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啊…蝦米弄不驚 啊哈!瞎郎ㄟ 當瞭解😀🌼




Oulu family tragedy


Previous recession led to more violent deaths Money worries possibly behind Oulu family tragedy Economic recession and the worries associated with it could lead to an increase in violent deaths. A statistical peak in the numbers of murders, suicides, and manslaughter cases was recorded in the years after the last recession. Between 1990 and 1994, a total of 818 Finns died violently, reports researcher Martti Lehti of the National Research Institute of Legal Policy. in the years from 1985 to 1990 the figure for violent deaths was 714, and between 1995 and 1999 it stood at 732. One minor surprise in the data collected by Statistics Finland is that during the period when the figures rose, alcohol consumption actually declined, as did the number of other violent crimes such as assaults. "Normally crimes of violence in the Finnish experience are associated with heavy use of alcohol. During the recession there was not the money around to buy alcohol, but other worries piled on the pressure", says Lehti. Tragedies such as that which occurred in Oulu at the weekend are in Lehti's view more common in middle-class families, but this is not something that has been examined since the last recession. Being trapped between two homes, and the burden of debt that followed is seen as a possible reason for a shooting in which four people were killed in Oulu during the weekend, writes the late-edition tabloid Ilta-Sanomat. The construction of the family’s new house had been well under way when damage caused by damp had been found in the structures of the semi-detached home where they lived. Consequently, the planned sale of the semi-detached property was cancelled, although the deal had nearly been closed. “The man was very serious looking when I carried out repairs to get rid of the damp. At that point he did not understand humour”, recalled one contractor on Monday as he was buying construction equipment at a hardware store in Oulu. The man, a schoolteacher at the nearby Kuivasjärvi School, shot his wife, two children, and himself on Saturday. According to the Swedish-language newspaper Hufvudstadsbladet, the mother of the family had said at the school where she worked that her husband had been making threats to kill his family. “I do not want to talk about the matter at this stage”, says the school’s head teacher Jari Haapalainen. “I have not heard of anything like this”, said Mika Penttilä personnel director of the Oulu education department. The head of the investigation into the deaths, Kari Rantanen of the Oulu Police, did not wish to take a stand on the internal problems or monetary difficulties of the family. “These patterns will be investigated, but I cannot say what the timeline will be, in light of the suffering of the next of kin. There is no hurry”, Rantanen says. Previously in HS International Edition: Family of four die in murder-suicide, Oulu neighbourhood in shock (20.10.2008)

Family of four die in murder-suicide, Oulu neighbourhood in shock


Teacher kills wife, two children, and himself All four members of an Oulu family were found shot to death in their home in a semi-detached house in the Kaijonharju district of Oulu on Saturday. Police say that the father of the family used a shotgun to kill his wife, his two children, and finally himself. Both of the parents were local schoolteachers. The motive for the act was not immediately known. The tragedy came as a severe shock to local residents, as the father taught in the nearby Kuivajärvi school. The mother worked at the Mäntylä day care centre. The father was 43 years old and the mother was 39. Also killed were the family’s 11-year-old son and nine-year-old daughter. The authorities were alerted when gunshots were heard from the building. The call was made at 12:12. Police arrived nine minutes later but everyone in the house was dead. Ambulances and a rescue helicopter were dispatched to the scene, in addition to several police units. Initially the fear was that the killings may have been the work of an outsider who might still have been lurking in the area. Police said that the weapon was the father’s shotgun, for which he had a licence, and which he used for hunting. A sense of anguish prevailed on Saturday in the relatively prosperous residential area located near the University of Oulu, with people walking dumbstruck along the street where the house was located. Police cordoned off the relatively new house, whose lawn had been raked of recently fallen leaves. The family’s station wagon was parked in the drive as if nothing had happened, with the raked leaves piled in a trailer behind. Passers-by all expressed deep shock. One neighbour said that the children had been a familiar sight, playing in a yard and in a nearby wood, where they had built a small hut. Another neighbour reported hearing screaming shortly from the house before the police arrived. Police have been examining the scene of the killings and interviewing neighbours, friends, and relatives to ascertain a possible motive. The Oulu education department organised a discussion on Sunday with personnel from three schools. Mika Penttilä, personnel director of the education department, said that the educators went through the event itself, discussing how to deal with the matter a week from now when classes resume after the current autumn holiday. In spite of the holiday, counselling will be offered to pupils and parents. The Finnish Red Cross, the local Lutheran Church parish, and the City of Oulu have been asked to help in the effort. The families of the victims will also need help. Oulu has an association of family members of victims of homicides, which organises regular group meetings. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Helsingin Sanomat



