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朱銘「夏夜開館」 七、八月每週六晚間免費入場


又有BBH媽咪的好康分享~ 朱銘美術館夏夜開館~感覺很不錯~ 朱銘「夏夜開館」 七、八月每週六晚間免費入場 可以避開這樣的夏天的大太陽,在沁涼的夜裡觀賞藝術作品、參與親子活動,而且完全免費!這樣的好康,只在台北縣金山的朱銘美術館,七、八月間的每個禮拜六晚間六點以後,歡迎民眾免費入場,各項精彩藝術活動,一樣都不少! 「夏夜開館」是朱銘美術館一年四季中獨有的特色之一,今年邁入第8個年頭,自7月3日至8月28日,每週六晚上18:00之後即可免費入館,館中準備了諸多主題與活動,讓民眾玩到21:30。 今年暑假期間的朱銘美術館,以以「光影.劇∼自由穿梭」為主題,將整個美術館打造成一個「劇場」,讓民眾自由穿梭欣賞藝術,並推出以精彩藝術創作所組合的「藝術之劇」和以美術館藝術季紀念扇玩一場光影遊戲的「夜之劇」。 「藝術之劇」,精選6檔精彩藝術創作讓民眾賞遊,包括「追尋雕塑密碼」、「200公尺中,見證愛」、「線條先生與毛線球」、「際遇之歌」、「科學家的溝通器」、「繪遊奇幻仙境」,民眾將跟著導讀劇本進入藝術世界。其中「200公尺中,見證愛」,民眾將可在藝術長廊中現場直擊藝術家的創作,藝術家創作時間為每週六10:00∼21:30及每週日10:00∼18:00,歡迎民眾前往與藝術家互動與觀賞創作過程。 為了讓民眾體驗夜晚中的美術館,朱銘美術館特別提供限量藝術季紀念扇,提供民眾領取,民眾可使用材料進行創作,同時自備手電筒,即可用光、影跟美術館週邊環境或作品演出一場彩色影子戲。持藝術季紀念扇即可享美術館內各餐廳、點心亭餐飲9折優惠。 此外,7月3日起至朱銘美術館官方Facebook,參加「玩『人間之劇』我最愛的美術館一隅」活動,分享你在朱銘美術館藝術季的照片與故事,美術館將選出「朱銘美術館藝術季每週之星」,入選者可獲得「夜訪朱銘美術館」精美夜景地圖明信片乙套,詳情活動辦法請上朱銘美術館官方Facebook! 搭配朱銘美術館藝術季之際,凡於藝術季期間,持朱銘美術館入園門票票根或消費單據,入住陽明山水會館,即贈送精緻下午茶乙套;憑誠品會員卡購票入館參觀,即贈送「夜訪朱銘美術館」精美夜景地圖明信片組乙份,每日限量20份;同時於7月1日至9月30日周日至週四時段入住天籟會館使用「寶貝你最大專案」,即可享有「爸媽同行,小孩免費」,贈送給小朋友朱銘美術館門票乙張,詳情請洽上述各單位洽詢。 http://www.nownews.com/2010/07/05/153-2622426.htm

3 Cards Reading


Neediness from the Relationship Suit Dependence, as compensation for unmourned loss, with inability to receive. Neediness is depending on someone else to save you. You see them as someone who will fulfill your needs, and therefore make you happy. Dependence is a core role we take on as compensation for a loss we have not recovered from. The more dependent we are, the more likely we are to use manipulation, particularly emotional blackmail, by feeling hurt, sad or carrying a long face to get someone to take care of us or to love us. Neediness often makes us use emotions as weapons. It’s a path which cannot be successful, because the more dependent we are, the more of a burden we are to others, and the more unattractive we become. Dependency is self-centered. We see others in terms of how they can fill our needs. Dependency attempts to take or get, but cannot receive. You may feel really good momentarily when your needs are met, but shattered when they are not. So, whether or not someone is fulfilling your needs becomes your test of their love for you. Yet, the truth is we can be loved by someone who may not necessarily fulfill our needs. If you receive this card today, you are being asked to take responsibility for your feelings and for your life. Know that when you are in this dependent position, you are setting yourself up for heartbreak. At some level, you are trying to capture another individual, which you cannot do if you truly love them. If you are experiencing painful feelings, feel them through until they transform into positive ones, even exaggerating them to accelerate the process. For those who are willing to transform this situation, be aware that a key sign that you are acting in a dependent manner is when people seem to move away from you. You can move through this quickly by letting go of these needs using forgiveness, or the Leadership Principle: “If I’m suffering, there is someone else in even greater need of help. Who is that?” When the answer comes, step through your pain to support them. One whole layer of their pain – and your pain – will drop away, and you will once again be in the flow. Love takes no prisoners. It does not seek to enslave in order to give you a safe source to fulfill your needs. Love gives freedom. Truth from the Healing Suit Principle leading to freedom, ease, commitment, connection and joy. Truth leads us forward, showing the way. Truth clears and clarifies. It heals denial and other forms of dishonesty. It allows partnership and opens you to receive. It frees you from the deadness and hypocrisy of roles and duties, and from doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Truth can set things straight, allowing proper relationships and perspectives to form. It constantly separates the chaff from the wheat. While truth can sometimes be uncomfortable as it cuts through illusion, what we cut through now saves us greater pain and disillusionment later. The truth frees and connects us, bringing light and freedom. In this sense, ultimately, anything which is not joyful is not the truth. Truth can thus be used to cut through areas of deadness, pain and misery. Whenever something is less than joyful, ask for the truth. Choose the truth. Love the truth. It will set you free and show you’re the way home. If you receive this card, you can use these statements t change painful situations: