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https://technews.tw/2017/11/23/startupproject-irmedtech-com/ 晶祈生技 : 世界第一家高畫質球面仿生視網膜公司 經濟部主辦的第 16 屆新創事業獎,選拔成立 5 年內的優質新創企業,樹立典範。新創事業獎為鼓勵青年、女性及熟齡創業者(50歲以上),發展具備優質營運模式之新創事業,本 106 年度科技產業組、傳統產業組、知識服務業組及微型企業組共 4 組選出 13 家獲獎企業,另增設 3 項特別獎,包括「創業女傑」、「熟齡創業」及「評審特別獎」,共選出 16 家優秀企業獲獎。 視網膜失明患者重見光明的「眼晶」 全球視網膜因病變而失明的患者有超過三千萬人口,許多身處於常人難以想像的黑暗世界中,渴望重見光明。視網膜是眼球後部非常薄的細胞層所構成,它是眼睛裏面將光轉化為神經信號的部分,而視網膜的黃斑部,是視覺最清晰的地方,我們閱讀,看電腦都是靠視網膜的黃斑部。科技產業組金質獎晶祈生技於 2012 年創立的初衷就是要以突破創新科技的仿生視網膜來解決這個視網膜失明無解的難題。晶祈生技研究開發神經電子介面技術,創新仿生視網膜晶片系統,把感光的影像晶片,做成具有彈性,類似隱形眼鏡的球面形狀,加上生物相容封裝技術,以仿生晶片取代原本視網膜的感光功能,由於球面晶片能夠密切貼合眼球的形狀,因而能有效傳輸訊號給神經原,因此達到有效的高解析度。針對因視網膜病變而失明的患者所開發之 4,000 畫素「高畫質球面仿生視網膜」,具有全球獨創的球面晶片專利技術,成為視網膜失明者的「眼晶」。 能真正改善患者的生活品質,有望恢復視覺與生活自主能力,重見最愛的親人。 產品的獨特優勢及絕佳競爭力 晶祈生技矢志以突破的創新技術來改善盲者的生活品質,致力開發出多面向的研發技術,可以滿足更多患者期待的高畫質球面仿生視網膜,而這些前瞻的專利技術,將是晶祈生技這個立足台灣的品牌能為全球視網膜病的盲者重返自主生活的關鍵。 1.晶祈的產品關鍵的創新技術在於:球面影像晶片技術,將仿生視網膜晶片翹曲至符合視網膜曲率,可大幅減少神經元到電極的距離,以完成更小區域、更精準的神經元激發,因此可達到更高像素密度、提高所感知的圖像的解析度,並降低每個像素所需的激發神經元的功率。 2.所開發之高密度 4,000 高畫素的整合式仿生視網膜晶片,整合了 CMOS 影像感測器及訊號處理電路,由畫素內之訊號處理電路產生激發對應視網膜神經元之電刺激波形,因此不需要使用如競爭者之外掛之攝影機(獲取影像)與內嵌之 RF 接收器(接收影像),因此晶祈生技的技術可消除一般眼球轉動與眼球非自主運動(microsaccade)時,外掛攝影機無法跟著轉動的問題,而且外科手術程序也因此大幅簡化。 3.開發完成之生物相容非平面封裝技術,使仿生視網膜晶片能夠緊靠在眼底的弧形輪廓,從而讓晶片之視覺解析度可望增加到 VA = 20/168,對於植入此仿生視網膜晶片的患者,相當於可閱讀 14 號字體的大字讀本。 透過這些夙夜匪懈的努力與堅持都是為了使視網膜盲者有望早日重享一般人尋常生活的自主和幸福。 我們未來的願景是 – 在世界舞台展現台灣神經電子高階醫材的研發動能 全球老年化的人口逐年增加,人們對於運用電子刺激和腦神經間有效介面達到醫療效果的產品需求引領而望,這個新興的市場需要整合跨領域技術突破的創新,晶祈生技針對該市場的第一個「高畫質球面仿生視網膜」 產品,能成功達成價值主張的主要原因就在於其運用台灣深厚的電子業根基,完備的基礎生產建設,創新的優勢專利技術,各專業菁英的團隊,加上台灣視網膜眼科醫生的醫療專業,整合出合適晶祈產品手術程序。目前已積極進行前臨床實驗和全球臨床規劃,將高畫質球面仿生視網膜落實商品化 。晶祈生技許下願景,要以台灣電子業之研發動能與利基,結合醫學專業的創新技術優勢,將團隊研發出的台灣高階醫療器材成為神經刺激醫療器材的先驅,解決目前無解的醫療問題,為全球的病患增進生活品質,讓視網膜失明的患者找回眼「晶」, 展現台灣的高階醫材品牌,立足國際,引領群倫。

