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天氣晴朗,翔翔說想要去天母運動公園騎腳踏車 把拔就把行李箱騰出一個空間載他的腳踏車 我和翔爸討論了一下,初春的正午陽光還挺曬人的,不如先去芝山岩步道走走 我們依翔翔的要求又買了小籠包簡單裹腹 *芝山岩* ♥ *運動公園* 芝山岩很快繞了一圈,翔翔念念不忘騎腳踏車 翔爸在高島屋前放我和翔翔及翔的車,自行去停車 翔翔見我走得慢,貼心地叫我把包包放入腳踏車前的置物箱 說:媽咪~這樣妳就不會太累了哦~~ 我就一路慢跑乘著風追趕,得意遙遙領先我的翔翔 到了運動公園,我已氣吁吁的喊累....(平日缺乏跑步運動的後果..@@) 翔翔就要我在樹下乘涼看他獨自騎腳踏車繞操場一圈,語畢頭也不回的騎走了 第一次放手讓翔翔離開自己,心裡忐忑不安 遠遠的距離,視線一刻也不敢離開翔翔,深怕翔翔有一點閃失 心裡也急速在調整,兒子長大了,不再需要媽媽的陪伴跟隨 翔爸一來見我和翔翔不在一起,神色更是慌張 我遙指那已繞了近半圈的翔翔,翔爸這才放心 不過,還是緊張的站在跑道上等待翔翔 翔翔騎一圈不過癮,想再騎一圈,把拔寶貝兒子立刻跟上前跑步陪翔翔再繞一圈 呵呵....由此看出,翔爸比我更放不下 卸下重任的我,悠哉地躺在草坪上享受,好玩拍了一張仰角的樹(下圖) 騎了車翔爸陪翔翔又練投球、打棒球、擲飛盤、溜滑梯 翔翔上車後很滿意的跟把拔說:我今天好高興哦~玩了好幾樣~^___^ ♥



「2006新竹市國際玻璃藝術節:愛麗絲遊玻璃花城」十一號起在新竹市玻璃工藝博物館正式登場!新竹市長林政則歡迎全國民眾來新竹市欣賞玻璃藝術之美。主辦單位期許,今年的國際玻璃藝術節,要突破卅萬人次記錄。 林市長 示,在日本小樽及義大利都可以看到新竹市玻璃藝術家的作品,民眾可以不用出國,就可以欣賞到具有國際水準的玻璃藝術作品,歡迎大家到新竹市參加這個充滿知性、感性與趣味性的藝術節活動。 今年的國際玻璃藝術節設有姊妹市館,介紹並展示新竹市各姊妹市的特色。新竹市今天與菲律賓巴拉灣省首府公主港市締結為姊妹市,而公主港市市長哈吉登(Edward S.Hagedorn)也將應邀主持這次國際玻璃藝術節的開幕典禮林市長表示,2006新竹市國際玻璃藝術節除了邀請國內名家參展之外,還特別邀請廿六位國際知名玻璃藝術創作大師五十件作品公開展示,每件作品精緻典雅,集世界著名的玻璃藝術品於一地,讓臺灣民眾可以就近在新竹市看個過癮。 文化局長林松表示,今年為了配合竹市辦理全國中等學校運動會,新竹市2006國際玻璃藝術節是展期最長的一次,總共有七十九天,從農曆年前一直進行到四月底為止,除了玻璃藝術展示之外,玻璃工坊也將正式啟用,還有玻璃藝術街、國際學術研討會、家庭日活動及戶外表演藝術等多項活動,每個週末也都有「愛麗絲」舞會,歡迎大家來同樂。 http://2006glass.hcccb.gov.tw (中廣新聞網)



翔乾爹乾媽及姊姊們今天特地抽空和我們全家一起遊陽明山 昨晚翔奶奶就囑咐我要多準備一些水果、點心...郊遊去啦 ~~*紗帽山*~~ 我們先到紗帽山泡溫泉 爺爺說山上的早春時節最容易起霧,飄渺的霧氣讓行車的視線都顯朦朧 但我格外喜歡雲霧裊繞的那份美感,眼光一直注視窗外 翔翔知道我喜歡,也頻頻讚嘆~~我也最喜歡霧了,真是太漂亮..^___^ 大家輪流泡湯,還沒輪到的我們一家就開始搬出零嘴,喝茶聊天 出浴後的大家雙頰紅潤、容光煥發,難怪溫泉被喻為美人湯 翔爺爺把時間留給我們泡,超過用餐時間爺爺一定餓得難受 我們就不多耽誤時間,收拾好環境立刻動身到松竹園午餐 ~~*松竹園*~~ ♥ ♥ 雖然是假日,但下雨減了不少遊客,我們是風雨無阻 親戚的關係一通電話仍為我們保留一個包廂,讓我們自在聚餐 翔翔直想喝汽水•姊姊鼓勵翔翔吃飽就有汽水一杯作為獎賞 只要翔翔吃飯稍有鬆懈,瞄到對面姊姊的眼光飄過來 馬•上~乖乖自己就著碗低頭快吃•姊姊真有一套 努力吃光所有食物,得到大家熱烈的掌聲咧.. 得到一杯汽水就樂不可支,翔就是這樣容易滿足的孩子 飽餐一頓後,大家在亭子裡話家常,我不忘拿出相機研究,翔也跟著玩起拍照 姊姊捉弄他,故意在翔翔按下快門閉眼睛,逗得大家開心不已 ~~*歡唱卡拉ok*~~ ♥ 重禮數的乾媽帶了蛋糕伴手,奶奶邀乾爹乾媽到家中晚餐並慶祝 翔翔堅持要拿出麥克風加卡拉ok唱他的成名曲..生日快樂歌 嬸嬸小聲問我:是誰生日?我說,呵呵...都沒有,祝大家天天開心 奶奶邀乾爹高歌一曲,才發現乾爹的歌聲真是超優啊 開了嗓的乾爹,連連被奶奶點唱好幾首歌合唱,欲罷不能呢 奶奶說終於找到『甲意ㄟ男“聲”』了 可惜夜深了,乾媽掛念著家裡的公公和寶貝女兒歸心似箭 乾媽的責任感也是我欽佩及該學習的地方 翔翔很有禮貌,總是會趕在大人前頭到庭院幫忙開大門,歡送客人離去 今天真是開心的一天啊 熱情的乾爹乾媽,有空要常來喲 ♥



謝謝 弘諺媽分享毆 http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1405100710133 手機鈴聲設定 http://w2.mobile.tpe.yahoo.com/rbt/category.php?p=%B9q%BCv%AFu%B5%BD%AC%FC%AD%EC%C1n%B1a 全部歌詞如下 1. The Sound Of Music The hills are alive with the sound of music, 群山在樂聲中充滿生氣 With songs they have sung for a thousand years. 歌曲頌唱歷經千百年 The hills fill my heart with the sound of music, 群山音樂之聲充滿我心 My heart wants to sing every thing/song it hears. 我的心想唱出聽到的每首歌每件事 My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds that rise 我心想似鳥之羽翼展翅 From the lake to the trees, 由湖面飛向林梢 My heart wants to sigh like a chime that flies 我心想似鐘聲同輕嘆, From a church on a breeze, 隨清風拂過教堂 To laugh like a brook when it trips 歡笑一如溪流 And falls over stones on its way 蜿蜒婉轉於石塊間 To sing through the night 徹夜高歌 Like a lark who is learning to pray— 如祈願之雲雀 I go to the hills when my heart is lonely, 我投向群山,每當我心孤寂 I know I will hear what I've heard before. 