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返工囉(Back to work)


今日係我老公冇工返既第7日啦,佢都重係好懶咁訓左成日,訓到5點幾先起身.唉,其實我真係唔鍾意佢咁成日訓,尤其係佢夜晚去飲完酒既第二日.我知佢係唔開心先同朋友去飲酒,但係琴晚11點幾出去..到今朝5點先返,我真係好唔高興=_=佢咁夜返搞到我今日聽到佢話頭痛丫…我就嬲啦..想話佢..叫乜鬼痛..又係佢自己要去飲酒既!! 好彩,今晚我老公終於都可以返番工囉.食完飯後大約8點幾左右啦,我諗係佢大哥打黎叫佢返工.真係太好啦…聽日我有好多野要做丫..如果佢係度我實乜都做唔到姐..又冇時間休息喎..佢返番工..我d生活作息又可以回復正常囉..不過我會好掛住可以成日同佢一齊既日子..唔知幾時佢先會有真正既假期呢?咁我地可以一齊去下旅行就好囉 唔知做乜..今日成日駿駿都係一個好開心既狀態.由一早返托兒所就係啦,一入到托兒所就周圍行同所有既老師打招呼.到我去接佢放學呢,佢老師又同我講駿駿今日好似做左迎賓咁喎,一有同學仔返黎就拖住同學仔周圍行又同人地d爸爸媽媽講bye-bye.佢今日重好多野講添喎..成日不停咁講野(不過冇人知佢講乜?_?) It’s the seventh day that my husband can’t go to work, he was so lazy that sleep all day long until 5 in the evening. Sigh, I don’t like him being so lazy like that, and I don’t like him go out to drink at night much, yesterday night he went out for drink around 11pm and back home around 5am. I was super unhappy about that, it’s too late=_= Luckily, my husband finally can go back to work tonight. He got a call around 8pm and then he said he have to go to work. So happy that he can go back to work tonight, because tomorrow I have a lot of laundry tomorrow, if he stay at home, I will have no time to rest tomorrow. And my daily schedule can back to normal finally. But I will miss the day that can stay will him all time, don’t know when he will have really holiday, sigh. Chunchun was so happy today, since he went to nursery, he was running around the nursery and say hi to every teacher. Then when I picked him up fro m nursery, his teacher told me that he was super active today, whenever have babies back to nursery, he will hand with hand with them and walk around the nursery. Ah, he was very talkative today too, always talking, talking and talking (but no one know what he is talking about?_?).



第六日啦,到底我老公幾時可以返番工呢?由我老公冇返工開始,近幾日既天氣都好差,成日都落雨,就好似我地既心情一樣咁差. 有時我係度諗,其實老爺應該幾緊張幾錫我老公架,因為佢對我老公好挑剔.而且我記得我老爺成日都叫我地多d去睇佢同佢飲下茶咁…當然啦,佢想見既就唔係我依個新抱架啦,而係佢既乖孫囉.我覺得冇乜所為,見佢多d,佢鍚駿駿多d之嘛.只係我老公成日都話老爺好忙丫,唔係屋企丫,冇時間見我地.就係咁…就算我地同老爺只不過係住隔離座,但係都好少機會見面.如果我老爺唔鍚我老公既話,根本就唔需要對佢挑剔,都唔需要責怪我地少去搵佢丫. 唔知係我過份樂觀定係乜啦,我既諗法係,冇父親係唔愛佢地既子女既,係咁,我老爺都係愛我老公既..只係表達方法怪怪地姐. 唔,今日駿駿好鬼得意丫.我接完佢放托兒所之後,就好似平日咁帶佢去超市啦.但係當我地行到佢超市門口呢,佢就要抱抱喎,之後指住對面街個公園,佢要去公園玩丫.我諗星期六,日一直都落雨,我地都去唔到公園,今朝又落過雨喎,佢可以都去唔到托兒所入面個公園,所以佢依家好想去.咁我咪同佢去囉,佢幾開心丫..一入到去公園就自己跑跑跳跳,又不停咁去搵其他小朋友同佢玩喎. Is the sixth day today, wonder when my husband can go to work? The weather is so bad since my husband can’t go to work, rain everyday just like our frame of mind, bad, bad, bad! Sometime I think, my father in law care about my husband very much, because he is super picky to my husband. And I remember that my father in law always ask us to go to see him to have lunch, surely he not really want to see his daughter in law but his grandson. However my husband always said his father is busy, not at home, no time to have lunch with us, so that we rare see his father even we live in next building with his father. If his father doesn’t care about him, no need to picky on him, no need to blame us that not go to see him often. I don’t know is that because I am overoptimistic or what, that’s is my point of view, I believe being a father will love every children his had, so my father in law love my husband too, just show in a picky way. Hum, Chunchun was super cutie today, after I picked him up fro m nursery, I took him to supermarket as usual. When we walk to the supermarket front door, he suddenly want me to carry him and point at the playground across the road, he want to go to the playground^^ I guess it’s because last Saturday and Sunday was raining so hard that we can’t go to the playground, and this morning have a heavy rain too that made him can’t go to the playground in the nursery, so he miss it. He was so happy when we arrived the playground, just run around and tries to ask other kids play with him.