http://www.sinchew.com.my/node/86367?tid=2 新加坡•施酷刑拔女傭門牙•單親媽媽坐牢17個月 國際 2008-10-17 19:07 (新加坡)年輕單親媽媽協助朋友的女兒拔掉女佣兩顆門牙,週四(10月16日)受到法庭嚴懲,被判坐牢17個月。 被告埃爾莎(24歲)是在去年1月聘請印尼女佣笆蒂佳(29歲)工作,她和同住朋友瑪絲麗(37歲)、瑪絲麗的兒子艾佔(20歲)和女兒努麗佔(18歲)因懷疑笆蒂佳偷錢而虐待她。 陳立靜法官下判時說,被告是女佣的雇主,不但沒照顧她的福利,還連同其他人虐待她。只因女佣沒得到被告的同意去沖涼,被告便拳打笆蒂佳的臉。而她也協助努麗佔拔掉女佣兩顆門牙。 她說,被告是成年人,努麗佔是個少女,被告卻協助她作出這種殘忍的事,拔掉女佣門牙。她同意控方的說法,被告須受到嚴懲,以儆效尤。 被告是單親媽媽,孩子一歲大,與瑪絲麗一家人住振瑞路附近組屋,是自雇者,瑪絲麗一家人無業。去年1月,被告聘請笆蒂佳,但把她送去媽媽家工作,兩個月後帶回自己家。 疑女佣偷錢開始虐待她 後來,被告和瑪絲麗一家人懷疑笆蒂佳偷錢而開始虐待她。從去年6月2日到7月26日,他們動輒打罵笆蒂佳,努麗佔用鐵棍和藤條打她的背部,並在艾佔協助下用浴袍捆綁她的雙手,把蠟燭熔油倒在她的頭和背上。艾佔也曾用藤鞭鞭打笆蒂佳雙腳。 埃爾莎因笆蒂佳沒得到她的同意去沖涼,拳打笆蒂佳的臉,硬將她的嘴拉開,讓努麗佔拔掉她兩顆門牙。她也用浴袍捆綁笆蒂佳雙手。 瑪絲麗被指教唆努麗佔拔掉笆蒂佳兩顆門牙,還用熱水淋她的私處,及用鐵棍打她的頭。 女佣二樓跳窗逃 笆蒂佳不堪折磨,被逼從二樓廚房窗口跳下逃跑。警員發現她的背、手臂及腹部等傷痕累累,頭發被剪得很短,露出受感染的頭皮,兩只門牙不見。 被告和瑪絲麗一家人過後被控上法庭,被告本身面對三項控狀。她和努麗佔及艾佔上月16日認罪,控方形容這是一起殘忍和不人道的虐佣事件,要求法官嚴懲眾被告。法官判面對五項控狀、把女佣門牙拔掉的努麗佔坐牢26個月,而面對兩項控狀的艾佔則坐牢6個星期。 瑪絲麗否認有罪要抗辯,法庭定下月10日到14日進行審訊。她昨天與剛出獄的兒子艾佔出庭旁聽。 恐怖虐佣法 ●浴袍捆手,拔掉門牙 ●浴袍捆手,蠟燭熔油倒頭和背 ●熱水淋私處 ●鐵棍打頭 ●鐵棍、藤條鞭背部 ●持刀恐嚇 ●剪頭發 ●拳打粉臉 星洲日報�國際•2008.10.17



