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最後一日夏令啦(Last day for Summer Class)


今日係最後一日夏令啦,返埋今日呢,駿駿要到九月先再要返幼稚園囉.今朝一早同太婆一齊送駿駿返學,唔知係咪駿駿知到今日太公太婆要返香港呢?落車時扭晒計唔肯返學…要太婆喎.最後要我抱佢上班房見到老師先收聲. 唔,太公太婆都係度住左2個星期有多囉,駿駿係完全比佢地寵壞左架,當然我都係啦.本來太公太婆想係中午駿駿放學前走既,但係我就要求佢地食完午飯再由同我駿駿送佢地去碼頭…咁樣駿駿可以直接同佢地拜拜,同我同爸爸都有多餐午飯食啦.一心諗住食完飯2點左右送太公太婆去碼頭,返黎就同駿駿一齊訓午覺既…但係駿駿係我地送緊太公太婆去碼頭途中就訓左囉..一直到我抱到佢返屋企先訓醒.唉佢一醒左就好難要佢再訓囉…係咁搵太公太婆..最後佢成4點先訓午覺…訓到食飯前半個鐘7點先醒. Today was the last day for Summer Class, after today Chunchun don’t have to go to kindergarten until September. Took Chunchun to kindergarten with great Grandma this morning, didn’t know is that because Chunchun knew great Grandma will be leaving today… he not willing to go to school and kept yelling for great Grandma. I have to carry him to his classroom, and once he saw his teacher, he stops crying. Hum, great Grandparents been in Macau over 2 weeks now, Chunchun got super spoiled, and me too. At first great Grandparents wanted to leave before Chunchun off school, however, I required they to leave after lunch… so that Chunchun would say goodbye to great Grandparents and Papa and I would have a great lunch. Drive great Grandparents to pier after lunch around 2pm and then back home to take nap with Chunchun that was what I planned. However, Chunchun fall in sleep while we on the way to pier and woke up after I carry him back home=_=; Sigh, it’s so hard to make him back to sleep again, since he yelling and screaming for great Grandparents… finally he fall in sleep again around 4pm and woke up until 7pm.

好多新玩具(Many New Toys)


今朝同婆婆一齊送駿駿返學,之後我地就返屋企搭屋抹玩具啦.又係度諗今日咁齊人下午同駿駿去邊玩好,黃昏時去新八佰伴或海灘好,定係一接完駿駿就去珠海好呢?太公太婆就比較想去珠海啦,但係講講下先發現原來婆婆冇帶回鄉証過黎囉,所以今日點都去唔到珠海囉.咁新八佰伴同海灘呢?平時呢我都會想去海灘既,但係上星期日去完,見到d水勁髐呢就唔係好想去囉.不過最後決定權都係落左係駿駿度,等駿駿放學返黎比佢揀去海灘定八佰伴. 唉,今日我地又唔多好彩喎,之前一直都有位泊車接駿駿放學既,但係今日呢,就連巴士站都已經泊滿車喎,我要行過大圈返幼稚園,停係門口,等婆婆係車度睇住,而我就跑去接駿駿放學啦.之後就返屋企同太公太婆,爸爸佢地食飯. 今日駿駿係八佰伴就開心囉,有得玩就一定架啦,今日重買左好多玩具添喎,因為我想成為Sanrio既會員,咁就要買野滿150蚊啦,但係我睇左好耐先買到90幾蚊野,駿駿就有60蚊可以比佢買玩具啦.之後我地又去左超市同佢買Thomas火車頭玩具連糖喎. Took Chunchun to kindergarten with Grandma this morning, and then we back home to clean up Chunchun’s toys and vacuum. Thinking should we go to the Beach or New Yaohan in the evening; or go to Zhuhai after school. Great Grandparent wanted to go to Zhuhai again, however Grandma forget to bring her visa, so wouldn’t go to Zhuhai today. Hum, New Yaohan and beach, I prefer New Yaohan is better, because last Sunday when we go to the beach, I found that the water were super dirty. Finally, we decided to ask Chunchun where he wants to go after we pick him up. Sigh, we were so unlucky today, couldn’t find a parking space, even in the bus stop was already full>_< I drive a big circle back to school and park in front of the school; I let Grandma stay in the car and then I hurry ran up to the classroom to picked up Chunchun. Back home to have lunch with great Grandparents and Papa, and then take his nap^^ Ha, happy day, whenever we go to New Yaohan surely Chunchun would go to the amusement arcade and today since I want to join the Sanrio Fan Club, I have to buy $150 stuff, however, I only pick up something worth $90, so Chunchun got $60 to buy his toy. And then when we go to supermarket, we bought a Candy Thomas Toy for him, many new toys in same time.



