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同太公太婆返香港囉(Back to Hong Kong with Grandparent)


今日好累丫,一早8點幾起身送駿駿返托兒所,之後中午去接番佢,因為我地諗住12點左右就搭船返香港.唉….我12點去到托兒所,等左成10分鐘駿駿都未出黎喎,我咪問下校務處個職員打左電話入班房叫駿駿出黎未呢?唔,突然間我覺得佢好討厭,佢好似好煩咁答我,打左架啦,你等下啦…嘩,我等左10分鐘問下都好正常姐,其他黎接小朋友既媽咪都走左囉,得我係度等.駛唔駛好似我煩住佢咁丫?最後到12點20分左右,駿駿終於都出黎啦,其實駿駿一早就等緊我黎接佢啦,原來係個職員打錯左電話去第二班,咁岩第二班又有駿駿喎…結果第二班個老師出到黎見到我先知叫錯人,先再去駿駿班房叫駿駿喎… 結果我地要搭1點半既船返香港,返到屋企都成3點啦.叫左公公落地鐵帶我地手拎行李返屋企.之後公公就帶左駿駿返屋企同舅父玩,而我就去銀行整野.哈哈.我開左個 Hello Kitty既戶口,重有信用卡同八達通添丫.. 到左夜晚我地就同太麻係屋企附近既酒樓食飯啦,因為今日係太麻生日丫.可惜丫,因為新年食飯d野又貴d,比我地既房又細間d喎,都冇地方郁動到既..所以駿駿冇得係太麻面前表演唱歌跳舞,不過好彩最後駿駿都唱番首Happy Birthday比太麻. So tired today, woke up around 8.15am to took Chunchun to the nursery, then pick him up around noontime. Sigh, I was waiting in the nursery since 12am, but I waited more then 10 minutes, Chunchun still didn’t get out yet. So I asked the staff did she called to the classroom yet? She answered me “yes, I already called, won’t you just wait for a while?” I don’t like her tone=_= she sound like I am a very trouble person, and seems like didn’t want me to bother her at all. Sigh, I just wonder why Chunchun get out so late? Finally, Chunchun got out from his classroom around 12.20am, why he came out so late? It’s because the staff didn’t call to Chunchun classroom~_~ she called to the next classroom… We leave Macau around 1.30pm, and arrived home in Hong Kong around 3pm. My father came down to the MTR Station to help us to carried our suitcase, and then he took Chunchun to his home to play from a while^^ And me, I went to the bank and opened a Hello Kitty Saving Account. Haha, and I apply a Hello Kitty debit card, and Hello Kitty Octopus too…so happy. Went to have dinner with my Grandma for her birthday in a Chinese restaurant near us. Hum, too bad that because of the Chinese new year, the means was quite expensive, and we don’t have much space to move in the VIP room; so Chunchun couldn’t sing or dance in front of my Grandma, but he did sing a “Happy Birthday” to my Grandma.

悶悶的一天Boring Day食住訓(Eating while sleeping)


今日我地比較晏食午飯,成12點幾先去食喎.駿駿去食飯時都有d眼訓架啦,因為佢平時係12點訓午覺既.一開始都冇乜問題,駿駿見到野食重好開心,自己食又食得好叻好乾淨喎.但係食食下就開始作怪啦…食一啖就釣陣魚先,食一啖就釣陣魚..好似就黎訓著咁.最後食淨一啖仔..佢就頂唔住訓著左囉.見佢訓得咁搞笑…睇佢真係好眼訓咁..咪唯有抱佢返屋企訓囉..點知一入到屋,佢又醒囉…重話要食奶奶…原本我同太婆都以為佢食完奶就會再訓架啦,點知佢食完重鬼咁精神..玩到4點幾先肯訓…唉,今日就因為等駿駿訓午覺,搞到我地邊度都冇得去啦 Went to the restaurant near my home around noontime for lunch. Chunchun was so funny while we having our lunch, usually Chunchun takes his nap around noontime, so he was kind of sleepy when we got to the restaurant. It’s was fine in the beginning, he having his lunch by himself, but after a while, he started fishing… and finally fall inn sleep with his mouth full XD. Since he slept so good in the restaurant, I have to carry him all the way back to home. Naughty Chunchun woke up right after we arrived home, and asked for milk. At first my Grandma and I though that he would fall in sleep again after he finish his milk, but… we were wrong>_< he didn’t willing to take his nap until 4pm something. Sigh, because of Chunchun, we didn’t go to anywhere today…just stay home and wait for him to take his nap…

婆婆返香港囉(Grandma back to Hong Kong)


今朝一早婆婆就返左香港啦,之後由太婆睇住駿駿.我都唔記得我幾點起身囉,大約11點左右掛,我沖完涼我地就落街食野啦.原本我地係想去新八佰伴行下街同食午飯架,但係就係我地想出發時,我老公話我知原來老爺同姑姐仔果d去左新八佰伴玩喎.咁我地當然唔去住啦,唯有係屋企附近食午飯之後返屋企等駿駿訓完午覺先再去. 返到屋企,太婆就同駿駿訓午覺,而我呢就要去新馬路度拎牛仔褲.因為我條腰太幼,琴日買左要改腰圍今日先有得拎.拎完牛仔褲我就去左cd鋪度問,有我老公想要果隻cd未.果隻cd原本我係想買黎送比老公做情人節禮物架,但係點知到我去買時佢賣晒喎,話好快會有貨番,叫我留電話…但係到今日都未有貨返丫>___< Sigh, I should buy that earlier, when Kenny and I first saw that CD+VCD set, Kenny suggested to pay for it first, and I can pay him back after we get home. But I was too stupid, I want to buy it myself on the next day, because I think that would be meaningless if Kenny pay for it first that I pay him back>_< However, I went there the next day and the CD+VCD set was gone>_< the staff asked me to leave my contact number and will give me a call when they have stock. Until now, I went there myself and asked, they said the stock couldn’t come before the Valentine’s Day>_< Sigh, Kenny bought me my Valentine’s Day Gift long time ago, but me>_< still didn’t buy him anything yet. When I came back home from the shopping area, Grandma and Chunchun were still sleeping, so I took my nap too. We all woke up around 4pm, and then we went to the New Yaohan. It’s not a good idea to go to New Yaohan today, New Yaohan was super crowded because today was the first day opening after the Chinese New Year Holiday. Because of the crowded I didn’t really have mode to walk around, so we just went to the amusement arcade to play for a while then we went to the third floor to buy some popcorn.