我知道我定能聽見昔日歌聲 My heart will be blessed with the sound of music 悠揚的樂聲賜福我心靈 And I'll sing once more. 我也願再一次歡聲歌唱 2. Maria She climbs a tree and scrapes her knee, 她總愛爬樹、磨破膝蓋 Her dress has got a tear. 弄得衣服都是破洞 She waltzes on her way to Mass 她踩著舞步去做彌撒 And whistles on the stair. 上下樓梯時吹著口哨 And underneath her wimple 在她的頭巾底下 She has curlers in her hair— 還偷偷藏著髮捲 I even heard her singing in the Abbey! 我甚至聽到她在修道院裡唱歌 She's always late for chapel— 她上禮拜堂時總是遲到 But her penitence is real. 懺悔時刻卻是真心 She's always late for everything 她做什麼事都遲到 Except for every meal. 除了進餐時 I hate to have to say it 我實在不想說 But I very firmly feel 但是我深深覺得 Maria's not an asset to the Abbey. 瑪莉亞絕對不是當修女的料 I'd like to say a word in her behalf— 我想為她說句話 Maria…makes me…laugh! 瑪莉亞…實在…很搞笑 How do you solve a problem like Maria? 該怎麼解決瑪莉亞的問題 How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? 要怎樣才能捉住浮雲,釘牢在地 How do you find a word that means Maria? 該用什麼字眼來形容瑪莉亞 A flibbertigibbet! 長舌婦 A will-o-the-wisp! 鬼靈精 A clown! 小丑 Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her, 很多事你覺得你應該告訴她 Many a thing she ought to understand, 很多事她應該學著了解 But how do you make her stay 但該怎樣才能讓她靜下來 And listen to all you say? 好好聽你把話說完 How do you keep a wave upon the sand? 要怎樣才能讓浪花留在沙灘上 Oh how do you solve a problem like Maria? 該怎麼解決瑪莉亞這個大問題 How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand? 如何才能將月光握在手掌心 When I'm with her I'm confused, 每當我跟她在一起就糊塗 Out of focus and bemused, 我都被她弄得團團轉 And I never know exactly where I am. 根本不曉得自己置身何處 Unpredictable as weather 像天氣般無法預測 She's as flighty as a feather— 有如羽毛般的飄忽 She's a darling! 她很貼心 She's a demon! 她很討厭 She's a lamb! 她很溫馴 She'd outpester any pest, 她會抓害蟲 Drive a hornet from its nest, 也愛把黃蜂趕出蜂窩 She can throw a whirling dervish out of whirl. 還把僧人搞得團團轉 She is gentle, 她很溫婉 She is wild, 她很狂野 She's a riddle, 她像謎團 She's a child, 又童心未泯 She's a headache! 她讓人頭大 She's an angel— 她彷彿天使 She's a girl… 她只是個孩子 How do you solve a problem like Maria? 該怎麼解決瑪莉亞這個大問題 How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? 要怎樣才能捉住浮雲,釘牢在地 How do you find a word that means Maria? 該用什麼字眼來形容瑪莉亞 A flibbertigibbet! 長舌婦 A will-o-the-wisp! 鬼靈精 A clown! 小丑 Many a thing you know you'd like to tell her, 很多事你覺得你應該告訴她 Many a thing she ought to understand, 很多事她應該學著了解 But how do you make her stay? 但要怎樣才能讓她靜下來 And listen to all you say? 好好聽你把話說完 How do you keep a wave upon the sand? 要怎麼讓浪花留在沙灘上 Oh how do you solve a problem like Maria? 該怎麼解決瑪莉亞這個大問題 How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand? 該怎麼把月光握在手掌心 3. I Have Confidence What will this day be like, I wonder…往後的日子將如何?我不知道… What will my future be, I wonder…未來會變得怎樣?我不知道… It could be so exciting, 說不定會很刺激 To be out in the world, to be free. 在廣大的世界裡自由自在 My heart should be wildly rejoicing… 我應該感到欣喜萬分 Oh, what's the matter with me? 