Oliver Twist


80 kr/Børn The show starts at 10.00 and lasts until 12.15 ---------------------------------------- Charles Dickens udgav romanen Oliver Twist i 1837. Det blev starten på en lang række berømte romaner om livet i England i 1800-tallet, især om de fattiges trøstesløse levevilkår. Dickens’ romaner var en anklage mod politikerne og den bedrestillede del af befolkningen for ikke at gøre noget ved den umenneskelige fattigdom, en stor del af befolkningen levede under. Selvom historien er 180 år gammel, fascinerer den os stadig som roman, film, tv-serie - og teaterforestilling. Det er en historie, der appellerer til vores sociale retfærdighedssans. Vi møder alt, lige fra den ubærlige ondskab til den alttilgivende godhed og omsorg. 7., 8., 9. og S6, 7, 8, 9 skal se Oliver Twist mandag den 20. november kl 10, og 3., 4., 5. og 6 må vente til mandag den 27. november kl. 10. Teaterstykket varer 2 timer og 15 min., inkl. pause Oliver Twist spilles på Odense Teater, Store Scene. Vi er tilbage på skolen ca. kl. 12:30. Odense Teaters presseafdeling skriver om forestillingen: Lommetyvene er løs i denne medrivende historie om den forældreløse Oliver Twist og hans oplevelser i fattighuset og Londons underverden. Oliver Twist vokser op i et fattighus under hård disciplin og kummerlige forhold. En dag flygter han til London. I den beskidte og barske storby løber Oliver direkte ind i armene på en lommetyvebande af hjemløse drenge, som ledes af skurken Fagin. Fagin og hans bande forsøger at oplære Oliver i tyveriets og overlevelsens kunst, men det går ikke helt, som de har tænkt sig. På sin vej gennem Londons underverden møder Oliver mennesker, der er blevet hårde som sten i kampen for overlevelse, men det er også her han møder varme og gode viljer, der hjælper ham til at komme ud på den anden side. OLIVER TWIST bygger på et af engelsk litteraturs mest berømte værker. Charles Dickens tegner et realistisk portræt af Londons undergrund og skildrer nuanceret de mennesker, der lever på bunden af samfundet. Musiker og komponist Hal Parfitt-Murray har komponeret helt ny musik til forestillingen Med venlig hilsen John Bøttiger teaterkontakt

