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報名參加幼稚園組的美語說故事比賽,比賽日期為3月14日(六),時間2分半鐘,老師會在學校訓練,麻麻在家也要幫忙盯著Mimi練習,參加目的不在得名,只是想要訓練Mimi的膽量。 故事內容: The Ant and the Dove An ant was walking by the river one day, and said to himself “How nice and cool this water looks! I must drink some of it.” As he began to drink, his foot slipped and he fell into the river. “ Oh, somebody, please, help me, or I will die! “ cried the ant. A dove sitting in a tree over the river heard him, and threw him a leaf. “Climb onto the leaf,” said the dove, “and you will float to the riverside.” The ant climbed onto the leaf, and the wind blew the leaf to the side of the river. The ant stepped onto the dry land again. “ Thank you, kind dove, “ said the ant as he went home. “ You have saved my life, and I wish I could do something for you.” “ Good –bye,” said the dove. “ Be careful not to fall in to the river again.” A few days late, when the dove was busy building her nest, the ant saw a hunter raising his gun to shoot her. The ant ran quickly, and bit the hunter’s foot very hard.The hunter cried, “Ouch! Ouch! And dropped his gun. This surprised the dove, and she flew away. After the hunter was gone, the dove came back to her nest. “ Thank you, my little friend,” she said . “You have saved my life.” The little ant jumped for joy, because he had been able to help the kind dove.