今日下午我地去左麥記度食午餐.原本我地係想係屋企附近既餐廳度食午飯架,但係我地屋企果邊d餐廳,最早都要初四先開門喎,唯有走去新馬路果邊食飯啦.而去得新馬路,就當然會帶駿駿去麥記啦. 去到麥記,駿駿真係勁搞笑,因為係新年既原因,多左好多姐姐拎住氣球丫,香包既小玩兒周圍逗小朋友開心,而駿駿就收左一個氣球同收到d磁石貼.有幾個唔同既姐姐黎逗駿駿玩,d人問佢叫乜名..佢次次都答麥當勞喎(其實佢係指住嬰兒椅上既麥當勞叔叔話比人知果個係專當勞)…笑到我地死..之後有個姐姐教佢紫色果隻野叫做滑嘟嘟喎,個姐姐教完之後,有人行過佢又指住滑嘟嘟話比人知果隻野叫滑嘟嘟啦.我同婆婆都笑…駿駿咁鍾意麥當勞,去同麥當勞賣廣告就岩囉. 食完飯之後我地當然會周圍行下啦,唉,不過新年冇乜野行呢,10間鋪頭開得1,2間…人又多喎.但係都好彩,我同婆婆係同一間鋪度買左兩條牛仔褲,本來太婆都想買野架,但係冇佢既碼,佢先冇買咋. Went to McDonalds to have lunch with Chunchun this afternoon. At first we wanted to some restaurant near my home to have lunch, however they wouldn’t open until Saturday, so we have to went to the shopping area to have lunch. While we having our lunch, because of the Chinese New Year, so many McDonalds’ staff were around, kept giving balloon, magnet and some little McDonalds’s Toy to children. Chunchun was so funny when the staff asks him what is his name; he kept pointing McDonalds on his baby’s highchair and telling people “McDonalds”. We laugh so hard about it, because it’s look like Chunchun called himself McDonalds. And once, the staff teach him other character’s name, he remember it, and whenever have people pass-by, he kept telling people, other character’s name. After lunch we went to shop around, sigh, most of the store wouldn’t open until Saturday or Sunday. Luckily, we still can found something to buy^^ Grandma and I both bought a jean in the same store.

去媽祖觀光(Sightseeing around Temple of A-Ma)


今日係初二丫,姨婆同姨公諗住今日去媽祖果邊行下之後黃昏就會返香港啦. 我地大約係11點左右起程去媽祖,駿駿好鬼懶丫,全程唔係人抱就係坐係佢部車仔度.我地叫過佢幾次落地自己行同影相架,但係佢都唔肯落地,要坐係車仔度食餅餅喎. 到左1點半左右我地就去左金碧摩卡度食午飯啦,果間係唯一一間有賭場又有餐廳,而小朋友又入得餐廳既地方.姨公姨婆佢地係點完餐之後就去左賭場果邊行下.可能因為平時少小朋友上去既關係啦,駿駿去到好受歡迎丫,d哥哥姐姐都走黎逗佢玩,駿駿又成日同人講恭喜發財喎. 姨公姨婆食完飯之後同我地一齊返屋企拎番d行李佢地就走左囉.而太婆,婆婆同駿駿就返到屋企之後就齊齊訓午覺囉. Today is the second day of Chinese New Year, my auntie and uncle in law planned to sightseeing somewhere around Temple of A-Ma then they will back to Hong Kong in the evening. We went to the Temple of A-Ma around 11am, and Chunchun was so lazy, whole trip was sitting on his baby stroller. We asked him a few time to get off his baby stroller and take some picture with A-Ma, but he just said no and having his biscuits on his baby stroller. We went to have lunch around 1.30pm in Mocha Casino & Restaurant, that is that only Mocha that baby could get in their Restaurant. While we waiting for our meal, my auntie and uncle in law went to the casino side to take a look. Cutie Chunchun got so many attentions from most of the waiters, they kept playing with Chunchun and Chunchun kept saying “Happy New Year” to the waiters^^ My auntie and uncle in law went back to Hong Kong after lunch, and my Grandma, mother and Chunchun took nap after lunch. 爸爸慘變停車場新年親子照

新年啦(Chinese New Year)


今日係初一啦,老公同我帶左駿駿去老爺屋企度拜年,之後我地就同老爺果邊成班人去左酒樓食午飯啦.而太婆同婆婆佢地呢,就去左“乙水”仔觀光同食午飯.我地打算我地同老爺佢地食完飯之後再約婆婆佢地係新馬路果頭行街既. 駿駿今日真係越搞笑,當我地係酒樓食飯既時候呢,爺爺當抱下駿駿,想駿駿坐係佢大脾度玩陣喎.但係果時駿駿有少少扭眼訓就唔願行過爺爺度啦.點知爺爺一拎封利是出黎,同駿駿講過黎就比多封利是佢呢.駿駿即時成個醒晒,走去爺爺度攬攬抱抱喎..之不過駿駿坐係爺爺度唔夠幾秒,爺爺一比封利是佢呢..駿駿就即時”唔要爺爺,要爸爸”就咁就跑番黎我同爸爸身邊啦.當場既人個個見到咁都哈哈大笑,但係爺爺就面色一沉囉…好彩駿駿都聽話,即時行番去爺爺身邊鍚番爺爺講多謝同講左d恭喜既說話. Today is the first day of Chinese New Year, Kenny and I took Chunchun to my father-in-law’s home for a while then whole family went to a Chinese Restaurant to have lunch. My Grandparent and my mother went to Taipe to sightseeing and have lunch there. We planned to go walk around in the shopping area together after we finished lunch with my father-in-law. Chunchun was so funny this afternoon, while we in the Chinese Restaurant. Chunchun’s Grandpa want to have a hug and wanted Chunchun to sit on him, however Chunchun was quite sleepy and sit on Papa at the moment so Chunchun not willing to go to Grandpa side. Then Grandpa took out the red pocket money and said if chunchun come to him, he would give Chunchun one more red pocket. Funny Chunchun suddenly awoke and ran to his Grandpa, have a sit on his Grandpa for around a few seconds; once he got the red pocket, he said, “No Grandpa, I want Papa” and ran back to Papa. We all laugh so hard, except Grandpa… so I asked Chunchun to give a kiss and say some lucky sentence to Grandpa to please him. 恭喜發財保齡球小子

