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PM7:00 校史室


今天金色山莊來了一位女說明員,穿著條紋襯衫加黑色白紋長褲。 說明了一些事項,主要是告知孩子去到寄宿家庭,要和善也要會表達自已的需要。



彰化銀行 建國分行
戶名 吳秋霖帳號 5289-51-17805-300 匯款請以學生名 匯後惠請來電或來訊
0939517889 以方便查帳


1.Let your Homestay family know when you leave the house and say “hello” as soon as you arrive home. 外出告知寄宿家庭父母,回家時亦然。

2.Please ring early if you will not be home for a meal. e.g. at least 2 hours or more. It is more polite to tell the Homestay family the day before if you plan to be out during meal times.

3.Entering the house using the phone including your cell phone, stereos/ CD/computers- should not disturb the other members of the family.

4.It’s polite to be home most evenings with your family especially during the school week. It is also expected that every evening you will spend some time with the family talking as this will help your English improve more quickly. 禮貌上晚間應留在家裡與寄宿家庭相聚,如能多花時間與寄宿家庭交 談,將有助於英文之進步。

5.Being away for the weekend/overnight. This should be discussed with the family at least 2-3 days before you go. The Homestay family must have the phone/address of where you are going before you leave. 如欲外出過夜,請於二至三日前告知寄宿家庭,並留下去處地址及方 便聯絡電話,以能緊急聯絡。

6.If you are out very late and the family is asleep you should go into the house very quietly. The next morning you should apologize to the family if you woke any one by mistake.
如晚歸請放低聲量,以免打擾寄宿家庭成員。若有吵醒任何家人, 隔日早晨當予道歉。


1.Please ask the Homestay family first before inviting friends home. 如欲邀請朋友來訪,請事先告知寄宿家庭父母。

2.Most Homestay families prefer that you do not have visitors when they are not at home, unless they have approved this. It is usually very po lite for visitors to be gone by 10pm during the working week. Visitors on Friday/Saturday evening and should be gone by 11.30pm. 大部份寄宿家庭不希望他們不在時有訪客來臨,除非事先同意。禮 貌上週日至週四訪客應於晚上十點前離開,週末則於晚上十一點半 前離開。

3.Introduce your visitors to you Homestay family when they arrive and say goodbye when they leave. 朋友來訪時,務必介紹他們給寄宿家庭父母,離開時亦需告知。

4.Visitors should be entertained in the main rooms of the house and not in the bedroom. 應在客廳接待訪客,不宜帶入臥室。
5.Visitors should not be invited to stay overnight unless you have made arrangements with the Homestay family before the time your visitor arrives. 訪客不許過夜,除非事先取得寄宿家庭父母同意。


1.Students are expected to help with setting and clearing the table and scraping dishes ready for the dishwasher including saucepans. Tidying up after meals is the normal practice for all the family member, sons included. 學員應幫忙排碗筷及餐後清洗碗盤與餐桌。

2.No cooking to be done while your Homestay family is not at home. 寄宿家庭父母不在時,不許私自開火。

3.Food in the fridge must not be used unless the Homestay family says this is ok. 未經許可不得擅自取用冰箱內食物。

4.Please fill the sink with hot water and dishwashing detergent when doing the dished. This makes the dishes clean for the next person to use. 洗碗時請先將洗碗槽注滿熱水,並放入洗碗精,如此可讓別人有乾 淨的碗盤使用。

5.When eating it is very rude to make any noise. 用餐時,請保持禮貌,勿發出太大的聲音。

6.Homestay families must provide 2-3 meals a day – breakfast, lunch and dinner during the weekends. During the school week they provide two meals a day – breakfast and dinner. 寄宿家庭父母在週末時必頇提供兩到三餐(早餐、午餐與晚餐),上 課期間只提供早餐與晚餐。

7.Students can not request any food, you eat what the family eats and prepares for you. It is very rude to not eat and then complain that you are hungry. If you are late for meals you may find you have to reheat the meal left for you if any. 學員不宜要求特別餐食,且不宜挑食不吃。若不吃而抱怨是不禮貌 之行為。如無法準時一起用餐,而寄宿家庭父母有留餐食給你,你 也許需要自己加熱再食。

