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http://enews.url.com.tw//archiveRead.asp?scheid=39826 菲立普.克婁代 年邁的老人因戰亂要離開破敗家園,懷中的新生嬰孩是唯一心靈支柱,抵達灰冷多雨的港都,對陌生城市和不解的語言,異鄉辛苦的生活才剛剛要開始。無意中中結識了喪妻的巴克先生,兩人的友誼和小孫女的命運在這異鄉人的城市中將會如何繼續呢? 簡短而美麗的小說直到結尾最後一行都緊扣人心,一篇以無國界友誼和同情為題的小說。《灰色的靈魂》作者又一抒情感傷之作。 內容簡介 逃亡之後,迢迢的路才開始── 年邁的林先生因戰亂要離開破敗家園,他帶著一隻小箱子,懷中抱著一個新生嬰孩,和其他流亡者搭上前往西方國度的船。多日後,船抵一座灰冷多雨的港都,當局安排難民暫棲於收容所,林先生面對陌生人和不解的語言,感覺生活的艱辛才剛剛要開始。 他唯一的寄託是懷中的小孫女,從不讓她離身,只要孩子吃飽睡好,他便足矣。他常常帶小孫女到公園散步,並偶然結識孤身的矜夫巴克先生,這兩個不受時光之神垂青的人沒有共通的語言,但比手畫腳聊得份外開心,人群的冷漠和城市的灰暗一掃而空,換之以陽光般的溫暖滋潤彼此心靈……這一天當局無預警地安排林先生轉往他處收容所,倉促間他來不及通知巴克先生,而新的收容所又像銅牆鐵壁的監獄,把人守得牢牢的,他必須要逃出去,找到那座公園,告訴巴克先生…… 作者介紹 菲立普.克婁代,1962年生於法國洛林區Dombasle-sur-Meurthe,身兼作家和劇作家,為法國備受矚目的中生代作家。曾以《莫斯忘記了》獲法國廣播金獎(Prix Radio-France-la Feuille d’or);《千百悔恨中的一些》獲馬塞巴紐爾獎(Prix Marcel Pagnol),以“《我放棄》獲法國電視獎,並以短篇小說集《小機械》獲龔固爾短篇小說獎(Prix Goncourt de la Nouvelle 2003)。克婁代擅長以平實卻富詩意與韻律感的文字描畫生命複雜的情境。以《灰色的靈魂》一書獲2004年荷諾多文學獎,中文版在台上市即登上誠品書店翻譯文學排行榜,同年10月作家受法國在台協會讀書樂之邀來台,轟動一時。  

double ghost month


this year, we meet up the double ghost month(an intercalary month in the lunar calendar)which is every 19 years just happen once...Well, the gates of the Underworld are opened and ghosts walk among us. Ghosts are everywhere in Taiwan now. .................................... http://www.gio.gov.tw/info/festival_c/ghost_e/html/ghost2.htm Ghost Month The Taiwan people refer to the seventh lunar month as "Ghost Month," the first day of which is called the " Opening of the Gates of Hades," since it is believed that the gates of Hell are flung open on this day to allow the ghosts and spirits of the nether world into the world of the living for a month of bacchanal of food and wine. This earthly party comes to an end on the 30th day of the month, called the "Closing of the Gates of Hades," since the portals to the spirit world are shut once again on this day. On the 15th day of Ghost Month, many people stay at home to avoid an unlucky encounter with a ghost out enjoying the Ghost Festival; and special care is taken to avoid walking near riverbanks where a water spirit may easily steal the body of the living. Opening of the Gates of Hades According to legend, the gates of Hell are opened at the break of dawn on the first day of the seventh moon, letting the anguished souls in the world darkness return to earth to visit their descendants and enjoy the feasts prepared in their honor. Ghosts without families to return to wander aimlessly across the earth. To avoid being harassed by these outcasts, people offer sacrifices to the homeless ghosts as well as to their ancestors on this day. When the gates of Hades are closed again, people make a ritual offering of food at the main entrance to their homes, lighting incense and burning paper money for their ancestors to use in the spirit world. Closing of the Gates of Hades It is said that on the final day of the seventh lunar month or the first day of the eighth month, the gates of Hades are closed, sealing the spirits back in darkness. At the appointed time of closing, a Taoist priest chants liturgies while holding a "seven-star sword" to let the ghosts know that it is time for them to return to the underworld. When the gates are shut, the priest cups his ears to avoid being deafened by the wail of the spirits lamenting their return to Hades.



