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Molly rocked gently in her hammock in Spring time. It was a cool day but also, quite cold. She pulled on our woolly cardigan and took out her drawing pad with her bright, colorful pens. Molly pointed at Gran and her washing, telling Gran to stay still. Gran walked over by the door and pretended she was cradling a baby. Molly giggled and started to draw Gran as a fox holding a young fox baby. Then, she drew the washing with a little fox stomping into a mud puddle, that splashed on the washing. She labeled the young fox and named him Cheeky and labeled the mum and baby and wrote mum, Foxie. "Mum and Molly! Who wants some honey cake? With hot chocolate in everyones favorite mugs!" Mum called out from the kitchen to Molly and Gran. They rushed in and sat by the table. Molly and Gran stood up and lay the white tablecloth with bright blue dots on the end of it. Gran sat down again while Molly went to call dad down for honey cake and hot chocolate. The whole family settled down and ate it all up. At night, Molly couldn't sleep. Night time today reminded her of a midnight feast that she had promised Penny but Penny couldn't come over. Mum felt pitiful as she knew they planned a warm campfire and a delicious midnight feast. She promised Molly that next time Penny could stay for 2 days and 2 nights! She heard a tinkling sound of ringing and woke up. They always rand that bell to wake her up. 'What's the problem? Did a burglar or witch come in?!' Molly shuddered at the thought of a witch because it reminded her of Carlotta a wicked, witch-y mermaid. She got up in an instant and ran downstairs where the laughing came from... She saw them out in the dark garden holding torches and Dad also holding the bell! They must have opened the window. They were beside a red tent and were toasting marshmallows by the warm camp fire they had set out! Three packs of crackers were beside them and there were chocolate too. "Surprise!" everyone called and they set out a little fairy light stick setting on light for Molly! They had a great time eating chocolate, marshmallows and crackers sandwiches! "Thanks!"


Happy Mother's Day(to mum)(M)

3rd of April 2011 Mother's Day! Dear Mummy, Happy Mother's Day! Today I am giving you this particular story and this particular gift. It is a blue door hanger with a red thread tied together as the hang. It has two yellow feathers with two small red feathers in between. Three ribbons saying 'Family & Fun (heart)' and so on stuck to the top and bottom. Two on the top and one at the bottom. 'Surprise' Freya Clarks put the kettle on a stepped down off the chair. She picked up her small piece of ribbon and started to weave in and out to make a pretty bracelet for Jo, her step mum. She had to make something better and decided to just do all the housework and when she got to rest, finish her bracelet and draw a picture of gingerbread dad, gingerbread Jo, gingerbread Clara and gingerbread her on the card. She just needed to add the finishing touch to her card and bracelet then everything would be perfect. When she finished the woven bracelet, she heard the kettle click. "Oh! I can't forget the kettle," she exclaimed putting the bracelet down. Freya poured the tea into a beautiful cup she made for her family. "Freya! Be an angel and play with Clara for two minutes would you? I need to get the kettle going and make breakfast AND take her her dummy!" Jo called from the living room. Freya grinned from ear to ear, "Coming Jo!" Freya called back from the kitchen. She put the cup with tea in it, the toast with cheese on it and the dummy with the lid on it on the clean, shiny tray. She brought it out and, SURPRISE!


Friends again?(7)(M)

That day, Rosa was sitting in class scribbling things in her jotter about her plans for her Literacy adventure story. 'I don't know what to write!' she muttered, doodling another sad face. Her plans in her book were crazy. The whole paragraph was basically this:bgchjdhgcjakjhgcsbv! Miss Carr walked over peering over Delphie's shoulder. "Wow! Amazing!" She exclaimed and walked back to the center. "OK! Everyone, open your books to page 29 please." Delphie opened her book and closed her tray. 'Hey, Rosa! There seems to be a problem at Enchantia,or u wont have prob with your work. Want help? Del,xxx ^__^ :)' text-ed on her mobile. Rosa peered at it. 'Hmmm.' 'Ye ye! I lost my imagination cause of Enchantia and u seem to be teasing me! Rosa :( ^_^ no xxx!' Rosa texted back. After school, Rosa sat there watching telly not happy she lost her imagination. Suddenly, her shoes started to tinkle... AN HOUR LATER At Enchantia, Rosa was sitting in the palace for 1 hour being tested on why she lost her imagination by Nutmeg and Sugar was sitting by waiting hopefully for Delphie who had noticed everything freeze like a freeze frame! Delphie put down her homework and jumped out the window. Sugar greeted her excitedly and told Delphie what had happened. It turned out it was Rosa's birthday and everyone forgot! Those two were the reasons she was unhappy with Delphie and the other friends! Happy Birthday From All Fairies! Friends Again? Yes Please!