(新加坡)新加坡主辦第一個夜間F1賽,城裡最熱門的話題。除了燈光、噪音之外,另一個最多人津津樂道的,就是每一張票售價7500元的“名流包廂”。(聯合早報網)世界一级方程式(F1)已进入倒数阶段,除了多位知名赛车手外,这场赛车盛事将吸引不少海内外艺人前来“朝圣”;影坛大哥大成龙前晚打头阵,出席于克拉码头Ministry of Sound夜店举办的瑞士名表Richard Mille F1热身闭门派对。   而继本报日前报道韩星柳时元将来新观赏赛车坛的一大赛事后,台湾名嘴徐熙娣(小S)也已确定将与老公许雅鈞观看F1夜赛,及相偕出席由Johnnie Walker及世界闻名的Amber Lounge,于明晚(26日)共同举办的一场奢华名流VIP派对。   据悉,这场VIP派对将汇集F1赛车手、车队老板及全球各地明人,包括印度Bollywood知名演员Mandira Bedi及Mahima Chaudry等世界级名人,相信届时派对将众星云集、星光闪耀,成为全球瞩目的焦点。   另外,有消息指,杨紫琼今晚将出席名表Audemars Piguet举行的鸡尾酒晚宴,其法拉利车厂总监男友Jean Todt或将陪同出席晚宴,不过主办方对于晚宴地点守口如瓶,此活动也只严凭邀请函入场,故若想一睹杨紫琼巨星风采,这次可能得失望啰。 好莱坞群星也来凑热闹   好莱坞名媛Paris Hilton、英国球星David Beckham、名模Naomi Campbell等,或也将来新观赛。   除了以上海内外艺人外,盛传Paris Hilton、David Beckham、名模Naomi Campbell、Elle Macpherson、好莱坞影星Kevin Spacey、摇滚歌手Kid Rock,甚至是《Star Wars》导演George Lucas将齐聚狮城观赛,只不过,至今只是道听途说,未得到任何一方主办单位证实。   除海外艺人外,据悉本地艺人如吴振天(前名吴振宇)、丽玲、Eunice Olsen、Nadya Hutagalung、Denise Keller等已确定将出席Amber Lounge的名流派对。 《联合晚报》 (编辑:陈芷慧