年三十(Chinese New Year Eve)


今日係年三十丫,婆婆,姨婆同姨公係晚飯之前黎到,一家人一齊食飯當做節.食完飯之後呢,太公太婆,姨婆,姨公同婆婆就帶左駿駿落街散步.原本我同老公諗住佢地散完步返黎等駿駿訓左之後,我地就帶太公太婆同姨公姨婆佢地去d新賭場度行下架,點知佢地散完步就自己去左,等婆婆帶駿駿返黎屋企喎.咁我同老公見到婆婆一個帶駿駿返黎,咪我地兩個再自己去賭場玩囉. 今日係一年難得既悠閒日子丫,上年老公都重要做野既,但係今年就冇野做啦,只係一早返左公司坐左陣,就係自由活動時間囉.我地當然唔放過依個機會去行街啦.只係澳門實在冇乜地方好去呢…行左一陣買唔到d乜我同老公都覺得悶悶地囉.所以我地係葽昏時就帶左駿駿去公園踏單車啦. Today is Chinese New Year Eve, my mother, auntie and uncle in law came before dinner time. After dinner, they went to walk around and went to the Sands casino to take a look. Hum, at first Kenny and I planned to go to Sands with them after Chunchun sleeping, but they went to Sands themselves right after they took a walk somewhere near our home. So Kenny and I went to Sands ourselves after my mother took Chunchun back home. It’s a leisure day for Kenny, don’t have to work really, just gone to the office in the morning and it’s free time. So we went shopping around in the shopping area. It’s too bad that Macau don’t have much place to shop and play, we felt boring about it. so we took Chunchun to the park to bicycling in the evening^^幫爸爸推車

太公太婆黎澳門啦(Grandparent came to Macau)


今日中午太公同太婆就會黎我地屋企過新年啦,聽日婆婆,姨婆同姨公都會過黎澳門過新年.今日我就好忙啦…想係太公太婆黎之前拾好屋企,重要洗衫.唉..天氣咁鬼潮濕d衫都唔乾,我要放埋d衫入客房再開冷氣,抽濕機咁,希望d衫快d乾. 本來我都好高興太公太婆同姨婆佢地黎澳門過年架,但係佢地有d野我都真係好唔鍾意=-=太公太婆黎度係客人黎架嘛..佢地話要煮飯果d當然冇所為啦,因為佢地煮得好味d丫嘛,但係佢地黎到真係好似自己屋企咁>__< Sigh, the weather was so humid, laundry won’t dry….I had to place them in bedroom turn on the air conditional to dry it. I was happy that my Grandparent and auntie they could come to Macau for the Chinese New Year, however, I do have a lot of stuff don’t like too=_= My Grandparent come over support to be a guest, but when they came they act like they were the master of the home. Since my auntie and uncle in law were quite rich, they have to special clean up my guest’s room for them and just prepare the food my auntie and uncle like=_= Sigh, if they need something like hotel service, why they came to my home? I knew that was not my auntie and uncle problem, that’s my Grandparent’s problem…. Went to have dinner with Kenny’s family today. Chunchun got a pig’s balloon from his uncle, and he like it. He walked around with the balloon and wants to carry it while sleep too.騎扁豬仔

乖乖寶寶駿駿(Good baby Chunchun)


唔,今日駿駿真係好鬼乖丫,冇乜點扭計同喊喎,又唔會乜都話“唔好,唔要”咁.中午時去接完佢放學係度等升降機時,撞到Stephenie既婆婆喎,嘩,駿駿即時好興奮咁帶婆婆去接Stepehenie啦.哈,佢地兩個次次一走埋一齊呢,要分開佢地就難囉,唔係駿駿喊就係Stepehenie喊(不過駿駿喊多d喎=_=)…其實駿駿同Stephenie一齊既時候真係好得意,駿駿又大舊又粗魯,Stephenie就細細粒,好女仔喎…兩個手拖手行街,真係可愛到暈^^ 駿駿訓醒午覺之後呢,我地就去左新八佰伴啦.當然啦,我地既第站永遠都係兒童樂園架啦.但係今日駿駿真係好乖喎,玩左陣我叫佢走啦,去行街街,佢又肯喎..冇好似平日咁,喊晒話唔肯走.之後我地當然又會去行下玩具部同睇下Hello Kitty既野啦.勁開心丫,比我係Sanrio既櫃面發現一條Hello Kitty既鑽石頸鏈喎.雖然粒石係好細,但係好似係特別版黎架喎,又有證明卡證明粒鑽石係真既,見佢唔係貴,當然第一時間買左先啦..因為我之前試過係果度睇中左野諗住第日唔帶駿駿先自己黎買,結果就比人買左啦..今次當然第一時間買啦.而駿駿呢我就買左2套泥膠玩具比佢啦,因為大特價丫,駿駿又未玩過,見咁平,駿駿又乖咪買比佢囉.駿駿真係好鬼得意,我比佢自己拎d玩具去比錢,去到收銀處佢又識得叫人“唔該!比錢丫”咁喎,之後又會乖乖比d玩具同錢錢個收銀,好似好鬼醒目咁.之後佢重全程自己拎住d玩具行番屋企添喎. Hum, Chunchun were such a good baby today, no crying and “No”. Picked him up around noontime and we met Stephenie’s Grandma while we waiting for the elevator. Chunchun got so exciting when he saw Stephenie’s Grandma and lead her to pick up Stephenie. Ha, once they got together, they always cry when they have to say goodbye^^ it’s so cutie when Chunchun and Stephenie stay together. Went to New Yaohan after Chunchun woke up from his nap, surely our first stop was amusement arcade. Chunchun was so lovely today, when I asked him to leave and shop around with me, he just walk out the amusement arcade with me, no crying and “No”. We went to look for my Hello Kitty stuff and went to the toy’s section to walk around. So happy Chunchun and I both got something to buy^^ I found a Hello Kitty diamond necklace in the Sanrio section. It’s so pretty and got a guarantee card for it, it’s a really diamond and some special item of Hello Kitty. Since it’s no very expensive, so I bought it immediately, because last time I saw something nice there, and planned to go buy it on the next day, that product was gone>_< and this time, I don’t want to miss that necklace! And Chunchun, I bought him so Dough toy since there have a big discount on it and Chunchun didn’t play it before^^ It’s so cutie that I let Chunchun took his toy to the cashier and gave him money to pay for it. When he walked in front of the cashier, he knew to say, “Please, I am paying for it” and gave the cashier toys and money. And he carried his toy all the way to home himself^^ 型仔渣槍