送給有女兒的媽咪們 寫給未來女婿的一封信: 我想,總有一天,你會看見這封信的。我的女兒是如此美麗、可愛、有才氣、貼心,簡直就像是天上落入凡間的天使。 你要跟我談「聘金」嗎?我想,你是付不起的!我們就來談談從小我在女兒身上花費的錢吧!你知道為什麼她的英文如此流利,各國通行無阻,英、日文難不倒她呢?因為從小每一年花在上英文文課的錢,一年超過十萬塊,她少說學了十年,光是語言方面,就花掉一百多萬。 還有,你最愛她彈著鋼琴的優美模樣。但是,這也是錢堆砌起來的,十幾年來學鋼琴的費用,一百萬也是跑不掉的。另外每一年的學費,私立國、高中、私立大學,幾年來也不少於一百萬。更別提每天的三餐,遊學、留學的費用。光是能夠拿到「收據」的費用,你可能付我五百萬都無法全部 cover掉!更何況,我並不是要把女兒「賣」給你。 你是不可能用錢買到我女兒的。因為我女兒的價值,還不僅僅於此。 在我心裡,她是無價之寶。 她的一個微笑,都是我生命中最美好的禮物。 她貼心的按摩,是任何專業按摩師都無法取代的,因為每一個手勢,都有她的愛,都有我的感動。她的每一顆晶瑩淚珠,都是我與她在不斷的衝突之下,溶解彼此的美好果實。 我們在爭吵、和解中瞭解彼此,更在緊密相愛中不斷地成長。女兒與我之間的愛,是拿數億金錢也無法切斷的。 所以,親愛的女婿,即使你有萬貫家財,你也買不起我的女兒。 我的女兒不「賣」給你,也不「嫁」給你。她只是要跟你結婚,跟你一同組織一個家庭。即使你們結婚了,住在一個獨立的小房子裡面。 她仍然是我的女兒,我仍然是她永遠的母親,我們之間的愛,永不消失。 我跟我的女兒,仍然要像以前那樣互動,那樣的相愛。當我孤老無依,女兒想要陪我一起生活,你沒有權利阻止她。如果她真是個忘恩負義、無情的人,看到自己悲慘的親生母親而無動於衷,如果她是如此自私而冷酷的女人,你還會像現在這麼愛她嗎? 你喜歡她,不就是因為她的良善? 當她希望多挪些時間,來陪陪孤單的母親,你應該沒有權利阻止她。就像她也沒有權利,阻止你去照顧你的父母親或陪伴他們。 更何況,你以及你的父母,對她並沒有任何養育之恩,沒有餵過她一瓶奶,沒有換過她一片尿片,沒有幫她繳納過任何一分學費。 養「兒」育「女」的心,希望你能「對等的」體會。 你們立下婚約,婚約是宣示兩人要彼此相守,而不是簽訂某一方的「奴隸契約」!因此,我要你承諾,用一個對待「人」的態度來對待她,不是把她當成佣人或奴僕。 你會難過的事情,她同樣的也會難過;你會感到疲憊的事情,她一定也會感到疲憊。請以體貼自己的方式,體貼她。 不過,我仔細的想了想,我還是想要一筆「聘金」…… 那就是你的「心」! 你願意用良善、同理、無限的體諒來對待我的女兒嗎? 如果你交不出這顆心,我會建議女兒取消與你之間的承諾。愛情固然偉大,但是沒有作何一個女人,會去嚮往一個「不平等」的婚姻!沒有平等的互動,婚禮上動人的旋律、美麗的婚紗,只不過是騙人的陷阱、甜蜜的毒藥而已! 雖然,我的女兒現在只有八歲。 不過我相信,總有一天你會看到這篇文章的。 我怕等你真的來提親時,我已經老邁得不想再講這些話了,所以先寫在這裡,請你準備好那份聘禮,那就是:「你的心」! 祝福你們!!