又一個好悶既日子(Another Boring Day)


老公佢今日都冇返工丫,已經係第四日啦,由佢發燒到依家.佢老豆重未嬲完我老公冇聽到佢電話,唉~我都唔明白,點解老爺佢要對我老公咁挑剔? 本來我好開心我老公可以陪我同駿駿架,琴日同今日都係..因為我地真係好難得可以咁樣成日都係一齊,我老公真係好耐都冇放過假..但係…由佢病到依家..佢都未開心過,見到佢咁..我都好唔開心.佢成日都諗佢老豆唔鍾意佢,對佢挑剔到死…但係對佢d阿哥又唔會咁喎. 同老公一齊7年幾啦..其實我一d都唔清左佢屋企人,太少機會見面啦,更加冇同佢地傾過計…今次件事..真係只係好似我老公講咁..只係因為冇聽到電話嗎?我真係唔知道..但係如果係真既話…老爺又真係太過份囉. 難得既家庭日..因為老公唔開心..我地都冇心情去邊囉..只係係屋企睇下vcd.最慘都係駿駿囉…平時星期六日我都會帶佢去公園,去行街買野..因為星期一至五佢都去左托兒所…冇乜時間去其他地方.不過冇法啦..我想陪老公多d..第一係佢唔開心啦..第二係我地真係好難得可以咁係一齊成日…我都想佢知..其實我都好掛心佢架..好想佢開心…我成日冇所為咁..只係唔想比壓力佢..我知道..其實我同駿駿對佢黎講係幾大壓力..因為佢想比好d我同駿駿…但係我..最想既係一家人開心. Kenny didn’t go to work today still, it been the fourth days that he not working since he got fever. His father still get mad fro m Kenny not answering his phone call, sigh. I don’t understand why Kenny’s father has to be so picky to him? I was happy that Kenny can stay with Chunchun and me all day today and yesterday, but on the other hand, I was so worry too. Kenny looks so sad recently, I don’t know how to make him happy=_= He always think that his father don’t like him, always so picky on him but forgivable to his brother? I don’t understand Kenny’s family, even we been together over 7 years, it’s because I rare meet his family and talk to them. I can’t say anything about this event, Kenny only told me that he missed his father phone call, but is that the only reason for his father to get so mad and said want to fire him? Hum… since Kenny was so sad today, we didn’t go to anywhere, just stay home all day. No mood to go anywhere, poor Chunchun, usually I will took him to playground twice on Sunday and shopping on Saturday, but this week? Only stay home. I guess his must been super boring, but I want to spend more with Kenny, I want to let him know I worry about him and want him to be happy. Sometime I think, is that Chunchun and me give too much pressure to him?