8.New Zealand food if very different to the food you may be used to. Please try every thing so you can get used to some of the things the fam ily likes to eat. If you are a good cook of you own country’s food you might like to ask your Homestay family if you can cook on a regular basis. 寄宿家庭父母所提供的食物,若與你平時所吃的有很大的不同,請 試著嚐 試每一道菜,如此你尌會習慣某些寄宿家庭所喜歡吃的食物。如果你很會 烹煮自己國家口味的菜,你可以問寄宿家庭父母是否可以烹煮。


1.Please do not speak on the telephone for longer than 10 minutes unless you have permission from your host family. 使用電話每次勿超過十分鐘,除非取得寄宿家庭父母允許。

2.Please ask your friends to phone you before 9.30pm. 請朋友勿在晚上九點半之後來電,緊急情況除外。

3.Students should use a phone card when making international and toll calls. 請使用電話卡打國際電話及長途電話。

4.Please do not answer the phone unless your Homestay have asked you to do so. 請勿主動接聽電話,除非寄宿家庭父母請你接聽。

5.Ask first before making any phone calls. 打電話前請先讓寄宿家庭父母知道。

6.Internets – 30 mins – any longer check with the Homestay family. Not to be used after 9.30pm. 每次上網勿超過三十分鐘,若需延長使用時間,請先取得寄宿家庭 父母同意。並請勿在晚上九點半之後使用。


1.If you are too sick to come to school you must tell your Homestay family in the morning and YOU must phone the school before 9.00am. You 如果生病不去上課,必頇在早晨告知寄宿家庭父母,並在早上九點 前打電話到學校請假,

2.should leave a phone message to say you are not coming. You must say your name and your ID number when you leave a message. 如果生病不去上課,必頇在早晨告知寄宿家庭父母,並在早上九點 前打電話到學校請假,請假時留下你的姓名及學生證號碼。

3.If you need a doctor – try and use the Homestay family’s own doctor. You will need to pay the bill after you have been to see the doctor. You must use a NZ registered doctor. The school will help you find one who speaks your own language. The doctor will give you certificate whey you visit. 如果你需要看醫生,試著看寄宿家庭的家庭醫生,並自付醫療費 用。你必頇看紐西蘭的註冊醫生,學校會幫你找翻譯的人,看病後 醫生會給你一張醫生證明。

4.Bring this certificate to school to show you have been to the doctor. This will mean you are marked sick in the roll. 病假隔天帶著你的醫生證明去學校,以證明你有去看過醫生,在點 名簿上會記錄病假。

5.This certificate can also be used to claim the cost of the visit from you insurance. 這張醫生證明也可以用來向你的保險申請醫療費用。


1.A person’s bedroom is a private space. It is not polite to enter another person’s bedroom without permission. The Homestay parents are able to enter your bedroom at any time but will usually only do so if they are concerned about your behaviour/cleanliness/smoking. 寢室為私人空間,未經允許請勿進入他人寢室。寄宿家庭父母可隨 時進入你的寢室,但他們通常只有在你的行為不妥、沒有整理房間 或在房內抽箊時才會如此做。

2.Food and drink should not be kept in your bedroom unless the Homestay family approves. Used dishes should be returned to the kitch en after use, clean and put away. 房內不許存放食物、飲品,除非寄宿家庭父母同意。用過的碗盤需 拿到廚房清洗並放回原位。

3.Please ensure you keep your own room tidy and vacuumed once a week. You will need to change the linen at the time the family requires each week. 隨時保持寢室內清潔並每週吸塵一次,並配合寄宿家庭清洗床單。

4.Every day you need to air your bedroom by pulling back the bed linen and having the window open for at least 30 minutes. This done even on the every cold days. 為保持寢室內空氣流通,每日請將窗戶打開通風至少三十分鐘(冬天 亦是)。

5.Your host family will wash your clothes unless organize otherwise. They will tell you what days the washing is done. 你的寄宿家庭父母會替你洗衣服,他們會告訴你衣服洗好的時間。

6.Do not use pins, Bluetab, or cellotape etc on the wall. 牆壁上勿擅自釘圖釘、黏黏土及貼膠帶。

7.If using an electric blanket, turn OFF BEFORE getting into bed. 如使用電毯,請於入睡前關閉電源。

