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愉快的一天(Happy Day)


好好彩今日駿駿放學返到屋企就肯訓午覺,咁我可以同佢一齊休息一陣,又可以好似我計劃咁下午先去新八佰伴食埋晚飯先返屋企. 駿駿大約4點左右先起身,跟住我就將佢d用品放係佢部嬰兒車度,準備出發啦.到我地真正出得門口既時候大約係4點半左右啦,之後行半個鐘,5點鐘就去到新八佰伴啦.去到新八佰伴,第一個地方永遠都係駿駿最鍾意既兒童遊樂場架啦.不過今日玩既野唔多,星期六都係太多人囉…我地玩左電動搖搖車,彩虹,同遊戲機既賽車之後就去行街街啦.哈,今日我終於都買左Hello Kitty日記2005年既保充紙,買左d零食同買左條長褲仔比駿駿. 唉,駿駿今日好曳丫,佢係我同佢擇緊長褲既時候突然走左去喎,搞到我追左佢半個百貨公司=_=係人地嬰兒部走左成個圈先捉到佢,佢就開心囉,一路走一路”卡卡”笑.到我地返到佢買褲,我就聽到人地d職員係到笑駿駿啦,話依個bb好得意,好活潑,頭先同佢媽咪玩捉迷藏,走遍大半個嬰兒部. 走完玩完運動完啦,當然就係食飯時間啦.上次我地就去左食麥記,今次我地就上最頂層既美食廣場度食飯.依個大食駿駿丫,一個人食晒成碗麵喎=_=一d都唔留比媽咪,好彩我買果個係壽司餐,除左一大碗麵之後重有成9件壽司既姐…從來依個餐我都係同我媽兩份食,依家就可以同駿駿兩份囉. 今日我覺得好快心,駿駿今日整體黎講都好鬼乖,肯訓半覺,食得好,係街又冇扭計,夜晚重好早訓添^o^ So lucky, Chunchun took a nap right after I picked him up fro m the nursery, that’s made me have time to rest and we can have dinner in New Yaohan as my plan. Chunchun woke up around 4pm, and then I prepare his stuff into his baby’s trolley. We finally left home around 4.30pm, and got to New Yaohan around 5pm. Hum, so happy we first go to the amusement arcade to play games with Chunchun, and then we walk around kalm’s and baby’s section. Ha, I bought an Hello Kitty organizer refill for 2005 year, one cutie trousers for Chunchun and some junk food for Kenny and me^O^ Chunchun was so naughty today, while I choosing trousers for him, he run away suddenly. I keep running after him until we made a big circle of the baby’s section=_= Sigh, those staff of New Yaohan were laughing about Chunchun, I heard that they said Chunchun was so cutie and active, made his mother running after him. After a good exercise, we went to the upper level of the New Yaohan – Food Court to have our dinner. Hum, big eater Chunchun finished a bowl of noodles by himself, and me just had a few sushis for dinner. I am quit happy today, so far Chunchun was a good baby today, took nap after nursery, eat good, and slept early at night^^

月餅(Moon Cake)


今日係星期五丫,又係老公忙到返唔到黎食晚飯既日子.我見今日唔駛趕返屋企煮飯,接完駿駿返學就同駿駿去個公園玩先再去超市買野.係公園度有3個同駿駿差唔多年紀既小朋友,有d可能大佢1,2歲左右啦.駿駿一入到遊樂場,就走去搵果d小朋友同佢玩,人地走去邊佢又走去邊喎.可能d小朋友細,都唔係咁識得一齊玩,駿駿追左佢地一陣,先一齊玩左一陣滑梯. 大約玩左15分鐘左右啦,因為太熱啦.我就帶駿駿去超市買野,早d返屋企涼下冷氣.因為中秋就黎到啦,我見超市都開始放滿左好多唔同既月餅.而今日,有個收銀同我地講,佢地有好多月餅試食(好多月餅都要佢地試過好味先會放係佢地超市度賣).問駿駿食唔食喎.唉…駿駿當然會食啦,佢咁為食.不過我唔係好想佢食…因為月餅太難消化啦對=_=但係人地問左咁多次,唯有叫佢地比好少好少駿駿食好啦.希望聽日落去..佢地唔好又請駿駿食月餅啦… Today is Friday; Kenny usually will not come back for dinner cause he will be super busy at work. Therefore, after I picked Chunchun up fro m the nursery, I took him to the playground before we go to supermarket; since I don’t have to hurry back home prepare dinner. In the playground there had 3 little kids that around Chunchun’s age, maybe 1 or 2 years old older. When Chunchun got into the playground, he was trying to play with other kids, keep running after them, after a while, those kids noticed that Chunchun want to play with them and finally they played together. Played about 15 minutes, I took Chucnhun to the supermarket. Since the Chinese festival – Mid-Autumn is coming soon, the supermarket started selling all kind of Moon Cake. The cashier said that since some brand of Moon Cake are new there, so they have some free simple to try, and they keep asking Chunchun to have some Moon Cake. Actually I don’t like Chunchun to have Moon Cake, it’s too indigestible for baby; however I couldn’t ignore them, finally Chunchun got a piece of Moon Cake. Hope that when we go supermarket tomorrow, they won’t treat Moon Cake to Chunchun again.