http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010336766 這部寫實的回憶錄之所以讓人感動,是因為它一點兒也不流於感傷煽情;作者既沒有將她的父母妖魔化,也沒有加以理想化,然而他們還是擁有令人激賞的自由主義品格,儘管正是這一點激發了他們子女的憤怒和嫌惡。珍娜.沃爾斯以新聞寫作式的精簡風格,將自身悲慘而令人不可思議的童年困頓經驗生動地刻畫了出來。 ──科克斯書評(Kirkus Review)   作者珍娜.沃爾斯,有一對很特別的父母:他們對人生懷著不切實際的理想,又頑固地不肯妥協。生長在這樣的家庭,似乎是個詛咒,卻也帶來了救贖。雷克斯和瑪麗,生了四個子女。一開始,這家人過著游牧般的生活,在美國西南部的沙漠城鎮中四處漂泊,或者在山間露營。這個家的父親雷克斯,天資聰穎、魅力十足,清醒的時候,他啟發孩子的想像力,教他們物理、地質學,更教他們無所畏懼地擁抱生命。而這個家的母親羅絲瑪麗,喜愛繪畫、寫作,卻懶得養家活口,她形容自己「對刺激上了癮」;與其花時間煮一頓十五分鐘內就吃得精光的飯,她寧願用這些時間來創作一幅可能永垂不朽的畫。   然而,當積蓄花光,當流浪生涯的浪漫多彩逐漸消褪,這家人只好逃到西維吉尼亞州的一個小礦鄉。這個家的男主人,開始無所不用其極地逃避現實;經常喝得爛醉不說,還不時偷走家用,再失蹤個好幾天。儘管家庭的狀況日益惡化,珍娜和幾個姊弟妹始終互相扶持,因而能夠在父母親背叛他們時安然度過。最後,在累積了足夠的積蓄和決心之後,他們終於勇敢出走。   本書最震撼人心的地方在於,作者不僅擁有過人的勇氣、毅力與智慧,更在字裡行間表現了對父母的深情與寬容。這是一個克服逆境的故事,更是一個無比溫柔、感人至深的故事:儘管生長在一個不健全的家庭,作者卻展現了無條件的愛,並以驚人的意志力走出了自己的人生。



走進星星的世界 http://myweb.hinet.net/home9/diana040614/new_page_22.htm 朗布利奇:「兩個人同時向窗外觀望,一個看到的是泥土,另一個看到了星星。」 有一個美國年輕軍官接到調動命令,人事令上將他調派到一處接近沙漠邊緣的基地。他不想新婚的妻子跟著他離開都會生活前往受苦,但妻子為了證明夫妻同甘共苦的深情,執意陪同前去。年輕軍官只好帶著妻子前往,並在駐地附近的印地安部落中幫妻子找了個木屋安頓。 該地夏天酷熱難耐,風沙多且早晚溫差變化大,更糟的是部落中的印地安人都不懂英語,連日常的溝通交流都有問題。 過了幾個月,妻子實在是無法忍受這樣的生活,於是寫了封信給她的母親,除了訴說生活的艱苦難熬外,信末還說她準備回去繁華的都市生活。 她的母親回了封信跟她說:「有兩個囚犯,他們住同一間牢房,往同一個窗外看,一個看到的是泥巴,另一個則看到星星。」 妻子倒不是真的想離開丈夫回都市,原也只是發發牢騷罷了!接到母親的信件後,便對自己說:「好吧!我去把那星星找出來。」從此後她改變了生活態度,積極的走進印地安人的生活裡,學習他們的編織和燒陶,並迷上了印地安文化。 她還認真的研讀許多關於星象天文的書籍,並運用沙漠地帶的天然優勢觀察星星,幾年後出版了幾本關於星星的研究書籍,成了星象天文方面的專家。 「走進星星的世界。」她常常在心底這樣跟自己說。 【啟示】 常常我們都會覺得週遭的環境不好,抱怨這個、抱怨那個,有時會覺得自己「遇人不淑」、有時候覺得自己「動輒得咎」,好像所有不好的事情都在自己的身上發生,總認為自己是最可憐的受害者,因為所有的人都在欺侮他,連環境都不願給他機會。 事實上,當你覺得一切的情勢都對你不好的時候,你沒辦法看到他好的一面,以及更多更美的事物,唯有靜下心來,認真、用心的觀察,試著去接受環境所給你的「事實」,也許你會有不同的感受。 打敗自己的不是環境,而是自己。走進星星的世界,往往就能找到生命的依歸與生活的目標,請不要抱怨環境讓你無法一展長才,並努力從中找到屬於自己的閃耀星星。 盼望藉底下的短片,能帶給我們無限的安慰。 http://www.donghaeng.net/english/love/love.swf