砰~砰~砰~(Bor~ Bor~Bor~)


哈,哈,今朝駿駿超搞笑丫.當我帶到佢返托兒所時,咁岩暉暉捉住個玩具屋企係度便便緊喎,而樂樂呢又成日係暉暉身邊搞住佢.駿駿一見到咁,就走去樂樂面前,作晒狀咁打人喎..係咁叫住”砰~砰~砰~”之後樂槳就走開左唔搞住暉暉啦.咁我就叫駿駿返黎我身邊除鞋啦.哈,駿駿一行開姐,樂樂又去搞暉暉喎,於是駿駿又沖過去”砰~砰~砰~”砰走樂樂啦…真係笑死我地,我地估駿駿係係度保護緊暉暉囉..次次樂樂一係動靜,駿駿就走去暉暉身邊對住樂樂”砰~砰~砰”喎.姐姐話佢咁岩錄左短片架,唔知佢幾時可以send比我呢?希望快d有得睇啦. 今日好開心丫…老公同我一齊去買情人節禮物,哈,今次佢送鑽石手鐲比我丫^o^好開心,而我呢?我就會送mp3機同一套佢想要既cd加vcd比佢,不過兩樣都未買丫,cd就訂左等貨黎,mp3機呢…要等佢睇岩先送得.其實老公都冇乜特別野想要,都幾難買禮物比佢,而我呢?都冇乜想要架,但係覺得鑽石有意義d,又保值喎..所以都鍾意老公送鑽石..哈..哈.. Ha ha, Chunchun was super cutie this morning, when I took him to the nursery; Faifai was holding the toy’s house and try to poo, and Loklok was bothering Faifai. Then Chunchun came in front of Loklok and kept saying “bor~bor~bor~” and act like fighting^O^ and Loklok escape. I asked Chunchun came back to me so that I could help him took of his shoes, but while Chunchun taking of his shoes, Loklok went to bothering Faifai again. Chunchun went back to Faifai and started to “bor~bor~bor~” Loklok again…ha ha it’s so funny, we guess Chunchun was trying to protect Faifai from Loklok; and Loklok escape whenever Chunchun came near him and “bor~bor~bor~” Ivone said that she got a mepg movie of it, because she was trying to record Faifai pooing(?_?), hoping that she will send that to me earlier. So happy this afternoon^^ Kenny and I went to bought my Valentine’s gift, it’s a diamond bracelet…haha, and what I will buy him…I will buy him a CD and VCD set and a mp3 player. Actually, Kenny doesn’t have anything he really need or want so it’s very hard to buy him a gift. And me? Diamond not a must, just I don’t know what I really need and at least diamond worth to buy and it keep valuable, so I choose to buy that^^https://bb5.babyhome.com.tw/UPLOAD1/32738/32738.3701172.83826.wmv

婆婆生日(Grandma’s Birthday)


婆婆送完駿駿返托兒所之後,係屋企拾埋d野我地就去左紅街市果邊行街街啦.好開心丫,我地見到好多有趣既野,我地又買左個馬仔造型既背包比駿駿,又買左好多中式既小食返屋企食喎…不過最衰我地今日太宴出門口,都唔係好夠時間行街咁. 我地今日成4點20分先去到托兒所接駿駿,之後我地就返左屋企啦.諗住比駿駿食支奶或者比d中式小食佢食完我地就再去新馬路度行街街.因為今日係婆婆生日,我地諗住係果邊d靚餐廳度食晚飯^^哈,駿駿又醒喎,婆婆比野佢食時,佢突然唱”生日快樂”比婆婆聽喎,甜笑婆婆囉.駿駿食完野我地就去街啦.哈今日真係開心,我又買左3件衫啦,重係度睇緊想買多條裙..原本我都唔諗住買新衫過年既..但係今日真係好有買野既心情 After Grandma took Chunchun to the nursery, we went to somewhere near Red Market to have lunch and shop around. So happy we found many interesting things^O^ we bought a horse backpack for Chunchun and some Chinese’s snack. It’s just too bad that we went out too late so we couldn’t have enough time to shop, hoping that after Chinese New Year we would go there again. We went to pick up Chunchun a little bit later around 4.20pm, and then we went back to home. Let Chunchun to have some Chinese’s snack for his tea, he was so sweet that when Grandma gave him the snack, he sang “Happy Birthday” to Grandma^^ After Chunchun finished his tea, we went to the shopping area again, because today was Grandma’s Birthday, we decided to go to some nice restaurant to have dinner. So happy I bought 3 new clothes today, and I look for a new dress too…haha at first I didn’t plan to buy any new clothes for Chinese New Year, but I really have a mood to shop today.



今日真係好鬼搞笑…當我去接完駿駿放學之後,就去校務處度交2月既學費啦.我比左d錢錢駿駿拎住,等佢交學費…佢真係好鬼得意..諗得係咁叫住”交學費,交學費比你丫!”但係之後佢又話”唔交學費!錢錢我既…”最後當個職員寫好收條比我地,同駿駿講話交換啦.駿駿竟然答”唔交換!錢錢我既!”真係笑死我同個職員丫. 之後我地去超市買野,駿駿見到d壽包就話要買喎…我問佢你食丫?(佢未食過架)佢就答我”係丫,我要”..咁我咪買囉..之後諗諗下,聽日婆婆生日喎,佢唔通知婆婆生日買比婆婆食?到婆婆夜晚過左黎,佢又成日同婆婆講好掛住你,又成日走去攬婆婆喎,甜死婆婆啦. It’s so funny this evening, after I picked up Chunchun, we went to the office to pay for the February school fee. I let Chunchun to hand in the money; he was so cutie that kept saying, “school fee… school fee to you”. But suddenly, he said “no school fee, it’s mine”, and when the staff give us the receipt to exchange our money, Chunchun said “no exchange, I want money!” Ha, we were laugh so hard about that. Then we went to supermarket, it’s so surprise that Chunchun asked me to buy some Chinese Birthday Bread… ha I was wondering was he know that tomorrow is Grandma Birthday so he asked me to buy that? And when Grandma came tonight, Chunchun was so sweet to her, kept saying “I miss you” and gave her a lot of hug^^同財神影相