駿駿今日就開心囉,一早爸爸同太公太婆同我地一齊去荼樓飲茶,之後佢訓完午覺我地又去左海灘玩沙. 本來呢,我諗住今日好似平常既星期日咁,11點左右去新八佰伴食午飯同玩既,之後下午就唔會再去街.但係今朝爸爸話佢得閒喎,咁我地就拉大隊去左飲茶啦.又因為我地今日一早冇去到新八佰伴同駿駿玩,所以我就諗住如果駿駿早訓午覺又早起既話,黃昏時就同佢去海灘玩下沙既.又少有喎,駿駿食完飯坐車返屋企時就訓到隻豬咁,平時我抱佢返屋企,一返到屋企佢就會醒架啦,但係今日爸爸抱佢佢就一直訓到4點幾先起身. 4點半左右我地就渣車去海灘啦,5點15分左右就去到黑沙,唉,今日真係唔係一個好日子去海灘丫,勁多人,未見到海灘就要排隊泊車.最後我叫太公太婆同駿駿落車去玩沙先,我自己一個再慢慢排隊等位.又好彩喎,實際唔係等左好耐就有位啦,因為一次過有幾位車同一時間走.再係海灘玩左45分鐘左右我地就準備返屋企囉.泊完車之後…沖身又係一個大問題…人太多,根本就行唔到入去沖身>__< I have to let great Grandparent and Papa down to the beach first, and then I queue up for parking space. Hum, I don’t remember how long I waited for the parking space, but it’s quite lucky I didn’t wait too long, because there have a lot of people leaving in the same time. Played in the beach around 45 minutes and then prepare to back home. Sigh, it’s a pain of neck to took shower for Chunchun, there were so many people… it’s so hard to get near the water>_< 食蛋撻

同駿駿去珠海丫(Zhuhai with Chunchun)


