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維也納愛樂The Vienna Philharmonic/Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra


維也納愛樂The Vienna Philharmonic/Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra 以貝多芬 Von Herzen-moge es wieder zu Herzen gehen.出自心靈,但願它能到達心靈 做為宗旨 “The wildly acclaimed Vienna Philharmonic delivered on its promise... the orchestral event of the year.” Santa Barbara News-Press “The spotlight… was clearly trained on Mr. Gatti, who did much to impress and nothing to disappoint.” The New York Times Experience the very best the world has to offer: the finest strings, the warmest woodwinds, the richest brass – all in one transcendent program. Over its formidable 170-year history, the legendary Vienna Philharmonic has upheld the highest standards of music-making, drawing effusive praise from the greatest composers and conductors of the ages. Wagner described the orchestra as one of the most outstanding in the world, while Strauss said, “All praise of the Vienna Philharmonic reveals itself as understatement.” Claimed Previn: “The orchestra is incapable of making an ugly sound.” Returning after its historic 2011 Santa Barbara debut, the “superbly polished” (The New York Times) Period-instrument ensemble performs under the gifted baton of renowned Mahler interpreter Daniele Gatti, showcasing Vienna’s “irresistible” (The New Yorker), storied sound. Daniele Gatti, conductor指揮:丹尼爾•加蒂(法國國家管弦樂團,義大利籍) Place:Arlinton Theater Juliana Banse, soprano Program Schubert: Symphony No. 8 D. 759 (Unfinished) 一八二三年格拉茲市音樂協會頒贈舒伯特榮譽會員的頭銜,儘管只是榮譽會員而沒有任何報酬 ,對舒伯特而言他仍然欣然接受,因為他急需要社會對他的認識。為了回報,舒伯特將他所寫的第 八號交響曲送給了協會。這首作品只完成了兩個樂章,到了第三樂章僅寫了幾個小節就沒有繼續下 去了,而為什麼舒伯特不把他完成呢?則成為了音樂史上永遠解不開的謎,這首曲子便是著名的 「未完成」交響曲 Mahler: Symphony No. 4 in G Major Program subject to change 華爾特和伯恩斯坦指揮紐約愛樂(沒有他們,我們應該不會這麼的了解馬勒吧) 慕提指揮過維也納愛樂演奏此曲,但評價好像普通 我也一直很想聽孟格堡指揮的皇家阿姆斯特丹大會堂管絃樂團的版本(PHILIPS,1939),但找不到 弦樂五部分別是 16 / 14 / 12 / 10 / 8