放學之後去左街街(Go shopping after school)


今日我真係好累丫,成朝同下午都係度拾屋同洗衫,之後就去接駿駿放學啦.由於老公真係好想食芝士蛋糕,我又好想帶駿駿去買d新既圖書仔喎.咁放學之後我就帶左駿駿去新馬路行街街啦. 今日我真係幾開心,因為駿駿係行街時都好乖乖^^我地又係搭的士去既,我唔駛推車仔,真係方便好多.駿駿係托兒所又訓左午覺,好精神,一路都冇叫過我抱抱佢喎.我地一到步就去左買蛋糕啦,買左4件比爸爸再買左1件比駿駿即時食.駿駿真係好鬼得意,自己背住個書包又著住件厚褸…一邊食蛋糕一邊行喎,好似個好為食既肥仔咁(唔,佢真係為食既肥仔黎架).之後我地就去左書店啦,本來駿駿都冇乜興趣睇書咁,但係當我搵到本維尼既故事書同一本反斗奇兵2既故事書呢,佢就好開心咁係度睇書書啦.到我問佢比本書收銀員姐姐,我地要比錢買左本書呢..佢就話”我架,唔比你!”我要同佢解釋幾次,d書要比左錢先係佢既,佢先乖乖比d書收銀姐姐計數.但係人地計緊數時,駿駿又係度催人地喎問人地”得未?比番書書我啦!”真係,我覺得佢d行為都唔似2歲既小朋友既.最後呢我地就去左CD鋪度買野啦,原本我係想去買情人節禮物比老公架,點知個店員話賣晒喎,叫我留電話,有貨返就會通知我..唉..希望快D返貨啦..要係情人節之前返到貨丫. So tired today, I clean up my home and do the laundry this morning and afternoon, and then went to pick up Chunchun. Since Kenny wanted to eat cheesecake and I wanted to buy some books for Chunchun. I took Chunchun to the shopping area after school. Hum, I was so quite happy going out with Chunchun^^ We took taxi out to the shopping area so today I don’t have to carry his baby stroller. And Chunchun just took a good nap at nursery, so he didn’t ask me to carry all the way in the shopping area. Our first stop was the bakery; I bought 4 cheesecakes for Kenny, and one for Chunchun. It’s so cutie that Chunchun carry his schoolbag with a thick jacket and having his cheesecake, he look like a fat fat baby. Second stop was the book store, at first Chunchun was no interest on book, but when I found the Winnie the Pooh’s story book and Toy’s Story 2’s story book, he love it, and reading it himself in the book store. And when I asked him to give the books to the cashier so that I could pay for it. Chunchunc was saying “it’s mine, not giving it to you!”… ha ha, I have to explain book was not your until I pay for it, and finally he gave the books to the cashier; but while cashier was counting how much I have to pay, Chunchun asked “It’s ok yet? Give it back to me!” Wow, he really doesn’t act like a 2 years old boy. Well, our last stop was CD store, I was planning to buy a CD and VCD box set to Kenny for the Valentine’s Day; however it was out of stock =_= the staff told me to leave my contact number, they will call me when stock arrived. Sigh, I hope that the stock will arrive before Valentine’s Day.

乖定曳呢?(Good or Bad?)


唔,近期我都係度諗駿駿點解突然咁曳咁麻煩呢?佢真係踏入可怕的2歲既時期?定係佢出緊大牙唔舒服呢?或者我地之前真係太寵佢?真係唔知乜事,但係佢咁麻煩湊住佢就越黎越累,依家乜野都話唔好,少少唔鍾意就喊…又成日都要人抱佢喎…真係煩死人 今朝婆婆送佢返托兒所時,佢唔肯返學丫,要帶婆婆遊花園,行左個圈先入托兒所.佢應該係一個至兩個星期前先開始係咁,朝朝都話”唔返學學”扭一輪又高高興興咁返學喎…有時都係扭就我抱佢返去,但係返到去佢又開心囉.又會同同學仔玩..到底有乜問題呢?定係可怕的2歲依個時期就係乜佢鍾意唔鍾意都要扭下先呢? 到4點我同婆婆去接佢時,見佢好開心咁係度玩緊既…咁佢應該會鍾意返學架..點解朝朝都要扭計呢?接完佢放學我地就去左超市買野啦…今日佢有朱古力食丫…我無聊問佢比d我食得唔得佢又肯比喎..以前佢邊個都唔比架嘛..一有人問佢分d黎食就乜鬼都放晒入口先..但係依家佢肯分比我食喎…唔係第一次架啦…之前幾次佢都肯分..唔知咁算唔算佢開始識得分享呢? Hum, I been thinking why Chunchun got so trouble recently, is he really turning to terrible 2 or his teeth coming out or we spoiled him too much? I don’t know, it’s so tired to take care him when he was so trouble. No for many things, cry whenever he found something he doesn’t like, asked for carry all the time. Grandma took him to nursery this morning, and Grandma said he didn’t willing to go to nursery, they have to walking around and around in the street for a while before they get into the nursery. Hum, I remember that he started don’t want to go to nursery a week or two weeks ago, actually he just asked not to go to nursery, but he still willing to walk school or I carry him to nursery everyday and he enjoy playing with his classmate I knew. So what wrong with him? Is he just being trouble? Grandma and I went to pick him up around 4pm, and we saw him having fun in the playground, he does enjoy go to nursery isn’t he? Why he has to be so trouble every morning? After we picked him up, we went to Supermarket together. Happy Chunchun got a free chocolate, while he having his chocolate, I tried to ask him to give me a bite. Usually, he would said no, and put all his candy into his mouth, but recently, he know how to share, he would let me have some of his candy too^^ (I am quite happy about that)



