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新嬰兒汽車椅(New Baby Car Seat)


幾日前打左電話叫婆婆幫手買張嬰兒汽車椅過黎澳門比駿駿,而佢今晚就會拎過黎啦.其實我地本來都冇諗過要買架,因為買車時就問左Gina借嬰兒椅,不過老公成日都話張嬰兒椅太高,駿駿又大舊,好難放佢坐好係椅度…咁又係既…成日唔係撞到駿駿就係撞到我地…咁我地咪買張冇咁高既嬰兒汽車椅囉..而且依張可以變做兒童汽車椅墊..可以由3歲坐到12歲架. 8點左右我地就去碼頭度接婆婆啦,之後返到停車場,婆婆就返屋企熱番d晚飯先,我同老公就係停車場度整好張新汽車椅比駿駿.而駿駿就坐係車頭度睇住vcd先.我地一整好張汽車椅姐,駿駿就”嘩~嘩~”聲啦,之後比佢試坐,佢重好開心咁講”好舒服丫”真係好鬼得意. Asked Grandma to buy a new baby car seat for Chunchun a few days ago, and she will bring the car seat to Macau tonight. At first we didn’t plan to buy a new car seat until Chunchun is 3 years old, however Kenny think the car seat that borrow from Gina was too high, it’s quite hard to put Chunchun onto the car seat. We went to pick up Grandma around 8pm in the ferry terminal, and then we back to our car park. Grandma went back home to reheat our dinner first, Papa and I stay in the car to install the new baby car seat, and Chunchun watching VCD on the car. Chunchun was so happy when he saw his new baby car seat, and once we installed it on the back seat. Chunchun climb onto the car seat immediately and said “it’s so comfortable” haha, he was so cutie^^

冇位泊車丫(No Parking)


接完駿駿放學之後呢,我地冇好似平時咁去餐廳度食午飯喎,而係直接返屋企迫駿駿快d訓午覺.因為我諗住等佢訓醒之後就帶佢去二嚨喉公園度玩,果度重有個小小動物園係入面架. 唉,今日我真係好鬼笨,都唔知點解,明明知道行錯路..重要2次都係同一個路口轉錯左右…最後當我地去到個公園時,我地係附近行左3個圈,結果都係冇位泊車架.冇計啦,冇位泊車,我地唯有返屋企返去屋企附近個公園仔玩算囉. 好彩駿駿係公園仔都玩得幾開心,諗諗下其實我地都好耐冇去過果個公園玩啦,因為個公園周圍都係咪做緊修路工程,搞到個公園成日都好似好大塵咁. 7點左右我就同駿駿一齊去接爸爸放工啦,之後係回程返屋企時諗下出街食飯好定叫外賣好呢.我今晚冇煮飯丫,因為爸爸話唔知佢今晚返唔返到黎食,出街食或叫外賣會方便d喎.最後我地都係係屋企叫外賣,咁我地就有時間一齊睇下VCD啦.不過可惜丫,D外賣都未送到黎,爸爸就有電話叫佢出返去返工囉>__< I been driving around and around the park above 3 times, but still wouldn’t find a car parking space. Poor Chunchun, we have to drive back home and then just went to the playground near our home for the evening. Luckily, Chunchun was quite enjoy playing in the playground. Hum, I was thinking, may be we really have a long time that didn’t go to the playground with Chunchun because there have a project that repair the roads near that playground, it’s too dusty to go there. We went to pick up Papa around 7pm, we were thinking should we go out for dinner or order take away. I didn’t cook tonight, because Papa called in the evening and said he didn’t know will he back for dinner or not, it’s better go out to eat or order take away. Finally, we decided to order take away and stay home to watch VCD together. Poor Papa, our take away didn’t arrive yet, but he have to back to work again>_

好悶既星期五(Boring Friday)


今朝大約8點幾送左駿駿放學之後呢,我就係屋企等d師父上黎整番好個洗手間啦.唉~我真係好討厭澳門d人做野既方法同態度架.完全都冇責任心同做得好求期好懶咁既.我一早就同佢地講過,如果佢地果日黎唔到就要打個電話比我架啦,咁我唔駛成日係屋企等佢地丫嘛.但係呢,我等到成點鐘都冇人上黎喎…都唔知有冇搞錯既=-=; 最後我自己去左新八佰伴行街再到4點先去接駿駿放學.唔,其實一個人行街真係冇乜引,可能因為八佰伴唔係咁多野行啦.但係如果帶住駿駿行街又好麻煩.接完駿駿放學我地就去超市買野啦,之後就返屋企睇電視同煮飯.平時呢,我同駿駿會去接爸爸放工返屋企食飯,食完飯再送爸爸返工既.咁駿駿一日最少都會遊2次車河.不過今日就冇囉.因為爸爸打返黎叫我地唔駛去接佢,佢會返黎食但係會夜d叫我地自己食先.不過到8點左右,佢又打返黎話唔返得屋企食飯囉…駿駿就有d失望啦..我地成晚都係屋企冇出過街 Took Chunchun to nursery around 8.30am and then back home to wait for the hardware man to come and fix our bathroom. Sigh, I really hate the attitude that Macau’s people used on work=_= They were so sluggish and no sense of responsibility, I been telling them if they couldn’t come, they had to give me a call, so that I don’t have to wait at home all day. However, they never call=_=; I waited until 1pm and still no phone call. Finally I went out to New Yaohan to shop around myself and then when to pick up Chunchun around 4pm. Hum, it’s quite boring shopping alone…but it’s super trouble if I took Chunchun to New Yaohan. Went to supermarket after picked up Chunchun and then back home to watch VCD and prepare dinner. Hum, usually Chunchun and I will go pick up Papa at work for dinner and then drive him back to work after dinner. So Chunchun at least can go out twice a day, but Chunchun was so disappointed tonight. Papa called and tell us we don’t have to go pick him up, because he was super busy but he will back home for dinner around 8pm something, however, he called again around 8pm and said he couldn’t come back for dinner>_< Therefore, we don’t have to pick up Papa or drive Papa to work tonight, we stayed at home all night.嘆奶奶

婆婆返香港囉(Grandma Back to Hong Kong)


婆婆每個星期二晚都會黎澳門既,之後就星期四一早返香港.而星期二同星期三晚呢,駿駿就會跟婆婆訓.到星期四一早,婆婆先會放駿駿係床仔推番佢過黎我房度訓.通常呢,婆婆推番駿駿過黎時駿駿都重訓緊架,但係今日=_=佢就醒醒地啦,重不停係度喊添,唉,果時都只係6點幾咋,我同爸爸就比駿駿嘈醒晒啦.=_=因為爸爸唔想駿駿嘈住佢訓覺,所以我就帶左駿駿去客房度啦.到婆婆真係出左門口,駿駿先開始收聲,之後我地就一齊出左去客廳度睇vcd等夠鐘送駿駿返學啦. 去接完駿駿放學之後,佢又扭計啦=-=不停係度大喊大叫要搵婆婆喎.唉,都唔知佢發生乜事,婆婆個個星期四都走架啦,佢一直都冇問題架,有時訓醒唔見左婆婆重會同我地講”婆婆返左香港喎,”但係點解今日咁鬼煩既呢?唔通係因為琴日佢撞親個頭仔想搵多個人嗲? Grandma came to Macau every Tuesday night and back to Hong Kong on Thursday early morning. Chunchun used to sleep with Grandma on Tuesday night and Wednesday night, and then Grandma would push Chunchun''s baby bed back to my room in Thursday morning. Usually, when Grandma push Chunchun back to my room, Chunchun was still sleeping, but today =_=he was awake and kept crying. Sigh, it''s only 6am something, Papa and I both woken up by Chunchun crying =_= Since Papa didn’t want Chunchun to bother his sleeping, I have to took Chunchun to the guest’s room to calm him down. Chunchun calm down after Grandma leave our home, and then we watch VCD in the living room until is time to go to nursery. After I picked up Chunchun from the nursery, he started to be naughty again=_= Kept yelling for Grandma, sigh, didn’t know what happened to him. Grandma back to Hong Kong every Thursday morning, and he knew it, sometime when he woke up on Thursday morning, he would tell me “oh~ Grandma was back to Hong Kong already”. But why he was so trouble today? Is it because he got hurt yesterday night?

