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今天Mrs.O跟我說 娃娃吃飯的速度實在是太慢了 連吃點心時也慢 她問我在家的情況是否也一樣 唉~~她在家根本就很少吃飯啊! 我真的不知道她為什麼長那麼大 Mrs. O說我跟她要一起想辦法 改善她吃飯的速度 也許去買個小鬧鐘放在旁邊督促她 老實說,我對於她不吃飯這件事 已經抱著隨緣的態度 一是她已經長的比一般同齡的小孩大 所以一頓不吃應該也沒差 況且她也不至於把自己餓死 二是她老木我小時候也是以吃飯慢著名 娃外婆每次看我吃飯 就說再好吃的東西 看我吃也覺得不好吃了 另外,含飯也是我的強項 每次搞到娃外婆都快抓狂了 不過我也長那麼大了(還那麼胖) 所以吃飯慢應該不是啥大問題啦! ---------------------------------------- Mrs.O的來信 Hello! I would like to talk to you about Jessie's eating habits. At this point we probably have two choices. The first one is to do nothing and let her take her time to eat. If it takes an hour or more to eat, then let her have the time. The second choice is to limit the time she eats. As she gets older, the teachers will expect that she can eat at the same pace as the other children. During snack time, the other children take 15 to 20 minutes to eat snack. Jessie takes 45 minutes to eat two small pieces of water melon and two crackers. At lunch, the other children take 45 minutes to eat, and Jessie up to 1 hour 15 minutes. Both choices are good choices. And as her parents, you will have an opinion on this. Please let me know what you think is good for Jessie. I do not mind giving her the extra time if you want her to have this time to eat. If you want, we can meet after Chinese new Year. I am always ready to be available to parents.