8.Heaters must be turned OFF when you go to bed and leave the room. When you leave for the day the plug should be pulled out of the wall. 入睡前及離開房間時,請將電暖爐電源關閉。出門前請將插頭拔起。

9.Please close all your windows when you leave the house. 出門前請將所有門窗關閉。

10.When a bedroom door is closed it means that you must not go in. It is polite to knock on any closed door to see if you may enter. 當房門關上時,請敲門後再進入以示禮貌。

11.Damp and wet clothes should mot be dried in the bedroom. Your Homestay will show you what to do. 寢室內不許晾曬潮溼或未乾衣服。你的寄宿家庭父母會告訴你應如 何做。

1.No showers before 6.45am or after 9.30pm. 早上六點四十五分前及晚上十二點之後,請勿洗澡。

2.Please try to keep showers not longer than 10mins. Each house has a large tank of hot water. If this is used up it may take 12 hours for the tank water to be hot enough for showers. 洗澡請勿超過十分鐘,因為鍋爐熱水用盡後,再加熱需費時十二鐘 頭,請節約使用。

3.It is usual to clear any hair from the shower plug after you have washed your hair. 洗頭後,請隨手清理排水孔上之毛髮。

4.Please do not put any cardboard e.g. toilet roll or sanitary pads into the toilet. Discuss with your Homestay mother what you must do with these. 請勿將衛生紙捲筒及衛生棉丟入馬桶內。

5.Under NO circumstances may any hair dyes be used in the bathroom or any other room in the house. 禁止在室內及浴廁內染髮。

6.When you have used the toilet you must always flush it and lower the seat cover. 上廁所後請沖水並將馬桶坐蓋掀起。

7.It is usual to wash your hands after using the toilet. 上廁所後請務必洗手。

8.The bathroom should be clean and dry when you have finished using it. Your dirty clothing should be placed in the correct place for washing. 使用完浴室請清理並擦乾地板,換洗衣服應放在規定的地方。

9.Bathroom window should be opened after you have used the bathroom to let the steam out. 使用完浴室請將窗戶打開,讓蒸氣散去。

10.You do not enter the bathroom/toilet when the door is closed – it means someone is in there. 當浴廁門關上時,請敲門確定無人後再進入。

11.Please do not leave taps dripping or running if you have finished with them. Make sure they are turned of tightly. If it continues to drip, please inform you Homestay family.

12.If you have played sport or had a lot of exercise it is polite to shower before you sit down to have a meal/spend with the family. Smelly sports clothing should be placed in the laundry. 運動後,禮貌上先洗澡再坐下一起與寄宿家庭成員用餐或談天。流 汗過的衣服應放在洗衣房。

1.Every Homestay family has special celebrations. You must try and participate in these and find out what would be the polite things to do.每個寄宿家庭都有特別的慶祝日子,你必頇試著參與其中,入境隨俗。

2.If you have upset the Homestay family for any reason it is usual to say sorry. Sometimes it might be a good idea to buy the Homestay mother flowers if you have really upset her and wish to make it a special ‘sorry’!
如果你傷害到寄宿家庭的任何一個成員,要說聲“sorry”。若是 你真的讓寄宿家庭媽媽很傷心的話,可以買束花以表你的歉意。

4.If you decide to leave the Homestay family to live some where else. You must tell the school first. The school will tell the Homestay family. You must give at least two weeks notice by completing the form.
如果你決定要搬出寄宿家庭到別的地方住,必頇最少兩週前填好表 格呈出告知學校,學校會通知你的寄宿家庭父母。

5.If the Homestay family wants you to leave the house and stay elsewhere, the school will be told. If your behaviour has been very bad to cause this to happen you may be given a warming letter.
如果你的寄宿家庭父母要你搬出到別的地方住,學校會先被告知。 如果你的行為糟到讓這樣的事發生,你會收到一張警告信。

6.If you do not come home for any reason the Homestay family will phone the school. If you do not come to school that day and we cannot find you we will advise the New Zealand Police that you are missing.
如果你因為任何理由而不回家,寄宿家庭父母會打電話告知學校。 如果你沒去上課而且找不到人,我們將向紐西蘭警方報失蹤人口。