出名的駿駿(Famous Chunchun)


嘩..我諗駿駿係我地住緊既區黎講都叫做幾有名囉.都唔係第一次架啦,成日都有d咁既事發生既….當我同駿駿出街既時候,總係有d我唔識或者唔記得係邊個既人同駿駿打招呼…係真係知駿駿個名架喎..朝早就實係問返托兒所啦?黃昏唔係問岩岩放學丫?就係問去完公園玩黎丫?依家去超市買野啦?駿駿依家幾大啦?真係奇..佢地到底點知駿駿個名既呢?平時我同佢出街,我都數都係叫佢BB或豬仔…佢地到底點知駿駿叫乜名?係公園知既?托兒所?會唔會係鄰鄰居?樓下管理處既人?真係唔知?_? 今朝我帶駿駿返學既時候,係街口又撞到佢d同學啦.其實起初我都唔知佢係邊個,係佢地叫駿駿先既..之後個媽咪同小朋友著校服我先知係駿駿既同學…好似話依個係新同學喎..只係返左2個星期學… Wow, Chunchun is really famous in the area we live. This is not the first time, it’s been a thousands times that when we walk on the street, many people I don’t know that say hi to Chunchun and ask me how was Chunchunc (e.g. go to nursery now? Came back fro m playground? Go to supermarket now? How old is Chunchun now?) So weird that most of them knew Chunchun’s name, when we were out I usually called him “BB” or “PigPig”. Where they got to know Chunchun’s name? In the playground? In the nursery? I have no idea on it?_? This morning, when I took Chunchun to the nursery, we met his classmate a street away fro m the nursery, so that we walk together. This is a new classmate that he only got into nursery around 2 weeks, but his mother knew Chunchun’s name=_= I have no idea who they are until they called Chunchun and I notice that the baby wear the same kind of uniform with Chunchun.



今日下午去左新八佰伴行街,玩同食晚飯.唔,我地有成3個星期冇去過果度啦,因為一直都有落雨,同駿駿根本就去唔到街,好彩到左依個星期終於都開始停雨啦.希望聽日天氣都係咁好(不過唔好太熱),咁我就可以帶駿駿去一,兩次公園玩啦. 駿駿今日好鬼好運丫,係新八佰伴個遊樂場度玩,擲左大約5,6蚊銀仔就中左個禮物囉(一支筆同一個散子包).而我地就買左好多零食啦,其實我係Kalm’s見到好多靚野架,重做緊大減假,不過d野我買黎都唔知做乜,真係好想買既野又冇喎,咁咪乜都冇買囉. 我係度諗,一個漢堡,幾條薯條同一盒牛奶,夠唔夠一個20個月既小朋友食呢?剛剛好,太多定太少呢?我就覺得唔係好夠啦,駿駿咁大食.不過點都好啦,駿駿全部食晒,食得好開心囉,希望佢今晚唔好又半夜起身話要食奶奶啦 Went to New Yaohan to shopping, play and had dinner this afternoon. Hum, we had been almost 3 weeks that haven’t been in there because of the rain, and finally the rain stopped this week so that we can go there today. Hope that tomorrow will be sunny too and I can take Chunchun to the playground once or twice a day. Chunchun was so lucky that we got 2 gifts when we played in the playground section in New Yaohan. And me bought a lot of junk food in the supermarket, ha ha, actually I saw many good stuff in Kalm’s and they are on sale too, just I don’t what I buy those for, so nothing get. I was thinking one Hamburg, some French-fly and a glass of milk is that enough for a 20 months old baby? Are that just enough, too much or too little? I think it’s not enough for Chunchun since Chunchun always is a big eater. Anyway Chunchun love it and finished it all, hope that he will not wake up at the midnight and ask for milk again. 漢堡包