Fun Morning.(M)

Bring! Flo opened her door and crept outside. She did not want to wake up and get beaten again for the who wakes up first competition that her twin brother had declared every Sunday. She brushed her teeth and washed her face with fresh morning water. Then, she put on a bright blue top with a lilac butterfly with blue sequins on it. She put on a blue skirt with purple sequins on the rim and pulled on short, pretty, white socks. She went downstairs and made two cups of steaming tea(for mum and dad), a cup of water(her twin brother) and a mug of milk(herself). Then, she made toast(herself), porridge(for her bro) and two bowls of cereal(mum and dad). She crept upstairs and sneaked in her bedroom. She climbed up the ladder and reached down about to wake her twin brother up. 'Wait' she thought 'I could sit on the end of his bed snuggling with my blanket and scare him'. So that's what she did. She reached out to pat him when a little something reached up and patted her! She screamed and woke Tim up. They agreed this was far to scary to do in the mornings. The next morning(Monday), Tim couldn't wake up because of his wonderful dream of beautiful foods and breakfasts(from last morning where Flo had set up all ready). Flo flopped her fluffy pillow on Tim's head and woke him up. Tim had a moan at her for waking him up when it was only 6. "Don't you want a pillow fight?" asked Flo sounding hurt, "You begged me yesterday when I said I wasn't interested and begged you to change it to Saturday!"  "Oh, yeah! Sorry!" Tim mumbled, "I'm so sorry! Really!" But then, he got to his normal cheeky self and swatted her playfully on the head. He was so not a match with his twin sister! Sigh!



貝貝愛看相機,因為相機可以看之前的照片,所以貝貝覺得很新奇,姐姐和貝貝都在裡面,可是那時候,貝貝並不喜歡被拍,只是單純的想看照片。即使我們告訴她,一定要先拍了以後,才能看到貝貝在裡面,貝貝還是只想在相機的這一邊,不願意到鏡頭前面。 不知道什麼時候開始,貝貝忽然懂了這中間的關聯性。於是,貝貝開始愛拍照。只要看到媽咪拿相機,馬上就跑到相機前面,要媽咪拍照,然後拍完一張就要看一張,不知道是看新鮮呢?還是要看自己美不美? 今天,我們去看姐姐的芭蕾期末表演,貝貝看到了相機,哇!!簡直無法控制,只要媽咪做出拍照的姿勢,就抓住媽咪的手,一隻手不停地比自己的臉“拍我,拍我!”如果貝貝會說話,應該就是這麼說吧!!結果,表演看下來,真的是拍貝貝比拍姐姐多,還好第二堂課的時候,老師拿了一本書吸引貝貝,不然,媽咪就真的拍不到姐姐的照片了! 唉∼∼人家都說,生老大新鮮,所以照片一大箱,老二就只剩幾張。嗯∼∼對啦,之前我們確實是不像以前姐姐小時候那麼愛拍照,不過,一半的原因是因為現在媽咪照顧兩個人,不想姐姐小時候,就只有一個baby,還是個很愛睡覺的baby,就比較有時間,另外一半就是貝貝自己,不像姐姐小時候看到鏡頭就笑嘻嘻地讓我們拍,貝貝就會跑到鏡頭後面來,所以,我們也很難照到。不過,看現在這個架勢,從此以後,兩個姐妹的照片,應該是勢均力敵了吧? 還是,貝貝啊,你會比姐姐更多照片呢?



