完馬上碰到第二個難題,因為鼻子沒有洞所以不能自主呼吸所以又要開氣切,經過了兩次的折騰新生兒加護病房的美女護士跟我說:她感覺的到小佳佳的生存意志力很強烈(當時聽了很難過又欣慰)還好我沒下放棄的決定,所以開完了兩次手術後小佳佳在護士阿姨的細心照顧下也慢慢的穩定了。 但是----過了兩個月醫院通知我說因為健保的關係而且小佳佳穩定了所以要出院了,當時聽到我真的很生氣因為以前我們沒照顧這樣的小孩而且家裡又有兩個小孩怎麼辦??我請朋友問看看還有沒有其他的醫院可收留,還好仁愛醫院願意收留,於是請了救護車載送小佳佳去仁愛醫院,在仁愛醫院住了幾個月還算蠻順利的也礙於健保的關係所以也要出院了。 帶回家的第一天我跟高金媽都忙翻了,因為要給小佳佳一個無菌的空間---很難---而且家裡還有兩個女兒就因為如此所以常常肺部感染導致常常進出台大的〝小兒加護病房〞一住就是兩個星期,ㄇㄇ真是辛苦因為要帶兩個小的還要去醫院照顧小佳佳而我又要上班還常常出差--真是心疼 有一次小佳佳剛出院 (進出已很多次了)的一個凌晨,我一直感覺不對勁小佳佳怎麼活動力變差了整個臉也黑掉了(缺氧)而且還發燒,馬上帶去台大急診室急救,差一點失去小佳佳,這種日子整整過了一年,辛苦不算我跟ㄇㄇ心力交瘁--心想該怎麼辦?這樣下去不是辦法,這一整年來每天晚上我都不敢睡因為早上ㄇㄇ帶三個小孩很辛苦我只能利用晚上下班得時候接替ㄇㄇ照顧小佳佳怕小佳佳有什麼變化,每當深夜看著小佳佳沉睡時的臉不禁讓我覺得很自責---為何會給小佳佳不完整的人生但是看到小佳佳生存的意志力我更加的難過。 我問了醫院的醫生跟護士是否有專業的小兒呼吸照顧中心可以照顧,還好他們告訴我板橋有幾家可以去看看,目前小佳佳也很穩定的在照顧中-------------------- 2008 年5月中旬,在一次的偶然中小佳佳住進了台北榮總,因為榮總有一個團隊專門在研究小佳佳這種罕見疾病的團隊,在這兩個星期中會診了很多醫師,陸陸續續幫小佳佳動了兩個小手術一個是胃造口手術,因為小佳佳一直用鼻胃管餵奶都會吐奶導致肺部發炎,另一個手術是因為小佳佳常常打針以至於手部及腳的血管都無法扎針所以裝了一個人工血管。 明天(6月13日)中午要開一個比較大的刀,就是鼻子的部份(因為出生時鼻腔內閉鎖),醫生說這個刀應該出生時越早開越好,當然開刀都會有風險所以希望BBH的媽媽能給我的小佳佳一些祝福----------- ------------------感恩-----------------------------