活在當下的我們,往往不知道自己在忙些什麼...似乎無可避免的,我們總要到人生的盡頭,才會醒悟親情的價值所在...如果人生可以重來...像電影一樣多好... 家裏若有工作狂的配偶,趕快帶他/她去看吧! ................................... 轉貼自:http://tw.movie.yahoo.com/mstory.html?t=movie&id=1610 哥倫比亞影業的最新喜劇【命運好好玩】,描述一個一直想要成功的建築師麥可紐曼(亞當山德勒飾),買了一個遙控器,沒想到這個遙控器不但能遙控電視,還幾乎遙控了他整個人生。 聽起來好像很神奇?但這真的發生了,而且這個超時代的科技裝備,將會以麥可怎麼想都想不到的方式掌控他的生活! 麥可紐曼(亞當山德勒飾)有個美麗的老婆唐娜(凱特貝琴薩飾),還有兩個可愛的小孩,班(約瑟夫卡斯塔農飾)和莎曼珊(譚頓麥肯飾)。不過他和家人相處的時間並不多,這都是因為他把全部的心力都投入在他的建築設計工作上,還巴望他不知感恩的頂頭上司(大衛赫索霍夫—霹靂遊俠李麥克)有一天能看到他的努力,然後找他合夥。 只要他成功,就能和老婆小孩共享天倫之樂了!至少,他是這麼想的。 在一天熬夜工作之後,麥可累趴了,還因為找不到電視遙控器差點抓狂。麥可突發奇想,跑到家用品店,想找一個什麼電器都能操控的遙控器。結果怪怪店員莫提(克里斯多夫華肯飾)帶他到倉庫,給他找了一個保證能改變他所有生活的超級遙控器。 莫提可不是開玩笑的。麥可靠著遙控器,再度成為「一家之主」,只要按一按鈕,什麼都能操控了! 但是這個遙控器可不只是這麼簡單。它能夠控制家裡小狗「小黃」的叫聲大小,更厲害的還在後頭,要是他老婆碎碎唸的話,還可以直接快轉! 麥可對這個新玩具可是又愛又恨。於是他決定回去找莫提~就是那個把遙控器賣給他的怪咖。莫提跟麥可說,你不是想要控制全世界嗎?這遙控器不正是如此?為了讓麥可覺得物超所值,莫提還直接示範了這個「命運遙控器」的終極功能—直接讓麥可隨心所欲的在他的人生中時光旅行! 麥可立刻對這讓他魚與熊掌都能兼得的新玩意兒愛不釋手! 但他沒想到,是這台「命運遙控器」在「遙控」他,而不是他在遙控「它」。當這個遙控器替他決定該過哪種生活,哪些直接快轉時,麥可嚇壞了,卻也拿它沒辦法,除非他開始學會感激並擁抱他的生活,不管是好的、壞的、或是…爛的。



http://www.peace.org.tw/peaceday/peaceday_story.htm 來源: 智邦網摘精選好文 我靠聲音活著,能和靈魂對話的地方,就是天堂。 不久前念了一篇法學評論,裏面很多英文單字看不懂就算了,還有一段以「Yes, Virginia…」開頭的外星文。後來上元豪的課,才知道英文裏用「Yes, Virginia…」的典故。 1897那年,有一個名叫Virginia的八歲小女孩寫信給紐約太陽報(New York Sun),她天真得問:『我八歲了,我的一些朋友說這世上沒有耶誕老公公,我爸爸說如果在Sun看到他,他就是存在的!請你告訴我真相,這世上有耶誕老公公嗎?』 Sun的主編Francis Pharcellus Church回了一封公開信給她∼ 「Yes, Virginia,這世上有耶誕老公公。…你的朋友們錯了,他們被大人們影響,沒有看見,就不去相信…」 「沒有人見過耶誕老公公,但那不等於他不存在。…他以愛和慷慨的型態存在,並且給你最多的美麗和快樂。」 「如果沒有耶誕老公公,這世界將多麼沈悶,就好像沒有Virginia一樣的沈悶。」 「如果沒有耶誕老公公,就沒有單純的信任,沒有詩,沒有浪漫可以去寬恕現實。」 「這一切都是真實的嗎?」「啊,Virginia,世界上沒有什麼事,一定永恒和真實…」 這篇公開信之後,很多人便把自己要對孩子們說的話,假想成對Virginia說。我們於是會在其他許多文章裏,看見「Yes, Virginia…」。 「Yes, Virginia…」是文學上的創舉。 但我相信,很多人不自覺的想對Virginia說話,是因為他們和我一樣,看了這篇文章,自己也變成Virginia,可以發問然後相信,可以感動沒有懷疑。 親愛的Francis, 當我願意重新等待耶誕老公公時,同時發現這個世界,是非真假對錯,要信仰太短暫,要證明太困難!但我慢慢懂了,複雜的世界裏需要最單純的相信,我願意放棄武裝,浪漫但不強求永恒,相信愛,就算找不到理由,也願意寬恕,不再計較現實… 你的信是一份珍貴的禮物,謝謝你!