貝貝很久沒有去children's center量體重了,媽咪早上量了一下貝貝, 嗯,10.1公斤,不錯不錯,那今天可以去看看Amina阿姨囉!! 到了那裡,阿姨一看到貝貝就開口說“Hello, Rebecca!”哇,阿姨真的 好記性,我們已經半年沒有來了耶!而且她管的小孩來來去去一直平均有 兩百五十個,竟然可以記住每個小孩的名字,真的是不做校長太可惜啊!! 果然,接著阿姨就直接問,貝貝有沒有比較愛說話了啊?貝貝吃飯怎麼樣 啊?呵呵,貝貝啊,你真的很慘,認識你和清楚你底細的人真的很多,簡 直和中國呀,台灣啊那種左鄰右舍大家都知道誰家小孩多大,在哪裡讀書 的情形不相上下,看來我們應該要一直住在這裡,這樣,媽咪就有很多 “眼線”,看住你的一舉一動哦!! 媽咪跟阿姨說了貝貝還是不喜歡和別的小朋友互動,也不愛說話,吃飯呢, 大概就是那樣了,雖然不多,但是也不再不吃了。阿姨覺得貝貝的體重雖 然不是很重,但是有維持在穩定的曲線,所以算ok。不過不說話,阿姨覺 得這樣將來貝貝上學可能會有問題,所以一方面跟children's center的 主任要求,讓貝貝加入下一期的“寶寶說話班”(就是類似playgroup, 放小朋友在那裡玩,然後一邊和他們說話來鼓勵他們和其他人的溝通), 另一方面,要媽咪在貝貝兩歲之後就打電話約兩歲的身體檢查,到時候, 她會看情形寫報告,如果需要,就會安排貝貝上語言復建的課程。 呵呵,貝貝啊,看來,大家都等不及要你開口囉!!媽咪知道你不是不能 說,就是不肯開口,不過,既然我們不能讓你說話,也只能看看“專家 們”是不是有更好的方法讓你開金口,讓我們拭目以待囉!


The Firebird.Lost and found. (M)

Prologue The young girl stared at the box excitedly and breathlessly. A tingle made her know this belongs to her. She opened the box and saw an amber Fire Bird charm hanging beautifully on a silver chain, it was the magic necklace of the Fire Bird. A black hooded person wearing a black cloak rushed in and snatched the necklace away and disappeared in a cloud of smoke! "Mum! Give me my book back!" Ava called. She was 10 and had a book about The Fire Bird. "Hey, guys! Over here! I've found a beautiful box!" Tilly called running over to the attic, up the ladder, opened a locked door(they have the key to the door), through to a big hole and squirmed in. The light was on and Ava was sitting there gloomily looking at Billy and Milly's books. They were lying on the floor telling Ava what happened in there favorite story and competing with each other to see which on Ava would choose. "Guys! Look over here! I'm trying to telling tell you something!" Tilly exclaimed. Ava's eyes lit up at the thought of Tilly finding the box with her present she was given when she was three. The other two just walked over to the big hole and wiggled in. It was big enough for an adult in case Ava was an adult and wanted to get in. Ava thought carefully and decided to go and look at it. "Where did you find it?" Ava asked carefully, not wanting her to say 'Finders keepers'. "Follow me!" She said we climbed down the ladder and she led me to a dusty cupboard where there was a doorway that led to a place they kept wonderful things to use when it came to a special occasion to wear. "Um... are you sure it's in here? I've checked it out before and..." Ava began. "Dearies! Lunch!" Mum called from down in the kitchen. For lunch, they had salad and garlic bread. Milly was crunching her carrots, Billy was munching his fresh tomatoes, Tilly put some celery in her pocket and ate the ones spare. Ava just broke down pieces of garlic bread listening to her mum. she nipped some extra carrots from Milly. For pudding They had ice cream in the shapes of their favorite animal even though Ava had to eat a strawberry ice cream so her Fire Bird would have to be pink. When they finished, Tilly ran upstairs with Ava and they did find a beautiful blue box with orange feathers at the side with multi-colored flowers on it. In the middle was the picture of a Fire Bird in flight. They had once again, been restored with the safety of it's magic.