又去八佰伴(New Yaohan again)


由琴日零晨開始就一直落住大雨啦,到琴晚我同駿駿都一樣係冇覺好訓,不停比打雷同閃電嘈醒>_ _ < It''s quite lucky that when I took Chunchun to the nursery, the rain didn''t as heavy as before, I could easy took Chunchun to nursery. However when I went to pick up Chunchun in the evening, I have to let Chunchun put on his rainwear and I carry an umbrella to the supermarket and back home. We went to pick up Papa around 6pm with Chunchun, sigh, since the heavy raining we tie-up in the traffic jam for a while. Usually, it'' s only take around 5 minutes to get to Papa'' s office, but today, we spend around 20 minutes to get there =_ =Chunchun was super boring sitting in the car even he got VCD to watch it while I am driving. Once Papa gets in the car, he told me that he wanted to have sushi suddenly. So we planned to go to New Yaohan to buy some sushi for dinner and then went to ferry terminal to pick up Grandma. Hum, I guess the time we drive to New Yaohan the rain was super heavy, we hardly to see what in front of us. Got to New Yaohan surely would go to the amusement arcade with Chunchun, since we didn''t have time to go to amusement arcade with Chunchun last Sunday. Chunchun was super exciting in there, because papa rare could to family time with us. It’s so nice to see Papa playing with Chunchun, and carrying him to walk around. Since Papa was super busy at work, I was so regret that Chunchun didn’t have much time to stay or play with Papa. Luckily Chunchun seem to be understood that Papa has to be work hard to support our family, he like Papa a lot.

鍚鍚駿駿(Kissing Chunchun)


駿駿今日同琴日比起上黎今日真係超得人鍾意.當我送佢返托兒所時,佢突然好嗲咁同我講”媽媽,我好鍾意你丫”哈..哈..真係比佢甜死.到夜晚訓覺時呢,又不停咁同我講”媽媽,我要鍚鍚丫”鍚左一大輪先肯訓覺.唔知係咪因為佢知琴日佢好曳我好嬲,所以今日逗番我開心呢? 今日成日都落雨丫,大約由半夜開始就打雷閃電啦,重嘈醒左我同駿駿幾次,搞到我成晚都冇得好訓.最後8點起身沖涼送駿駿返托兒所,再返屋企車老公返工.本來我真係好想再訓多陣架,但係今日又要等d師父上黎整水管喎…搞到幾想訓都唔訓得. 4點鬆d就去接駿駿放學,都真係幾好彩,今日成日都落住大雨既,但係到去接駿駿放學時就冇雨啦,岩岩同駿駿去完超市之後先開始落毛毛雨..要同駿駿跑番屋企.大約6點時老公打黎話可以早收叫我同駿駿去接去放工喎,但係到我同駿駿上左車岩岩出左停車場我老公就打黎話咁大雨,佢司機車佢得囉喎=_=我唯有轉個圈就返屋企啦.駿駿一見我地冇接爸爸就返停車場,佢即時係度問”唔去接爸爸咩?”,”爸爸要返工?” Chunchun was so lovely today compare with yesterday. While we walk to nursery, Chunchun suddenly said "Mama, I love you" haha that was so sweet. And at night he kept kissing me and said I love you, haha may be he knew that yesterday I was really angry. It''s a rainy day, kept raining since mid night, thunders and lightning kept waking Chunchun and me up during the mid night=.= Finally woke up around 8am to took shower and prepare for Chunchun nursery. After taking Chunchun to the nursery, I back home to drive Kenny to work. Hum, wanted to go back to bed afterward, however, I have to stay awake because the hardware man would come over to fix the water pipe. Picked up Chunchun around 4pm, it’s so lucky that the rain stopped for a while, just enough for me took him to supermarket and ran back home. Around 6pm, Papa called and said he would come back now so he asked me to pick him up with Chunchun, but when Chunchun and I just got on my car and ready to drive=_= Papa called again and said his dad driver would drive him home. Sigh, Chunchun was so disappointed, and while we back home he kept asked me “no need to pick up Papa? Does he have to work again?”

超曳既駿駿(Super naughty Chunchun)


唉,都唔知點解駿駿今日勁曳丫.我地大約8點半左右起身,之後我沖涼準備一早就同駿駿去新八佰伴.因為我都有好多野要買.駿駿一早時都好地地既,但係到我地就黎出得門口時…佢就開始扭計,唔聽話,少少野就大叫大喊=_=最後因為佢扭計,我都冇同佢出街,費事佢出到去重扭…大約11點左右佢喊到累啦,就話要食奶奶,到11點半左右就訓左囉. 見佢訓左,我都冇野做咪一齊訓囉,訓到2點左右我就起身整午餐等佢起身時有野食.唉~但係佢一起身就話要去八佰伴,又扭過=_=真係唔知佢今日搞乜鬼,原本諗住同佢去八佰伴買新奶樽同涼鞋架嘛,重有我都想行下街..又諗住去美食廣場度食午飯既,就因為佢咁扭計,搞到我地邊度都冇得去要係屋企睇電視. 駿駿又好彩左,到5點左右爸爸打黎話可能返得屋企食飯,咁因為駿駿真係要買新奶樽同涼鞋仔,我地結果晚飯都係去左新八佰伴食,再同佢買埋鞋仔同奶樽啦. Sigh, Chunchun was super naughty this morning. We woke up around 8.30am something and then I took shower and prepare to go to New Yaohan with Chunchun. Since I have a lot of stuff wanted to buy, I planned to leave home around 10.30am. Chunchun was quite good in the morning, but just before we leave, he started to be naughty=_= not listen to me, and cry for every little thing. Finally, he asked me for a bottle of milk around 11am, and fall in sleep around 11.30am. I slept with him until 2pm something, and then prepare lunch for him. When he woke up, he started to cry again and yelled to go to New Yaohan=_= I really don’t know what happened to him, I was well planned to go to New Yaohan to buy shoes and milk bottle for Chunchun, shopping around for my stuff, have lunch in the food court and playing in the amusement arcade with Chunchun. But now, since Chunchun was so naughty, I cancelled everything and just stay home to watch TV with him. Lucky Chunchun, Papa called around 5pm and said he may be able to come back for dinner, if so, we would go to New Yaohan together to have dinner and shopping around for a while.食壽司