今朝終於都停左雨啦,下午重好好太陽添喎.接完駿駿放學,我地就去超市買野啦.駿駿同平時一樣,一入到去就好興奮,同所有人say hi. 當我地行到入去賣生果果個位時,見到有幾個收銀員同生果老闆係度傾計.當然啦,駿駿好快就”da da da”咁同人地傾計啦,就咁佢就得到佢既免費生果,今次係士多啤梨同迷你西瓜一個.唉~我真係覺得好唔好意思,差唔多日日去超市,駿駿日日唔係免費餅乾就係免費生果.雖然,依d野都唔係駿駿問人既,係d人見到佢就比佢,佢地鍾意睇住駿駿食野,睇佢既反應…係既..駿駿真係好得意,好得人鍾意..只係我真係唔知點做好,成日都有咁多人比野佢=_= Finally the rain stopped this morning, and it’s sunny in the afternoon. We went to supermarket after I picked Chunchun up fro m the nursery. Hum, Chunchun was very exciting as usual; try to say hi to everyone. When we walk to the fruits section, there have a few cashiers and the boss of fruits section gossiping. Surely Chunchun was playing with them and got his free fruit…this time he got strawberry and one small watermelon. Sigh, I am so embarrassing, every times we go there, Chunchun will ask for free fruit, hum, actually not Chunchun ask for, is some cashiers like to play with him and ask the boss of the fruits section to give Chunchun free fruits to eat. They like to watch Chunchun eating and look at Chunchun reaction. Well, Chunchun is a really lovely baby, everyone like him, just me don’t know how to do when so many people want to give him stuff=-=



唉~又落雨啦!由上星期六開始差唔多日日都落雨.因為落雨搞到我同駿駿邊度都去唔到,真係悶死人啦.一個星期先有兩可以同佢去玩…但係又落雨=_= 好彩d雨係5點果時停左一陣…咁我同駿駿都可以去超市行下..其實我地係冇乜野要買架,不過可以出去行下都好丫..唔駛成日屈係屋企入面.駿駿一有得出街就好興奮啦..去到超市重不停咁同人打招呼..搞到個個都問佢做乜咁開心..我話屈左係屋企成日…終於有得出街行下喎…當然興奮啦. 真係好慘架…駿駿返左托兒所之後,我地就只有星期六同日可以帶佢去玩…上個星期已經落雨邊度都冇得去架啦..點知今個星期又係咁落喎…其望聽日唔好落雨咁我就可以帶駿駿去玩啦..如果唔係..又要等下個星期六先可以帶佢去街街囉. Sigh, raining again! It’s been raining all week since last Saturday. Because of the rain, I can’t go anywhere with Chunchun, no shopping, no playground. It’s super boring for Chunchun and me just stay home all day. Finally the rain stopped around 5pm so I took Chunchun to the supermarket, actually I don’t have much to buy, just to go out for a walk. And Chunchun was going crazy there, running around and said hi to everyone he knew in the supermarket. Everyone in the supermarket were said Chunchun was so exciting today, I said yup, Chunchun was very exciting because he been stay at home half day and do nothing. It’s so poor for him and me to stay home at Saturday, because it’s the only day that we can go shopping and play in the New Yaohan. Hoping that tomorrow will not be rain again so that we can go shopping and play together, if not, we have to wait for the next Saturday.

大食駿駿(Big Eater)


近期駿駿越食越多野咁,可能係因為佢已經完全好番啦,冇傷風,冇咳啦.不過駿駿真係比佢同年紀既小朋友食多好多野.好似上個星期六咁,駿駿係托兒所食完晏之後,跟我同老公一齊去食午餐時佢又食左一個好大個既牛角包,之後返到屋企…佢又飲左成12安奶先肯訓覺喎. 由果時起,佢就越黎越大食啦,不過要話佢越黎越大食定係佢本身就係食咁多野架啦..只係早排佢病食少野姐…佢依家係托兒所放學返黎就要飲奶(托兒所有下午茶食架啦),之後食餅,再食飯..食完飯有時又要食d餅..最後訓前又食奶..每餐都唔過2個鐘=_=佢好似真係食得太多囉. 之前佢病,我重擔心佢會瘦左…但係其實佢一d都冇瘦到…到依家病好啦..佢重好似想食肥番自己咁..到底..bb幾時開始要減肥既呢? Recently Chunchun eat more and more, I guess is because he was overcome the cold and cough now. Hum, Chunchun really eat a lot more than his same age of babies. Last Saturday, after he had lunch in nursery, he went to lunch with Kenny and me too, he had bread while we have lunch. Then when he backs to home, he was asking milk again, and finally he drink 12oz milk before he naps. Since last Saturday, he has been a big eater for babies in his age. He has milk after nursery (nursery provide fruits, lunch and tea), biscuits between milk and dinner, then milk before bed (sometime biscuits between dinner and milk too). Is he eats too much isn’t he? Beforetime he was sick, I was so worry about that he will lost some weight, but actually, he didn’t lost any weight while he was sick and now, I think he gain some more weigh