圓咪之前為了Edith的選角,花了一點心思準備,還等呀等,盼啊盼,今天結果終於出來了,不過很可惜,圓咪並沒有得到Edith的角色,只得到了一個奶奶的角色。 回家的路上,圓咪很失望,一直說自己永遠也演不了主角,她覺得自己做得很努力很好了,但是還是得不到,所以永遠也得不到了! 圓咪啊,其實這些話,媽咪當時已經跟你說了,但是,媽咪還是想再提醒你一次。其實,人生本來就是有很多很多的失望,尤其是求學過程,更是一個淘沙的過程,你只有不斷進步才能進入下一階段,不然就是被淘汰。而進入下一階段的你,就會面臨比上一階段更厲害的競爭對手,因為他們也是像你一樣努力進入的,當然,不幸的,你甚至會遇到“天才”,不管我們怎麼努力,他們只要輕輕鬆鬆就可以打敗我們,但是,我們能怎麼辦?眼淚擦一擦,繼續努力啊,然後等待屬於我們的機會啊! 不過,圓咪啊,你不是說自己已經進步了,因為你以前只敢小小聲說話,這次已經比較大聲了,只是,不像Milly那樣有自信,所以,你也知道自己的缺點啊!那我們至少知道還可以怎麽努力,對不對?這個production是年年都有的,說不定,明年你就可以當主角了啊! 寶貝啊,另外,你記得媽咪一直提醒你的嗎?就算我們真的不能成功,但是我們盡力了,努力的過程,也是我們人生中重要的經驗啊,所以,不要怕結果不如人意,就繼續的努力,好不好?


Dream Dogs(M)

That night, Bella lay in her bed, thinking about their Dream and that it was going to come true! When she woke up, she combed her hair, zipped up her suitcases and ran downstairs, clutching her luggage. They were going to a place called 'Sand town' by the beach! She grabbed the last piece of jam on toast and ran outside to meet Suzi, her mum. She opened the door and looked around. Everything except the furniture as in sofas, bookshelves, maybe TVs but not the humongous things were outside. "C'mon! You woke up so late today!" Max shouted through the big wind, blowing away most of his voice. "Pepper!" Bella called, beckoning her little cute brown Norfolk Terrier to the car, while munching her toast and finishing it. She heaved in the luggage(helping her mum of course) into the car boot. That night, Bella was asleep in her new bedroom. she was sitting on the floor and half leaning on her bed with her elbow and half leaning on her suitcases. She woke up that morning, staring up at the ceiling. She had helped her mum paint it all white and it looked a disaster. Only, she and Max and Pepper painted blue dots on it and filled in all the the horrible smudges. She had almost forgotten where she was and why. "Bella! I wish you'd come and take care of Max and Pepper!" Suzi exclaimed, pushing Pepper gently off the stool. Bella ran downstairs clutching her paint pot and brush when she finished putting all her luggage away. She started painting the walls bubblegum pink, making splodges all over her. That day, she was on her way to the sweet shop to by some pear drops and lemon sherbets for Suzi and Max to eat. At the sweet shop, Bella saw some dog biscuits in and was mystified why there were dog biscuits in a sweet shop?! She bought that as well and went home to help with the dream dog parlor. She saw that the walls were painted bright bubblegum pink and there were spider plants and peace lilies hung in baskets at on the ceiling. Soft music played from a dog shaped speaker. A row of dog lead hooks were neatly screwed to the wall beside a dog rest bed/waiting seat with plush velvet cushions on. There was a huge window just behind the plush seats. There were dog cages by a dog play wait area with balls and sticks in them. Dog snacks were stacked neatly in a row on newly bought clean wooden shelves. Towels hung over hooks. There were crisps in a bowl, water jugs beside plastic cups, some filled with water and some empty, Dog bowls just beside the cups, mugs with juice in them, plain biscuits, custard creams, toast, frothy cold drinks with ice in them and neatly stacked napkins just in front of the snacks. They worked on the room even more so that includes Dog banners. Then, they saw peopl arrive and lit up the bright pink sign. Max, Pepper, Suzi and Bella gasped, what a bunch. They could get rich!