今朝大約8點半左右就送左駿駿返托兒所啦,之後再車爸爸返工.8點半唔知係咪太早呢,返到去時得駿駿一個小朋友係學校咋.到我去接駿駿放學時,都唔係好多小朋友,唔知係咪因為星期六既原故呢?好搞笑丫,我去到接駿駿時,發現駿駿著左第二個小朋友條褲喎,我一問先知,原來駿駿同樂樂出完尿尿之後著錯左大家條褲喎^^ 接完駿駿放學我地就即時返屋企同駿駿訓午覺,因為我約左Gina同Stephenie佢地下午一齊去海灘度玩.駿駿大約由1點訓到3點左右,就係駿駿岩岩訓醒,Gina就打黎問我地出得門口未啦. Gina佢地黎接左我地之後呢,我地就一齊去左OK買麵包.駿駿同Stephenie一人一個麵包係車度食,食完我地就去到海灘囉.我地一去到姐,駿駿就好興奮啦,係咁叫”沙沙”(即係沙灘),就拉住我黎行啦.初時呢,駿駿同Stephenie都有一齊玩架,但係玩到咁上下,婆婆去買完小食返黎比佢地補充體力之後呢…駿駿就突然自己走去海邊大叫”我要游水”就起勢咁想跑落水喎.嚇到我即時係後面追住佢…好彩係佢落到水之前捉到佢隻手咋=_=之後我就要除衫同佢一齊玩水啦,不過因為d水都幾涼,我只係比駿駿係水邊度玩,唔敢比佢真係游水,但係玩下玩下..佢都係比d海水搞到由頭濕到落腳.其間駿駿走返上沙灘幾次想叫Stephenie一齊玩架,不過Stpehenie每次行到去d濕沙果個位就要走番轉頭囉. 我地大約6點幾就返到屋企啦(原來都玩左成2個鐘喎.一返到屋企第一時間就同駿駿一齊沖涼,之後我就開始洗番乾淨我同駿駿既泳衣啦.爸爸就大約係7點左右返到黎,我地今晚冇煮飯叫左pizza食就算囉.今日我同駿駿都好累,送完爸爸返工之後呢,我地2個就大覺訓囉. Took Chunchun to nursery around 8.30am, and then drive Papa to work. 8.30am was a bit little earlier, Chunchun was the only baby in the nursery when we got there. And when I went to pick up Chunchun, there were not much baby either, is it because of Saturday? It''s so cutie that when I went to pick up Chunchun, I found that Chunchun was wearing Lok''s trousers, and Lok was wearing Chunchun’s trousers. They mix up their trousers when they went to bathroom together^^ Went back to home immediately and then made Chunchun to bed, because I planned to go to the beach in the evening with Gina, Stephenie, and Stephenie’s Grandma. Chunchun fall in sleep around 1pm and work up around 3pm, just around Chunchun awaked, Gina called and asked when we would ready to go. Gina they came to pick us up and then went to Circle-K to buy bread together. Chunchun and Stephenie having their bread in car while we on the way to the bread. Once we got there, Chunchun started to be very exciting^^ he like beach and swimming a lot. At the beginning, Chunchun and Stephenie were playing together, but after Stephenie’s Grandma bought some snack for us. Chunchun ran to water suddenly and said “I want to swim”. It’s so scare, I ran behind him and catch his arm before he ran into the water=_= And then I have to took of my clothes and plans to swim with him, actually the water was quite cold, so I just let Chunchun playing water on the seashore. Chunchun ran to Stephenie a few time tried to ask Stephenie play water with him, however Stephenie seem to be afraid of it. We back home around 6pm something, and I hurry took a shower with Chunchun and then I started to clean up our swimming suit. Papa came back around 7pm and we ordered pizza for our dinner. Hum, we were super tired tonight, we went to bed right after we drive Papa back to work.幫媽媽拎野去沙灘同NIENIE一齊玩沙同NIENIE一齊食魚旦

蠢蠢駿駿(silly chunchun)


今朝一早8點就起身啦,唉,我都差唔多有成個月都咁早起身囉,起左身重係勁累.開左奶比駿駿之後我就去沖涼啦,大約8點45分左右就送駿駿返托兒所.駿駿今朝出門口時真係勁可愛,好蠢蠢咁,我地一著完鞋,駿駿就大叫”爸爸,拜拜啦!爸爸,BEBE依家返學學啦!”但係爸爸一早係佢食緊奶奶時就返左工,駿駿自己都有同爸爸講拜拜既..唔知係咪佢食奶時未訓醒,以為爸爸重係屋企呢? 唉,我今日好鬼忙丫,由朝拾屋拾到駿駿放學,其實我都有成個月冇自己拾屋囉,因為太公太婆係度時,乜野家務佢地都幫我做晒.雖然拾屋好累,尤其係抹駿駿既玩具同佢個地盤,不過我又抹得好開心架喎^^ 接完駿駿放學之後我地就去左銀行啦,駿駿係銀行度真係勁嘈丫=_=見到乜都問,見到乜都要話我知,咁係好,佢好奇又會發問…不過細聲D就好囉…成日一開口全場都望住佢.希望佢會同返幼稚園都一樣咁好奇,好學就好囉. Woke up around 8am this morning, sigh, I been almost a month that didn''t wake up that early; I was super sleepy when I woke up. Made the formula for Chunchun and then I went to have shower, then took Chunchun to nursery around 8.45am. Chunchun was so funny and stupid this morning, when we prepare to leave home in the front door, Chunchun shout “Papa, bye bye, Papa, BeBe go to school now”. But Papa was already go to work while he having his milk, and he did say goodbye to Papa, don’t understand why he still shout out loud…is he forgot Papa was out already? I was very busy today, I been a long time didn''t clean up my home, because when my grandparents here, they help me to do all the housework ^^ It''s tired work, especially cleaning up Chunchun''s toy and his playground, but I am quite enjoy it ^^ Went to the bank after I picked up Chunchun, Chunchun was so noisy while we were in the bank =_=He kept asked or telling me what he saw, it''s good that Chunchun like to asks and interesting on thing he saw. Hope he could keep his curiosity and being studious when he starts his kindergarten.

太公太婆返香港啦(Great Grandparents back to Hong Kong)


太婆今朝送完駿駿返托兒所之後,就寺我起身車地碼頭返香港啦,大約11點左右佢地就走左囉. 唉,我成日都話佢地係度就會寵壞駿駿,乜都比佢玩比佢食,但係今日呢,我覺得連我都比佢地寵壞左囉…送完佢地去碼頭自己返到屋企,真係勁靜丫,突然會覺得好悶咁.太公太婆今次都係度住左差唔多成個月啦,搞到我同駿駿都好習慣佢地係度添.佢地係度真係幾好架,又會幫我做家務,又會煮飯,又會幫手睇住駿駿,佢地一係度呢,我就好似細路女咁乜都唔駛做..不過今日,我又要自己做番所有野囉. 今日我成日都係度諗,駿駿放學返到黎見唔到太公太婆會唔會喊呢?會唔會好似以前咁太公太婆一走佢要曳一排先乖番呢?原來唔會喎(係今次咋),佢今日都幾乖下喎.當我去接去放學時見到個個小朋友個櫃仔都有張心形既卡,原來係佢地做既母親節卡黎架,個心上面印滿左小朋友既手印.唔怪得依幾日駿駿成日同我講印左手手啦.佢一見到我姐,就走黎攬住我,同我講”媽媽好掛住你丫”(佢已經一連講左幾日架啦^^) 去完超市買今晚既晚餐之後,我地就返左屋企整芝士餅啦.駿駿都幾幫得手^^佢幫我整碎晒d消化餅,又幫我將d材料攪埋一齊喎.不過呢…佢成日偷食=_=都未整好就成日用手指點d 芝士黎食.整完芝士餅,我地就去左公園玩一陣啦.唔想佢太掛住太公太婆,唯有成日keep住佢有野玩,有野做. 不過睇黎駿駿都真係好習慣太公太婆係度住,我地去完公園返屋企,佢係走廊就係度叫”太婆開門丫”,又話”太公煮緊飯”答佢太公太婆返左香港啦..佢個樣又好似好可憐咁.到晚上訓覺時又要搵太婆喎,最後要打電話比太婆等駿駿同佢講”goodnight”佢先肯訓. My Grandparents went back to Hong Kong this morning, after my Grandma took Chunchun to the nursery. And then they waited for me to wake up to drive them to the ferry terminal. Sigh, I always said that they spoiled Chunchun too much, and today, I think I got spoiled from them too. It''s so quiet when I back home alone, felt lonely suddenly. My Grandparents had been staying in Macau almost a month to take care Chunchun and me. I just too used to stay with them, because they would help me to do all the housework and cooking, I was became a little lazy girl again, only sleep and eat and play for the pass few week. And today, everything were back to normal, I have to do the housework myself, I have to cook dinner for Chunchun, Kenny and myself, have to take care Chunchun on my own. I been thinking all afternoon, will Chunchun cry when he come back home with his great Grandparents? Will he become super naughty after my Grandparents leave? The answer are no, he was so lovely today. When I went to pick him up, I notice that all the babies made their own Mother Day''s card to their Mama ^ ^ And when Chunchun notice me was there waiting to pick him up, he ran to me and told me he miss me. We went to supermarket to buy stuff for dinner, and then back home to make cheesecake together. Chunchun was so helpful today; he helped me to crush the biscuits and helped me to mix the cheese and cream. It''s just too bad that he kept eaten secretly while he’s helping me=_= We finished around 6.15pm and then we went to playground for a while. I wanted to keep Chunchun busy, made him forget about great Grandparents. Chunchun really miss my Grandparents so much, when we came back from the park, Chunchun said “great Grandpa cooking dinner” and kept yelling “great Grandma open the door please” in the hall way. He’s look so poor when he kept seeking for great Grandparent. At night, when we ready for bed, Chunchun started to ask for great Grandma again=_= I had to made a call to great Grandma to let Chunchun said “goodnight” to her before Chunchun went to bed. 送個心比媽咪

