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東岸遊 - 打道回府


又是凌晨三四點起床 先開三個多小時的車到匹茲堡機場 爺爺奶奶送我們到匹茲堡 依依不捨說再見 奶奶說兩星期怎麼這麼快 這次搭飛機好戲可來了 我們行李增加太多 決定托運豬豬的CAR SEAT 讓他坐在椅子上 沒有CAR SEAT安全帶的束縛 他自由了 怎麼可能安安靜靜坐四個小時 他一會兒爬在地上 一會兒去跟別的小孩玩 一會兒走到別的旅客旁邊對人家笑一笑 不肯坐在椅子上 空服員來告誡 很不好意思 小豬ㄇㄟ也不睡了 當然也不肯坐在CAR SEAT 裡 我抱著她她也不安份 動來動去 到處亂抓亂咬 一會兒要站起來看後面的人 一會兒要攀著窗戶看外面 餵她喝了一瓶奶一下全吐出來 衣服濕了一半 CAR SEAT上全是奶 我擦了半天才乾淨 豬ㄇㄟ吐了奶後就開始不停哭 她哭完後座的小孩開始哭 和他的哭聲比起來 豬ㄇㄟ哭得還算斯文 那小孩哭完豬豬鬧脾氣也開始哭 前座旅客頻頻回頭 爸爸很不好意思的說TAKE TURN 航空公司好像把帶小孩的安排在一起 苦了坐在附近的人 他們都算客氣 沒有說話 我以前搭機遇到一個帶小孩的媽媽 她的小孩哭不停 哄了沒用 一個男的不客氣的說 SHUT UP 那位媽媽十分尷尬 四個小時總算挨過去 下降時豬豬耳朵又痛了 好像比上次好些 只叫了幾聲沒哭 我跟爸爸說再也不要帶他們坐飛機了

東岸遊 - 大瀑布二日遊之一


尼加拉瓜瀑布也是第二次來 那時是跟住在多倫多表姐一家人來 當時他們有些家庭問題不愉快 我在他們當中覺得氣氛尷尬 也只是驚鴻一瞥 該玩的都沒玩到 這次可不一樣 一早開著租車出發 奶奶準備了很多食物 一路都是鄉間小路 風景很好 中午我們停在一個路邊的PLAYGOUND午餐 吃帶來的飯 豬豬只對遊樂設施有興趣 這時有一個五歲的男孩跑來搭訕 他問我是誰 我的BROTHER[小豬爸]叫什麼名字 我還告訴他那不是我的BROTHER是我的HUSBAND 後來想跟一個不認識的小孩解釋這個做什麼 那小孩不停的跟著我問東問西 後來他的媽媽過來 我說妳兒子很友善 他媽媽說他太友善了 有時讓我尷尬 我們在用餐時他又跑來聊天 小孩十歲的哥哥過來問我們他還好吧 我想這小孩可能常常搭訕陌生人 有的人會嫌煩 他的家人怕他打擾人 爸爸說他是天生的SALESPERSON 長大一定跑去大城市 不會待在這裡鄉下小鎮 我們先從美國這邊看瀑布 本來以為豬豬會害怕這氣勢磅礡的大水水 沒想到他看到瀑布一角時像發現新大陸 一個箭步衝過去 從來沒見過這麼大的水水 豬豬發出驚嘆的聲音 我們買了票搭船到瀑布面前去看 這時豬豬開始害怕 趴在爸爸肩上不敢抬頭 臉上一直是驚恐的表情 船開到離瀑布最近時 就像下大雨 雖然穿了雨衣 還是被打濕 回到岸上找到在等我們的爺爺奶奶及豬ㄇㄟ 奶奶說剛才有一個人看了豬ㄇㄟ很喜歡 要求抱她照相 還要求親她 他們只讓他抱豬ㄇㄟ照相 豬ㄇㄟ到目前為止都很乖 讓人心疼 我們過了海關到了加拿大 找到旅館 吃過飯走出去欣賞晚上的瀑布 霓虹燈照在瀑布上 反射出五顏六色 可惜我們的相機不夠好 照不出夜晚的景觀 只能眼睛看看記在腦海中

