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Kevin:Summer Retreat Day 2


Dear Youth Parents, We had a huge fun day filled with food, fellowship, and festivities! In the morning we had a session on Matthew 6:24 and applied it towards how we can’t serve both God and entertainment. One will cause us to love one and hate the other so we need to look to Jesus to help us choose wisely and to follow Him joyfully when we are tempted to spend too much time on our electronics. :) After we went kayaking in the walled off part of Half Moon Bay so the water was very calm and then we had some hot sandwiches for lunch! In the evening we had “appreciation hour” where I gave everyone an opportunity to share what they appreciate about the other youth and to encourage one another :) For dinner the little boys grilled steaks for us and the other youth made salad, pasta, and cheesecake 😋 Other Youth always helped slice fruit or wash it for us so we could eat it easily :) Some photos from our day! (Little Aaron went twice for clean up because we were short a person, next year we will have lots of new youngest people!) Everyday we have a clean up chart so everyone takes turns cleaning, taking out trash, washing dishes, etc. I love seeing them take ownership and grow in responsibility! Overall it has been a great summer retreat and we are so thankful we get this opportunity to do so :) We are planning to be back before 12:00pm but that will be depending on how long it takes us to clean all the sand we brought back from the beach. Thank you so much for praying for us and thinking of us! See you soon! Blessings, Lynn :)