又去珠海丫(Zhuhai again)


由於太婆話佢想上去買對拖鞋喎,咁我地今早又再上珠海行街啦.先先我地去左間太公太婆未去過既酒樓度食午飯,之後我地就再去地下商場度行街街啦.唔,我諗係因為重係五一假期,個商場真係勁多人丫,搞到我都冇乜心情行街睇野.而且我地上星期先黎過,我又已經買左2對鞋同1個手袋囉.不過太婆同婆婆重好好心情,由頭睇到落尾..最後佢地一人都買左對鞋..之後又去睇手袋喎…唔係我叫住婆婆,佢又會買架啦.最後我地大約3點左右就返番澳門啦.返屋企休息陣先再去接駿駿放學. 駿駿佢真係好鬼現實同搞笑…今日我地去超市時,一去到因為唔係好多人.d收銀一見到駿駿都會走黎逗佢玩.但係佢好似重未有心情玩喎..唔係叫人走呢,又話唔啋你.但係到我地走啦心錢時,因為佢想要d飲管..就不停係度發出d怪聲叫人留意佢同佢玩比野佢喎.但係因為果時忙緊都唔得閒理佢.於是佢就由發出”da da da”叫聲到要叫人姨姨,姐姐啦.係咁嗲人地. Since my Grandma said she wanted to buy a pair of slippers from Zhuhai, so we went there again this morning. First we went to a Chinese Restaurant to have lunch and then shopping around in the shopping mall again. Hum, there was so crowded today because of the Chinese public holiday. That made me don''t have any mood to shop around and we went there a week before and I already bought 2 shoes and a handbag last week, I really don''t have anything to buy this time. But my mother and Grandma does, they both bought a pair of shoes this time, and looking for handbag again. We back to Macau around 3pm and then take a rest at home before we went to pick up Chunchun. Chunchun was super funny today, while we were shopping in the supermarket. When we got in the supermarket, many cashiers came to Chunchun and play with him; however, he didn''t have the mood to play with them yet. And then, when we prepare to leave, his playing mood was back and kept asking those cashiers to play with him. But they were busy at the moment; firstly, Chunchun tried to made some noise to catch attention on him, and then he started to shout out “DA DA DA” and then finally he had to called cashiers “auntie” to made them play with him XD

計劃日本之旅(Planning for Japan Trip)


上個星期日我姑媽打電話比我問我地係咪想去日本喎.我當然話去啦,因為我之前就想係駿駿返幼稚園之前同佢去一次旅行先,咁同親戚一齊去點都好過自己去既^^而今晚呢,婆婆就帶左一大堆日本旅行團既書仔丫,傳單過黎比我睇啦,睇下邊間合心水. 唔,今日黃昏接爸爸放工時冇帶埋駿駿出去,所以我地食完飯去接婆婆時就帶埋駿駿一齊去啦.點解我地會去接婆婆呢,因為婆婆今日拎住好多野過黎丫,又奶粉又尿片..重有一大堆旅遊書.本來呢,婆婆己經好耐都唔駛拎尿片過黎架啦,因為澳門都有得賣,只可惜今個星期駿駿d尿片就冇晒啦,去左幾間超市同藥房都冇加大碼既尿片..最後都要婆婆辛苦拎過黎一次囉. 我地諗住去日本5日4夜架,會去日本既迪士尼,Hello Kitty Land,溫泉同行街購物.可能會係5月27-31去,又可能會係5月29至6月2日去…依d就要睇下我姑媽同表妹點揀啦,希望我地月尾真係會去得成日本,..玩得開心啦 My auntie called me last Sunday and asked me to go to Japan travel together with my Grandma. Since I been thinking to go travel with Chunchun before he starts kindergarten, I decided it''s better to go with my relative ^^ Tonight my mother took a bulk of Japan travel guidebook or leaflet for me to choose which travel agency we join. Hum, went to pick up Papa without Chunchun this evening, and then hurry back home to have dinner. After dinner, Papa, Chunchun and I went to the ferry terminal to pick up Grandma, because tonight Grandma had to take a lot of stuff to me from Hong Kong like milk formula, diapers and Japan travel leaflet. At first Grandma no need to take diaper for Chunchun anyway, however, Chunchun’s diapers were out of stock and we couldn’t find the XL size diaper in Macau=_= Our Japan Trip would be 5 days 4 nights trip, would go to Disneyland in Japan, Hello Kitty Land, hot spring and shopping. May go around May 27- May 31 or May 29 - Jun 2; It''s depends on my auntie and my cousin. Hum, hope we will have a nice trip there.

爸爸早晨丫(Good Morning Papa)


星期一啦,太婆大約8點40分左右送左駿駿返托兒所.大約8點半左右啦,駿駿重係廳度玩緊,我重訓緊覺,果時爸爸備返工,佢一行去房姐,我就聽到駿駿好開心好精神咁同爸爸講早晨啦,之後又同爸爸拜拜.到爸爸走左冇未,駿駿同太婆都出門口去返學囉. 大約10點幾我先起身,之後我就渣左部車去萬事得既維修中心度整車啦,因為唔知點解部車都未夠1個月,個vcd機就2己經壞左=_=.之後就再渣部車去洗.到4點我同太婆就去接駿駿放學.哈.今日去到見佢同同學仔係度玩緊搖搖板喎,就係我影完第一張相姐,駿駿就發現到我啦,即時跳落地走黎我身邊.唔知係咪因為近日都係太公太婆睇住佢多,佢一見到我就好痴身,成日都叫住”媽媽,媽媽”咁^^ 到7點時,今日靜靜雞走左去接爸爸放工,冇帶駿駿.不過之後見佢都幾乖.到食完晚飯就同佢一齊送爸爸返工,重比佢係車度玩左一陣渣車添^^之我地就返屋企沖涼訓覺囉. Monday again, great-grandma took Chunchun to nursery this morning around 8.40am. Around 8.30am, I still lying on bed and I heard Chunchun said good morning to Papa, he sound very happy and optimistic. After a while, I heard Papa leave home and then Chunchun and my Grandma. Woke up around 10am this morning, and then I drive to the Mazda maintenance office to fix the VCD in my car and then took my car to wash it. Pick up Chunchun around 4pm, when we got there, Chunchun was playing totter with his schoolmate. Just after I took one picture for him, he notices me was there and jump down from the totter and ran to me. Hum, Chunchun was so sticky recently, maybe because most of the time were my Grandparent taking after him, so whenever he saw me would kept calling me " mama" and wanted me to stay with him. Went to pick up Papa without Chunchun tonight, but we drive Papa back to work together after dinner^^ Let him play a while in my car and then we back home to take bath and sleep.係托兒所玩搖搖板

又係八佰伴(New Yaohan again)