失敗的大小便訓練-Failed potty training


三個月前豬豬滿兩歲時訓練過他 他是嚴重的抗拒 我強制抱他坐小馬桶椅 他哭的很厲害一直要下來 就別說要他拉出來了 我當時請教很多人 也嘗試他們提供的方法 沒有一樣有效 頑固的豬豬 每次提上馬桶便便 他就是很嚴肅的對我說 no no no no 我只好暫時停止訓練 包上尿片 因為我聽說不可用打用罵 會憋尿 所以我一直很溫和的勸導 拖了這麼久 心想不繼續訓練不行了 學都上不了 而且有人說越大越困難訓練 今天起床後就沒給他包尿片 並且告訴他 尿尿要講去馬桶尿 他還是說no 我說尿褲子媽媽就揍 第一次尿褲子我只罵他 並為他換上乾淨的褲子 第二次尿褲子時我們在樓上房間玩 本來很高興床上床下跑著玩 突然靜止在我背後半天不出聲 他又尿濕褲子 我用力打他十下屁股 打的我的手都痛 他沒哭 反而是罰他站時號啕大哭 罰站其間他一直想來拉拉我 靠靠我 我都推開他 問他下次尿尿準備怎麼辦 我將他拉到樓下馬桶坐下 今天沒尿在裡面就不要起來 這一坐坐了快一個小時 還是沒尿 我坐在他旁邊 一邊說教一邊擦他的鼻涕眼淚 怕他腳麻叫他起來 不給他穿褲子 不久他開始不停的摸雞雞 想尿卻不敢尿 怕他憋尿只好把尿片包上 我又輸了 誰能告訴我我該怎麼辦 The first time I trained Howard was three months age.He resisted badly. I push him sitting on the potty. He cried loudly and tried to get down. Not to mention expecting him poop. I asked people the strategies and tried them , but no one was working for him. Stubborn Howard, If I said "go potty", He repeated no no no no seriously. I had no better idea but put him in diapers again since I heard that no punishment otherwise kid may hold urinating. So I preached him nicely for three months. It is time to train him differently. Preschool doesn''t accept kids who are not potty trained. Someone told me that the training is the harder the older. I put him in a pants only after getting up today. I told him that go potty if you need to pee, if you wet the pants,I am gonna hit you. He still gave me NO. The first time he was wet, I blamed him only and change him a clean pants. As the second time he wet. we were playing in bedroom. In the beginning he jumped up and dowm on bed happily. He was quiet behind me suddently. He wet the pants again. I hit him firmly on his bottom which made my hand really painful. He didn''t cry until I told him to stand still. He tried to touch and to lean on me,but I push him away.I asked him what are you gonna do the next time when you need to pee? I took him downstair and made him sitting on potty. "Sit here until you pee" This waiting lasted almost one hour,but he still didn''t pee. I wiped out the running nose and tear for him in the meantime I preached. Since I was afraid that his legs was num, I got him up and dressed nothing for his bottom. After a while he felt like to pee and touched his penis. Finally I put him in a diaper because he held urinating. I lost again.不要坐馬桶

豬豬咬豬妹(Howard bit Emma)


今天發生一件可怕的事,下午我們母子三人在看電視,豬豬在喝果汁,豬妹看的一付想喝的樣子,身體一直往豬豬那靠,伸手想抓他的果汁,我索性把豬妹抱過去,一個躲一個搶,兩個人扭打成一堆,非常可愛.我的注意力一下子跑到電視上.只不過一分鐘的時間,豬妹突然嚎啕大哭,我轉過頭看見豬妹的一根手指在豬豬的嘴裡,豬豬還一面嘻嘻笑,我打豬豬的腿他才鬆口,豬妹的指頭上出現又深又紅的齒印,他是用了多大的力氣咬她.我用指套替他刷牙時被他咬過無數次,每次都痛澈心扉,所以我知道豬妹有多痛.這個力道比咬我還重,齒印比咬我時還要深.我心疼極了,霹靂啪啦又打了他好幾下,平常他犯錯又打又罵都不怕,一點都不ㄕㄨㄞ我.今天我難過的流著眼淚告訴他,他這麼對待妹妹是不對的.妹妹可能會被他弄傷.他也紅著眼睛流著淚大眼睛看著我,大概了解今天太過份了.唉!兩歲的孩子好難教,講太多太深也聽不懂,不痛不癢的責罰一點也不怕.只有我這個做媽媽的要更小心了. Something terrible happened today. Howard,Emma and I watched tv this afternoon. Howard drank juice, Emma watched his juice of thirst and leaned her body forward on Howard trying to reach the juice. I placed Emma close to Howard so they could play with each other. As my attention was on TV for a moment, I heard Emma crying loudly suddently. I saw that one of her finger was inside Howard''s giggly mouth. I hit him on legs and he let Emma''s finger go. A deep and red tooth print appeared on her finger. How hard his teeth pushed in her skin! I was bit by him hundred times when I cleaned his teeth with finger brush. It was extremely painful. So I know how painful Emma was. The bite was harder than he gave me judging from the depth of the tooth print. She broke my heart. I hit Howard again. He usually doesn''t care the punishment I give him . I told him with tear "It was the wrong way to treat sister, she may get injury." He stared at me with his red tearing big eyes and he maybe understand that he has gone too far today. Gi, It is so difficult to teach 2-year-old. He doesn''t understand if I preach and he doesn''t care if I give the punishment which is not harsh enough. What can I do! To be a more careful mom.