係好耐以前我地就想同駿駿去一次珠海架啦.太公太婆同婆婆都一直係度等駿駿返夏令時放半晏,咁我地下午就可以帶駿駿一齊去珠海啦. 今朝一早同婆婆一齊送完駿駿返學之後呢,我地就去左車行拎番部車啦.唉~我部車都放左係車行成3個星期啦,都算好彩今日就有得拎番..本來我重係度諗緊中午點去接駿駿放學同點去關閳既. 大約12點15分左右我地就去到駿駿幼稚園度等佢放學啦,又好彩係果度比我搵到位泊車喎..重好彩我都真係泊到入個車位度^^大約1點左右我地就去到珠海啦,係果度食家鄉雞做午餐.之後我地就去左遊樂場同駿駿玩啦.駿駿好鍾意玩果度既騎馬game,又真係幾好玩架喎.駿駿起碼玩左5次以上架.佢係一隻好大既馬對住個大螢幕..初開始時隻馬郁得好慢,之後就會越郁越快,好似真係騎緊馬咁架喎.不過玩完呢,我對手腳都好累.因為要控制隻馬又要抱住駿駿唔比佢跌喎.1隻馬郁得勁時,我自己都差d跌啦丫 係遊樂場騎完馬之後呢,駿駿就已經眼訓到暈囉…坐上車仔冇耐就訓著囉.我地行左陣街都返澳門囉.其實我地本來就冇乜野要買架啦.會黎珠海都係因為澳門真係冇乜地方好行先會過黎姐. Planned to go to Zhuhai with Chunchun a long time ago, great Grandparents and Grandma were waiting for Chunchun’s summer class, so that we would take Chunchun to Zhuhai in afternoon. Took Chunchun to kindergarten with Grandma around 8.45am, and then Grandma and I went to pick up my car. Hum, my car been in the maintenance centre over 3 weeks now, it’s so lucky I would pick it up today, so that I don’t have to worry about how to pick up Chunchun in the noontime and how we get to Zhuhai. Went to pick up Chunchun around 12.15am with great Grandparents and Grandma… lucky us, we found a parking space near Chunchun’s kindergarten^^ Arrived Zhuhai around 1pm, and we have KFC for lunch. Happy Chunchun went to the amusement arcade after lunch, and there have a lot of fun games. Horse racing game became Chunchun’s favorite game once he sits on it; it’s a really fun game, haha, I like that too. It’s have a big horse shape seat with a big screen in front of it, when the game starts… the seat will move slowly, and then it will move faster and faster…just like you really riding on a horse. Haha, I guess Chunchun played at least 5 times of it, my legs and arms were so tired after playing this game with Chunchun, because I have to control the horse and have to hold on Chunchun on the seat. After playing in the amusement arcade, Chunchun was fall in sleep immediately while we walking around in the mall. Hum, we didn’t have anything want to buy actually, only take a walk there since Macau really don’t have much place to hang out.

新八佰伴(New Yaohan)


星期日係我地既八佰伴日,哈哈,因為我地差唔多個個星期日都會去一次新八佰伴既.今日我地大約11點15分左右行到去新八佰伴,之後第一時間當然係去遊樂場啦.玩左半個鐘左右我地就上去美食廣場度食午飯啦,要係中午之前就上去架啦,唔係一到左中午…多人到想有位坐都難.今日終於都冇食駿駿食開果個餐啦,但係都離唔開拉麵…我地叫左一個日本拉麵同一個士多啤梨班戟同駿駿2份食^^ 食完午飯呢,我地先去左買生日禮物比爺爺,之後就再去遊樂場度玩啦.係我地係玩具部都睇玩具時,比我地撞到Stephenie一家人喎,駿駿同Stephenie不知幾開心,一見面就手拖手兩個周圍行囉.好搞笑架,駿駿一見到得意佢鐘意既玩具就拎去比Stephenie睇,係咁叫”Nie Nie,你睇下”而Nie Nie接過手之後就即時搵地方放番好d玩具喎.一個破壞一個收拾 XD 唉,係駿駿同Stephenie玩緊時,太公太婆自己去左行街丫,行街都事少,佢地又花錢買左衫比駿駿>__< Chunchun already have so many t-shirt for summer, they really don’t need to waste there money… Crazy Chunchun and Stephenie started to play hide and seek in the Toy’s section, that made Gina and I decided to say good-bye to stop them. It’s too dangerous and impolite to running around in a crowded place=_=; It’s quite funny, I knew Chunchun like Stephenie a lot, but usually when they two got together… they rare playing together, they usually playing with their own toys; and today, they stick together since they met, and kept looking for each other even we said goodbye already.

書展(Book Fair)