家庭日(Family Day)


唔,可唔可以叫做家庭日呢?我都唔知,但係我地好耐都冇試過成日係埋一齊啦,因為我老公依家一個星期返足7日工,一日假都冇..咁點解今日佢可以同我地過成日呢?咪就係因為佢由前日開始就發燒囉…咁佢琴日唔舒服聽唔到佢老豆電話就話要炒佢喎…都唔知依d乜老豆黎架?自己個仔發高燒到39度幾,佢都重要求個仔要返工?重要24小時隨時隨地聽佢電話…佢真係有病! 點都好啦..今日我地過左個家庭日..我接完駿駿放學返屋企之後一齊睇左隻vcd.係啦..今日駿駿個老師同我講佢依家識得自己拾玩具喎.每次食午飯同下午茶前..老師都會叫所有既小朋友一齊拾玩具,而每個小朋友依家都識得自己收拾d玩具啦…不過,駿駿係屋企都係唔會拾既..就算佢拾左..轉個頭佢又拎番晒出黎玩=_= Hum, can I call that family day? I am not sure, but we have been a long time didn’t spend a day together, since Kenny have to work 7 days a week. And why he can spend a day with us today? It’s because he got a fever since a day before yesterday and because he didn’t answer his father’s call yesterday, his father said he will be fired=_= Sigh, what kind of father his father is? His son was having fever up to 39.x℃, and he still required his son to go to work and answer his phone call anytime? Anyways, we got a family day today, we watched Toy’s story with Chunchun, after I picked him up fro m the nursery. Ah, Chunchun learn how to clean up his toys now, his teacher told me that, whenever they have lunch or tea, they will tell babies to clean up their toys and now they all knew how to do it. However, Chunchun still will not clean up at home=_=

VIP會員(VIP member)


今日4點接完駿駿放學之後就返左屋企啦.因為我諗住返屋企放低d野就同駿駿去新八佰伴行下,夜晚我又唔駛煮飯可以行夜少少都得.點知駿駿返到屋企就唔想出街喎...一直到5點幾佢先話想出街..但係如果再去新八佰伴又太夜囉..結果我地都只係去左公園玩. 唔..今日係星期五..唔知係咪真係咁所以特別多人.特別多左好多大細路...果d大細路係度周圍走周圍跳..完全都唔理有小朋友係度既..搞到駿駿都玩唔到d乜..我又要全程睇到駿駿實..怕d大細路會撞到佢喎..唉~ 係啦..今日我終於都申請做vip會員啦...第時依個網址會係"http://www.babyhome.com.tw/chingchun",好開心丫..其實我想申請好耐架啦..但係重有容量又唔想申請住..到今日比我upload到29mb囉..我老公又係度喎..咪即申請囉..嘻 Pick up Chunchun fro m nursery around 4pm this afternoon and right back to home. At first I want to go to New Yaohan with Chunchun this evening, because I don''t have to cook tonight. However, after we back home, Chunchun seem don''t want to go out again. Until 5 something, Chunchun asked me to go out, but it''s too late to go to New Yaohan, so I only took him to the nearest playground. Hum...it''s Friday today, super crowded in the playground, many big kids there made Chunchun couldn''t play anything=_= Some of them are so rude, I have to keep an eyes on them and don''t let them run near Chunchun. Sigh~ Ah, just joined the VIP member of this website tonight, my homepage address will be "http://www.babyhome.com.tw/chingchun", I am so happy that I finally become a VIP member.

回到正常的生活(Back to Normal Day)