Yes, Virginia


http://beebo.org/smackerels/yes-virginia.html Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus By Francis P. Church, first published in The New York Sun in 1897. [See The People’s Almanac, pp. 1358–9.] We take pleasure in answering thus prominently the communication below, expressing at the same time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among the friends of The Sun: Dear Editor— I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, “If you see it in The Sun, it’s so.” Please tell me the truth, is there a Santa Claus? Virginia O’Hanlon Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men’s or children’s, are little. In this great universe of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Claus! You might as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if you did not see Santa Claus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that’s no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You tear apart the baby’s rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Claus! Thank God! he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. About the Exchange Francis P. Church’s editorial, “Yes Virginia, There is a Santa Claus” was an immediate sensation, and went on to became one of the most famous editorials ever written. It first appeared in the The New York Sun in 1897, almost a hundred years ago, and was reprinted annually until 1949 when the paper went out of business. Thirty-six years after her letter was printed, Virginia O’Hanlon recalled the events that prompted her letter: “Quite naturally I believed in Santa Claus, for he had never disappointed me. But when less fortunate little boys and girls said there wasn’t any Santa Claus, I was filled with doubts. I asked my father, and he was a little evasive on the subject. “It was a habit in our family that whenever any doubts came up as to how to pronounce a word or some question of historical fact was in doubt, we wrote to the Question and Answer column in The Sun. Father would always say, ‘If you see it in the The Sun, it’s so,’ and that settled the matter. “ ‘Well, I’m just going to write The Sun and find out the real truth,’ I said to father. “He said, ‘Go ahead, Virginia. I’m sure The Sun will give you the right answer, as it always does.’ ” And so Virginia sat down and wrote her parents’ favorite newspaper. Her letter found its way into the hands of a veteran editor, Francis P. Church. Son of a Baptist minister, Church had covered the Civil War for The New York Times and had worked on the The New York Sun for 20 years, more recently as an anonymous editorial writer. Church, a sardonic man, had for his personal motto, “Endeavour to clear your mind of cant.” When controversal subjects had to be tackled on the editorial page, especially those dealing with theology, the assignments were usually given to Church. Now, he had in his hands a little girl’s letter on a most controversial matter, and he was burdened with the responsibility of answering it. “Is there a Santa Claus?” the childish scrawl in the letter asked. At once, Church knew that there was no avoiding the question. He must answer, and he must answer truthfully. And so he turned to his desk, and he began his reply which was to become one of the most memorable editorials in newspaper history. Church married shortly after the editorial appeared. He died in April, 1906, leaving no children. Virginia O’Hanlon went on to graduate from Hunter College with a Bachelor of Arts degree at age 21. The following year she received her Master’s from Columbia, and in 1912 she began teaching in the New York City school system, later becoming a principal. After 47 years, she retired as an educator. Throughout her life she received a steady stream of mail about her Santa Claus letter, and to each reply she attached an attractive printed copy of the Church editorial. Virginia O’Hanlon Douglas died on May 13, 1971, at the age of 81, in a nursing home in Valatie, N.Y.

