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Kevin:Summer Mission Day 4 Update from Ms. Lynn


Dear Youth Parents, Day 4 is in the books and many of our teams are wrapping up their projects and moving to other sites to help other groups finish. :) We had another long workday today and some of the youth were tired and found it hard to work as hard as they did the first two days. It's been encouraging for me to be able to talk with them and walk them through how to process their emotions and how to handle themselves when they are tired or upset. We have more photos from the girls since they’re in the same room as me so they can airdrop it but also because I asked them to take photos. They boys don’t take as many photos but I’ll try to get some from them tomorrow. image4.jpeg Samuel getting the 5 gallon jug for their team and Jason image9.jpeg Waiting to leave for our worksites at 7am! image5.jpeg The house Julia and Jodi are working on! image6.jpeg image7.jpeg image8.jpeg Concert of Prayer Tonight we had a special event where we were given time to reflect on the theme of the missions trip, "Here & Now." We watched a video of a teenage girl working through her doubts in her faith and disappointments in her life. image3.jpeg We were given time to write down on a big piece of paper under the "HERE" banner on the right side of the room how we were thankful for God bringing us here. Under the "&" we each had a card and a pencil under our chair where we wrote down something that God was calling us to surrender. They gave us some suggestions like, maybe God is calling you to surrender your anger about your parents and forgive them, maybe you need to surrender that relationship you shouldn't be in, maybe you need to surrender to God and give your life to Christ. Everyone wrote something down and put under the "&" sign. Lastly, they gave us some time to think about where God is leading us and where He wants us to move into action. Under the "NOW" sign there were blue glow in the dark rubber bracelets for us to keep as a reminder of what we are NOW going to do. The Gallup Independent Chris and Jessica made the front page of the local newspaper!! Chris got interviewed for the article and you can see Jessica right behind him in the two photos! We will take photos and send them later since it is already lights out and all the girls are asleep. XD Gospel Sharing We wanted to make sure we shared the gospel so everyone is committed to sharing the gospel with at least one person by the end of Friday. We each chose a name which I wrote down and we prayed together for the person we want to share with. I'm looking forward to hearing what happened during our church chat tomorrow night! Please keep this in your prayers for us as well :) 2019 Missions! Many of the youth are already thinking of going on missions again next year and we are grateful that these youth want to spend their time, effort, energy, and summer serving and loving others for Jesus. It is rare to find a group where everyone works very hard and wants to do a good job. One group's job is landscaping and cleaning a ranch. There was lots of poop everywhere but they never complained but just kept working hard and making sure they did a good job. I love their great attitudes and servant hearts. Lessons and Learning Each year the trip is different not just because of location but because of the people who go. Every team has its own special dynamic and this has been one of the most enjoyable teams I've served with. We are not without our problems but we are learning together and working to resolve issues that come up. I try to teach the youth skills and problem solving things not just for the moment but for a lifetime. I've had the opportunity to talk more with some of our youth kids during meals or free time and it has been a lot of fun getting to know them better and spending so much time with them. It feels like a bi family trip where everyone hangs out together just having a great time. image10.jpeg image11.jpeg image12.jpeg We're all excited for our last day and pray that we will faithfully share the gospel and finish strong! Blessings, Lynn :)

Kevin:Summer Mission Day 3 Update from Ms. Lynn


Dear Youth Parents, We are officially over halfway through the missions trip! It has been a wonderful trip so far and most of the youth are in good spirits and some of them are in GREAT spirits. (The young ones 😂) They are enthusiastic and still have tons of energy to run around and play together. :) ​Sunscreen Issues (kidding)​ Due to some problems with sunscreen application, we got together as a group at 6:45am this morning to put sunscreen on together so we can help each other point out areas we missed and make sure everyone is applying enough in the right areas. No one except Big Aaron got a sunburn today, but he's ok. :) image1.jpeg ​Work Day and Food​ Breakfast was at 6:00am and we had french toast, bacon, sausages, fruit, cereal, milk, toast, scones, and other yummy snacks. For lunch we all ate at our worksites and we ate sandwiches. For dinner we had pasta and salad with breadsticks and brownies for dessert! We headed off to our worksite leaving around 7:00am. Everyone again worked really hard at their jobs and it has been fun hearing the youth share about how God has been teaching them, challenging them, growing them, and cultivating in the​m​ a grateful heart. Playing cards together before dinner! image4.jpeg The younger kids really have a lot of energy... image5.jpeg image8.jpeg We have a lot of fun together! What God Has Been Teaching Us Many of them shared that they felt challenged by the kids from other churches in their teams who don't work hard. Our youth often wondered why the other kids came on the trip if they weren't there to work and be a good witness. I reminded them that we are there to share the gospel with everyone around us through our work ethic, our words, and our love! I know they are struggling to be patient and not get frustrated with their team members and I see them growing in thankfulness for the hard workers on their teams as well as for the countless blessings they receive back home. Bring around so much poverty has really opened their eyes to see how rich they really are especially materially and I hope they see it more and more spiritually, too. :)​ I hope it helps them be more appreciative of how much their parents love them and how God generously provides for them through their parents.​ We have also seen many many answered prayer requests and I told them how blessed we are to have families back home who love and care for us and are praying for us. And for an awesome church family who are also praying for us and supporting us! ​Crew Servant Leaders​ Each crew has different jobs that people can do and over half of our youth signed up to be a youth leader in their crews!​ Some of them wanted to volunteer but others volunteered before they could.​ Crew Recorder - Records the number of times the gospel is shared each day. Jessica, Kevin, Jackie, Julia, Elaina Breaker Master - In charge of waking up at 5:30am to fill our coolers with ice and water and in the evening bring them back and cleaning them out. A difficult job! Jason, Ashley Medic - Takes the first aid kid and records any injuries on site. Evelyn, Willy Devotion Leader - During lunch each day they lead the whole group in a devotion! We have been going through Acts 8:4-8 learning about Philip! Little Aaron, Justin ​Birthday Celebration​ As a special treat for Little Aaron's birthday we went to McDonald's to get some snacks to celebrate! ​The girls went first and were back in their room so I only have a picture of the boys together :) ​I hope they will be friends forever :) Again, I want to thank the parents reading this for all your love and support for us! We truly feel the effects of your prayers and the wonderful parenting the youth experience year round! Truly training a child up in the way they should go so when they are old they will not depart from it! I hope to see much fruit come from these trips and everyone's lives for Christ :) Please pray that we will finish our work projects but most importantly, share the Good News with the lost people all around us. ​Blessings, Lynn :)​