喔—我究竟怎麼回事 I've always longed for adventure 我一直嚮往冒險 To do the things I've never dared, 嘗試以前不敢做的事 Now here I'm facing adventure 如今我面對冒險 Then why am I so scared? 為何又會驚恐 A captain with seven children 海軍上校和七個小孩 What's so fearsome about that? 有什麼可怕的 Oh, I must stop these doubts, all these worries, 我千萬不能再自尋煩惱 If I don't I just know I'll turn back. 不然我一定馬上打道回府 I must dream of the things I am seeking 我得努力想想我在追尋的目標 I am seeking the courage I lack 尋找我所欠缺的勇氣 The courage to serve them with reliance 以信心面對他們的勇氣 Face my mistakes without defiance 坦然面對犯下的過錯 Show them I'm worthy 告訴他們我值得一試 And while I show them, 在此同時 I'll show me 也告訴自己 So let them bring on all their problems 讓他們出題考我吧 I'll do better than my best 我會盡一切努力做的更好 I have confidence they'll put me to the test, 我有信心應付一切試煉 But I'll make them see I have confidence in me. 我要讓他們知道,我對自己有信心 Somehow I will impress them 我定能讓他們留下好印象 I will be firm but kind 我會堅定但仁慈 And all those children –Heaven bless them! 至於那群孩子,老天保祐 They will look up to me, 他們會正眼瞧我 And mind me with each step I'm more certain, 也在意我堅定所走的每一步 Everything will turn out fine. 一切問題都會迎刃而解 I have confidence the world can all be mine. 我有信心每件事都在掌握之中 They'll have to agree I have confidence in me 他們得同意我對自己有信心 I have confidence in sunshine 我對陽光有信心 I have confidence in rain 我對小雨有信心 I have confidence that spring will come again 我相信春天會再來 Besides which you see I have confidence in me 除此之外,我更對自己有信心 Strength doesn't lie in numbers 力量不在數字大小 Strength doesn't lie in wealth 力量不在財富多寡 Strength lies in nights of peaceful slumbers, 力量來自夜間平穩安睡 When you wake up--Wake Up! 當一覺醒來 It's healthy. 精神百倍 All I trust I leave my heart to, 我全心全意深信 All I trust becomes my own, 問題定會迎刃而解 I have confidence in confidence alone, 對自己的信心有信心 Oh, help! 喔,老天 I have confidence in confidence alone, 我有信心且信心十足 Besides which you see I have confidence in me! 除此之外,我更對自己有信心 4. Sixteen Going On Seventeen You wait, little girl, on an empty stage 你等著,小女孩,站在空蕩蕩的人生舞台上 For fate to turn the light on, 等待命運機緣為你點燈 Your life, little girl, is an empty page 你的人生,小女孩,還是空白一頁 That men will want to write on 多少男子都想替你寫下新章 To write on 寫下新章 You are sixteen going on seventeen, 你現在十六歲,馬上就要十七歲 Baby, it's time to think. 寶貝,該好好想想了, Better beware, be canny and careful 最好小心點,也要精明而謹慎 Baby, you're on the brink 寶貝,你現在正處於人生關鍵處 You are sixteen going on seventeen, 你現在十六歲,馬上就要十七歲 Fellows will fall in line 追求你的小伙子將排長隊 Eager young lads and roués and cads 衝動的少年,還有流氓與騙子 Will offer you food and wine. 帶來美酒和盛宴 Totally unprepared are you 你絲毫沒有準備 To face a world of men, 就要面對這個花花世界 Timid and shy and scared are you 柔懦而羞澀的你 Of things beyond your ken. 膽怯於視野之外的陌生環境 You need someone older and wiser 你需要一個比妳年長而穩重的人 Telling you what to do 告訴你該如何做 I am seventeen, going on eighteen, 我已經十七歲,馬上就要十八歲 I'll take care of you. 我會好好呵護你 I am sixteen going on seventeen, 我現在十六歲,馬上就要十七歲 I know that I'm naive. 