今朝又同太婆一齊送駿駿返幼稚園啦,吸取到琴日既教訓呢,今日太婆送駿駿返學去到學校大堂就唔送啦,由我一個帶駿駿上課室,咁樣呢駿駿就唔會扭計唔返學,開開心心咁行入班房啦. 中午去接駿駿前,先約左Gina係佢學校門口等,之後我地再一齊行去接駿駿放學.送完駿駿返屋企,我同Gina就去新八佰伴度搵我地既網友Kary啦…而駿駿呢,當然就係留係屋企由太公太婆睇住啦^^我地三個係八佰伴食完午飯就一齊行去書展啦.唔,其實對書展有少少失望丫,因為佢都唔似書展既..似d係大商場搞既大特賣多d囉,但係佢又唔係真係好平,又冇新書,係果度真係冇乜野吸引到我囉.最後我只係買左本小朋友既字典比駿駿大個d用咋.去完書展呢,Stephenie婆婆就黎車我地返我屋企坐陣傾下計啦,因為Kary話佢要等佢老公放工喎.唔想佢一個大肚婆係街度行,我就提意係我屋企坐陣先走囉,而且又可以比駿駿同Stephenie一齊玩下. Took Chunchun to kindergarten with great Grandma this morning, draw the lesson from yesterday… great Grandma wait in the lobby and I took Chunchun to his classroom alone, in that way Chunchun wouldn’t cry and be happy to his classroom. Met Gina in front of her school, and then went to pick up Chunchun together around 12.30pm. After we took Chunchun back home, Gina and I went to New Yaohan to met our new net friend – Kary… and leave Chunchun to my great Grandparents to take care^^ We have lunch in New Yaohan and then walk to the book fair. Hum, a little bit disappointed about the book fair, it’s just like a big promotion of book, no great discount, no new books release; books in the book fair were not too interesting for me. I only bought a child dictionary for Chunchun. After the book fair, Stephenie’s Grandma came and drives us back to my home to gossiping, since Kary have to wait for her husband off work around 6pm. Since we worry about Kary wait for her husband alone with a big belly(pregnancy), so I suggest they come to my home to rest for a while and let Chunchun and Stephenie playing together^^係學校自己食河粉

2人世界(Two people''s world)


今朝一早同太婆一齊送駿駿返幼稚園,唉~每次太婆係度呢,駿駿就突然麻煩同扭計架啦.都返左幼稚園成個幾星期架啦,一直都冇話真係喊過既…但係今日太婆係度呢,佢就喊住要太婆抱佢走啦,最後我地都會由得佢喊自己走先,等老師搞掂佢. 12點半我去接完駿駿放學之後呢,爸爸就黎接我地返屋企啦^o^好開心丫,今日爸爸會同我2個人返香港行街食飯..2人世界一日,留駿駿係屋企等太公太婆睇住佢.唔,我地有好耐都冇試過2人世界囉,因為爸爸由3,4月開始就勁忙..到佢近期得閒d,駿駿又放午日喎…要睇住駿駿..我地大約2點幾返到香港啦,之後就去旺角食午飯同行街..我都冇乜點買野丫..只係買左d漫畫咁..但係爸爸就收鑊豐富囉…一買就買左幾件衫同一件褲..重有一大堆cd,vcd添喎 Took Chunchun to kindergarten with great Grandma this morning, sigh, whenever great Grandma was here, Chunchun will become super trouble. He has been going to kindergarten over a week now, and never cries in kindergarten but today… he cry since we arrived to kindergarten and we have to leave him with his teacher while he was crying. Picked Chunchun up around 12.30pm and then Papa come and pick us up^O^ So happy, Papa and I planned to go to Hong Kong to shopping around for a day and leave Chunchun in home with great Grandparent. Hum we have a long time didn’t enjoy 2 people’s world, since Papa was so busy since April. Happy me arrived Hong Kong around 2pm something, and then we have lunch and shopping around in Mong Kok, I didn’t buy much, only 2 comics and a magazine, but Papa did buy a lot of t-shirt and jeans^^