At the beach!(M)

Includes Baby language and nonsense from Cara. Sarah Smith yawned and tipped over her tiny fake bouquet of flowers. " Bang! Bang! Sasa(baby way of saying Sarah)?" asked Cara(Cathy is her middle name) Smith, her baby sister. "Whats the matter Cathy(Sarah calls her her middle name)?" called Sarah picking up her fake plastic flowers, tying up the flowers with a silky red ribbon and putting the bouquet in a fake plastic vase. "Bang! Hed('heard' in baby language) Bang!" Cara exclaimed. Sarah shook her head happily at the cute language. Sarah took her chance to look her best in front of any girls she wanted to be her best friend. She put on her red and white small flowered halfway swimming top that showed her belly and put on a red swimming miniskirt, also embroidered with small white flowers on. Sarah put on a yellow vest-dress with a white sash tied on her waist and had white dots on the dress. she put on white sandals with one little yellow dot in the middle. She changed her pair of earings for sun ones. She put on red lipstick and slicked on thin black mascara and put on pink sunglasses with 3 white dots in the corners. Downstairs she munched the jam toast and gulped down the water. "Sarah darling. Time to go!" her mum called out. Sarah took a crispy juicy sweet apple and went upstairs to help Cara with her clothes and getting ready. Cara's bedroom was messy and Cara had nearly finished with her clothes and had started to tidy up her bedroom. "Cara, get ready now please. You've tidied up enough that you can't tidy up any more." I exclaimed "But dety (dirty)." she protested. "I'll make it as clean as I can(meaning as clean as her and her parents bedroom, because they have theirs were very clean)." I filled the bucket with water and took a mop. Cara put on her nappy(maybe not nearly finished) and gulped down the water I saved for her and the crunched the apple. She couldn't finish the apple so gave the last one quarter to me. Sarah helped her get into a short t-shirt and put on short skirt dungarees. She brought her her pink swimming costume and put it in her little doodle bag. "Coming mum!" Sarah exclaimed and they were soon down leaving Cara's bedroom clean and tidy. They set off in the indigo new car and in the car they told jokes and ate yummy crisps. At the beach, Sarah twirled around in her mellow yellow dress and white dots and sash. She and her family decided it was time for a scrumptious lunch. They sipped coke using a straw and munched the hamburgers happily. For dessert, they had Chocolate Cherry Sundaes. Soon, they were full and went for a paddle. Sarah took hold of Cara and they walked over to the sea for a paddle and Sarah even met a nice kind girl called Jane. She wore a Mellow Yellow swimming costume and had long brown hair tied in a ponytail. Jane pushed a strand of brown hair behind an ear and asked if we should have an Ice-Cream. Sarah nodded and they went to Sarah's parents to ask "Pleasy(please). I be gooder (behave better)." they were allowed to have delicious vanilla ice-cream with a chocolate waffle in. They had a lovely time and found out Jane was their next door neighbor! What a delight! They often play together and Jane also hs a baby sister that made friends with Cara! What a match!


Good Luck with 'The doll's house'!(M)

Emily and Charlotte striped off the curtains of their own silly box doll house. "It's just silly!" Emily exclaimed, trying to hide the feelings of being terribly sad that the dolly box was useless. She decided to see what Charlotte could think of. Charlotte just sat there working on with the dolls house, including wiping away the dust and gluing the shells back on the picture frames. "Emily, just get on with washing the carpets, possibly getting some cotton and feathers for the pillows and beds and if you've finished, do please sew up extra bits of felt on to the white flannels and oh if you could, get some blue ones as well and sew feathers on one for Birdie." Charlotte was much younger than Emily and was first to think of clever things and useful things that day which surprised Emily terribly(Emily's normally the person to think of things first!). They cleaned all the things from the grand dolls house and put in extra things from the silly practice one. That evening, they were finished with the dolls house and it looked better than usual. Tottie was given back from the festival to everyone's delight and welcomed in happily. "Hi Charlotte. Hi Emily, how are you? At the festival, there was a lady called Miss Corrington and she wore a denim dress with white dots on it, a white top and a pair of clean happy face earings, she looked very pretty. She took great care of me and was an owner of an alive doll as well like you!" whispered Tottie. They gasped in delight at the good news and brought her upstairs to see their work. Tottie was testing to see if they had it all right. "So, 2 bedrooms with a pink carpet for one and a blue carpet for the other. It's got two picture frames in each bedroom with shells on and wonderful pictures of the people that lived 100 years ago along with me like Marchpane and probably Tania, Frimic, Toopany, Lilli Crini, Peggy Torm and Powlina and Syria. Cream white carpets layered between the two bedrooms?"Tottie asked. "Look yourself." Emily said, tipping a bottle of water over Frimic, the doll that they were going to make alive as well as Frimic was made of foam. Watch out for the next series!