唉…今日真係好累,我打掃完屋企之後就去接駿駿啦,冇時間休息.今日去到接駿駿時,姐姐話我知駿駿依家唔話得喎..每次一話佢曳曳,叫佢唔好搞野…唔好曳…佢就會喊,會叫媽咪.但係佢又唔係真係喊架喎,只係扮喊等人地唔可以話佢咋喎. 今日行去超市既時候,全程駿駿都要我抱喎=_=一時又話要飲奶奶,一時又話要訓覺豬.搞到我抱完佢去超市又要抱佢返屋企….駿駿食完奶之後我地就一齊打左陣機,唱左陣歌仔同係屋企走黎走去..最後佢睇電視我就去煮飯. 哈,駿駿真係好鬼得意,不過我諗佢今日都重係唔多舒服咁.平時沖完涼我去開奶,佢都會係床度玩丫,跳下舞,或者走出黎搵我既…但係今日佢就自己訓係床度等我,重自己蓋好被添喎.當我洗面諗住同佢訓既時候又聽到佢唱歌仔喎“Miffy…Miffy…Miffy….Miffy and friend!”(Miffy, sweet little bunny, Miffy, smart little bunny, Miffy cutie little bunny, Miffy and friend).以為我整好野出黎都要同佢講陣歌仔先訓啦…點知原來佢已經訓著左..唔知係咪又發開口夢唱歌呢?最衰我今日錄唔切佢唱歌啦 Hum, so tired today, after I clean up my home, I went to pick up Chunchun. Sigh, Chunchun’s teacher told me that they couldn’t blame Chunchun recently, whenever they told Chunchun to behave himself. Chunchun would cry and kept calling Mama. Well he not really crying actually, just pretends to be crying, made people couldn’t blame him anything. On the way to supermarket, Chunchun kept asking me to carry him, sometime he asked me for milk, sometime he asked me to sleep. Poor me have to carry him all the way to supermarket and then back to home. Chunchun finished his milk very quick, and then we played PC game for a while and sang and ran around before dinner. Cutie Chucnhun, I guess he still not feeling too well today, after bath he lay on the bed and wait for me to give him his milk; usually he would jump and dance on my bed until I give him his milk. And while I washing my face, I heard Chunchun singing “Miffy…Miffy…Miffy….Miffy and friend!”(Miffy, sweet little bunny, Miffy, smart little bunny, Miffy cutie little bunny, Miffy and friend). After I finished my skin care stuff, Chunchun was fall in sleep already^^

駿駿好慘丫(Poor Chunchun)


都唔知發生乜事,公公今日突然話要走喎.唉,佢星期五黃昏左右先過黎,今日先星期日,計起黎過左黎都係一日多d,咁就話要走,搞到我同駿駿都唔係好高興. 到11點左右,佢同我講佢今日要走啦,咁我咪打比老公叫佢拎船飛比公公囉,叫佢地約係老公公司附近等.公公一出門口姐,駿駿就喊到死啦,一邊拍門一邊叫公公..希望公公會返黎帶佢一齊出去,之後佢知公公真係走左啦,就喊住話要自己著鞋,要我帶佢出街搵公公喎.唉..真係好可憐.駿駿喊左大約半個鐘左右…終於都累啦..爬係地下都同我講要奶奶…咁我就開支奶抱佢上床訓啦..佢係果時先比我抱佢咋..之後行近d佢都叫我走開=_=最後佢食食下支奶就訓著左啦. 見到駿駿喊得咁慘,我就打比公公叫佢拎左船飛就直接走啦..唔好再返黎,返黎駿駿見到佢佢又喊過架啦.但係公公話唔記得帶藥喎,要返黎黎番d藥先…公公係一點左右就返左黎啦..結果佢冇即走..佢留到駿駿訓醒同佢去埋八佰伴先走.去完八佰伴,公公真係要走啦..駿駿又喊過..今次就喊喊下係車仔度訓著左.其實我都唔明,公公做乜咁鬼小氣..要走只係因為婆婆話新年要叫太公太婆過黎澳門喎..太公太婆過黎,佢都可以黎姐..為左小小野發脾氣,搞到駿駿喊得咁慘..就係佢咁小氣..搞到d人都唔多鍾意佢. Didn’t know what happened to Grandpa, he suddenly said he have to back to Hong Kong today. Sigh, he just came on Friday evening, and today only Sunday, he stays for a day more. That made Chunchun and me quite unhappy about that. Around 11am, he told me that he have to leave today, so I called Kenny and let they met somewhere near Kenny’s office to give the ticket (ferry) to Grandpa. Once Grandpa leave, Chunchun cry so loud and kept knocking the door, hoping Grandpa would come back and take him out together. Poor Chunchun cried over half hour, sometime he knocking the door and calling Grandpa and sometime he trying to put on his shoes and asking me to go find Grandpa with him. Finally, he was tried and sleepy, asked me to give him milk and he fall in sleep while he having his milk. Since Chunchun cried so poor, I called Grandpa and told him go to the Ferry Terminal right after he got the ticket. However, he said he forgot to take his medicine with him, so he must come back first. Grandpa came back around 1pm, and well, he stayed until Chunchun woke up and went to New Yaohan together with Chunchun. After we leave New Yaohan, Grandpa has to go to Ferry Terminal then. Poor Chunchun cried again, and this time he fall in sleep while we on the way to home. It’s so stupid that Grandpa not really have anything important to do in Hong Kong, he just got mad because Grandma asked my Grandparent come to Macau in the Chinese New Year. He was so niggling, and that made people don’t like him much.