兇手的名字 Matti Juhani和我老公一樣 不同姓 芬蘭賀爾新基日報新聞連結 Helsingin Sanomat-賀爾新基日報 A seemingly ordinary young man who reported in his online messages that he hated people Those who knew Matti Saari stunned by double role: "A sympathetic type of guy" print this Those who knew Matti Juhani Saari, the young man suspected of having carried out yesterday’s school killings in Kauhajoki, have expressed their consternation and surprise at his actions. The 22-year-old student’s former schoolmates and a teacher describe him as sociable and seemingly ordinary in every way. Saari was a student enrolled at the Seinäjoki Polytechnic, a school that includes the Kauhajoki School of Food Management. Saari was a second-year hospitality management/culinary arts student. A former classmate got to know Matti Saari at the beginning of the seventh grade in comprehensive school. At the time the blond and slender boy wore baggy jeans and was “perhaps quiet, but not the solitary type”. According to the classmate, the boy was occasionally bullied a little bit, but he also had friends. Saari was not withdrawn. The schoolmate describes Saari as a nice boy. He and Saari were in the same class in the upper-level comprehensive school. “In the ninth grade he started mixing with some rather heavier circles, but I would still have never believed that something like this could happen.” The schoolmate last saw Saari towards the end of the summer. A male teacher who taught Saari last autumn remembers him as an interactive student. According to the teacher Saari got along well with everybody. “He was an average student, whose grades varied from two to five [on a 0-5 scale]”, the physics and chemistry teacher comments. In his view Saari did not exhibit any particular interest, for example, towards explosives or guns. “I thought he was quite a sympathetic type of guy”, says the teacher, profoundly shocked at Tuesday's bloodshed. On the Internet the seemingly ordinary Saari’s persona is markedly more bipartite and nihilistic. On the web, he mentions “misanthropy” as his philosophy for life, while posing with a gun in the pictures of himself he posted up. Saari was an active user of Internet services such as the networking site IRC-Galleria, MySpace, and YouTube. The screen-name he used was Wumpscut86. Saari took part in online chats and discussions that glorified the American school shootings and Pekka-Eric Auvinen, the 18-year-old responsible for killing eight at Jokela High School last November. As a separate article indicates, there is a disturbing amount in common in the M.O.s of the two killers. From Saari’s home two messages were found after his death, in which he reports among other things that he hates humankind and that he has planned his deed since 2002. “The answer is Walther”, Saari writes. Apparently the weapon that Saari used was a semi-automatic Walther P22 .22 calibre pistol. In the user profiles that he had created for net sites, Saari described himself as an atheist, who was into heavy music and enjoyed horror films. He also liked to play violent so-called splatter video games. Apparently Saari did not have a girlfriend. In August he left a message with an Internet dating service, in which he said he was looking for the company of 16 to 25-year-old females. In his ad Saari said he was 172 centimetres tall, a single man of medium build, and thathe did not want to have children. As his hobbies Saari mentioned computers, the drums, sex, beer, and target practice with his Walther P22 pistol. Saari does not appear to have had any prior convictions. Saari was a native of Pyhäjärvi in Northern Ostrobothnia in the West of Finland, where he attended the upper level comprehensive school. Saari did not complete his military service. He entered the Finnish Defence Forces as a conscript in July 2006, but was transferred to the so-called E category in mid-term, resulting in his national service being interrupted. In most cases, persons in E are generally called back after two years to determine whether they are fit for service. He was due to report for such an inspection this November. The FDF have not divulged details of why Saari's military service was terminated, but there can be many reasons for the E-classification, among which mental health issues are one common cause. He commenced his studies in Kauhajoki in Southern Ostrobothnia last autumn, where he lived alone with his cat. Saari’s family still lives in Pyhäjärvi 300 kilometres away. A local from Pyhäjärvi describes the gunman's family as an average family living in a quiet terraced house area. Of Pyhäjärvi’s around 6,000 residents, only around 200 live in the Saaris' home village. The sad news spread quickly through the village, where everybody knows one another. 芬蘭校園槍擊案11死 兇手網路預告殺人 更新日期:2008/09/24 10:20 北歐芬蘭西南部的考烏哈約基市(Kauhajoki),在台北時間23日下午4點左右,驚傳一起校園槍擊事件,造成11人死亡。一名蒙面槍手在一所職業學校內開槍濫射,然後舉槍自盡。這起槍擊案發生前幾天,兇手還在網路上留下影音檔案,預告將進行大屠殺。 YouTube影片中一名身穿皮夾克連續發射手槍的男子,就是現年22歲犯下血腥校園槍擊案的兇手沙里(Matti Juhani Saari),他在影片中說,「下一個輪到你死!」 芬蘭警方表示,沙里因為張貼這段影片,而曾經遭到約談,但沒想到他真的犯下滔天大罪,芬蘭總理范哈能表示,「不幸地這和去年約克勒以及其他國家的槍擊案有相同點。」 根據警方表示,兇手是該所職業學校的學生,事件發生在當地時間上午11點左右,兇手持槍進入校園,然後就進入一所教室舉槍濫射,部分死者遺體還遭到焚毀,兇手行兇後就舉槍自盡,送醫不治後死亡。 根據目擊者描述,兇手開槍時相當冷靜,整起事件似乎經過精心策劃。 這起槍擊事件,令人不禁想到發生在去年4月16日、造成33人死亡的美國維吉尼亞理工學院的槍擊案,兇手趙承熙在開槍殺人後,還留下一段影片,他說,「你有千億個機會及方法避開今天的悲劇,但是你決定讓我濺血。」然後才舉槍自盡。 本則新聞由NOWnews提供 2008/09/24