因為我之前同老師講過駿駿係學校既午飯唔夠飽,要求佢地比多少少份量駿駿.結果今日林老師同我講,佢地比左2倍既份量駿駿食,而佢都完全食晒既…叫我留意如果駿駿返到屋企都重係勁食既話,就係唔好既習慣啦.好彩駿駿返到屋企就冇好似早幾日咁勁問我地食野啦,飲左半支奶就訓覺囉^^ 唔,駿駿訓完午覺之後呢,我地就去左睇醫生啦,因為學校有張健康證明既表要我地去搵醫生填既.駿駿依家著住鞋有100cm高啦,如果唔著鞋大約98,99cm左右啦…不過呢,體重由2歲到依家都係16kg左右喎=_=;我都知駿駿向高發展係好,不過呢..我唸每個媽咪都會咁架啦..希望自己個bb無論身高同體重都有增長… Since I asked the teacher to give more lunch to Chunchun for lunch, today when I pick up Chunchun; Miss Lam told me that they already giving a double size of lunch to Chunchun this afternoon, and he finished it all. Chunchun should have enough for lunch, if he keep asks for more at home, then it’s a bad habit. So happy today when we back home, Chunchun didn’t ask for more and more bread or milk. Only have half bottle of milk and then go right to sleep^^ Hum, went to the doctor after Chunchun woke up from nap to ask the doctor to fill in the health certificate form for us. Chunchun height was 100cm with shoes now, so I guess his actual height was 98cm or 99cm; and weight still the same 16kg=_=; I know it’s good for Chunchun keep growing taller and not fatter… but, you know…mother’s thought “always want baby to growing up both way in height and weight”.

家庭日(Family Day)


好少有丫,爸爸今日冇乜野做喎.佢成9點先返工,之後我地重約左中午係新八佰伴等,一齊食飯同行街街.我同駿駿11點半左右就去到新八佰伴囉,第一時間就同駿駿去左遊樂場度玩,之後爸爸黎到我地就去睇玩具同去百佳度食午飯.駿駿就開心囉,係玩具部度見到有個麥當勞既背包連玩具,食完午飯之後爸爸見到駿駿鍾意就當然會買比佢. 唔,我地係八佰伴都唔係行左好耐,點幾我地就返左屋企囉.因為我地都冇乜野要買,爸爸又話想訓陣先再返工.一返到屋企駿駿就自己玩新玩具啦,爸爸就訓午覺,而我地就掛埋d衫,做埋d家務先.做完野就同駿駿訓午覺,等駿駿訓左我就同爸爸睇埋一套唔記得睇左幾多日都未睇完既vcd.大約3點左右爸爸就返工啦,而我就終於都可以訓陣午覺囉.結果我同駿駿2隻懶豬.訓到成5點幾6點先起身丫. So rare, Papa don’t have much work today, he went to work around 9am, and then we met in New Yaohan around noontime to shop around and have lunch together. Chunchun and I arrived to new Yaohan around 11.30am and then we went to amusement arcade to play for a while, after Papa came, we walked around in the Toy’s section… and then have lunch in Pork’ N Café. Happy Chunchun found a McDonald’s Toy in Toy’s section, and surely Papa bought that for him after we finished our lunch. We didn’t spend much time in New Yaohan, we back to home around 1pm something, since we don’t have much to buy and Papa want to take a rest before he back to work. Papa took a nap while I was doing the laundry and Chunchun playing his new toy, and then after I made Chunchun take his nap, Papa and I watch VCD together. Papa back to work around 3pm and me starts to take my nap with Chunchun. Lazy us, Chunchun and I nap until 5pm something.

幼稚園既午飯(Lunch at kindergarten)