13-17th S7 trip to Copenhagen


Christian the 4th's City awaits Monday the 13th November we meet by the ticket office at Odense's main railway station at 8.35 to give us plenty of time to catch our train which departs at 8.54. Copenhagen waits excitedly for us as we approach Denmark's capital with a program of events that are not for the faint hearted! At around 11.00 we’ll have booked into our rooms (for either 2, 3 or 4 persons) at the hotel "Absalon". The school has been a guest at the hotel for many years and we are known for our considerate and well behaved students. So well known, in fact, that we are the only school that get luxury rooms and not school rooms. The hotel is newly renovated. The hotel's address is: Absalon Hotel Helgolandsgade 15 1653 København V tlf. (0045) 33 24 22 11 Once we have checked in, we're off into town to walk along Copenhagen’s narrow streets past Christiansborg and the Børsen and then over Knippel's Bridge to Christianshavn, where we’ll take a trip up the twisted tower of Our Saviour's Church. After that we're taking the water bus to the queen’s palace Amalienborg. At 17.45 we eat dinner followed by a visit to Thyco Brahe Planetarium to see “Life in the Universe” in the Planetarium's iMax cinema. Tuesday the 14th November. The day starts with breakfast in the hotel's restaurant, where you can eat as much as you like at the buffet. We depart from the hotel at 9.00 and make our way to the science museum “Experimentarium” which has just been re-opened after an extensive renovation. In the afternoon we'll have a cheap laugh at the Storm P. Museum on Frederiksberg. (entry only 1 kr.) Dinner is Chinese followed by a trip to the Betty Nansen’s theatre to watch Susanne Bier’s “After the Wedding” with songs and music by Tim Christensen, Mads Langer, Peter Sommer, Anne Linnet, Sys Bjerre, Eran DD and Peter A.G. Wednesday the 15th November. At 9.15, we set off to Regensen, Denmark's oldest college, through Købermagergade and up the spiraling tower of Tycho Brahe’s “Rundetårn” from 1642. At 11.00 we visit Glyptoteket to see the Egyptian collection. Around 12.15 we travel to Ishøj where a guide will take us round two exhibitions. The first is “My Music”, a mixture of music, videos and photography. The second is an exhibition by the provocative painter Michael Kvium. At 17.45 we eat vegetarian food and the evening’s entertainment is in Glassalen in Tivoli, where we’ll watch this year’s Crazy Christmas Caberet. London Toast Theatre entertains us with “PlanetTrump – The Farce Awakens”. Here is a presentation: ”In a Galaxy far too close for comfort, a huge orange planet threatens to destroy the known universe.... or not! Could this be a FAKE phenomenon? Vivienne McKee & Co. take you to the edge of sanity and beyond with the 35th Crazy Christmas Show. Seriously silly satire, pithy parody and toe-tapping tunes plus a thrilling voyage launching you from your seats into space and across the cosmos give this show nothing less than a 500 Star rating! Prepare for a bumpy ride as.... THE FARCE AWAKENS!” The performance is in English, a bit cheeky and very funny. Tivoli Gardens has an audience that has seen many of the previous years' cabarets, the atmopshere is always brilliant! Thursday the 16th November After breakfast Rosenborg Castle opens its doors to us. The castle was Christian the fourth's summer house. as well as casting an eye on the Crown Jewels, we get to have a look at Denmark's first toilet – ”The Secret” – especially installed for Christian 4th . Around 13.00 you are allowed to shop on Strøget (the main shopping street). But remember, only along the pedestrian area and always at least in two’s. When we have eaten a huge Turkish supper at 6 pm the evening's entertainment begins at 19.30 at The New Theatre where we'll watch “Annie get your gun”, by Irvin Berlin, which has received brilliant reviews. Friday the 17th November. Sadly it’s the last day. When we've packed, we'll head to the train station to catch a train back to Odense. Departure Copenhagen: 10.31 Arrival Odense: 12.05 The cost of the trip is 3470kr. Please pay the Giro you will receive via mail. We're looking forward to a great trip! Charlotte O’Hara Teresa Tashdjian Ulrik Ø and Henrik Jørgensen Remember: Wake up: 7.45 Breakfast: 8.15 Meet outside hotel: 9.00 Don’t forget! CPR Card A small back pack (for everyday use) Packed lunch and drink for lunch on the first day. Sensible walking shoes (lots of walking on the first day). Warm, weather appropriate clothing. Playing cards, pocket chess sets and other travel games. Do not leave jewelry or cash in your hotel rooms. Computers and speakers are not allowed on the trip. Pocket money: max. 400 kroner.

Halloween Cooking


International Family Day – Halloween Cooking There will be another outdoor event which might interest you and family. The place is where my family is farming every 2 weeks. The person-in-charge is a dutch lady named Susan Urbanus. Halloween Cooking, October 28th, 15:30-19:00: The registration for our festive ending to another good growing season in Skolehaven Falen is now open. Take your friends and family along, and show them how good you can cook! But do not wait too long with registering by sending me an email, because there is limited space. ;) More information about the program can be found here: www.facebook.com/events/920810511404677 --------------------------------------------- Dear participants of the Halloween Cooking, Due to the predicted bad weather conditions (strong wind and rain) on Saturday, we have decided to cancel the Halloween Cooking event in Skolehaven Falen. We are very sorry for the inconvenience, but it is important to us to organize an enjoyable and safe event. We would like to try again on Saturday, November 4th in the same place and at the new time of 14:30 to 18:00 (due to the change to winter time). This second attempt to hold the Halloween Cooking event is of course also dependent on the weather conditions. Please let me know if you would like to participate in the Halloween Cooking event on Saturday, November 4th, by sending me a short email ([email protected]) before Thursday, November 2nd. We hope to see you at one of the future International Garden events. With kind regards Susan