公公琴日下午過左黎澳門丫,所以琴晚駿駿去左公公果邊度訓.今朝8點我起身睇下駿駿佢重有冇唔舒服發燒咁,冇再發燒啦,我就叫公公送駿駿返學啦. 唉,今日中午去接駿駿既時候,見到d好乞人憎既人,果個就係老爺個工人啦.佢岩岩接完姑姐仔放學.講真,我見過佢,一,兩次..但係佢真係勁乞人憎,成日係老爺面前講人事非,害我老公同佢d兄弟伙記都成日比老爺鬧.邊有人做工人做到佢咁口臭架,無中生有,又冇禮貌喎.哈,去到托兒所之後又撞到stephenie婆婆接緊stephenie放學喎,唔知係駿駿同stephenie有緣定我同佢地有緣呢?成日冇約埋都會撞到一齊接放學既. 曳曳駿駿今日食完午飯都唔肯訓午覺喎,一直玩下睇下vcd到3點幾..佢先頂唔順訓左覺.唔知係咪因為佢知今日stephenie會黎玩所以唔願訓呢..久唔久就會問下我stephenie係邊.gina係4點左右打比我話stephenie岩岩先訓醒黎緊啦.因為都幾晏啦,所以我就開始整咁d野,等佢地黎到可以快d焗曲奇.到4點半左右佢地就黎到啦,而駿駿都係果個時候就訓醒囉. 駿駿同stephenie今日又好合作下喎,冇好似上次咁搞搞震,多數都係自己兩個玩,睇下電視咁.可能因為今日又有公公係度幫手睇下佢地啦…所以佢地今日都真係幾乖咁.只有係我同gina叫佢地過黎合下公仔印同試食曲奇時先有黎搞搞震. 駿駿今晚好得意丫…我問佢佢想同公公訓定係同媽咪訓覺豬..佢就話”媽咪唔要,公公唔要”我再問,咁你想要邊個丫?佢就答我”stephenie”哈.. 睇黎佢同stephenie重未玩夠咁. Grandpa came yesterday afternoon, and yesterday Chunchun was sleeping with Grandpa. I woke up around 8am to see how was Chunchun doing, his fever was gone; so I let Grandpa took him to nursery this morning. Went to pick up Chunchun with Grandpa on noontime, sigh; we met my father-in-law’s maid with my sister-in-law in the street. I hate them, I really don’t like them, that maid was super big mouth and not polite either. When I got into the nursery, I met Stephenie’s and her Grandma again^^ it’s seems like we always went to pick up baby around the same time. Naughty Chunchun didn’t take his nap after lunch; he played and watched VCD until 3pm something. Didn’t know was that because Chunchun knew Stephenie will come over this afternoon. He kept asking me where is Stephenie until 3pm something, he finally fall in sleep while he watching VCD. Gina called me around 4.15pm and said they will arrive around 4.30pm, it’s a bit late for us to bake cookie, so I started to prepare to bake cookie right after her call. When they arrived, I was waiting for they to finish the last two-step before we put the cookie into the oven. Chunchun and Stephenie were so co-operate today, they were playing and watching VCD most of the time; maybe because Grandpa was here taking after them so they were such a good babies today. Only came near Gina and I when we called they to cut the cookie and taste the cookie. So cutie today when I asked Chunchun who he was to sleep with tonight, Grandpa or Mama… he answer me “Stephenie”^^同stephenie爭玩具賽車



慘慘駿駿今朝發燒喎,大約37.6-37.9度左右啦,唔係太高燒,不過佢就真係好似好累唔係好舒服咁啦.佢發燒就當然唔駛佢返學啦. 到10點幾我就同佢去睇醫生啦.醫生例牌話駿駿係感冒啦,開左4日藥比佢.咁就百幾蚊啦.唉..真係乜野事去睇醫生都係感冒,都係果d藥..好似真係冇第二d病咁架喎… 公公今日下午打過電話黎問駿駿點喎,因為朝早時我話過比婆婆知駿駿發燒.奸鬼駿駿知道公公打過電話黎就扭要公公啦,其實我本來都想叫公公今日或聽日過黎住下架啦,因為駿駿成日都話掛住公公,不過公公話唔過之嘛.但係今日駿駿病囉,駿駿又係電話度叫公公過黎,公公當然即過黎啦.每次公公係度,駿駿就要公公乜人都唔要架啦…乜事都叫住“公公”,又唔要媽咪,唔要爸爸喎=_= Poor Chunchun got a fever this morning, it’s around 37.6-9℃, not a very high fever but he looks tired and not well. So I let him stay home today and called to nursery to tell that Chucnhun couldn’t go to nursery today. Hum, when to the doctor around 10am something, and the doctor said Chunchun got a cold and gave us 4 days medicine. Sigh, it’s cold again, and same kind of medicine… no other sickness, no other medicine? Grandpa called this afternoon and asked how was Chunchun, because I called to Grandma this morning and told her that Chunchun was having a fever. Smart Chunchun asked Grandpa to come over, well, I knew that Chunchun miss Grandpa so much. And I was asked Grandpa to come today or tomorrow, but his answer was no before. But today, was Chunchun asking him this question and Chunchun was sick, so surely, Grandpa came over immediately^^ Whenever Grandpa was here, Chunchun only know his Grandpa, no Mama, and Papa=_= Everything was “Grandpa”, “Mama no”, “need Grandpa”.

好日子定唔好日子呢?(Good day or Bad day?)