今係星期日丫,我地好似往常既星期日一樣去新八佰伴玩同食午飯.但係我地唔記得今日係五一黃金周既開始=_=成個新八佰伴都勁多人,就連泊車都要排長龍.排左一陣車龍,最後我決定去八佰伴對面既停車場度泊車,都係蚊一個鐘姐,好過唔知要排幾耐先入到八佰伴個停車場.好彩我做依個決定快咋,因為到我地泊完車出黎時,就連依個停車場都要排隊泊車啦. 我地大約11點45分左右入到八佰伴,由於太公太婆同駿駿10點幾時先食過早餐,所以我地就先同駿駿去遊樂場度玩陣先.玩左大約半小時之後就上頂樓度食午飯啦.唉=_=頂樓係一早就滿座啦,要周圍去等位,等左大約15分鐘先有座坐.越諗真係越覺得今日唔應該黎八佰伴,平常既星期日,我地一早黎度都冇乜人既,地車場又勁多位泊邊都得.遊樂場又唔多小朋友,美食廣場又好多位喎.但係今日就去邊都同人迫餐死既. 大約2點左右返到屋企,駿駿已經玩到好累囉,再食支奶就訓佢既午覺啦.而我呢都有3點訓到5點^^唔知點解呢?依幾日我又開始覺得好易累喎=_=唔通因為我早幾日休息得唔夠好? 到7點左右我同駿駿就一齊去接爸爸放工啦.返屋企之前就先車左爸爸去電腦商場度買d野先;我同駿駿就係車度等佢.駿駿係車度等爸爸時好搞笑,一時又叫我睇下依樣,一時又叫我睇下果樣.一時又大叫”爸爸去左邊?”一時又叫”爸爸快d返黎”完全係冇時停既. Today was Sunday; we went to New Yaohan for lunch and playing in the amusement arcade as usual. However, we forgot today was the Chinese public holiday=_= New Yaohan was super crowded today, we have to queue up for the car park too. Finally I decided to go to the car park next to New Yaohan, it’s so lucky I made that decision earlier, because just after I parked there, that car park need to queue up for parking too. We arrived to New Yaohan around 11.45am, since my Grandparents and Chunchun had breakfast around 10am something this morning; so we went to the amusement arcade to play around before we went to have lunch. We played in the amusement arcade around half hour and then we went to the upper level to have lunch. Hum, it’s so crowded there; it’s so hard to find a table to have lunch. I really think that was a bad idea to came to New Yaohan today=_= This is not a normal Sunday, usually when we come on Sunday morning, there wasn’t much people yet, we could easy found a table for lunch. We came back home around 2pm, Chunchun was super sleepy at the moment and go right to sleep after he finished his bottle of milk. And I took a nap since 3pm to 5pm too^^ Didn’t know why, I started to get tired easy again=_= Went to pick up Papa with Chunchun around 7pm, and then we drive Papa to the computer mall and waited him in car. Chunchun was so cutie while we waiting in car, sometime he shout out “Where is Papa?” something he shout out “Papa come back”.渣巴士丫自己入錢

阿詩黎澳門探我地丫(Cissy came to Macau)


中午去接駿駿放學時,就係我地離開托兒所之時,Gina同Stephenie婆婆又黎接Stephenie放學喎.駿駿一見到Gina姨姨同Stephenie婆婆呢,就好開心咁叫人之後就走入班房度幫手接Stephenie出黎啦.其實我都幾鍾意係托兒所度撞到佢地,因為咁駿駿同Stephenie可以一齊玩陣,我又可以同Gina或者婆婆傾下計.不過呢自從我地上2個星期返左香港幾日之後呢,駿駿每次一同Stephenie講拜拜就扭計喊架啦.最後要Gina佢地陪我地行去茶餐廳同要Stephenie鍚駿駿一啖,駿駿先唔再扭計喊啦 XD 不過最後我地都係冇去到星海或者沙啦啦度食午飯丫,因為駿駿根本就唔肯入去食飯,最後我地乜都冇食就返左屋企啦=-=得搞掂左駿駿訓午覺之後呢,太公太婆先煮公仔麵食,而我就食左好多乾糧做午飯啦.到4點幾駿駿訓醒之後呢,我地就開始準備去接阿詩去食飯啦. 阿詩原本係我既網友黎架,大約識左4年啦,真係成為朋友我諗都有3年幾架啦^^其實都幾好彩係網上面識到真既朋友又可以一直都有聯絡,因為我識好多網友,fd一排就冇晒聯絡架啦=-=希望我同阿詩可以一直都保持聯絡啦.到6點左右我同駿駿就去接阿詩同佢男朋友啦.之後我地返左黎屋企坐左一陣,就再去葡國餐廳度食晚飯啦.哈,我今日又幾好彩喎,一去到就見到餐廳門口有車位,完全唔駛搵位又唔駛行遠路^^ 駿駿今晚食飯好鬼乖丫,唔知係咪因為有d唔多熟既人呢?佢今日食左個半個豬仔包,食左一片牛柳,食左d蕃茄,食左d意粉,重有d薯條添.雖然唔係食左好多野,但係全場佢都乖乖自己食,我只係幫佢切細d牛柳就唔駛理佢啦^^食到大約8點半左右,我就車阿詩同佢男友返佢男友既親戚屋企啦.唉~我今晚好鬼危險丫,因為唔係好識路,就係我留意緊邊度轉灣時沖左紅燈喎=_=好彩果條馬路唔係好多車咋… Picked up Chunchun around noontime, just before we leave the nursery; Gina and Stephenie''s Grandma came to pick up Stephenie too. Once Chunchun saw them, he ran back to the classroom and told Stephenie that her ma is coming to pick her up. It''s nice to meet them in nursery and we would gossip for a while. However since we back to Hong Kong for a week around 2 weeks ago, Chunchun started crying whenever we said goodbye to Stephenie =_= Finally Gina, Stephenie''s Grandma and Stephenie have to walk us to the Sing Hoi Restaurant and let Stephenie gave Chunchun a kiss to stop Chunchun crying XD We didn''t go to Sing Hoi Restaurant or Shalala Restaurant this Saturday, because Chunchun didn''t willing to get in any one of them, so we back home without having lunch =_= After we made Chunchun to bed, my Grandparents were having noodle for lunch and I only have some junk food for lunch. Chunchun woke up around 4pm something, and then we prepare to go pick up Auntie Cissy to have dinner together. Cissy was my net friend a long time ago, hum, around 4 years I think; we became friend around 3 and half years ^^ It''s so lucky that we two and meet thought the internet and became friend and could keep in touch for that long time… hope that we could keep in touch forever. Went to pick up Cissy and her bf around 6pm, and then we back to my home for a while to play with Chunchun. Then we went to have dinner in some Portuguese Restaurant, lucky us we found a car park in front of the Restaurant ^^ Chunchun was such a good baby tonight; he finished one and half of bread, a piece of meat, some tomato, some noodle and some French-Fly all by himself. I didn''t have to take care him much just need to cut the meat in the small pieces for him. Finished dinner around 8.30pm and then I drive Cissy and her bf back to her bf relatives'' home. Sigh, I was so dangerous tonight, since I didn’t knew the way to get home… while I was look for the way home, I passed a red light, it’s so lucky that there wasn’t much car on that road=_=

拎電腦去整啦(fixed the computer)


下午既時候同太婆一齊去左新八佰伴度行街,因為太婆話琴晚係我同老公買鞋時佢都見到對鞋想買喎,諗左一個晚上,今朝決定要買啦,咁我地咪黎多次囉…重可以輕鬆咁自己行下街唔駛掛住睇住駿駿添. 唔,唔駛帶住駿駿去行街真係幾好,起碼我地唔駛洗大半個鐘係遊樂場,唔駛同駿駿拖拖拉拉咁行街,想睇乜就睇乜.係超市度買左d零食,之後同太婆去買鞋啦.唉,其實我見到好多野都好想買架,好似內衣丫,護膚品丫,靯丫,枕頭丫咁,不過我地依個月既收支嚴重不平衡呢,搞到我想買都唔買得,唯有希望老公黎緊依個月搵多d,咁我先可以再次買野囉. 到左4點,太婆就同我一齊去接駿駿放學啦,天氣越黎越熱,係公園仔玩既小朋友大多數都流晒大汗,濕淋淋咁.當然駿駿就好似隻濕水豬仔咁啦…由頭濕到落腳丫.接完駿駿之後我地就去左超市買野啦,唉,我地有成個星期冇去過超市啦,因為太公朝朝都去街市買野,搞到我地都唔駛去超市囉.我地一入到超市,d收銀姐姐就走黎同駿駿玩囉,話我地咁耐都冇黎超市…個個都好掛住駿駿喎^^ 7點鐘,帶埋部電腦去接老公放工,唉,電腦由星期一就開始壞架啦,到今日老公先決定拎去電腦商場度比人整,因為佢自己整左好幾日都整唔到呢. Went to New Yaohan with Grandma this afternoon, just to shopping around with Chunchun. The main reason for us to go to New Yaohan again, it'' s because my Grandma found some nice shoes in the shoes stores we went yesterday night ! -she spend a night to decided buy it or not ^ ^ Hum, it'' s so nice that go shopping with Chunchun, we don'' t have to spend time to stay in the amusement arcade with Chunchun, could go to wherever we wanted. Bought some junk foods from the supermarket and then we went to the shoes stores again. Sigh, I found a lot of stuff I wanted to buy, underwear, skin cares, shoes, and pillow; however, I really don'' t want to spend to much this month> _ < The revenue and expenditure are not smooth on this month, hoping next month Kenny will do better and than I could shop more^^ Went to pick up Chunchun around 4pm, because of the hot weather, Chunchun and most of the baby in the playground are all wet~_~ Went to supermarket after picked up Chunchun, hum, we been over a week didn’t went to supermarket since my Grandpa went to the food market every morning. The staff there were missing Chunchun so much, once we step in the supermarket, they walked to Chunchun and started to play with him^^ Went to pick up Kenny around 7pm with the computer, our computer was out of order since Monday and finally Kenny decided to send the computer to the computer mall to fix it by some professional.