Fun run


Fun run and the last day of term When? Friday 13th October Where? Åløkke Woods The school day will start with assembly at 08.15 and we will finish and be back at school by 12.20. The after school programme will be open from 12.20-16.15 that day, as always. After assembly the students will walk to Åløkke Woods with their teachers. There are three routes on the day:•Route 1 is 1km long •Route 2 is 6km long •Route 3 is 9km long (from Åløkke to the Iron Age village in Næsby) •Orientation race (senior students only) All routes are clearly marked and teachers are placed at regular intervals throughout all the routes to guide and encourage. The short route is on paths in the woods away from traffic. On the longer routes a teacher has been placed at each junction and turn, to ensure our students stay safe and can find the way. The race will begin at 09.45 and finish around 11.45. How far do students run? P1, P2 and P3 (+year 0 – year 2 HHS) run route 1 at least 4-5 times P4 , P5 and P6 (+year 3 – year 5 HHS) run route 2 once and after that route 1 as many times as they want S7, S8 and S9 (+year 6 – year 8 HHS) run route 3 once and after that route 1 as many times as they want S10 (+year 9 HHS) are taking part in an orienteering race This year the teachers in the finish area will help to calculate the total distance run by each student, as well as each class, in order to work out which class has got the most exercise. Start cards will be issued to keep track of distance and times. The students need to make sure the start cards are not lost and that they are signed by a teacher and handed in at the end of the race. Please remember to wear good running shoes and comfortable clothes. If it looks like it might rain, please bring water proof clothes, too. Students should make sure to have a good breakfast and drink plenty of water that day. Please bring a packed lunch and drinking bottle along in a small backpack. It’s going to be great!

Conference: Robots and Drones


http://www.whinn.dk/events/# http://www.whinn.dk/events/#ev-4031 Week of Health and Innovation, WHINN, which will be held on 10th to 12th October 2017 in Odense Congress Center, Odense (Denmark) http://www.whinn.dk/ Robots and Drones for Health – Innovative Ideas for Improving Clinical Outcomes 10 Oct 2017 - Paid event (Price: DKK 650 / ? 89 + VAT) Appointment with Robots and Drones for Health The session aims at presenting the latest technological breakthroughs and future perspectives along with best practice examples and experiences from the health and care sectors where the robots are slowly but surely making an entrance. For a glimpse into the future, the session will also address how drones could possibly play a key part in the future for Odense University Hospital. --------------------------------------------- Programme (may be subject to minor changes) 8.30 Arrival and registration 9.00 Welcome to the conference Peder Jest, CMO, Head of Innovation Council, Odense University Hospital Kasper Hallenborg, Director, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark 9.30 Session 1: Robots for rehabilitation – State-of-the-art solutions for all users Kinesthetic Human-Robot Interaction Gitte Rasmussen, Professor, MSO, Dept. of Language and Communication, University of Southern Denmark Sensors and rehabilitation robots for everyday use Anders S. Sørensen, Ass. professor, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark Neuromuscular training – a room and place for robots? Per Aagaard, Professor, PhD, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark 10.30 Coffee break 11.00 Session 2: Drones – Possibilities for use in healthcare How drones can positively influence clinical outcomes Peder Jest, CMO, Head of Innovation Council, Odense University Hospital Healthcare drones from an engineering perspective Kjeld Jensen, Ass. Professor, MSc, PhD, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU UAS Centre, University of Southern Denmark 12.00 Lunch and exhibition time 13.00 Session 3: Surgical robots – Clinical outcomes and potential for further innovation Five years of robot surgery at OUH – What have we learned so far? Pernille T. Jensen, Chief Robot Surgeon, PhD, OUH Dept. of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Automating surgical procedures – how far are we from making it a reality? Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, Ass. Professor, PhD, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU Robotics, University of Southern Denmark 14.00 Session 4: Robots for diagnosis and care Automating ultrasound scans for arthritis patients at OUH Søren Andreas Just, MD, Medical Specialist in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Dept. of General Medicine, Researcher in the Dept. of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital Where can robots make a difference for our welfare? Leon Bodenhagen, Ass. Professor, SDU Robotics, The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, University of Southern Denmark Camera pill technology – today just a small camera but imagine what more it could be… Esmaeil S. Nadimi, Ass. Professor, PhD, ECE., The Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute, SDU eScience Centre, SDU Embodied Systems for Robotics and Learning, University of Southern Denmark 15.00 Moderator sums up the day 15.00 Possibility for site visits to SDU labs