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今天是娃第二天上學 早上還是我跟娃爸一起送她去教室 看到O老師,娃有點遲疑 但還是揮手跟我們說再見 就跟著老師去玩黏土了 我跟娃爸還在教室外面偷看她 中午我跟麥可媽.蛋媽.尚誼媽.子英一起到欣葉吃午餐 看到大家都有小孩可忙 我又有很失落的感覺 吃完飯後,我們從工體西路走到三里屯village 可惜今天沒有噴泉表演 小孩們大概也因為走太久 所以沒什麼力氣再玩了 我因為急著要去接娃娃 所以就先離開了 我邀請娃娃最愛的蛋蛋哥哥一起去接她 結果娃娃還是哭著走出教室 但看到蛋蛋哥哥來接她 馬上就停止哭泣了 後來2人又在學校溜滑梯玩員外戲丫環的遊戲 玩了一會兒就回我們家看"米奇妙妙屋" 蛋蛋哥哥接娃娃放學 O老師說娃娃今天的表現沒有昨天好 因為她不到午餐時間就想睡了 而且午餐吃到一半 就因為哭太厲害而吐了一點東西在衣服上 難怪我去接她時,看她換了衣服 我以為她是午睡尿床了咧! O老師說要我讓她早點睡 最好是九點就上床 呵呵~~娃九點都還沒洗澡咧~! 不過昨天本來娃可以比較早睡 但因為房間小燈突然掉了 整個房間一片漆黑,她嚇的奪門而出 而且上週五剛住進來的停電事件在她心裡留下陰影 之後她就再也不肯乖乖躺在床上 一定要我在旁邊陪她 一直到11點半她才不支睡著 不過老師說娃娃今天上音樂跳舞課非常開心 而且她很喜歡音樂老師 這週只上兩天課 下週二再回學校去 希望她下週可以更適應學校生活 也希望我下週去接她時 她可以笑著走出教室



今天起娃娃成為樂成國際學校nursery的學生囉! 希望她的學校生活可以一路平順 而且不會馬上吵著不要去上學....... ----------------------------------------------- 今天是娃娃第一天到學校 早上我跟娃爸送她去報到 本來以為我要陪她一整天的 可是老師跟我們聊了一下之後 就說她一會兒帶小朋友去上廁所 之後就會到戶外活動 家長就可以趁此機會離開了 我一直很想衝進廁所看看娃上廁所的情況 但娃爸阻止我 後來老師帶小朋友要去戶外活動 換娃爸想偷偷跟著去看看 我看是我們這對父母離不開娃娃吧! 離開學校後,我一個人去逛家樂福 很少有上午在家樂福出沒的 看著別人推車上坐著小孩 突然覺得很失落 在家樂福裡的半畝園吃了午餐 沒有娃娃在旁邊吵,我也還是無法定下心來吃飯 東張西望,很沒有安全感 下午不到3點 我就到學校去接娃娃了 看到教室裡的燈很暗 我想應該是在睡午覺吧! 正想到教室對面的圖書館去逛逛 就看到娃娃班上的導師(O老師,是位外教)把她抱出來 她本來只有微微的扁嘴啜泣 一看到我就放聲大哭 為了怕影響到別的小朋友 老師趕快帶著我跟娃娃到廁所去 老師說娃第一天上學的表現很好 吃了很多東西 她還發現她很有藝術的天分 只是午睡起來看不到媽媽,所以才哭了 看到她哭得那麼傷心 我都快哭了,但還是忍住了 不然老師會以為我們母女倆是在演歌仔戲嗎? 離開學校後,我又帶娃去家樂福吃肯德基 她的食慾果然變得很好 傍晚吃了肯德基的兒童餐 晚餐又吃了不少菜 大概是活動量大所以胃口變好了吧! 今天娃娃在學校裡畫的圖跟做的勞作 娃娃第一天上學做的貼畫 娃娃第一天上學畫的C & triangle 娃娃第一天上學畫的ballon 老師拍的娃娃上課情形