因為琴晚爸爸好夜先返屋企丫,所以今朝得我一個送駿駿放學咋.因為冇爸爸係度,我地比之前2日都早左返去.8點45分之前就返到啦,果時重見到好多小朋友係遊樂場度玩緊等上課室.比駿駿玩左一陣就有老師黎叫d小朋友排隊上班房啦.本來駿駿排隊時都冇野架,但係開始上樓梯就不停有小朋友喊要媽咪陪…結果駿駿上到一半樓梯都跟住其他小朋友一齊搵媽咪囉…而我最後都要好似其他媽咪咁..抱住小朋友上班房囉=_=; 真係好鬼黑仔,送完駿駿返學返屋企時,上左部的士…個司機都唔知點渣車既,坐到我暈車浪>___< got on a taxi with a terrible driver, he made me got car sick on the way back to my home… Woke up Papa after I back home, and then started to do my laundry, at first I should mod the dust today…however I got headache after took the taxi, so I took a nap until 10am something. Since Ivy and Gina said the la compagnie des petits located in the shopping area was having a great discount, I went there around 11.30am to meet Gina to shop together. Hum, I bought 1 jeans, 2 t-shirt, 1 shirt and 1 jacket for Chunchun, it’s original price was almost $1200, but now it’s only cost me less than $300. Actually I want to buy some more pants for Chunchun, however I am not sure that fit on Chunchun…so may be I went there with him later this week^^ While Gina and I were shopping in the store, Pinky came too… haha After saying goodbye with Gina and Pinky, I have to hurry to kindergarten to pick up Chunchun. Gossiping for a while with Miss Lam, try to understand how they train Chunchun to bathroom and how’s Chunchun doing at lunch. Since yesterday and the day before yesterday, Chunchun asked for bread or more milk after school, I asked Miss Lam to gain the size of lunch for Chunchun. Haha, I remember that when Chunchun first went to nursery, I asked Ivone to gain the size of lunch for Chunchun twice^^ wonder how many time I have to asks for more for Chunchun in the kindergarten?

婆婆又澳門啦(Grandma came to Macau)


聽日駿駿就開始返夏令啦,所以今晚婆婆就會過黎澳門,到星期二朝先走…之後就要下個星期二先會再過黎囉. 唔,今日我同駿駿都勁無聊丫,因為天氣熱我地都冇出過街,只係係屋企睇vcd,食午飯,訓午覺,再睇vcd,,,到爸爸返黎就一齊食住pizza等婆婆過黎.係食完晚飯之後,就同婆婆一齊去左新八佰伴度行一陣街.唔其實我地係冇乜野要買架,不過因為成日都冇出過街就出去行下咋.係八佰伴度行左2個鐘,當然多數時間都係睇駿駿d野啦.同佢去左遊樂場度玩,又去左同佢睇水鞋仔,之後行左陣超市同10蚊店咁啦. 哈,駿駿近期有個好得意既口頭襌喎.每次我叫佢做野或者話佢曳時,佢就會講”咪住,咪住,媽咪等一陣先…我…”之後講大堆野想人地唔記得要叫佢做乜或唔記得要鬧佢咁XD Chunchun will starts his summer school tomorrow, so Grandma came to Macau tonight and will back to Hong Kong on Tuesday morning, and then she will not come to Macau again until next Tuesday. Hum, we were quite boring today, didn’t go to anywhere because of the heat. Watching VCD, lunch, napping, and watching VCD until Papa came back from work. Having pizza for dinner while we were waiting for Grandma come. Went to New Yaohan with Grandma after dinner, hum, we didn’t have much to buy only want to leave home for a while. We spent around 2 hours in New Yaohan for Chunchun playing in the amusement arcade, looking for rain shoes for Chunchun, walk around in supermarket and the 10 dollars store. Chunchun was so cutie recently, whenever I asked him to do something and when I talk to him…he always said “wait, wait for a second… I…” and try to made you forget what you want him to do XD

係托兒所既最後一個假期啦(Last Holiday in Nursery)