大約由上2個星期我親戚過黎澳門玩開始,我老豆就一直留係澳門直到上星期六先同我地一齊返香港.到今個星期二我地返黎澳門呢,我媽咪又同我地一齊喎,點解呢?因為只要帶駿駿出門,就好多野要拎,只有我同駿駿兩個我一定拎唔到野,所以每次都要計好時間同爸爸或媽咪一齊返香港或澳門. 到今日啦,媽咪終於一早就走左囉,我同駿駿終於可以過番d正常既生活. 8點鐘起身,8點45分送佢返托兒所,之後我就返屋企做我要做既野,做下家務丫,上網丫,訓覺咁.到4點先再接駿駿放學,去超市買菜,返屋企睇vcd或同駿駿去公園玩.其實我正常既生活真係好優悠.之前我老豆係度同我係香港既時候,我真係累死丫,成日都好忙好多野做,好多地方去,好多野買. 不過駿駿就好似唔多慣我地既正常生活啦.今日我送佢返托兒所時,佢係咁拖住我唔想我走.佢老師都問做乜佢今日咁嗲,琴日我媽送佢返托兒所駿駿都唔會咁,自己玩同同學仔玩既,但係今日就要跟實媽咪.我諗可能係因為返左香港幾日,我日日都帶佢周圍去,佢慣左跟實我掛.到4點接佢放學啦,佢又一出到校門就周圍望喎..係度搵公公..(因為公公係度都會係托兒所門口等駿駿放學)..駿駿好掛住公公丫 Since last time my father came to Macau with my relative, he was stay in Macau for about 2 weeks, until last Saturday he went back to Hong Kong with Chunchun and me. And this Tuesday, my mother came to Macau with us, for what? To help me take my suitcase and all the Chunchun’s stuff. Finally, my mother left this morning; Chunchun and my daily schedule back to normal. We woke up on 8am, go to nursery around 8.45am, then I back home do whatever I have to do (housework, online, sleeping). Pick up Chunchun around 4pm and go to supermarket, back home watch VCD or go to the playground. My normal day is so relax, I was so tired when my father was here or when I in Hong Kong. Always busy, have to wake up early and go to bed late, have many thing to do, have many place to go and have many stuff to buy. But Chunchun seem not used to our daily schedule today, when I took him to nursery this morning, he was holding my hand and don’t want me to leave him there. His teacher said why so spoilt today, yesterday my mother took him to nursery, Chunchun was so happy playing with his classmate, but today he only want mama. I guess it’s because the last few days we been in Hong Kong and I took Chunchun with me wherever I went, so now he always want to stick with me. And when I pick him up form the nursery, he was looked around and asking where is grandpa. Hum, Chucnhun seem to be miss grandpa a lot.



駿駿好慘丫,我見佢係2個星期前開始咳到依家都未好番,咁我今朝咪帶佢去醫生囉.醫生話佢有d氣管炎...唉~係澳門既時候都帶過駿駿去睇幾次醫生架啦...次次都只係話佢有d傷風丫,感冒丫咁...希望今次駿駿食完依個醫生開既藥真係會好番啦. 同駿駿睇完醫生,我地就去左同我d網友"new", "mrsnoopy"同"banana"食晏啦.佢地真係好好人丫..好友善.我地一齊食晏傾計過得都幾開心..不過可惜丫..我地另一個網友"may"佢唔得聞黎我地既聚會..如果佢黎就重好囉. 食完晏囉..."new"同"mrsnoopy"要返工先..同"banana"佢唔係咁趕時間就同我一齊行去佐敦地鐵站..幫我手搬駿駿同bb車落地鐵,真係唔該晒佢丫..重有丫..我要多謝new比駿駿既vcd,同mrsnoopy送比駿駿既背包仔. 重有今晚同左我既舊同事"Vincent"食飯,又係要多謝佢..幫我買左d hello kitty公仔^^重有一個紙折既hello kitty添^o^ Poor Chunchun, since he started cough 2 weeks ago and not overcome yet, so I took him to the doctor this morning. And the doctor said that Chunchunc got a tracheitis=_= Sigh, I been took Chunchun to the doctor a few time in Macau, but those doctor fro m Macau only said his had some cold not recover. Hope Chunchun will recover this time after taking the medicine fro m this doctor. Hum, after we went to the doctor, I have a lunch gathering with my net friends - "new", "mrsnoopy" and "banana". They are super nice person, we have a nice lunch and talk together. But it''s too bad that our other net friend - "May" was too busy today couldn''t attend our gathering. After lunch, super nice banana walk with me to the Jordan MTR Station and help me carry Chunchun''s stroller down to MTR Station, super thx to her^^ Ah, and I have to thx New for the VCD and Mrsnoopy for the bagpack. And tonight, I have lunch with my ex-workmate-"Vincent" to have dinner, ha, I have to thx him too. He bought me some Hello Kitty stuff^^

媽媽聚會(Mama Gathering)