我知道自己很天真 Fellows I meet may tell me I'm sweet, 遇見的男孩可能會稱讚我甜美可人 And willingly I believe. 我也樂於相信 I am sixteen going on seventeen 我現在十六歲,馬上就要十七歲 Innocent as a rose 如玫瑰般純真 Bachelor dandies, drinkers of brandies 單身漢、花花公子,還有啜飲白蘭地的紈褲子弟 What do I know of those? 我哪知道這些是是非非 Totally unprepared am I 全無準備的我 To face a world of men, 就要去面對這個花花世界 Timid and shy and scared am I 柔懦而羞澀 Of things beyond my ken. 膽怯於視野之外的陌生環境 I need someone older and wiser 我需要一個比我年長而穩重的人 Telling me what to do 告訴我該怎麼辦 You are seventeen going on eighteen, 你已經十七歲,馬上就要十八歲 I'll depend on you. 我對你有信心 5. My Favorite Things Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, 玫瑰上的雨珠和小貓咪的鬍鬚 Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, 閃亮的銅壺和溫暖的毛手套 Brown paper packages tied up with strings— 綁上細繩的棕色包裹 These are a few of my favorite things. 這些都是我喜愛的東西 Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels, 乳白的小馬和脆皮蘋果派 Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles, 門鈴、雪橇鈴、和著麵條的炸牛排 Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings— 月夜下展翅而飛的野雁 These are a few of my favorite things. 這些都是我喜愛的東西 Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, 繫上藍色緞帶的白衣少女 Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, 落在鼻尖和睫毛上的白色雪花 Silver-white winters that melt into springs— 銀冬大地融成春光煦煦 These are few of my favorite things. 這些都是我喜愛的東西 When the dog bites, 被小狗咬傷 When the bee stings, 被蜜蜂螫痛 When I'm feeling sad, 當我心情不好時 I simply remember my favorite things 只要想起我喜愛的事物 And then I don't feel so bad! 就覺得雨過天青 Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, 玫瑰上的雨珠和小貓咪的鬍鬚 Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens, 閃亮的銅壺和溫暖的毛手套 Brown paper packages tied up with strings— 綁上細繩的棕色包裹 These are a few of my favorite things. 這些都是我喜愛的東西 Cream-colored ponies and crisp apple strudels, 乳白的小馬和脆皮蘋果派 Doorbells and sleigh bells and schnitzel with noodles, 門鈴、雪橇鈴、和著麵條的炸牛排 Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings—月夜下展翅而飛的野雁 These are a few of my favorite things. 這些都是我喜愛的東西 Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes, 繫上藍色緞帶的白衣少女 Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes, 落在鼻尖和睫毛上的白色雪花 Silver-white winters that melt into springs—銀冬大地融成春光煦煦 These are few of my favorite things. 這些都是我喜愛的東西 When the dog bites, 被小狗咬傷 When the bee stings, 被蜜蜂螫痛 When I'm feeling sad, 當我心情不好時 I simply remember my favorite things 只要想起我喜愛的事物 And then I don't feel so bad! 就覺得雨過天青 6. Do-Re-Mi Let's start at the very beginning 讓我們從頭開始 A very good place to start 選一個很棒的起點 When you read you begin with A-B-C 唸書的時候你從ABC開始學 When you sing you begin with do-re-mi 唱歌的時候從「哆-雷-咪」開始教 Do-re-mi, do-re-mi 「哆-雷-咪」 「哆-雷-咪」 The first three notes just happen to be 恰恰好剛開始的三個音符是 Do-re-mi, do-re-mi 「哆-雷-咪」 「哆-雷-咪」 Maria: Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti Oh, let's see if I can make it easier 讓我看看是否可以把它弄簡單一點 Doe, a deer, a female deer 「Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿 Ray, a