今朝早我心情真係超好,因為今日係老公第一次同我一齊送駿駿返托兒所.駿駿返左托兒所6個月啦,一直都係我一個人送駿駿返學,老公一次都未送過架=_=冇計,佢忙嘛夜放工,唔通重要佢早起身送駿駿咩.不過今日因為9點開始會停水喎,老公唯有早d起身沖涼先…咁都起左身囉,咪親子時間一下囉.送完駿駿返學,我地重去左食早餐添喎^^ 本來心情真係好好架,但係到左中午過d,老公突然打比我話老爺叫我同佢上去佢屋企喎.上到佢就比佢鬧囉..佢真係好冇理取鬧架,話我地見到佢工人唔同佢打招呼.我都未見過佢工人,而我老公只係見過一,兩次,係街見到真係鬼知佢係乜水咩.我答完佢我未見過佢工人(我諗佢都知我未見過架啦),之後就話我地唔認得工人姐,都應該認得佢個女掛..佢個女先去到我腰咁高,如果我同老公傾緊計,住前望,講緊電話..真係會睇唔到架喎..唔通下下都要望下地下先?再者..佢唔話佢個女見到阿哥都唔叫哥哥?三歲囉喎,唔會唔識叫人丫..佢又唔認得佢自己阿哥?佢工人見到我地認得我地唔大聲叫我地? 初初同老爺相處就知佢成日都鬧我老公,成日雞蛋度揀骨頭黎鬧…初初都會安慰老公,老爺都係緊張佢,重視佢先係有鬧唔係又鬧..希望佢真係成材姐.不過依家,我覺得老爺係有D病態咁鬧我老公.佢真係係我見過咁多個父親入面,最差最唔要得既父親丫. 到左4點我就去接駿駿放學啦,哈,我一入到去,就見到輝輝係大堂度飲緊水啦.而輝輝一見到我呢,就係咁叫住”駿駿…入面”咁帶我入去搵駿駿喎.到我接左駿駿啦,正同姐姐講緊野,駿駿又走左出大堂帶住Stephenie婆婆入黎接Stephenie喎.真係好鬼得意,輝輝帶我去接駿駿,駿駿就帶Stephenie婆婆黎接Stephenie^o^Stephenie婆婆接左Stephenie之後,駿駿同Stephenie就手拖手咁去佢地個櫃仔度拎書包啦,之後我地重一齊去左超市添喎.駿駿真係唔怕羞,周圍去介紹Stephenie喎,話Stephenie係佢女朋友,又成日講”拖住左Stephenie”.買完野啦, Stephenie婆婆同Stephenie就睇住我地係超市門口度玩果d夾公仔機喎, Stephenie真係好運,我一夾就夾到隻mimi公仔比佢啦.本來Stephenie婆婆話幾靚,我都係諗住同駿駿玩下就試下夾啦,點知一夾就中.駿駿重好大方咁比隻mimi Stephenie添喎(緊係啦,果隻係mimi嘛..如果係巴斯光年,佢就唔會咁大方架啦) I was super happy in the morning, because today was the first time that Kenny and I took Chunchun to nursery together. Chunchun had been going to the nursery for around 6 months, Kenny never took Chunchun to nursery to school since he usually still sleeping when I took Chunchun to the nursery; but today because of the water supply will interrupt from 9am – 11am, that made Kenny have to be wake up early today. After taking Chunchun to the nursery, we went to have breakfast together too. It’s happy morning for me, however around noontime, Kenny called suddenly and asked me to go to my father-in-law’s house. It’s so unreasonable, my father-in-law called us to his house and blame us that we didn’t said good morning to his maid this morning. I never meet his maid before, and Kenny only met her twice, how did I know she is his maid? He said his maid was taking his daughter to nursery, and we should notice his daughter and then recognize his maid. I wonder he really got a big problem in his head… his daughter was not enough 100cm tall, if Kenny and I was talking or looking at something else, who will look down to the floor and notice his daughter? When I first came here, I knew that my father-in-law always pick on Kenny, and blame Kenny a lot; at first I thought that is because he care about Kenny, wanted Kenny to be more hard working. But now, I think he is sickly picking on Kenny, he is the worst father I even see. Went to pick up Chunchun around 4pm, when I got there, Chunchun’s classmate Fai was in the lobby, and he kept telling me Chunchun was inside and try to lead me to Chunchun. Fai was a month younger than Chunchun, but he looks a lot younger than that, he was really cutie and baby looking compare with Chunchun. And when I picked up Chunchun and gossiping with his teacher, Chunchun ran to the lobby and he lead Stpehenie’s Grandma to pick up Stephenie. It’s so funny, Fai lead me to Chunchun, and Chunchun lead Stephenie’s Grandma to Stephenie. After Stephenie’s Grandma picked Stephenie up, Chunchun and Stephenie were hand in hand to their drawer to take that school bag^^ And then we went to supermarket together, ha, Chunchun was introducing Stpehenie as his girlfriend to all the staff in the supermarket. Before we said goodbye to Stephenie, they watching us to play the doll machine in front of the supermarket, and lucky Stephenie, I won a mimi for her. And Chunchun was being a nice boy to give the mimi to Stephenie (but I knew that if that was buss lightyear, Chunchun wouldn’t give it to Stephenie)

新巴斯光年公仔(New Buss Lightyear)


唔,星期三,我最鍾意就係星期三啦.因為婆婆係度,佢多數會一早幫我打掃好屋企,之後下午我地就去行街食飯.哈,今日我見到好多靚野丫..樣樣都好想買.有好多中國風既用品賣,我諗係因為就黎新年啦..可惜好多野我買黎都冇用..最後只係買左幾樣野..諗住遲下可以少少..少少咁寄去比美國既喫媽. 今日4點去接完駿駿之後呢,我地就返左屋企啦.因為琴日我同婆婆都答應左駿駿會同佢去公園玩,所以係去公園之前等佢食左奶奶先.駿駿就真係開心死囉,佢今日唔單止有公園去,重多左隻巴斯光年公仔添喎.因為我發現係超市門口既夾公仔機度有幾隻巴斯光年公仔喎…咪同駿駿一齊夾囉.夾左10蚊先夾到>__< and finally I got the right target and win it on my first try. Chunchun love Buss Lightyear so mush, after we won the Buss Lightyear’s doll, he was playing with him in the playground, teaching Buss go up and down the stair and walk and slide and swing together, so cutie! After we back home, he took out the old Buss Lightyear, which we bought in New Yaohan, and just carrying them whole night. Looking at him playing with 2 Buss Lightyear’s doll was so cutie, sometime he made them kiss each other, and sometime he kiss them or asked us to kiss them; running around with them and saying “Buss Lightyear~ fly to the sky!” 同巴斯一齊覺覺豬

教青局(Education Department)


今日下午同老公去左教青局度問有關香港小朋友係澳門讀書需要d乜既文件.因為之前問過一間學校話香港人唔收,除非有居留紙或投資移民有澳門身份證先有.另外問左一間就話香港人都可以收但係就唔會有學費減免等澳門學生所有既褔利,同佢叫我自己去入境處或教青局度問清楚香港人係澳門讀書需唔需要特別文件. 真係好,今日問清楚,原來香港人只要有回港証或passport(睇你用乜入境)同入境時果張入境紙就可以申請入學…因為香港人係澳門每次入境都可以留一年,係可以係澳門讀書架,只係唔會有任何福利姐…要有福利就要投資移民.咁都好啦..我地只係比正價學費姐..都平過香港..唔駛搞咁多野就好囉 Went to the education department this afternoon with Kenny, asking about if Hong Kong children go to school in Macau, what kind of document we needed? Last time went we went to the kindergarten staff, she said Hong Kong children must hold the Macau ID card (need to be investment emigration), and then I asked the other kindergarten… their answer was Hong Kong children could go to school in Macau but they wouldn’t enjoy the preferential school free of Macau children etc; and she asked me to go the education department to check what kind of document I really need when I apply kindergarten for my baby. So happy that we found that we don’t have to do anything special, we only need the HKSAR Re-entry Permit or passport (it’s depends on what we used to entry Macau) and the entry permit form^O^ We only have to pay for the originally school free and no need to be investment emigration.