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Lucky of us moving to such a neighborhood Before we moved here I listened to Ben talking about the residents in this city He said Temecula is a richest city around this area He always felt pressure when he came to Temecula to work But he could not express what kind of pressure I guess he's just too sensitive And think too much First time I came to this house was to sign the leasing contract with agent We met prevoius tenents They needed to sign paperworks too He said he liks the neighborhood This community is similar with the one in a movie Sissors hands People in every house know each other almost every family have 2~4 kids Our house is loacted at a 死胡同 lots of Kids play outside even on the drive way every evening Howard and Emma are not shy to play with them Whenever they heard kids outside they asked to go out playing with them Howard and Emma are really good at social with people better than their mom and dad Howard's way to start talking with new people(adults and kids) was showing his stuff He showed his new books or toys to people and starting conversation with them 但有時搞不清什麼人該拿什麼東西 隔壁兩個八歲女孩在玩 他匆忙回去抱了一滿懷玩具車出來 誰理他 because of 兩個親善大使,parents of kids came to us introduce themselves I concern about the safty of the community i asked one of the neighbor is it safe to put kids outside without watching them she said this community is pretty safe some parents let kids play outside without watching them but she still watch even her son is 8 years old I think so you never know what's gonna happen 不怕一萬只怕萬一 有些可怕的刑案就是發生在平靜安全的地方 我看這裡的小學生都是自己走路上下學 猶豫將來是不是也該放手讓他們自己走 學著獨立一點 不要和別人不一樣 又好擔心哪天就不見了 白人小孩的獨力是從小小事就開始培養 有些事亞洲父母對小孩太保護了 真是做不到 我盡量了 we like this community so far we are gonna wait to see if market is going down in the next few years if it is,buying our own house here isn't always a dream

Howard & Emma go SUMMER SCHOOL


Today was the first day they went to summer school It is a farm like,family runed school Lots of farm animals there according to the ads the school is on a 19 acrs lot But the classrooms and office are not fancy at all all in the old mobil houses Location is at a countryside in Menifee The reason that we choose this school was dad's good memory of his childhood at a country side He likes the eviroment for kids I visited the school last week The first thing i noticed was the animal smell I don't like it,but I don't hate it they left for school at 6:00am in the moring since the school is close to dad's company a dad drop them to school before going to office It is not too early to arrive dad's office at 6:00am everybody go to office early pushing him doing the same I misjudged one thing Emma DID NOT CRY AT ALL FIRST DAY AT SCHOOL I predicted she's gonna cry for aparting with me at least one week I was totally wrong I guess maybe brother with her is helpful But dad said they are in different classes She enjoyed school I think she is ready for school We drop and pick brother at school together in the past year was the help School is not strong to her The first word she talk to me after going home was funny I need to type in Chinese later 她很高興的從車庫進來 大聲說"馬麻老師叫我狗屁屁" 第一秒我沒能會意 還心想老師怎麼罵人 後來反應過來是go pee pee 她大了一點便在褲子上 老師沒看到我帶的更換衣褲 臭臭的回來



ㄍㄍ的HOME SCHOOL離新房子走路就可以到 六月,八月都可以註冊 體檢最早只能約到七月 還好八月還可以註 妹妹的學校就有點麻煩 本來WUMP九月就可以開始上 但要搬家只好DROP 重新在新家附近找 面臨和ㄍㄍ三歲時一樣的問題 我們想讓她上教會學校 便宜有品質又有系統的學校在這裡也難逃要WAITING的命運 如果等的到 就是要等到明年4歲半時才進的去 等不到就有點麻煩 ㄍㄍ當初是上了家來就收的昂貴學校 但管理教學品質很差 只上了三個月 不想讓妹在家混下去了 只好也暫時上這類來就收的學校 選了家KINDERCARE LEARNING CENTER連鎖的PRESCHOOL 先給他報名3全天 希望連鎖的會做得比較嚴謹有系統 四歲PER-K這年是比較重要 有系統的課程安排為進KINDERGARTEN做預備 教學品質優良的學校其實上這一年就足夠了 ㄍㄍ的效果是很明顯 四歲兩個月才開始上 一句英文也不會 前幾天的CONFERENCE 老師說他已具備KINDERGARTEN中階段的程度 是班上進步最快的學生 所以3歲這年我其實不用擔心 四歲那年一定要讓她進去有系統的學校 搬過去後還要再找另一家教會學校WAITING比較保險 PS: 太幸運了 妹不用等了 把把剛剛打電話來說 妹子九月就可以上教會學校五半天 只是我們仍需WAITING5全天 日記才剛寫完 就接到電話 是上帝幫忙的嗎 我還沒想到要禱告勒 難道是寫這篇日記時 上帝在旁邊看



今天爸請假 送哥哥去上學後 我們和一個朋友約在日本餐館 請她幫我們看一份合約 急忙拉著妹出門 誰知她走出門還多事順手要把們帶上 手離開的速度不如門關上的速度快 手指被夾到 痛得她大哭著要貼貼紙(BAND-AID) 到了餐館他要大便 帶到廁所發現已經拉出來了 丟了內褲 大便乾黏的擦不乾境 只好給她穿上外褲 我沒有心情吃飯了 只想著要趕快回去洗屁股 匆匆只吃了沙拉 朋友看了合約 說那份RENT TO BUY的合約有陷阱 我們只好放棄這棟2400SF 每月只要付$1300的房子 接著我們回家洗屁股換衣服 還提早去接正在睡午覺的ㄍㄍ 和AGENT約去看一棟只有$1200租金的房子 這棟外觀保養的還可以 面積和現在的CONDO一樣小 但後院很棒 很大很大 一半草地一半水泥地 水泥地大到夠騎車 也可以買個大的充氣游泳池給小孩玩 衝著那個大院子和便宜的租金 我可以接受這棟小房子 但把把覺得那區不是很好 所以又去看了兩棟貴一點的 這兩棟都有人住 所以只看了外面 最後把把選了TEMECULA,RED HAWK區的一間申請 1800SF,沒院子 他的理由就是區好 其實我比較喜歡FRENCH VALLEY那棟 一年新,2100SF 旁邊就是一個公園 新區規劃的比較開闊 但他對這地區比我了解 反正是租 不喜歡一年就可以換 就先聽他的 ㄍㄍ開始不耐煩 帶他們去麥當勞玩 妹子爬上椅子時 人一滑摔下來 後腦撞到後面的椅子 腫了一小包 哭了兩分鐘繼續玩 小孩一多就玩瘋了 妹子玩到尿急才說 來不及去廁所 尿在PLAYGROUNG的地板上 我們叫了服務生來清潔 帶走尿溼褲子沒得換的小孩 我只好給她包尿片 準備回家了 開著開著 妹突然伍著嘴巴哭 接著就把剛吃的全吐出來 今天開小車 我坐前面 無法及時拿東西接 眼看著他吐了一身 我氣到不想講話了 ㄍㄍ這時要尿尿 把把也忘了拿瓶子接著尿就好了 還把小馬桶搬出來放在馬路邊叫他尿 ㄍㄍ緊張怕人看到尿不準 把把抱怨弄了一手尿 我說我被妹中午弄了一手大便 現在被弄了一身尿和嘔吐物都沒說話 把把才閉嘴 嘔吐物大約擦掉 妹的衣服全脫光了沒得換 只好拿把把的衣服包一包 回家路上從後照鏡看她 看到她偏著頭無神看著窗外 外套包著露出兩點小ㄋㄟ ㄋㄟ 我和把把說旁邊的車開過去看到她 會不會以為她是受虐兒