drop of golden sun 「Ray」是一束金色陽光 Me, a name I call myself  「Me」是「我」的自稱 Far, a long, long way to run 「Far」是很遠很遠的長路 Sew, a needle pulling thread 「Sew」是針穿過細線縫衣服 La, a note to follow Sew   「La」是「Sew」的下一個音 Tea, a drink with jam and bread 「Tea」是果醬麵包配茶喝 That will bring us back to Do -oh-oh-oh 這樣我們又回到「Doe」-哦哦哦 Maria and Children: (Repeat above verse twice) Maria: Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do So-do! Maria: (spoken) Now children, do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. Once you have these notes in your heads, you can sing a million different tunes by mixing them up. Like this: 孩子們,do-re-mi-fa-so 這些音符可以幫助我們組成一首歌,一旦你們知道這些音符,你們就可以藉由混合這些音符,唱出許多不同旋律的歌曲,像這樣: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re (spoken) Can you do that? 你們可以嗎? Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re Maria: So Do La Ti Do Re Do Children: So Do La Ti Do Re Do Maria: (spoken) Now, put it all together. 現在將它們全部組合起來 Maria and Children: So Do La Fa Mi Do Re, So Do La Ti Do Re Do Maria: (spoken) Good! Brigitta: (spoken) But it doesn't mean anything. 但這並沒有任何意義呀 Maria: (spoken) So we put in words. One word for every note. Like this. 因此我們填入歌詞,每一個字代表不同的音符 When you know the notes to sing 當你們學會這些音符之後 You can sing most anything 你們就可以唱出所有的歌 (spoken) Together! 一起 Maria and Children: When you know the notes to sing 當你們學會這些音符之後 You can sing most anything 你們就可以唱出所有的歌 Doe, a deer, a female deer 「Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿 Ray, a drop of golden sun  「Ray」是一束金色陽光 Me, a name I call myself   「Me」是「我」的自稱 Far, a long, long way to run  「Far」是很遠很遠的長路 Sew, a needle pulling thread  「Sew」是針穿過細線縫衣服 La, a note to follow Sew   「La」是「Sew」的下一個音 Tea, a drink with jam and bread 「Tea」是果醬麵包配茶喝 That will bring us back to Do  這樣我們又回到「Doe」 Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do Do Ti La So Fa Mi Re Children: Do Mi Mi Mi So So Re Fa Fa La Ti Ti (Repeat above verse 4x as Maria sings) Maria: When you know the notes to sing 當你們學會這些音符之後 You can sing most anything 你們就可以唱出所有的歌 Maria and Children: Doe, a deer, a female deer 「Doe」是「鹿」,一隻小母鹿 Ray, a drop of golden sun  「Ray」是一束金色陽光 Me, a name I call myself   「Me」是「我」的自稱 Far, a long, long way to run  「Far」是很遠很遠的長路 Sew, a needle pulling thread  「Sew」是針穿過細線縫衣服 La, a note to follow Sew   「La」是「Sew」的下一個音 Tea, a drink with jam and bread 「Tea」是果醬麵包配茶喝 That will bring us back to Do  這樣我們又回到「Doe」 Maria: Children: Do . . . So Do Re . . . La Fa Mi . . . Mi Do Fa . . . Re So . . . So Do La . . . La Fa Ti . . . La So Fa Mi Re Ti Do - oh - oh -- So Do 7. The Lonely Goatherd High on a hill was a lonely goatherd 高高的山頂上有個寂寞牧羊人 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo Loud was the voice of the lonely goatherd 宏亮嗓音縱情歌唱 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Folks in a town that was quite remote heard 遠遠在城裡的村人聽見 