All thanks to Delphie(6)(M)

"Florence Tanya." "Yes Miss Dilys." "And finally, last but not least, Delphie Durrand and Rosa Maitland." "Good afternoon Miss Dilys!" the girls chorused. Rosa 's mum was alone and Delphie dad was alone so the two married with them both at the time when Delphie and Rosa were the same age. Rosa 's middle name was called Maitland so because they were in Year 3, Rosa had to use her middle name in the register. "Rosa, register." Miss Dilys said and walked out to her learning teacher meeting. She let Mrs Buck take over. "Tomorrow we are going on a trip to the beach as a treat for being so good this term!" Mrs Buck exclaimed with a big hint of excitement in her voice. None of them could exactly concentrate on their work and wrote beach stories when it was big write time. That evening, Delphie and Rosa ran home to their mum, Mrs Durrand and asked for their usual snack and told her all about it. "Dad! we are going to the beach tomorrow and today in art," Rosa began and Delphie held up their beach design. "We did a beach creation!" Delphie finished. The day came to go to the beach. They were helping the class build a great big sand castle and they went for fun and happy paddle before deciding to Sunbathe. Meanwhile, Delphie had got up sneakily and bought an ice cream for everyone including herself and the teachers. The teachers got the biggest ones and most suprisingly the ice cream man gave it to her for free! All thanks to Delphie!


Nutty, the new Debo's pet as a birthday present(2)(M)

Debo woke up and grabbed her clip, she clipped back her hair and sat up. Meanwhile, Izzy sat on her stool embroidered with Parrots. She loved Parrots and you would think it's a bit funny wouldn't you? That's why she wasn't so keen on having friends around but often she would stack the stool neatly to a side and face it. She thought, if they laughed, they laughed, if they liked it, best. She ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower that made her smell like Daffodils. Then, she dried herself and put on a gown that she always wore to get back to her comfy bedroom. Quickly, she opened her cupboard and chose a white summer dress(not as in school uniform)with blue flowers on the rim of her dress. She opened her drawer and and flicked out a light blue(to match the colors on her flowers on her dress)clip to clip back her fringe. She put a(a lot) pink vest with white flowers on, a t-shirt made from jean material with red flowers on the middle and blue and white checks for the rim of her collars, a nice, soft and comfortable blue jeans, a pair of black boots(sensible ones for animal hunting/watching/spotting with white spots on and a red handbag with black spots on it(a lot). She got ready, grabbed some toast, gathered up her things and followed her mum to the car. "Right, Izzy. When are you coming home?" "At 12:00." "Have fun, dear," Izzy's mum called out from in the car( They'd already got to Debo's house). "And I can't pick you up at 12. I'll pick you at 1." and the Toyota car drove away to Smyth's, they were going there, because Milly, Izzy's little sister wanted a new toy and after all, it was her birthday next week. Debo rushed to the door before Izzy could even knock. Straight away, they changed into their animal spotting clothes. Izzy her check (jeans count even if they are not checked) clothes and Debo, a pink top with white spots and a purple ribbon tied up just below her chest, blue jeans, pink trainers and a squirrel shaped bag. Debo took a her little blue cardigan just in case for a bit of a breeze. They filled in their check list, "Camera." "Yes." Debo answered, checking both their bags. "Notebook." "Yes." "Pen and Pencil and Rubber(Pencil one and Pen one)." "Yes." "Bread and Nuts and Cheese and Sandwiches." "Yes again." "Right, we're ready." Izzy finally answered. They grinned, opened the door and set off along the path. By the bushes, they sat down and had their quick picnic. They lay down and stared at the sky. "Hey, I just saw a pigeon and a robin!" Debo exclaimed grinning. They flipped to the back of their notebook and wrote what they were looking at that day: Birds. That afternoon, they were on their way back to Debo's house when Izzy heard a scuttle and saw a bushy brown tail. "Squirrel," she whispered. "Debo, you go on. I think we left our nuts behind!" Izzy called out, she really did think they did but the other half was an excuse. "Alright." Debo replied, she did know it was half an excuse and it was half a surprise for her. Meanwhile, Izzy brushed open the bushes and peered in... it was a squirrel! Izzy ran back to the green bushes where they sat(under a small apple tree as well)and picked up their box of nuts. She attracted the squirrel over and carried him back to Debo's house. "Debo! Your birthday present." She called out. They begged for Debo to be able to have the squirrel and even when the puppy saw Debo, he didn't let her out of his sight. In the end, Debo's mum agreed because she did think the squirrel was cute and knew Debo liked squirrels and knew how to take care of them. They named the squirrel Nutty.