Dear Parents, Welcome to our BCIS Nursery! In order to offer the best possible start to your child for the school year, we have arranged for a staggered entry. Each child will have the opportunity to come to school for a couple of days in a very small group of no more than five children to give them and their teachers a chance to spend one-on-one time together. The second step in the process gives your child a chance to meet his or her classmates in a slightly bigger group over another couple of days before they all come together as a large group. The beginning of the school year can be a stressful time for children as they leave the security of their families and branch out into the wider community. To move from a safe family environment to a large class group is difficult for young children and impacts on their first impressions of school life. With a staggered entry for the first two weeks, the children are assisted in making this transition from home to school or in some cases a new school as positive as possible. Your child will be in Group A. Please find below the particular dates your child will attend school during the first two weeks after which they will come every day. Group A, Week 1: Monday, August 17th and Tuesday, August 18th Group A, Week 2: Tuesday, August 25th; Thursday, August 27th; Friday, August 28th We look forward with great enthusiasm to welcoming you to a new school year. To ensure a smooth start to the year we would greatly appreciate if you could please acknowledge receipt of this notice by sending us an email back. Admissions Office Beijing City International School

parent letter


Dear Parents, Welcome to our Nursery class! My name is Lynn Opitz-Hsiao and I am looking forward to being your child's teacher at BCIS. Our two teacher's assistants are Hannah Sun and Phyillis Yang. Together we are looking forward to a wonderful year full of learning and exploration in our classroom. The following items are some friendly reminders: Our school day is from 8:20 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. The children will attend specialist classes during the week. Please consult the attached schedule for classes. Each child will receive a PE kit. Please have your child wear their PE clothes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. These are the days they will have PE. It wil take a few weeks before the uniforms and backpack arrive. As soon as we have the clothes and backpack, we will send them home with the children. Also, each child will receive a house color T shirt which they will wear on special sport or spirit days. We will let you know when we want them to wear their house T shirt. Please remember that on Wednesday afternoons we dismiss classes at 2:30. I would also request that you send a full set of spare clothes to keep at school. These will be left in the classroom in case of emergency. We will prvide the children with a sheet and a blanket. Please feel free to send a small pillow, but be sure it is marked with your child's name. If your child soils the bedding, we will send it home for you to wash. Please return it the next day. Everyday, your child will have a morning snack. It will be fruit, yoghurt, juice and water. Water bottles are heavy for such young children to carry. Also, they often leak in the back packs. So please don't send a water bottle to school. We have water in the classroom and drink regularly during the day. Lunch can be purchased using the lunch card. If you prefer, your child can also bring a lunch from home. Lunch menus are sent home at the end of each week to inform you of the following week's choices. Please let us know what you want your child to eat for the week and we will take care of it each morning. The lunch cards are kept in the classroom so that the lunches can be paid for on a daily basis. Let us know if your child has a food allergy. If you want to bring a cake to school on your child's birthday, bring it to the lunchroom to share with the other children. Please check with me for the time and date. I also encourage you to come and have lunch with your child on their special day. However, we ask you not to bring gifts or party favors for the other children to take home. Sometimes children want to bring their toys from home to school. It has been my experience in the past that often toys brought from home get broken or lost. To avoid tears, please discourage your child from bringing personal items from home to school. We have many toys in the classroom than are fun and interesting for the children. Everyday your child will bring home a folder containing their communication book and other important information from the school. Please feel free to write to me as often as you need. I will read the books every day as respond as soon as possible. The second half of the year we will go paperless and all of our communications will be by e-mail. If for any reason your child is not taking the bus home or will be picked up by a different person other than yourself, please let me know ([email protected]) and cc a copy to Tracy Li ([email protected]), our bus manager at school. If someone other than yourself is picking up your child I need to meet them so that I know this person. I will not release your child to someone I don't know. Due to the H1N1 virus all students are required to monitor their temperature one week before class starts. You can download the form from the BCIS school web site. Please bring this form the first day your child comes to school. Please remember that we are not allowed to give the children any medicine in the classroom. Should your child need to take medicine you must make arragnemnets with the school nurse. You can find the form on the BCIS site. To help the children cope with separation anxiety, I would ask you to send a laminated photo of your family. It is often very comforting for a child to see a picture of their family at school. Some children transition without a tear and for others it is not so easy. If you show confidence and happiness about school, your child will copy you. (The first time I dropped off my son off at nursery he was very happy to be in school and I was the one who had a good private cry in the car.) We approach the first weeks of school with love and understanding. I will try my best to create an environment that is positive for both you and your child. Please feel free to contact me with any questions you might have. Hannah, Phyillis and I are looking forward to a fantastic year in our nursery classroom. Best Regards, Lynn Opitz-Hsiao