豬豬好害羞( Shy guy)


我在樓上書房做事,豬豬一個人在客廳看迪世尼頻道.忽然聽到他自言自語在學電視裡的人唱歌,豬豬平常不怎麼說話,以前我陪他一起看電視,看到唱歌跳舞的時候,我為了鼓勵他和電視的人一起唱跳,常常自己下海跟著電視做,他看看電視再看看我,然後只會哈哈大笑,我很像是老萊子娛子.現在他看到熟悉的歌舞會很高興,忍不住會跟著動動手腳,但我一轉頭看他,他就停下來.他是一個害羞的孩子.爸爸還想著他做童星,我和爸爸說饒了他吧,只要我們寄給SEARS參賽的照片能賺5000塊我就高興死了.我不會勉強他將來做他不願意的事,他的未來由他自己來決定,這點我和爸爸還未達成共識.爸爸已經在盤算將來要他們學這學那.我則是反對到底,如果將來他們有興趣,學校提供的環境就夠了,Howard and Emma,他們不需要做什麼小天才,做一個快樂健康的小朋友,媽媽認為比什麼都重要. While I was working at study room upstair,豬豬 was watching Disney channel alone at living room this afternoon. I heard that he tried to imitate the song from TV program. 豬豬 usually doesn''t speak a lot. In order to encourage him to speak,sing and dance together with the TV characters. I always did with them first. He look at the TV and then look at me, he laughed loudly. I felt like I was entertaining him. When he met frequent songs and dances, he followed the TV characters and moved his hands a little, but he stoped as I turned to watch him. He is a shy kid. Baba something felt that he got a cute face, maybe he will be a star. I told baba "give him a break, I will be happy to death if his picture which I mailed for a contest can win $5000. I will not push him doing something he doesn''t like to do. He is the the person to decide his own future. Baba has different points of view. He has begun to figure out what he need to learn when he getting older. I am against him of this plan. Howard and Emma, they are not necessary to be excellent. To be a happy and healthy kid is most important after all, I think.

濕疹,快消失吧 (Rash,rash,go away)