勇敢既駿駿(Brave Chunchun)


婆婆琴晚同我一齊過左黎澳門,今日我地諗住駿駿返學之後呢,我地就可以上珠海行下街啦.太婆同婆婆一早起身就幫我拾屋,之後就叫我起身準備去珠海啦. 唉,我今日真係勁白痴,過左澳門海關先發現自己冇帶回鄉証喎,結果我要一個人過返澳門海關返屋企拎証件,而太公太婆同婆婆就係我地去開果間酒樓度等我.好彩打比老公,老公佢話可以幫我拎個証件係海關大樓附近等,唔駛我自己一個走黎走去.而婆婆都係澳門同珠海既海關中間位度等我.到我地過到珠海都12點幾囉.而我地原本成日去果間酒樓又冇左喎…結果太公太婆都係一路企係商場口度等我地,之後我地再去搵其他野食做午飯. 唔,我地今日個個都有d購物欲喎,我買左2對靯一個手袋,婆婆同太婆都買左手袋..連駿駿冇黎到既我地都買左條褲仔比佢..係得太公一個冇買到野姐,不過佢就要幫我地拎野^^到3點半左右我地就開始過關返黎澳門啦.哈,今次係我第一次自己渣車去拱北同走架,原本去果程都好順利既,不過到走果時我地就迷路囉=_=係祐漢果邊行左個大圈先返到屋企. 接左駿駿放學之後呢,我地諗住去新八佰伴食晚飯同玩,因為今日太公冇去街市買野,今晚屋企係冇野可以做晚飯架.我地大約6點左右就出門口,我先車左太公太婆,婆婆同駿駿去八佰伴先,之後我再去接老公放工去八佰伴. 哈,駿駿今晚真係又可愛又勇敢丫,食完晚飯之後,老公同我都想買鞋就去左最低層既鞋鋪睇鞋啦.就係個店員幫我試緊鞋既時候,駿駿突然跳去店員面前起勢咁"碰~碰~碰~"咁打人喎.見到咁樣,真係在場既人都笑到死...駿駿真係太可愛啦.點解佢會打人呢,原來老公話駿駿係跳去店員前打人前講左句"唔準掂我媽媽丫~"哈佢係想保護我喎...哈..咁其實駿駿真係幾勇敢同抵鍚^^ Grandma came to Macau with me yesterday night, and today we planned to go to Zhihai shopping around while Chunchun in the nursery. Grandma woke up me after they finished cleaning my home, and then we went to Zhihai together. Sigh, I was so stupid today, after we left the Macau customhouse, I found that I forgot to bring my pass to China=_= I have to back to Macau to take my pass and then meet my Grandparents and Ma in the Chinese Restaurant we used to go. Luckily, Kenny said that he could take my pass to me somewhere near the customhouse, and my Ma waiting me in the area between Macau and China customhouse. Finally we went to Zhihai around noontime and the Chinese restaurant we used to go was closed, we have to found something else for lunch. Hum, we all having a shopping mood today, I bought 2 pairs of shoes and a handbag, Ma and Grandma bought a handbag too, Grandpa didn’t buy anything, but we do bought a jean for Chunchun too. Happy day for us^^ We leave Zhihai around 3.30pm and then I drive back to home. Ha this is my first time drive to customhouse and back to home from there. It’s fine when I drive there, but on the way we back home, we got lost=_= After we picked up Chunchun, we planned to go to New Yaohan to play around and have dinner there, because my Grandpa didn’t go to the market this morning, no dinner at home today. We leave home around 6pm, first I drive Grandma and Chunchun to the New Yaohan, and then went to pick up Kenny at work and go to New Yaohan together. Chunchun was super cutie and brave tonight, after dinner Kenny and I went to the shoes store to buy shoes. While the sales was helping me to put on my shoes, Chunchun jump in front of him suddenly and started to “bor bor bor” fight to him. He was so cutie, Kenny and I, my Grandparents and Grandma were laughing to dead and all the sales were laughing too. The reason for Chunchun to fight the salesman was he wanted to protect me. Kenny said before Chunchun jumped in front of the salesman, Chunchun said, “Don’t touch my mama!” XD Is he brave and lovely, isn’t he?麵麵好味道

返香港睇醫生(Go to the Doctor in Hong Kong)


今朝比平日早左d起身,因為今日我要送駿駿返托兒所.諗下我大約有成個幾星期冇送駿駿返托兒所啦,因為我一直都唔多舒服,太公太婆過左黎澳門幫手照顧我同駿駿之後呢,就係由太婆送駿駿返托兒所,再係黃昏時同我一齊去接駿駿放學.而今日我會早d起身送佢返學既原因呢,就係因為我下午要返香港睇醫生到晚上先同婆婆一齊返澳門..接唔到駿駿放學. 大約中午左右返到香港,我就即時去診所度覆診啦,因為我預約時間係12點半架.睇完醫生之後呢,我就一個人去左銅鑼灣行街同食飯啦.唉,我真係唔應該去銅鑼灣架.因為果度真係冇乜野好行,我只係去左崇光同玩具反斗城行咋,之後都冇乜地方我係有興趣既.最後找係3點左右就返去旺角度行街啦.唔,其實我真係應該一早就去旺角啦,去到我就買左衫比自己同駿駿,又買左漫畫喎.如果我一早就係去旺角既話….我重可以行完街街返屋企休息一陣添…不過依家我就要趕返中環同婆婆一齊返澳門囉. 當婆婆同我返到屋企時,駿駿就自己走黎我地身邊..同我講好掛住我啦^^我真係幾開心..而且我都好掛住駿駿…正當我係度諗..駿駿今日真係幾乖喎..知道媽咪去睇醫生..得佢同太公太婆係屋企都冇乜點曳…不過之後佢好快就比太公太婆同婆婆一齊寵壞左囉=.= Woke up a little bit today to took Chunchun to the nursery, hum, I been over a week that didn’t took Chunchun to the nursery, because of my sickness, and my Grandparents came to Macau to take care Chunchun and me. My Grandma helps me to take Chunchun to nursery in the morning and then go to pick up Chunchun with me in the evening. The reason for me to woke up so early to took Chunchun to nursery is because I couldn’t pick up Chunchun today, I have to back to Hong Kong to see the doctor, and came back to Macau at night with Grandma. Hum, back to Hong Kong around noontime and then went to the doctor immediately, my appointment was 12.30am. After that, I went to Causeway Bay alone and have lunch there. Sigh, it’s a bad idea for me to go to Causeway Bay, nothing for me to shop around, the only place I went were Toy “r” us and Sogo, that’s it, nothing more made me interesting. Finally I went to Mong Kok around 3pm and bought a few comics and some clothes for Chunchun and me^^ Hum, I should go to Mong Kok earlier, so that I may take a rest at home after shopping, but now I have to hurry back to Central to met Grandma and then back to Macau together. When Grandma and I step in my home, Chunchun ran to us and said he miss me^^ I was so happy and I miss Chunchun so much too. While I was thinking Chunchun was such a good baby today, and then he started to be spoiled by my Ma and Grandparents=.=

好痴身既駿駿(Sticky Chunchun)