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard 嘹亮清楚的牧羊人歌聲 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo O ho lay dee odl lee o, o ho lay dee odl ay O ho lay dee odl lee o, lay dee odl lee o lay A prince on the bridge of a castle moat heard石橋城堡的王子也聽見 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo Men on a road with a load to tote heard 扛著行囊的旅人聽到了歌聲 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Men in the midst of a table d'hote heard大塊朵頤的食客聽見了 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo Men drinking beer with the foam afloat heard 暢飲泡沫啤酒的酒客也聽到了 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo One little girl in a pale pink coat heard 穿著粉紅外套的小姑娘聽到後 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd 她也和那牧羊人一齊歌唱 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard 很快地她媽媽帶著一絲滿足聆聽著 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo What a duet for a girl and goatherd 真是天造地設的情歌對唱 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Ummm ummm Odl lay ee (odl lay ee) Odl lay hee hee (odl lay hee hee) Odl lay ee... One little girl in a pale pink coat heard 穿著粉紅外套的小姑娘聽到後 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo She yodeled back to the lonely goatherd 她也和那牧羊人一齊歌唱 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Soon her Mama with a gleaming gloat heard很快地她媽媽帶著一絲滿足聆聽著 Lay ee odl lay ee odl lay hee hoo What a duet for a girl and goatherd 真是天造地設的情歌對唱 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Happy are they lay dee olay dee lee o從此過著幸福快樂的日子 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Soon the duet will become a trio— 不久,二重唱就變成三重唱 Lay ee odl lay ee odl oo Odl lay ee, odl lay ee Odl lay hee hee odl lay ee Odl lay odl lay odl lay odl lay odl lay odl lee Odl lay odl lay odl lay odl lay Hoo! 8. Edelweiss Edelweiss, Edelweiss 小白花,小白花 Every morning you greet me 每天早晨你迎接我 Small and white, clean and bright 嬌小而潔白,清爽且明亮 You look happy to meet me 妳看起來好像很高興遇見我 Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow 雪白的花朵,願你盛開茁壯 Bloom and grow forever 永遠盛開茁壯 Edelweiss, Edelweiss 小白花,小白花 Bless my homeland forever 願妳永遠保佑我的家鄉 9. So Long, Farewell There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall 悲傷的叮咚聲從大堂的掛鐘 And the bells in the steeple too 還有教堂的頂端聲聲傳來 And up in the nursery an absurd little bird 在孩子們的臥室裡,一隻討厭的小鳥 Is popping out to say "cuckoo" 探出頭來聲聲報道「咕咕」 Regretfully they tell us 他們遺憾地告訴我們 But firmly they compel us 卻又堅定地催促我們離開 To say “goodbye” to you… 該向大家道「再見」了 So long, farewell, 再見!保重! auf Wiedersehen, good night. 再見並祝晚安! I hate to go and leave this pretty sight. 我實在不願離開這良辰美景 So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. 再見!保重!再見! Adieu, adieu, to yieu, and yieu, and yieu. 再見,再見,向你們道再見! So long, farewell, au revoir, auf Wiedersehen 再見!保重!再見! I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne. 我想留下來嘗我的第一杯香檳酒 So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, goodbye 再見!