唔,今日係駿駿係托兒所最後一次放假囉,因為駿駿下星期一就會返幼稚園既夏令啦,由7月4日返到7月31日.琴日應該係佢最後一日返托兒所囉,之後要到8月先再返;返多一個月到佢返幼稚園就唔會再返托兒所囉.不過呢,就算駿駿佢7月唔會返托兒所,但係我地都要比足學費去留位,如果唔係呢到8月駿駿就唔可以返番托兒所啦. 就因為咁,我決定如果駿駿星期六唔駛返夏令既話,我一定會帶佢返托兒所玩番半日.. 同Ivone話我知如果駿駿早放夏令既話(大約11點)咁佢地可以幫我留飯比駿駿,我一接左佢放夏令就帶佢返托兒所..咁駿駿一樣可以係托兒所食午飯訓午覺,下午茶同同小朋友玩.希望駿駿既夏令班放早d啦,咁我就唔駛咁辛苦可以下午都放佢係托兒所囉. 本來我諗住今日上午同駿駿去麥記食午餐,黃昏時如果佢乖既話會同佢去八佰伴架…點知佢琴晚勁曳,比我罰完之後訓覺時又倒晒d奶落我張床度喎>___< He made me have to do 2 more laundry today=_=; so we go nowhere today… I was too busy on my laundry. When we just woke up in the morning, Chunchun was so funny, he notice that his little chair was still in my room. He jumps off the bed and ran to pick up the chair and took the chair back to living room after he saying “no more punishment, Chunchun is good baby today, put the chair back.” Chunchun was fine in the morning, and around 10am something, he opened the front door himself since he heard the baby who lives in our next door laughing, and asked our neighbor to come over. They stayed for around half hour and then I prepare to go lunch with Chunchun. Sigh, Chunchun started to be naughty again... not willing to go out to have lunch even I said we will go to McDonald. Finally, I have to cook for lunch and Chunchun got his punishment again=_=;



今日下午3點左右,Gina黎左我屋企坐下等Stephenie放學,因為婆婆今日唔得閒車佢黎接Stephenie喎,咁我地就傾下計,到4點就一齊去接駿駿同Stephenie啦.我見佢地都冇車返屋企,就叫佢地上黎玩到婆婆得閒黎接佢地先走啦^^ 駿駿就開心囉,一返到屋企就不停拎d新玩具出黎比Stephenie睇,之後又同Stephenie一齊玩廚房仔同Thomas火車頭喎.真係好啦,近期見到駿駿都開始真係識得同人分享,問佢要野食佢都會比,玩玩具都肯借比人玩陣啦.大約5點左右,Gina同Stephenie一準備走姐,駿駿就開始大叫大喊扭晒計啦>__< Sigh, I hated that recently Chunchun cry over every little thing that he don’t like… always yelling and crying, I became more and more emotional whenever I heard his crying=_= May be I spoil him too much, I rare punish or hit Chunchun before and that made him became more and more naughty. Finally, I tried the punishment I learn it from a TV programme, made baby/child alone in a room or chair, if the baby or child wanted to be free again, they have to be quiet and obedient. Chunchun got this punishment tonight before bed… I made him to sit on his little chair and can’t move for 5 minutes, if he moves or still crying or yelling… his sitting time will become longer and longer. He started to sit on his chair around 9.20m, he was fine in the first 3 minutes, trying to stop his tear and be quiet; however, he ran away on the fourth minutes=_= so he have to sit 5 more minutes again. Sit and ran away, sit and ran away, used around half hour, Chunchun finally understand that if he not obedient, he have to sit on his chair for a very long time. So he last punishment was sit for 10 minutes and once I let him be free again, he said “Bebe no naughty now, finished punishment”

升上E班啦(Go up to Class E)


E班係係托兒所入班最高既年班,琴日呢駿駿都重係B班度玩緊既,但係今日佢就升左上E班囉.因為舊既E班全部都上晒幼稚園囉,而駿駿既年紀(2歲半)本來應該係出年先入幼稚園既,所以佢地成班B班既小朋友就升左上E班啦.唔,其實本來既B班連駿駿在內,好似只係得3,4個小朋友會早D入幼稚園咋.,駿駿好鬼得意,今日自己走到去B班班房時發現冇人喎,之後有第二班既老師話我地知佢升左上E班啦.一去到E班,我地就見到暉暉果D係度玩緊.駿駿就好奇怪咁問啦”暉暉~你係度做乜野丫?”哈..哈..好過癮丫,唔知駿駿佢諗緊乜呢? Class E is the elder kids’ class in Chunchun nursery; yesterday Chunchun was still in Class B, but today he was going up to Class E. Because the old Class E students were going to kindergarten already, and Chunchun’s age (2 years and half) suppose to be going to kindergarten next school year, so all the Class B students going up to Class E. Hum, actually in Class B there have around 3, 4 babies including Chunchun will going to kindergarten this school year. Cutie Chunchun ran to Class B this morning and found that no on in his classroom, and one of the teacher told us that Chunchun will be Class E study since today. When we got into Class E, we found that Faifai was playing ball there… cutie Chunchun looks weird and asked “Faifai, what are you doing here?” Haha so cutie, I wonder what’s Chunchun thinking?