又係好累既一日,原本今日我係冇乜野做,只係約左d網友3點係我屋企附近既兒童遊樂場度玩.不過唔知點解,我今日早左好多起身喎,咁岩我婆又叫我要買奶粉啦,咁我地咪去飲茶同去吉之島行街囉.駿駿收鑊豐富丫,有鞋啦,衫啦,bb車既袋仔啦,尿片,奶粉6罐(買6罐有蒸餾水機送). 到3點左右,我同駿駿就去個兒童遊樂場度搵我d網友啦.嘩...駿駿一入到去好似瘋左咁..係果度暴走...又成日去逗其他小朋友同佢玩喎.而我呢..就好忙咁追住駿駿囉..又驚佢會整親人地d小朋友,又驚佢會整親自己.我又好想同d網友傾下計喎..當然大家又想對比下大家既bb成長係點...今日見面既小朋友..全都係同駿駿同年同月架...可惜丫..駿駿玩玩下開始有d咳..見佢咳咳地..我咪早d走囉... Another tired day, actually I don''t have much plan today, only have a mama gathering on 3pm with some mama I knew fro m net. However, I woke up little early today, and my grandma ask me to my formula for Chunchun. So finally we go to Chinese Restaurant near Jusco to have lunch. After lunch, we went to Jusco to shop around. Hum, Chunchun got a lot of new stuff, a pair of shoes, a cloth, Baby strolley bag, disposable, and six boxes of formula(buy six will get a free Mini Water Dispenser). Around 3pm, Chunchun and me go to a children playground to meet my netfriends. Wow, Chunchun was so crazy there, he run and run and run there, try to play with every kids in the playground, no matter is his friends or not. And me? I was so busy running after him and try to talk to my net friends. We all mama with a baby around 20 months and sure we will compare about our babies, how tall and fat they are, what they know to do now. It''s too bad that Chunchun have a little cough today, make me have to leave earlier=_= 騎騎

超累(super tired)


今日超累丫..對我同駿駿黎講係一個好忙既日子. 係中午接完駿駿放學之後,我地就直接搭大約一個鐘船返香港啦,之後就同我既同友Cissy去會展既BB用品展.唉..好失望丫,起初我諗住係BB展度會買到好多野,玩具丫,書仔丫,BB用品丫咁,至少都可以買部新BB車比駿駿丫.點知...乜都買唔到,人又多...D通道又窄...辛苦到死得個吉..最慘都係Cissy,突登走出黎部我同駿駿.雖然去完BB展我同CISSY都去左飲野..不過我覺得時間太少啦...我地有太多野想傾..希望下次見面時間會快D啦 同CISSY去完街,我又約左中學既老師Shell Lam同同學Kawing食飯喎.Shell Lam今日遲到丫,不過冇計啦,佢今朝零晨先係日本返黎,睇見佢都真係好累咁.好彩係我同Kawing一路行街一路等Shell Lam既時候,比我見到一部Hello Kitty既手推車喎,勁正丫!!佢可以坐到50磅既BB,又唔重..重要係Hello Kitty添^^即買..哈..哈.. Super tired today, it''s a super busy day for Chunchun and me. We came back to Hong Kong after pick Chunchun up fro m the nursery at noontime. Took around 1 hour ferry to Hong Kong, and then we go to BB expo with my friend - Cissy. BB expo, at first I thought that is a good place to go, i want to buy a new baby strolley for Chunchun, and hope that i can find some toys or books for Chunchun. However, i was so disappointed there, it''s so crowd there and the walkway are so narrow, but nothing special to buy. Poor Cissy help me take care Chunchun and walk around with me in the BB expo. After BB expo, we went to have tea and little talk, hum... it''s not enough time for us to talk, we have so many thing want to share. After dating with Cissy, I have dinner with my high school teacher - Shell Lam and classmate - Kawing. Shell Lam was little late today since she just came back fro m Japan this morning, she looks so tired while our gather. While Kawing and me waiting for Shell Lam, we walked around and TST. I am so happy that I found the baby strolley I want, it can hold up to 50 lbs baby, it''s not heavy , and it''s Hello Kitty, super prefect!! 在船上熟睡船餐的士多啤梨在bb展與不知名公仔同照



