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成績很難看啊, 可是區排名有到41名ㄟ, 為什麼連四等獎都沒有..桃竹苗是多少人報考啊..可是全國排名428也很難看啦.. 突然覺得呂小芳數學好根本是她媽自我感覺良好..也許她沒那麼好.. 不過這次考試內容我們沒上完, 下次吧, 希望明年考一年級時會好一點 另外.每次上完課我們都很少複習, 課本都是直到下一堂課才拿出來. 要警惕一點啦.. 後記: 後來查到資料了: 第33屆奧林匹克數學競賽-各年級高/低考取總分 第一節滿分:100 第二節滿分:150 0年級報考人數:667人 呂小芳第一節68分, 第二節39分, 合計107分 ※幼兒組一等獎依全國排名,二、三、四等獎依各區排名 (各區0級考生人數之前20%為二等獎、30%為三等獎、20%為四等獎) 報考 一等獎  一等獎       級數 最高總分-最低總分   0  246   229   二等獎最高-最低 三等獎最高-最低 四等獎最高-最低   A區 218~196  190~151   149~121 B區   204~180    178~143    142~117 C區   210~146    146~111    111~92 D區   225~173    170~130    129~103 E區   220~158    158~124    124~105                註:二、三等獎依各區幼兒組考生人數依比例錄取(該區人數多者,錄取名額則多)。 (A) 台北、基隆、宜蘭。 (B) 桃園、竹苗 。 (C) 中、彰、投。 (D) 台南、高雄。 (E) 雲、嘉、屏東、花蓮、台東。 飲恨啊....只差一題就可以拿四等獎了, 如果我們是在cde區考就有獎狀了說.. 不過去年桃竹苗是成積最差的, 今天竟然和台北差不多..很好.. 但是幼兒組的平均值:第一節:66 第二節:62, 呂小芳就差多了..  



tina在學校和在家裡簡直是二個樣..以下是外師的聯絡本: Tina has continued to flourish in her role in the graduation. I completely agree with you that she has improved a lot lately. I think part of that is because she is REALLY paying attention in class and seems eager to learn about and understand the things I'm teaching. Not only does that help her, it also serves as a great example for the other kids in the class! I can point at her and say, "Look at Tina! Can you be like her?" and the kids realize they shouldn't be fooling around so much. She is doing great! Hsin Fang的聯絡本: Hsin Fang was sure she got 100% on the spelling test last week, but she did make a tiny mistake in the word "hollow". I know she was very disappointed that she didn't get perfect, so I reminded her that she needed to study more for the next one to make sure she gets the mark she wants. Hsin Fang is very talkative in class and likes to play with the other girls. She loves to help others so she will always assist people when they are doing something. Sometimes, I need to remind her to work a little faster, but I must say her writing and creative work is amazing. She takes her time because she wants everything to be so perfect. Good work, Hsin-Fang! 反省:每次都覺得妹妹沒有老師說的那麼好, 也許媽偏心, 對姐姐期望太深, 對妹妹就很散, 都沒什麼在教, 偏偏妹妹在老師心中就是什麼都好, 也許她真的很好, 但媽媽都沒有給桐桐什麼鼓勵..唉..