今朝大約10點左右先起身,之後就同太公太婆同駿駿一齊去新八佰伴度食午飯同玩啦.其實我地琴日就想去架啦,但係我又唔係咁舒服,結果就冇去到改今日先去啦.唔,今次係我第二次渣車去新八佰伴丫,今次可能因為重早啦,停車場好空,好多吉位喎,我搵到一個超易泊車既位… 我地先上左去最頂層度食飯先,就係我地岩岩到左最頂層姐,Gina就打比我啦,話佢同老公屋企人一齊飲緊茶喎.咁佢知我地又係頂樓,就帶埋Stephenie出黎同駿駿玩一陣啦.原本我地諗住大家都食完飯之後一齊去遊樂場度玩陣架,但係我地一食完飯姐,駿駿就扭計一定要去玩先,再打比Gina,佢又話Stephenie好眼訓,食完就要走囉,結果駿駿都係得一個人去玩.我地大約係新八佰伴玩左2個鐘….點幾2點就返屋企囉. 係車上時,駿駿就已經勁眼訓啦,一落車就要人抱抱訓覺,返到屋企我地就齊齊訓午覺啦.哈,我今日又好似琴日咁好鬼好訓,由2點訓到4點幾..差唔多訓左成3個鐘,而駿駿重勁….訓到5點幾先起身.唔知係咪因為駿駿琴日見到我唔舒服呢,由琴日開始佢就鬼咁痴身,成日都叫住我..又要我係佢身邊喎..唔理佢睇住佢玩都要我係佢身邊. Woke up around 10am this morning, and then went to New Yaohan with Chunchun and my Grandparent for lunch and play around with Chunchun. We wanted to go yesterday evening, however, I didn’t felt well yesterday, so we changed our plan^^ Hum, this is my second time drive to New Yaohan, so lucky maybe because it’s still early, car park have a lot of space for me to park^O^ I found a sure easy place to park my car…haha We went to the topper floor to have lunch first, and just after we arrived Gina called me and said she was there having lunch with her husband’s family. So she came out from the Chinese restaurant and let Chunchun and Stephenie play together for a while. At first we planned to go to the amusement arcade together after we both finished our lunch. However, after we done, Chunchun started to be very naughty=_= yelling for the amusement arcade… Too bad that Stephenie was too tired after lunch and wouldn’t go to amusement arcade with Chunchun. We stayed in New Yaohan around 2 hours, and then we back to home around 2pm. Chunchun was super sleepy by the time we came back home, and kept asked for carrying once we leave my car, then we all took a nap since 2pm. Haha, I was so sleepy today too, I woke up around 4pm something sleep for around 3 hours. And Chunchun didn’t wake up until 5pm. So weird Chunchun was super sticky today too, always asked me to stay with him, look at him…always “Mama..Mama”, I was thinking may be because he notice me didn’t felt well yesterday. 電單車小子

好眼訓既一日丫(Sleepy Day)


唔,我記得駿駿都有一段時間冇再因為同Stephenie分手已喊架啦,點知我地由香港返左黎之後,佢又開始咁喊囉喎.今日中午時去接駿駿放學,咁岩Stephenie婆婆又係度接緊Stephenie放學喎.原本我以為駿駿都唔會再喊囉,咪由得佢地手拖手咁行去Stephenie婆婆部車度再同Stepehenie講拜拜囉.點知…今次佢又大喊啦,唔知係咪因為依個星期駿駿返左香港有成個星期冇見過Stephenie所以特別唔捨得呢?結果我地要Stephenie婆婆車我地去餐廳門口,駿駿先肯講拜拜喎. 食完午飯呢,我地點幾左右就返左香港啦,坐左一陣就同駿駿一齊訓午覺囉.我地今日都真係訓得幾好,訓到4點幾先醒喎…再等駿駿食完奶奶,我地都去唔到八佰伴玩囉..唯有聽日早d先去啦. 由於我地冇去到八佰伴呢…咁我就去接老公放工返黎食飯啦.原本諗住留底駿駿係屋企等太公太婆睇住佢架,咁我就可以係車度聽下歌啦,點知佢係香港返左黎澳門之後又變得好痴身…喊晒口要我帶埋佢一齊…唉…結果最後當然有帶埋駿駿啦,而係車上面..當然又係睇住駿駿d小熊維尼vcd囉. Hum, Chunchun have a long time didn’t cry when we say goodbye to Stephenie, however, after we came back from Hong Kong, Chunchun started to cry again. Today when we went to pick up Chunchun around noontime, we found that Stephenie’s Grandma was picking Stephenie up too. I thought that Chunchun would not cry again so I let Chunchun and Stephenie hand in hand to Stephenie Grandmas’ car and then say goodbye. But I was wrong=_= Chunchun cry out so loud, maybe because they already have a week didn’t see each other… haha, only Chunchun crying for it. Finally Stephenie’s Grandma had to drive us to the restaurant we wanted to go to have lunch to stop Chunchun crying>_

駿駿開心既一日(Happy Day for Chunchun)


今日諗住等駿駿訓醒午覺之後,就同駿駿去又一城同去又一城附近既園度玩.所以呢,係佢訓緊午覺時我就自己去行街街買野啦.唉~真係怪,我明明有好多野想買架嘛,好似鞋丫,涼鞋丫,衫咁…不過唔知點解我都真係冇乜心情行街,尤其一見到d鋪頭多人就唔想入囉=_=最後我都只係入左平日我最鍾意去既衫鋪買左幾件衫就算囉. 大約3點左右返到屋企,係街度撞到我表舅母同表弟仔喎.就叫左佢地返太婆屋企同駿駿玩下啦.不過我地返到去時駿駿重訓緊覺^^我就想小表弟放係駿駿隔離,之後就叫佢啦.本來駿駿重想訓架,但係一開眼見到有個肥bb係隔離就即時成個人醒晒囉.我表弟仔就係駿駿既舅父仔啦…舅父仔9個月大咋,但係個頭仔重大過駿駿..好鬼好肉好鬼得意架. 到4點左右,我就同駿駿走上又一城啦,其實上去又一城來來去去都係睇幾間鋪就走,佢地就係“玩具反斗城”啦,“香港唱片”, “屈臣氏”同“logon”啦,行完依幾間野就走得.不過當然啦,我地留得最長時間既永遠都係玩具反斗城啦,駿駿之次入左去都唔願走既.去完又一城,我地5點幾就去左遊樂場度玩左大約半小時之後就返屋企囉. Planned to take Chunchun to the Festival Walk to walk around and go to the playground on the way to Festival Walk with Chunchun after he took his nap. So while he taking his nap, I went shopping myself. Hum, so weird I really want to buy something like shoes or sandal for summer, and some clothing too; however I don’t have to mood to shopping around in any crowded stores=_= just went into one of my favorite boutique and bought several shirt there. Went back home around 3pm something, and on the way back home, I meet my auntie in law and my little cousin. So I invited they come to my Grandma home and play with Chunchun for a while. When we back home, Chunchun was still sleeping^^ I put my little cousin near him and woke him up to play with him. He is Chunchun uncle and he’s only 9 months old now. So cutie when we woke up Chunchun, he was trying to fall in sleep again, but when he notice baby was there, he awake suddenly and started to play with him^^ We walked to Festival Walk around 4pm something after my relatives were gone. Hum, Festival Walk we only go to several store there like “Toy ‘r’ us”, “Hong Kong record”, “logon” and “Watson”. We only walk around there for around an hour, and most of our time spend in Toy ‘r’ us^^ Chunchun always not willing to leave this store. We arrived the playground around 5pm something, and stayed there for around half hour.大頭小舅父咦?依個點玩架?玩滑梯APR2105

購物日(Shopping Day)