我在yam.com討論區貼了一張Emma腿上長濕疹的照片,幾位網友媽媽住意到Emma的濕疹很嚴重留言給我表達關心.我覺得這場與濕疹的戰爭很值得記錄下來. Emma兩個半月大就開始長在臉上.我以為是她那張人造纖維的小毛毯造成的.爸爸買了幾個木纖維製的毛巾(天然纖維比棉還柔軟)給她當頭和毯子.但是我的判斷不對.接著我開始只用清水替她洗澡以及手洗她的衣物寢具並且太陽曬乾.發現清潔劑肥皂也不是過敏原.接著我們帶她去看醫生,醫生開了兩種藥膏,一種含有 1% 類固醇搽在最嚴重的手臂,另一種搽在其他地方.一開始發現藥有效很高興,但不久又陷入失望,好了又長反反覆覆.藥膏用完了,身上還是有疹子.我不想再去醫生那開類固醇更強的藥膏,她只有baby,不想她身體吸收太多藥物.我們決定把地毯換成木地板,花了1300,疹子還是照長.我注意到當我們送她到褓姆家,皮膚好很多,一回家就惡化.我想是家附近的空氣中含有過敏原,但不知道是什麼,我們門窗緊閉外加四台空氣淨化機.我假設是鄰居院子看起來像夾竹桃樹開的花.我們要求他把花減倒.這次有幫助但無法完全阻止濕疹發出,因為社區種了很多這種樹.我們只好門窗完全關上,24小時開著淨化機.冷氣也幾乎全日開著,屋子太悶熱了,今年夏天電費會很可觀.這場戰爭將持續到Emma完成痊癒. I posted a photo of Emma with the rash covered on her legs in Yam.com. Couple of mamas from the website noticed that the rash on Emma was really bad and they left message to me concerning about her. It is the battle between the rash and us. I think the story is worthy to write down. It started on her face since Emma was 2 and half months old. I thought the rash on her face was caused by the blanket which was made of polyester. Baba purchased couple of towels made of woodsilk(natural fiber,softer than cotton) for her to used as the pad underneath her head and as blanket.But I was wrong.Then I bath her only with pure water with no soap and handwash her clothes,bed sheet and blanket and sundry them. Detergent and soap are not the cause either. Next step we went to doctor and she prescribed 2 kinds of ointments. One of them contained 1% 類固醇 which was used for her worst parts on arms,the other one was applied on rest part of body. I was happy when I found the ointments worked for her, but pretty soon I was disappointed. since the old rash had not gone and the new one came to her again. The ointment was running out but the rash still on her skin. I didn''t want to go to doctor again and get her another stronger 類固醇 ointment. She is just a baby. I didn''t want her aborting so much medication. Then we decided to replace the carpet to woodfloor which costed us about 1300 dollars. However The rash still there. I noticed that when we sent her to babysitter''s house,she was better.As she came back home, the rash was getting worse. I thought that something in the air around our house was the cause. But I didn''t have idea what it was. We closed the windows and doors and place 2 air purifiers downstair and 2 in master bedroom upstair. I assumed the trees(look like夾竹桃) with lots of flowers were the 過敏原 in the next door''s yards. We asked them removed the flowers. It''s helpful this time but it is not 100% stopping the rash. Since this kind of trees are everywhere in our community. What we can do now is to close the windows and doors all the time and to run the air purifiers 24 hours. The AC is running almost whole day because the space is completely closed. The bills of power are gonna be very expensive this summer. The battle is still going on until Emma can get recovery.EMMA-IN-THE-BOX

My God,mama''s laptop,what is the mess! (慘不忍睹)


I allowed Howard to play the Photosuite for a while before going to bed. I opened up the software and the drawing function so he could click the mouse and created cars on his picture. I also gave him a bottle of juice to enjoy and I left the studing room leaving him alone. After a while I went to the room to check on him, The picture into my eyes shocked me and I rushed to baba. "豬豬 removed all keys out of my laptop." Howard looked down and freezed right in front of the computer.(see photo 1) At this moment I did not have idea how to blame him since I did not fell mad, but I felt funny instead. However baba still blamed 豬豬,but he could not hold to laugh. I picked the camera and took pictures of the mess. He watched me with the expression on his face.(see photo 3) I couldn''t tell that he was sorry or not. If I could collect all toy cars baba bought for him together, You would see that no single one stayed the way of origin. He torn apart every car he had. What a trouble maker. 睡覺前我讓豬豬玩一下PHOTOSUITE,替他打開程式及畫圖功能他只要點滑鼠就可出現很多車子.我拿一瓶果汁給他一面玩一面享用.留他一人在書房我就走了.過一會兒我去看看他,驚人的一幕呈現在我眼前.我下樓告訴爸爸"豬豬把我的LAPTOP的鍵都拔掉了"豬豬站在電腦前低著頭一動也不動.(如圖一)此時我已不知要罵他什麼,因為我並不氣反而覺得好笑.爸爸還是罵了豬豬,但邊罵邊笑.我拿相機拍下罪證時他用圖三表情看著我,不知道他是不是知錯.如果我把爸爸買給他的車車放在一起,你會發現沒有一輛完好如初,都被他解體,真會找麻煩.