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The Tree House

Andy, Dora, Winnie 國小一年級
Rice 大班


故事創作過程:接力說故事、寫故事、畫故事,孩子們故意寫了些silly sentences,然後笑得很開心,你能找到那些笑點嗎?(今天Dora請假,沒有參與說故事。)


The Tree House
by Andy, Winnie and Rice

Floppy runs to a tree house. The children like the tree house. Chip sits on a chair. Mom climbs the tree. Dad jumps up the tree. "Be careful!" says Chip. Kipper likes a cake. Biff pulls the house. The children jump down. "Oh no!" says Dad. Floppy likes the bones. Everyone likes the house.

The End.

April 7th, 2011

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The Tree House
by Andy, Winnie and Rice

Floppy runs to a tree house. The children like the tree house. They climb up the tree. Chip sits on a chair. Mom climbs the tree. Dad jumps up the tree. "Be careful!" says Chip. Kipper sees a cake. He likes the cake. Biff pulls the house. The children jump down. "Oh no!" says Dad. Floppy finds some bones. He likes the bones. Everyone likes the house.

The End.