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Semester 1 report 2009-2010


Semester 1 report 2009-2010 Language Arts : Throughout the year, Nursery students engage in Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Viewing and Presenting in Language Arts. Jessie has been consistently improving in her English language skills since the start of the semester. She is a good listener and has the confidence to participate even if she may not always know how to express herself. I would like to see Jessie develop these skills even more in the coming semester. Jessie enjoys listening to stories and likes to look at books by herself. Jessie is learning to hold a pencil correctly. Her fine motor skills are also developing. Her drawings skills are good for her age. Jessie enjoys singing songs and repeating English chants. She can recognize her own name and can recognize some letters of the alphabet. Mathematics : Throughout the year, Nursery students explore the Mathematical strands of Number, Shape and Space, Data Handling and Measurement. Jessie enjoys participating in a range of Maths activities like puzzles, threading and peg boards. She can recognize and name numerals 1 to 10 and write numerals 0 and 1. She can rote count to 13 and touch count to 15. She likes to chant the days of the week to learn the names and order in English. Jessie was able to complete a sequencing activity where she chose pictures showing what he does at home in the mornings, at school during the day and at home in the evenings before bed. After pasting the pictures she was able to use them to interpret the sequence of the days events. Jessie has participated in creating graphs, charts and venn diagrams. She also compared her length at birth and her current height. Music Jessie is a quiet and pleasant girl. She can participate both individually and in groups very well when encouraged. Jessie can use her voice and simple instruments in the proper way. Jessie loves to play all small instruments and playing a simple accompaniment to a song. It’s a pleasure to have Jessie in music class. Physical Education Jessie is a quiet achiever in class. She shows patience when waiting for her turn and also displays sharing skills when using sporting equipment with her peers. Jessie has particularly enjoyed the gymnastic and dance units. In both of the mentioned units Jessie was able to perform sequences of movements with a good level of coordination. Locomotor development has also been promising as we have been building on Jessie’s movement techniques. Units of Inquiry Unit 1: Personal journeys Central Idea : Personal journeys can take people around the world Unit 2 : Who We Are Central Idea : Everyday we learn more about who we are and what we can do Jessie has been thoroughly engaged in all the planned activities associated with our units of inquiry. She shows interest and enthusiasm to participate in everything offered to him. In our first unit, she enjoyed learning about the world map and the places her classmates came from. She was also able to name some of the countries her classmates are from. In the second UOI, Jessie liked talking about her family and playing “doctor” or “mommy” with the dolls. Homeroom Teacher General Comments Transdisciplinary Skills Jessie adjusted quickly to the school routines. She is cooperative and participates fully in all class activities. She has made sound progress in her communication skills this semester. She is developing friendships and enjoys playing with her classmates. As she gains more vocabulary I’m sure we will see her expressing her own needs, participating more in class discussions and verbalizing social interactions with peers. She is developing friendships and enjoys playing with her classmates. She fully participates in art class activities and is developing her computer skills in the IT class. Jessie dresses herself independently and takes care of her own everyday needs. She know when to seek adult assistance. She has made sound progress in all areas of the curriculum this semester. However, I would like to see her arrive in the mornings before the bell rings in a more consistent manner. This will help her start the day with the other children participating in morning routines.



成員:米媽.尚誼媽.麥可媽.布媽.stacy.娃媽 時間:下午兩點半 店名:桃麗絲的家 地址:台北市士林區通河街40號1F. 電話:02)2886-8660. *************************************************** 今天約了回台度假的北京台媽 以及已經光榮回台半年的米媽一起聚會 北京台媽回台聚會(桃麗絲的家) 小米變化好大喔!跟半年前那個小女娃差真多 而且講話聲音好細,超可愛 不過聽米媽說她在學校會欺負同學 還真看不出來咧! 娃娃跟麥可最近感情昇溫 今天麥可最後一個到 娃娃一直唸"麥可怎麼這麼久還沒來" 等麥可一到,兩個人又黏在一起玩 小朋友們移駕到兒童遊戲區玩 但是狀況百出 每個媽媽都要輪流被召喚過去 小米.布董.麥可.尚誼.娃娃在桃麗絲的家的遊戲區 離開桃麗絲後 我們走到士林夜市去 沿途小米怎麼樣也不肯給米媽牽 但娃娃牽她,她就乖乖跟著她走 娃牽著小米真可愛 到了士林夜市後 我跟stacy坐捷運離開 米媽要等米爸來接她們 其他人就轉戰士林夜市 結束了愉快的下午茶之約 期待下次再聚喔! 跟大家分開後 我帶著娃娃到台北車站附近逛逛 先到站前地下街 然後又到了我最愛的大創看看有沒有漏買什麼 晚餐我們在寧夏夜市吃麻油腰子.蚵仔煎 又買了雙連圓仔湯的燒麻糬跟紅豆花生芋圓湯回家吃 娃娃吃的超開心 我跟她說等回北京後 她最愛的麻糬跟燒仙草都吃不到了 她很擔心的一直追問我"為什麼?" 唉~~現在妳終於知道 為娘的我為什麼這麼喜歡待在台灣了吧!