駿駿今朝又發燒啦,咁我地中午咪帶駿駿去睇私家醫生囉.個醫生話駿駿上次d感冒未好得晒喎,唔係咁大問題,食幾次藥就得架啦. 咁我地見駿駿除左發燒都真係冇乜野,重好活潑好精神.返到屋企佢都重有睇vcd唱歌跳舞,午覺又訓得好.但係佢食完第二次藥之後就開始唔係好舒服咁囉,個樣好病好累咁.咁我地咪再同佢量下體溫囉..唉39度幾丫..點解食完藥重高燒左架?冇法啦,我地唯有帶佢去急診室度打退燒針….我地11點左右去到…11點幾打針..打完針先等45分鐘,駿駿退左藥先走得…咁我地一直等到12點15分…駿駿先係退左0.2度燒…原本駿駿d燒未退低過39度係唔走得既..可能個護士見咁夜駿駿都好累啦..就比我地走先..話駿駿都應該會一路咁退燒架啦..如果一直都唔退..就要帶番駿駿返去急診室. Chunchun got a fever this morning, so we went to private doctor around the noontime. The doctor said Chunchun didn’t recover the cold fro m 2 weeks before, not a big problem take some pills will be fine. Well except of the fever, Chunchun still very active and looks fine. He dance and sing with the VCD, take a good nap. However, after his second time pills, he started looks sleepy, tired and sick. So we measure his temperature again, it’s over 39℃=_= how come after taking pills his fever got higher than before? So we decided take Chunchun to ER to take an injection, we arrived ER around 11pm. After the injection we have to wait 45 minutes to see is Chunchun’s fever going down or not, and we wait until 12.15am, sigh~ Chunchun’s fever only got 0.2℃ decrease. Usually ER will not let us go unless Chunchun’s fever got under 39℃, maybe it’s too late for baby so the nurse let use go even Chunchun’s fever still higher then 39℃, and she asked us, if Chunchun’s fever wouldn’t got any decrease after we back home, we have to take Chunchun back to ER in the morning. 發燒慘慘丫

係新八佰伴食晚飯(Dinner in New Yaohan)


今日係星期六丫,駿駿只係返半日托兒所,所以我諗住接駿駿返屋企訓個午覺就同佢去新八佰伴行下6點左右就返屋企煮飯.點知駿駿今日訓到成4點先起身喎,咁我唯有改變主意,係新八佰伴食晚飯算囉. 哈,我係果度買左2對鞋丫,真係好抵買一送一,不過可惜丫..我最鍾意果對鞋冇我既碼…我唯有買2對我第二同第三鍾意架啦.不過其實..我有好多對都鍾意..只係唔可以一次買晒姐..哈..哈…我買完野囉..咪上3樓都食野囉..嘩..駿駿真係好鬼食得..一個bb食左4分之3碗麵喎…重食得多過我啦就黎…佢重要唔係好飽喎..我地返屋企之前再去左超級市場..佢係果度就食左個免費梨仔. 係啦..駿駿真係一個好受歡迎既bb,係我地係新八佰伴行街既時間,好多職員都同佢玩,有d重話認得駿駿添..記得駿駿由1個多月開始就成日去行街…記得佢見親人就笑,成日都好似好開心咁…依家佢已經係個大bb囉..又問我駿駿佢幾多歲啦…我真係好開心丫..估唔到駿駿真係咁多人記得佢喎..個個都讚佢開心丫,可愛丫,高大咁. Today is Saturday, Chunchun only have to go half-day nursery, at first I planned to take a walk in New Yaohan after Chunchun’s nap around 3pm and back to home around 6pm to cook dinner. However Chunchun didn’t wake up until 4pm, so I changed my plan, we will have dinner at New Yaohan^^ Ha, I bought 2 pairs shoes there, so happy there have a great discount buy one get one free, but too bad the one I love the most don’t have my size. After my shopping we went up to the 3rd floor to have our dinner. Chunchun really a big eater, he ate 3/4 bowl of noodle, and he not full yet, he got a free pear while we shop in the supermarket before we get home. Ah, Chunchun really is a favorite baby, while we walk around in New Yaohan, many staff play with him, and some said “I remember that baby, he came here since he around 1 month old, and now he is a big baby already, I remember his smile face, he looks happy all the time.” And some staff ask me how old is Chunchun now, I am so happy then Chunchun is so adorable then make everyone remember him.