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my little reader

my little reader









●Growing physical independence Only one month shy of his first birthday, your baby is no longer a helpless infant who can''t do anything without you. He still needs plenty of care and support, but his growing independence — evident in his solo standing, stooping, and squatting — is becoming apparent. He may walk while gripping your hand, and he''ll hold out his arm or leg to help you dress him. At mealtimes, he may be able to grip a cup and drink from it independently (though some children may not do this for a few more months) and hand-feed himself an entire meal. Of course, once your child is able to drink from a cup by himself, you may need to start ducking, because he''s just as likely to toss it when he''s finished as he is to put it down gently. He''ll also purposely drop objects for someone, probably you, to pick up. ●Very easy readers Your child likes to look at books and leaf through the pages, though he won''t always turn them one by one. Indulge in great picture books, like Anno''s Flea Market, by the great Japanese artist Mitsumasa Anno, Is It Red? Is It Yellow? Is It Blue?, which introduces primary colors through photos of everyday objects, and The Snowman, a full-color cartoon book about a snowman who comes to life. ●Becoming his own person Your baby may now assert himself among his siblings and begin to engage in parallel play — contentedly playing alongside (but not with) another child. He may also have designated a favorite blanket or stuffed animal as a security object. ●Time to start setting limits Your baby now understands simple instructions, though he may purposely choose to ignore you when you say "no." (To help the word carry a little more weight, use it sparingly, for setting important limits.) But even though your baby may not always remember tomorrow what you''ve said today, it''s not too soon to set certain boundaries and start teaching him some important distinctions, like right from wrong and safe from unsafe. Use your best judgment as a guideline. You''re not being mean if you don''t let him devour a second cupcake, for example; you''re setting healthy limits. If he pulls kitty''s tail, move his hand, look him in the eye, and say, "No, that hurts the cat." Then guide your child''s hand to pet the animal gently. His desire to explore is stronger than his desire to listen to your warnings, so it''s up to you to protect and teach him. What seems to be defiance isn''t; it''s just his natural curiosity to see how the world works. ●Talking up a storm Words and word-like sounds are now spilling out of your baby — and he''s able to use them meaningfully. As the frontal lobes of his brain continue to develop, so does his ability to reason and speak. Encourage his interest in language and his understanding of two-way communication by being an avid listener and responding to his sounds. To polish his memory skills, play games like patty-cake and peekaboo with him. At this age, your baby can probably imitate word sounds and inflections, as well as actions. He may be able to follow simple one-step directions, such as "Please bring me the ball" or "Pick up the spoon." Help him learn by separating multi-step commands into easy-to-follow steps. Cherish this brief but remarkable period when your baby''s communication skills are emerging: They''re perhaps his most important skill. ●Is my baby developing normally? Remember, each baby is unique and meets physical milestones at his own pace. These skills are simply a guide to what your baby has the potential to accomplish — if not right now, then shortly. If your baby was born prematurely, you''ll probably find that it will take just a bit longer before he can do the same things as other children his age. Don''t worry. Most doctors assess a preterm child''s development from the time he should have been born and evaluate his skills accordingly.






馬麻因為還在適應空氣中開始飄散的秋天氣味, 所以一兩星期無法認真寫小花日記﹝當然也無法工作﹞。 小花過去兩星期裡有什麼新發展呢? 1﹞活動力愈發強大。 虧馬麻還曾一度以為小花不是很physical的寶寶咧! 馬麻現在常常可以很清楚地感受到小花體內那種時而蠢蠢欲動、 非洩之而後快不可的精力, 尤其是小花被馬麻帶出去逛一下午街、坐了一下午stroller之後, 馬麻幾乎都可以聽到小花的哀求──馬麻放我下來嘛,拜託啦拜託... 2﹞啪潑啊的動作愈來愈純熟、時機抓得愈來愈準了。 現在只要馬麻手舉起來、眉毛挑高表情作出來了, 小花就會自動自發啪起潑啊來,還眉飛色舞的咧! 3﹞學會掰掰了! 馬麻才在跟把拔說咧,小花現在模仿力學習力一天強過一天, 所以馬麻把拔不想小花學去的動作,從現在起就不該在小花面前做了。 掰掰的動作把拔馬麻其實也只是隨意教一下,小花就學起來了; 現在小花手裡如果剛好拿著東西,還會趕緊換手或放掉,掰掰要緊呢! 4﹞開始學習翻書。 這兩天馬麻唸書給小花聽的時候, 小花聽是在聽啦,不過都會一直急著想翻書; 馬麻還在摸索到底要用哪一個key word── 是要用「turn (the page)」呢,還是要用「ㄏㄧㄢ」, 比較容易讓小花學習聽話抓節奏,邁ㄍㄤˇ亂亂翻啦! 5﹞小白五號冒出來了! 就在小白二號的隔壁,卻與小白二號錯得有些開; 馬麻只能希望將來小白六七八九十號都出來後, 漏風和錯開的情況就會自動好轉囉! 除此之外,小花過去兩星期生活中的另一件大事就是, 馬麻開始bulid up小花的秋冬wardrobe了! 麻煩的是,小花現在正好卡在6-12m和12-18m兩個塞斯中間, 選前者不甘願,選後者又顯大、不能現買現穿現爽,傷腦筋的咧! 另外,也因為小花活動力變強了, 所以從本季開始,馬麻決定要將小花wardrobe多分出耐ㄊㄨㄣˋ一類來, 專門穿去上學逛公園play date玩沙玩水用的。 好,馬麻力氣即將用盡,要撐著最後一口氣去拼點進度了!