Kevin:Summer Mission Day 2 Update from Ms. Lynn


Dear Youth Parents, We are now 2 days into our trip and finished our first day working at our job sites! Breakfast was at 6:00am where they served us pancakes, bacon, sausage, cereal, milk, fruit, and other snacks. Everyone ate well and got ready to leave by 6:45am for the great send-off! We were at our job sites from 7am to 3pm. The adult volunteers made sure everyone drank plenty of water and took plenty of breaks to keep cool. I am very happy and proud to say that everyone from our church worked very hard. Sometimes there are members of the team who don’t work hard or spend a lot of time talking and not working. This was not the case for anyone on our team. When I asked the youth who they wanted to specially mention here are only a few (there are more!) - Ingrid gave a shoutout to Willy and Ashley for working super hard at their painting job - Kevin Yeh gave a shoutout to Justin and Jerry for also working hard and staying on task while painting and working on a deck for their homeowner - Elaina gave a shoutout to Evelyn for trying to make good connections with the other church team members, an important part of what we do - Aaron Zhang gave a shoutout to Joshua for pushing a wheelbarrow full of stuff by himself 8 times back and forth and it was a difficult job There are many many more but those are a few just to give you an idea of what they’ve been doing :) It is clear that our youth are well-trained and disciplined. They know what they are here to do and why they are here. I have seen them grow in leadership by taking roles within their groups and in responsibility by faithfully carrying out their tasks. When some of the younger kids get too excited the older youth help calm them down and remind them that they’re on a missions trip. Even the 7th graders helping/reminding the 6th graders. The following team pictures are not accurate since we’ve switched some people around but here are some pictures of them waiting for the rest of their crew from yesterday! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FMLC Parents of Antioch Fellowship" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. Willy, Ingrid (not pictured here, in a different picture) and Ashley are on one team and they are doing painting. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FMLC Parents of Antioch Fellowship" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. Evelyn and Elaina are painting. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FMLC Parents of Antioch Fellowship" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. Aaron, Justin, Jerry, Kevin, and Athena are on one team and working on painting and building/staining a deck. Jodi and Julia are on a different team doing painting. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FMLC Parents of Antioch Fellowship" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. Justin was being silly - he’s on Aaron’s team with Kevin, Jerry and Athena :) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FMLC Parents of Antioch Fellowship" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. Joshua, Jason, Samuel, Aaron Z, and Jackie are working at a church doing landscaping -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FMLC Parents of Antioch Fellowship" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. Jess and Chris are working on roofing and painting! For lunch we all had pizza at our worksites and for dinner we had Mexican food - tortillas, chips, pulled pork, chicken, rice, salsa, etc. All the food has been great! All the kids as well as Aaron and myself are pretty tired. Everyone is asleep already :) Please keep us all in your prayers and especially for our physical health and energy! We want to work hard on God’s power and strength. We certainly feel physically weak but the spirit in us moves us to work hard and do our best for our Lord. Thanks for reading!! Blessings, Lynn :)

Kevin:Summer Mission Day 1 Update from Ms. Lynn


Youth Group Leader Ms. Lynn給家長們報平安了!心裡也放心些了! --------------------------------------- Dear Youth Parents, It has been quite a long day but we are all now settled into our room and all the kids are asleep or almost asleep for the night. The flights were smooth and the transfers fairly easy. Once we got to New Mexico we got our vans and had Chik-fil-a for lunch. Everyone enjoyed it a lot before we drove the two hours to Gallup! After the opening ceremony and dinner everyone went to Window Rock for a time of reflection and understanding a little bit of the Navajo nation. We took our first full group photo together! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "FMLC Parents of Antioch Fellowship" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [email protected]. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. It was actually later in the day around 8pm but I lightened the photo so you can see us better :) We’re all assigned into our crews and ready for the work day ahead! There are many other churches here from all over the country! Some from South Carolina, Washington, Louisiana, Wyoming, Colorado, and more! We’ll be doing painting, deck repair, roofing, and a variety of other things to share the gospel through construction. We hope and pray that we will be a great blessing to each family and homeowner we meet while here in Gallup! They lock the doors down so no one can come in or out after 10pm. They take very good care of us here making sure we are safe and well fed! We had hamburgers and hot dogs for dinner with plenty of cool water to keep us hydrated :) Our prayer requests: - for team unity! We want to work together well with the other churches and for everyone to see Christ in us. - for great rest and sleep tonight. - for careful tending and watchfulness over our own souls so we may be faithfully following Jesus - many opportunities to share the gospel and speak words of life into all the people around us! - plenty of grace and forgiveness for the times we get cranky/tired - for the Holy Spirit to fully empower our efforts and work here so the impact may be eternal and lasting :) Thank you all for sending emails back - I read them and share with the youth as well ^_^ Blessings, Lynn :)