Chinese Valentine's day


The Herd Boy and the Weaving Girl This is the story of two lovers, a weaving girl and a herd boy. Perhaps they are the original star- crossed lovers--the legend is reported to be at least 1,000 years old. The next time you look up at the sky on a clear night, notice how the Milky Way forms two branches between Vega and Altair. Here's one explanation for that celestial configuration. In this popular account, the story opens with a herd boy named Niu Lang who is poor and has only one ox. One day the ox tells her master to go to a certain stream where he will see some heavenly fairies bathing. If he steals the clothes of one of them, the ox says, he will gain himself a bride, as she will be unable to fly away. One day the herd boy does as instructed. All of the maidens fly away except the one Chih-Nu, who was also called the weaver. Because she can¹t do anything else, she follows the cowherd and becomes his wife. A few years went by, and the old cow, feeling it was about to die, said to its master, "When I am dead take off my skin and fill it with golden sand. Then take the ring from my nose and make it into a packet pouch. Carry it with you always and when you are in trouble it will help you." During the following years, the weaver bore the cowherd a son and a daughter. Often the weaver would ask her husband where he had hidden her fairy dress but he would never tell her. One night she pleaded so enchantingly that he told her--whereupon she quickly snatched the garment and flew up into the sky. The cowherd seized the children and flew up to heaven with the aid of the magic cowhide. The weaver's response was to take a golden hairpin and draw a long line to cut off the pursuit. This turned into a broad raging river. The cowherd poured the sand out of the hide into the river until if formed a big sandbank, which he was then able to cross. But the weaver again drew another long celestial river, which successfully impeded the cowherd who had used up all his sand. He then took the ring out of his packet and threw it at his wife; she threw her shuttle in return. Suddenly one of the lesser gods appeared and ordered them to make peace. They were to stay apart except for one night of the year. In this version the two stars that are visible behind the cowherd (Altair) and the weaver (Vega) are the ring and the shuttle. There are apparently so many versions of this story that you can pick and choose among the many subtexts and characters and just cut and paste and then spin them to your heart's content. However, the basic legend always concerns the weaving girl Chih-Nu and the herdboy Niu Lang, who fall in love and consequently neglect to do their work. The gods solve this problem by placing the River of Heaven (our Milky Way) between the two lovers with the provision that they will be able to see each other for at least one night of the year-the seventh day of the seventh month. On that day all the magpies on Earth fly up to heaven and form a bridge with their spread wings so that the lovers can cross the river to meet. Some variations of the legend say that the lovers were actually told that they could only meet once a month. This message is given to a magpie for delivery--but the magpie gets it wrong and tell them they can only meet once a year! (So it goes.) Don't be concerned if it rains. I found a version that says the magpies enable the lovers to meet only if the weather is clear. If it rains the magpies cannot span the flooded waters. So on the day they are destined to meet, some people on earth pray that no rain falls so that the River of Heaven does not flood. But turn a page (or scroll down a bit) and you'll probably find another version, as I did, that asserts that this is a day on which rain should fall, as a cloudy sky gives the couple some privacy. Turn another page and you'll find an offer that rain is actually the happy tears that flow because the lovers are finally able to meet after their long separation. Who is separating the lovers? What's that all about? And are we sure who, if anyone, is wearing the white hat? Well, in one version is the Queen of Heaven who created the Milky Way to separate the lovers so that they can only gaze at one another from opposite sides. And it is the King of Heaven who takes pity and allows them to meet once a year; but it is also he who, unfortunately, forgets to provide a bridge. So of course the magpies do their thing. (Traditionally, magpies are regarded as birds of good omen.) Some accounts suggest the birds supplied twigs to form the bridge. This makes the story more credible, no doubt. But I found at least one version that reverses the white and black hats so that now we see the Queen of Heaven is softhearted, while the King is totally unsympathetic to the lovers. In all versions that I encountered, Chih Niu is described as a celestial being. In some she is the daughter of the Kitchen God. In another, her father is the Jade Emperor for whom she wove endless webs. In this account, the Jade Emperor grants her wish to visit the Earth, whereupon she falls in love with the herd boy. After her marriage, she no longer attended to her weaving and it is said the heavens fell out of harmony. How does this story work itself into the heavens? Chih-Niu is identified with the bright, pale-blue star Vega in the lower part of the constellation Lyra. Vega rises in the eastern night sky early in May where she attends to her weaving until the appearance of the herd boy in early June. Altair, the brightest star of constellation Aquila, is the herd boy, Niu Lang. Starting sometime in early May, the constellation Aquila also arises in the eastern quadrant of the nighttime sky. It is the day of the waxing half-moon that determines the time for the festival. It will help you locate the stars Lyra and Altair, if you remember that the pair, along with Deneb, constitutes the Summer Triangle in the Northern Hemisphere. This legend had an influence on early Taoist physiological alchemy. According to Needham's "Science and Civilization in China," there is a diagram entitled The Internal Texture of Man on an engraved stone stele at the White Clouds Taoist Temple in Peking. The diagram shows the herd boy in the center of the heart region with the Weaving Girl underneath and to the right working at her spinning wheel and sending chi up to the throat, trachea and brain. The two lovers also provide us with a reading of the body internal. In all of its guises, the tale of the herd boy and the weaving girl is much beloved throughout Asia. In China, it provides the basis for the Maiden's Festival (or Star Festival) which will be celebrated this year on July 31th--the seventh day of the seventh month, by the lunar calendar. In Japan, the celebration of Tanabata was held on July 7th.



