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Mommy Luisa




最後一堂游泳課 -- The last swimming lesson


太陽公公依舊熱情不減反增 猛烈的讓泳池裏的水都變成溫 昨晚 Katy 雖然很調皮的晚睡 (過晚上11:00才睡) 一大早 Katy 急忙的吵醒爸爸和媽媽 因為 Katy 準備要上游泳課了 天啊~~~~ 才 7:15AM (真的"早"耶) 熱∼∼∼ 到了泳池  Katy 變的非常的興奮 第一個動作:下水 他不要爸爸 反而轉向教練 讓教練非常高興 在課程的最後5分鐘 教練讓 Katy 整個人到水裏面,並游向媽咪 Katy 真的做到了! 在水中 Katy 張著眼睛 用嘴巴呼吸(因為看到吹出泡泡) 手腳用力的撥水 踢水 當她從水中伸頭起來,Katy 一點都沒有生氣或哭鬧 爸爸 媽媽都很為 Katy 驕傲呢! 呵∼呵∼呵∼呵∼∼∼ The sun is still very strong. HOT ∼ The only thing I can only say. Katy seems know that she has the swimming lesson today. She got up very early, 7:15am. Although she went to the bed very late last night, over 11:00pm. She couldn''t wait to call Baba and Mama woke up. Because she was ready to swim. The first part of the lesson is "Go into the pool." Katy didn''t want to go to Baba, today. She wanted the instructor. The instructor was very happy! During the last 5 minutes, the instructor helped Katy go into the water, the whole body, and Katy swam to Mommy. She did it! She opened her eyes in the water. She breathed in the water...We saw bubbles in the water. She moved her arms and legs in the water. The instructor didn''t have to hold her arms and Katy swam. Katy swam alone in the water! When Katy came out from the water, she wasn''t cranky. She was very good. Baba and Mommy are very proud of Katy!