今朝一早11點左右就同左太公太婆,婆婆一齊去飲茶,之後再係旺角太子一帶行街.唉,我地之所以會去果間酒樓係諗住佢有得意既動物公仔點心...想駿駿開心下既.點知我地去到,d待應就話個菜單已改左,冇左d得意動物公仔 點心囉=_=唉~早知係咁我地就唔駛一定去果間酒樓飲茶啦. 飲完茶之後呢,太公太婆就返屋企先,而婆婆同我就推駿駿周圍去行街啦.唔,今日明明係閒日但係唔知點解周圍都鬼咁多人喎...搞到我都冇乜心機行街買野.駿駿行左唔係好耐就係車仔度訓左覺囉.唉~其實我有好多野想買架,但係唔知點解真係冇乜心情買野...最後我都冇買到野比自己,只係買左隻vcd同買左隻新杯比駿駿咁大把.由一點行街行到六點幾..就只係買左果少少野拉.之後就返屋企食晚飯. 食完晚飯我地就帶左駿駿去吉之島行街.駿駿今日就開心囉,去左幾個樂園同遊樂場玩.下午我地去新世紀行街時同駿駿去左冒險樂園又去左新世紀個兒童遊樂場度玩,晚上去到吉之島又去左佢入面個唔知乜鬼樂園度玩.今日去左咁多地方呢...駿駿有足夠既運動^^晚上沖完涼就好快訓著覺囉 Went to Chinese Restaurant to have lunch around 11am this morning, and then shopped around in Mong Kok and Prince Edward. Sigh, the reason for me to take Chunchun to that Chinese Restaurant were their cutie dim sum, however when we got there this morning, they said they just changed their meun...no more cutie dim sun=_= If I knew that earlier, we wouldn''t go to that Chinese Restaurant. After lunch, my Grandparents went back home, and Grandma and I took Chunchun to shopped around. Hum, today is weekday, but don''t know why there was so crowded in Mong Kok. Chunchun fall in sleep while we were shopping. Hum, I have many stuff wanted to buy, but it seem like I didn''t really have the shopping mood today. Finally I bought nothing for myself, but bought a new cup and cartoon VCD for Chunchun. We shopped around since 1pm something and then back home around 6pm soemthing. After dinner at home, we went to jusco to shopped around again^^ Chunchun was so happy playing in a few playground today, the amusement arcade in jusco and new world plaza(?_?) and the playground in the new world plaza too. Got enough exercise for Chunchun, he fall in sleep well at night right after his bath^^係遊樂場玩



今朝一早,我8點幾就起左身食野,因為我由9點開始就要禁食.8點幾,駿駿都醒左重係廳度玩緊囉.隻衰豬古古惑惑咁,見我放左包維他奶係茶机…就係我面前玩,之後突然”hehehe”咁笑,就走去飲我包維他奶,飲完重即時轉頭同我講 “very good”添,都唔知嬲好定笑好.食完野我就訓覺囉…等11點左右先再起身準備入院.係我出門口之前,我叫駿駿同我講”細佬拜拜”佢又真係好開心好大聲咁講喎=_=其實從我知有左到今日,我每日都不停問佢,生個細佬比你好唔好,生個小BB陪你好唔好…不過佢全部都答唔好. 預約時間係1點55分不過我地1點15分左右就去到囉.同老公一路坐左大半個鐘等睇醫生.其間一路見到好多後生女,都係做同一個手術既. 唉,原來每個人既際遇真係咁唔同…記得初初有左駿駿既時候,每個人都好開心,好期待佢既出世..出世後完全係萬千寵愛在一身.不過今次有左小B,就連自己一開始都唔打算留住佢.雖然依家係有D唔捨得,但係最後我都係黎左做手術.到底係駿駿識擇時候出世,定小B真係咁唔識擇呢? 今次懷孕比上次懷有駿駿時更加唔舒服,我係小B大約2星期開始就成日覺得累,4星期左右就已經作嘔作悶…到終止妊娠時都只不過係6個星期.唔知係咪因為佢知自己唔應該存在,所以我咁早就開始唔舒服,即時發覺到佢既存在呢?早D發現,可以早D解決佢,或者早D發現我對佢感情多D,又會多D唔捨得唔要佢.唉~ 2點幾左右,終於睇完醫生可以辦入院手續啦.上到病房都係2點幾姐,要坐到4點先可以做手術…醫生話做完手術…到7點比野我食,如果我冇嘔冇頭暈就可以出院喎.講真,其實我真係好唔捨得小B,尤其醫生同我講我仔仔都2歲幾囉,小B出世時仔仔都3歲,時間其實係幾好架.依點我都知,不過我一個人真係揍唔掂2隻B,我係澳門又冇親人….大肚期間,坐月,待產,邊個可以幫我呢?多一個小朋友又會洗多好多錢,有太多既問題啦.唔要佢我會後悔,我怕留住佢找更會後悔第時唔鍚小B丫. 3點幾左右,我隔離床位太太做完手術出黎,到依家我都唔明點解佢喊得咁勁話好痛,因為我做完出黎完全都冇感覺.因為隔離床位太太,令到原本有D想唔做手術既我更加唔想做.雖然老公都話如果真係唔捨得就算啦,生佢出黎.但係我都係冇咁既勇氣唔做手術就走.今次小B唔到駿駿,記得有左駿駿時,老公既第一個反應係”傻架你,當然生啦”,但係今次係”你鍾意啦,你想咪生囉”…好明顯老公都唔係咁想要小B,得我一個想要又有乜用?我唔想第日因為小B老公工作更辛苦,唔想因為小B令到我同老公連少少既二人世界都冇埋.我知咁諗可能係自私..不過小B真係一個意外而出現既寶寶,我同老公原本就諗住只生一個…而老公佢為左我同駿駿已經工作得好辛苦,如果加多個…佢會更辛苦,重有我都冇信心可以揍到2個小朋友. 到左4點,到我入手術室囉…今次係我第二次入院呢…第一次係生駿駿…估唔到第二次係終止妊娠…一生一死..或者因為之前生左一個,所以今次既感受更加大…就算佢只係6個星期未有手腳,只係一個細胞都好…都係我既寶寶…唔明白點睇係網上面睇到D人講終止妊娠,講得好輕鬆,講得好似唔關佢事一樣.以前我睇到依D題目,都係唔回覆既多,或者係反對者,覺得有左就要生…到今日先知..唔係一句我想生,就可以完全唔理將來,唔理後果咁生…或者有人得,不過我冇咁既勇氣…開始麻醉之後,我幾秒左右就訓左囉,到我醒番..我已經訓番係病床度.唔係好記得我第一句同護士講乜,不過記得佢答我”做完手術架啦,唔好諗咁多啦”咁佢就走左囉.之後就見到老公係我身邊.我叫佢去食野先,我冇事,冇好似隔離床位太太咁痛到要生要死..之後我就再訓左一陣. 4點幾,我都唔係訓左好耐就唔想再訓囉,係好累好眼訓.不過訓唔著.一路係度睇電話入面駿駿既相同短片打發時間,等老公返黎.唔知係咪因為失去左一個呢?覺得自己特別掛住駿駿…到5點幾左右老公就食完野返黎囉…之後時間過得好快就7點啦.婆婆6點幾左右就上左黎醫院陪我,因為唔知老公會唔會突然要返工唔陪得我出院.結果,我地大約7點半左右出院,再去食晚飯,老公就搭船返澳門,婆婆就同我一齊返屋企囉. 同婆婆返屋企途中,我地既話題當然係小B啦..因為其實我真係好唔捨得佢.我地計過...如果小B出世既話預產期同駿駿差一日咋,即係話佢地2兄弟可能會同一日生日..好似好有緣咁..不過後來諗真係,如果真係生小B既話...駿駿3歲既生日又會過得好慘喎..我會係醫院,爸爸唔係要返工就係係醫院陪我...到時最多搵太公太婆或者婆婆黎澳門揍佢..到聖誕假先可以到香港探我或者等埋我一齊返澳門...唉..真係點諗都諗唔掂..不過都冇左囉..都唔明自己重諗咁多做乜 返到屋企,駿駿重係度玩緊,見到我當然好開心咁黎攬住我啦…我問佢..駿駿重有冇細佬丫?佢竟然識答”冇囉”之後就自己玩…唔知佢係真係明,真係知定點呢?不過婆婆話小朋友係好敏感架.早係我知我有左之前,駿駿就特別痴身…婆婆話咁係小朋友天性識爭寵喎.到我地決定唔要小B之後駿駿先開始冇咁痴身…到依家..佢唔理我添囉.