唉,今又開始落雨啦,近期既天氣真係十分討厭,唔係落大雨就係超熱超勁太陽.本來今日我同Gina諗住帶駿駿同Stephenie一齊去飲下午茶既,但係咁大雨..我地就有取消既打算囉. 好彩到我地差唔多去接放學時細雨左好多喎.咁我地就唔好浪費張食卷…帶埋Stephenie同駿駿一齊去果間咖啡吧度下午茶啦.駿駿同Stephenie就開心囉,我地幫佢地叫左一人一份三色雪糕,又叫左薯條比佢地食.食完雪糕同薯條之後佢地咁係梳化度走黎走去咁玩添…我地見成間咖啡吧都只係得我地幾個客人,駿駿同Stephenie係梳化度走又驚佢地會跌地,又會踏爛人地d梳化..所以最後我同Gina都比兩個小朋友落地玩…一落地兩隻小惡魔就周圍走,玩到哈,哈咁笑囉. Sigh, started to raining again>_< the weather were terrible recently, either rain heavily or super hot and sunny. At first Gina and I planned to have tea together with Chunchun and Stephenie, however, since it’s rain quite hard… we were thinking about to cancel our tea time. Luckily, the rain became smaller when we went to pick up Stephenie and Chunchun, so we decided not to waste my couple and went to the café bar to have tea with Chunchun and Stephenie. Happy Chunchun and Stephenie, we order ice-cream and some French-fly for them too. After having ice-cream and French-fly, Chunchun and Stephenie played so hard on the sofa; since we worry about they will fall down and it’s not polite to run around on the sofa and we were the only client in the bar, Gina and I let Chunchun and Stephenie down the floor and running around in the café bar. 同nienie合照食雪糕丫熟睡中的駿駿

惡運(Bad Luck)


唉,我由新年開始就一直都覺得好黑仔啦>____< Many household ware kept broken or out of order, water pipes in bathroom were dripping, I kept getting sick, and today… car accident. My bad luck seem to be bigger and bigger>_< it’s a luck that we didn’t get hurt in the car accident. Sigh, I been in a blue emotion for a long time too…mostly were because of my bad luck event=_=; Hum, I been thinking that is my first time that being in a bad luck mode for that long time… usually I was quite good luck and even sometime have something bad happened, I could forget it quick and being good luck again. However, this bad luck been staying with me almost half year now>_< When will my bad luck mode end? Went to have tea with Gina and Stephenie’s Grandma this afternoon with Grandma… while I was talking about my bad luck, Stephenie’s Grandma said she was being in a bad luck mode since Chinese New Year too. And our years of birth are the same – MONKEY, and then we started to talk something in Chinese tradition way… Tai Sui, worship in temple, asks for the good fortune in temple, luck jewelry… all kind of stuff. After tea, we went to pick up Stephenie and Chunchun together^^ We let Gina and Stpehenie’s Grandma went into the classroom to pick up Stephenie first, and then after they leave, Grandma and I went to pick up Chunchun; because whenever Chunchn have to say goodbye to Stephenie, he would lost his control=_=; crying and yelling. While we were waiting for Gina and Stephenie’s Grandma to pick up Stephenie, I found a file in Chunchun’s draw, there were over 10 drawing inside the file… those drawing were Chunchun‘s artworks ^o^ It’s so cutie have Chunchun’s hand pin on the file… and Chunchun’s artworks were lovely too, I am going to buy a big clear folder to keep his artworks.