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好吃台南東山龍眼乾~龍眼肉~ 罐裝~盒裝~都有~坐月子的好補品優~ 可加冰糖~黑糖~紅棗~煮花茶喝~補血氣優~禦寒~ 可多多留言~~~謝謝~~ 歡迎參考我的賣場∼東西應有盡有 ∼包包上百種∼小孩背包∼大人公事包∼媽媽買菜包包∼化粧包∼中性包包∼可當書包用∼裝各式各樣小物品∼是您隨身的好伙伴∼一些生活物品出清∼雜貨物品∼有需要就下標吧∼∼行動要快∼錯過機會就不再∼∼別再猶豫啦∼出價下標吧∼∼手指輕輕按∼東西就到手∼限時限量∼加油搶到就是你的∼無聊來逛逛吧∼來來來∼這裡有...好吃的茶梅∼芋頭豆腐乳∼豆蔭∼辣筍∼手工自製可愛髮飾∼吊飾∼手機袋∼可自行設計個人專屬名字∼小朋友的書包∼好看的包包∼適合大小朋友∼小小零錢包∼面紙包∼男女皆可背的∼送禮自用皆可∼中性包包∼有側背∼手拿包包∼手提包∼皮包∼皮夾∼母親節送禮∼送到心坎裡∼小小化妝包∼收納好幫手∼卡哇夷小朋友背包∼∼樣式多∼花色多∼∼有可愛的娃娃~多種鑰匙圈∼500片拼圖∼手機吊飾∼3c∼flash- dirve隨身碟~泡茶咖啡二用機∼烤箱∼媽媽煮菜的好幫手∼手動榨汁機∼樸克牌∼雨傘∼∼果汁機∼16cm琺琅鍋∼保鮮盒5入和3入∼泡茶組∼整理箱∼烤麵包機∼電風扇∼∼喝花茶組∼嬰童奶瓶奶嘴∼奶粉盒∼嬰童baby尿布∼-二手玩具∼七巧板~媽媽袋∼環保購物袋∼帽子∼太陽眼鏡∼很多馬克杯∼是贈品送的∼杯杯盤盤∼出清中∼有照片∼無照片∼∼there are many things in here~come in ~welcome~everybody~you have a lot of fun~everthings are on sale and are change things~∼ 2.即日2008/5月郵資一律55元起∼採郵局便利袋∼或箱70元起∼東西多達百種∼喜歡可找朋友多帶∼可省運費~ 3.想跟大家用我家東西換∼家樂福~大潤發禮卷∼油票∼回數票∼∼來我家網站看照吧∼ http: //mybid.ruten.com.tw/user/sukitty/可多留言∼ 可1換多∼謝謝∼ 4.參考我家物品∼出清存貨中∼東西的價值在於你的需求∼而不是物品本身∼可互相商討∼多多發問∼



Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Theme : M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E [Mickey:] That's me! M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Come inside, it's fun inside. It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse roll call! Donald! [Donald:] Present Daisy! [Daisy:] Here Goofy! [Goofy:] Hyuck, here Pluto! [Pluto:] Ruff ruff ruff Minnie! [Minnie:] Hi, here! Mickey! [Mickey:] Right here. It's the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Come inside, it's fun inside. M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E Can we fix it Take your places Can we fix it? Yes we can Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Scoot, muck and Dizzy And Roly too Lofty and Wendy Join the crew Bob and the gang have so much fun Working together They get the job done Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Time to get busy Such a lot to do Building and fixing 'Til it's good as new Bob and the gang They can really be found Working all day 'Til the sun goes down Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Wow! Oh dear, Can you fix it? Right, left a bit, right a little Okay, break down We can tackle any situation Look out 'cause here we come Can we dig it? Yes Can we build it? Yes Can we fix it? Yes Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can) Digging and fixing Having so much fun Working together They get the job done Can we dig it? Yes Can we build it? Yes Can we fix it? Yes Bob the Builder Bob the Builder All together now Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob! Fantastic! Yes, Yes, we can Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder Bob the Builder (Can we fix it?) Bob the Builder (Yes we can)

節能家電 下月起有補助


買節能家電 下月起有補助 更新日期:2008/09/12 07:40 記者許玉君、朱婉寧�台北報導 為刺激消費與節能減碳,行政院院會昨天通過,由經濟部編列新台幣六億元預算,補助民眾購置符合節能標章的冷氣機、洗衣機、電冰箱等家電,每項補助金額在一千元至二千元之間,暫定為期半年;能源局預定本月底公布實施辦法,十月起實施。 這是政府首開先例,補貼民眾購買節能家電。 另外,經建會主委陳添枝表示,政府還將斥資九十億六千七百萬元,補助民眾購買電動機車、低汙染車及汰換老舊車輛。分別是新購或改裝油氣(LPG)雙燃料車每輛兩萬五千元,氣價每公升補助兩元;購買電動輔助自行車每輛補助三千元;淘汰老舊二行程機車每輛補助一千五百元;購買電動機車每輛補助一萬五千元。 陳添枝表示,內需消費疲軟,尤以耐久性消費財如冷氣機、電冰箱、洗衣機特別低迷,政府決定直接補助消費者,達到刺激買氣的效果,預定十月一日起開辦,一直到明年三月底止,實施期間六個月。 他說,未來民眾只要購買有節能標章的電器用品或省電燈泡,即可享有補助,通路商再憑存根向經濟部申請補助。 以補助二千元為例,若民眾想要購買售價三萬元的省電冷氣機,只需要付兩萬八千元,其餘二千元由通路商事後收集存根向經濟部申請補助。 陳添枝強調,內需消費市場比重占國內生產毛額的六成左右,對國內經濟表現影響很大。