保重!再見! I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye-- Goodbye! 我離開前嘆口氣,向大家道晚安 I'm glad to go, I cannot tell a lie. 我不願說謊,我真高興可以走了 I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly 我翩翩飛舞離開 The sun has gone to bed and so must I 太陽已經上床,我也該睡了 So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye 再見!保重! Goodbye…Goodbye… goodbye. 再見!再見! Good-bye! 再見! 10. Climb Ev'ry Mountain Climb every mountain 攀越每座山嶺 Search high and low 專心誠意地追求 Follow every byway 循著每條小徑 Every path you know 走過熟悉的通道 Climb every mountain 攀越每座山嶺 Ford every stream 涉過每條小溪 Follow every rainbow 追隨每道彩虹 'Till you find your dream 直到夢想尋得 A dream that will need all the love you can give 一個夢想需要你用一生的愛灌注耕耘 Every day of your life for as long as you live. 生命的每分每秒,直到地久天長 Climb every mountain 攀越每座山嶺 Ford every stream 涉過每條小溪 Follow every rainbow 追隨每道彩虹 'Till you find your dream 直到夢想尋得 A dream that will need all the love you can give 一個夢想需要你用一生的愛灌注耕耘 Every day of your life for as long as you live. 生命的每分每秒,直到地久天長 Climb every mountain 攀越每座山嶺 Ford every stream 涉過每條小溪 Follow every rainbow 追隨每道彩虹 'Till you find your dream 直到夢想尋得 11. Something Good Perhaps I had a wicked childhood 也許我有過一個淘氣的童年 Perhaps I had a miserable youth 也許我曾在痛苦中度過少年時代 But somewhere in my wicked, miserable past 但在那淘氣痛苦的昔日 There must have been a moment of truth 一定有過片刻的真誠 For here you are, standing there, loving me 因為你現在就站在這裡,愛著我 Whether or not you should 不論你是否應該如此 So somewhere in my youth or childhood 所以在我過往歲月的某個時候 I must have done something good 我一定做了什麼好事 Nothing comes from nothing 沒有任何事情會平白無故的發生 Nothing ever could 從來沒有任何事情可以如此 So somewhere in my youth or childhood 所以,在我童年或少年時 I must have done something good 我一定做了什麼好事 For here you are, standing there, loving me 因為如今你站在這裡,愛著我 Whether or not you should 不論你是否應該如此 So somewhere in my youth or childhood 所以,在我過往的歲月中, I must have done something good 我一定做了什麼好事 Nothing comes from nothing 沒有任何事情會平白無故的發生 Nothing ever could 從來沒有任何事情可以如此 So somewhere in my youth 所以,在我年少歲月 Or childhood 或孩提時 I must have done something... 我一定做了些什麼 Something good 做了些什麼好事 12. Sixteen Going On Seventeen (Maria) When you're sixteen going on seventeen 當你十六歲,將要十七歲, Waiting for life to start 期待生命展開新頁 Somebody kind who touches your mind 會有個人輕扣你的心房 Will suddenly touch your heart 走進你的心靈 (Liesl) When that happens, after it happens 當它發生時,在它發生後, Nothing is quite the same 人生整個都會改觀 Somehow I know I'll jump up and go 我知道,我會不顧一切的跟他一輩子 If ever he calls my name 只要他輕喚我的名字 (Maria) Gone are your old ideas of life 舊的人生觀拋諸腦後 The old ideas grow dim 舊有的想法逐漸遺忘 Lo and behold you're someone's wife 轉眼之間,你已為人妻 And you belong to him 你完全屬於他 You may think this kind of adventure 你也許認為這種奇遇 Never may come to you 絕不會發生在你身上 Darling, sixteen going on seventeen 親愛的,你才十六七歲 Wait – a year – or two 等個一年兩年 (Liesl) I'll wait a year ... 我會等個一年 (Maria and Liesl) Just ...... wait a year or two 只要等個一年兩年