轉貼:http://www.ltes.cy.edu.tw/%E8%A1%8C%E6%94%BF%E8%99%95%E5%AE%A4/%E8%BC%94%E5%B0%8E%E5%AE%A4/new_page_37.htm 之四 好成績=好孩子?這是一般世俗評斷一個人好壞的方式,但是正確 嗎?公平嗎?有多少家世背景雄厚、「品學兼優」的好學生,喜歡「 仗老師的勢」,傲慢無理的欺負人;又有多少「壞孩子」,私下卻是 位古道熱腸、俠骨柔情但又不時犯點小錯,可愛又可惡的小麻煩。難 怪,儲醫師和我先生看了這本書後,同樣語重心長說:許多所謂好孩 子、模範生,更需要留意,他們為了維持自己的「好」,常常在私底 下搞小動作,甚至有些在長大後,承受不了挫折,做出一些危害社會 的事情。 文中的「趙堅強」,是一位受到老師「語言暴力」的小孩,甚至老 師故意將「在班級白牆上踹腳印」…的錯推給他,而不去處分一位有 家世背景的好學生,趙堅強也因為種種「是?非?」,徘徊在眾學校 間,成為一位不受歡迎人物。但是,他真的那麼無藥可救嗎?私底下 的他是那樣質樸和善良,他會讓座給婦孺,會主動為乘客和售票員傳 遞錢和車票,他也會做許多「好孩子」會做的「好事」。只是大家吝 於給他機會表現,讓他「變好」。 「有多少變壞的孩子是因為來不及改好?」對於許多像「趙堅強」 這樣的孩子,心中滿是心疼與無奈,成長中的孩子,有很多事情是一 知半解,他們在試探與摸索中尋找答案,也許會不小心犯了錯,為什 麼世俗的眼光和社會的輿論不能包容與原諒,偏要抹殺掉讓他們變好 的機會?其實有很多「好孩子」的確表現很棒也很乖,有些調皮搗蛋 的小孩是該給他們警戒和懲罰,但是,在我們實施公權力之前,是不 是先站在公平公正的立場下,耐心的聽他們解釋,儘量求證,孩子被 罰就會心服口服。千萬不要因為我們的疏失或成見,製造失學少年。 我們擔心有一天,他們會被迫成為社會問題的一群,到時候喊再多口 號、唱再多高調、作再多補償,都為時已晚。



http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010309980 〈譯序〉 http://www.ylib.com/travel/notes/rv051026.htm 這一秒 黃小燕 這一秒過去了,就再也無法從頭來過。 小說滿足了我個人小小的、窺探他人內心獨白的私慾,小說也詮釋出每個人無法逃避的情感歷程或宿命。想起曾經某一天,巴黎人在我面前,表情冷靜內心激動的表白著:我心裡的那顆炸彈,快爆炸啦! 原來激情是炸彈,渴望是炸彈,愛是炸彈,恨也是炸彈。 小說裡的人物主角也都沒有「現在進行式」的對白,所有的談話都成為過去,所有的對白都被扭曲,所有的眼神也都被誤讀。過去的事件,每個人都有一個自己的版本、自己的歷史。 ..... 翻譯著《十九秒》,我想是翻譯每個人的自我:曾經在寒冷的某一天,為了避免遇見打掃鐘點工的尷尬,我躲到冷稀稀的淡水出海口一個莫名其妙的咖啡廳裡。時間還太早,咖啡店的鍋爐應該也還沒熱起來,眼前是一些零零落落的男女。基於什麼樣的理由,讓他們在這樣的一個週三,接近中午的時刻出現,而且更奇怪的都是些熟男熟女。我總是細細看著他們,女的依偎在男的身旁,天氣太冷吧,男的大多直挺挺走著。「他愛著她嗎?」清冷的冬季,淡水出海口好乾淨,灰灰的海天一色。那一對中年男女又走回來了,而且笑容滿面,因為冷,笑起來都僵僵的。「他應該是愛她的吧!」只有幾種人必須或不自主的一直說著話:電視主播、老師,及……戀人。