我們才剛剛度過了一個緊張,然後又放鬆下來的星期六,心裡上還有點忐忑呢!半夜裡,竟然又接到伯母的電話。 伯母說,她因為看不懂醫生的字,又拿著病歷去問醫生,到底是怎麼樣。沒想到,醫生竟然說,奶奶的肋骨裡頭疑似有腫瘤,但是他們的醫院不夠大,所以,如果要做更進一步的檢查,只能轉院到長沙的腫瘤醫院去檢查。不過,醫生也說,就算是檢查出來了,奶奶現在的身體,恐怕也是承受不了開刀治療,所以,一切就看家屬自己的決定了。 伯母在那裡不停地哭,要爸比回去,又說還沒有告訴爺爺,不知道要不要說。唉∼∼爸比媽咪被伯母哭得很緊張,但是,她說得不清不楚,爸比回去是可以的,可是,爺爺是瞞不住的,何況,爸比從要回去變不回去,再回去,要怎麼讓奶奶不起疑心呢?當然,最重要的還是,到底奶奶的情形是如何?爸比問的問題,伯母都答不上,我們怎麼繼續想接下來怎麼辦呢? 爸比決定,先跟爺爺聯絡上,既然爺爺是不能瞞的,就要爺爺先和醫生談談,了解一下情況。經過幾次溝通,爺爺說,醫生說是確定的,就是有腫瘤,只是不知道是惡性良性,爺爺也難過得不得了,要爸比趕快回家。 想到家裡必然是亂成一團,爸比毫不猶豫地就決定回家,一方面真正地了解詳情(每次問爺爺伯母,總是答得不清不楚,什麽檢查,為什麽做,為什麽不做,為什麽之前怎麼說,怎麼又變成這樣說),再來,爺爺大概也有點慌亂,對於下一步要怎麼做,也不知道怎麼才最好,爸比在,也能有個人商量,而且,如果轉院什麼的,也有人可以在醫院照顧奶奶。更重要的是,奶奶生病了,病得這麼重,爸比是她的小兒子,是一定要回去看看奶奶的啊! 於是,爸比開始準備,訂機票,請假,然後燒圓圓貝貝的照片光碟,.....一直忙到早上,最後,和剛起床的圓咪宣布爸比還是要走的事。小小的貝貝不了解,還是像平常一樣不停地叫著“爸爸,爸爸”,圓咪則紅了眼眶,又怕奶奶有事,又捨不得爸比。 但是,爸比是為人子女的,他也是有他的責任,奶奶生病,爸比心裡也很難過,尤其是聽到這樣急轉直下的消息,怎麼能不回去照顧奶奶呢?是不是啊?女兒們啊,將來要是爸比媽咪生病了,你們也是會想回來看爸比媽咪的,對不對?何況,爸比只是回去兩個禮拜,只要奶奶的事情都安頓好了,一切情形穩定了,爸比就會回來了啊! 所以,我們要在家裡乖乖的,好好的,不要讓爸比擔心,讓爸比好好照顧奶奶,等爸比回來,暑假我們就全家一起回去看奶奶,好不好啊?



我們才剛剛度過了一個緊張,然後又放鬆下來的星期六,心裡上還有點忐忑呢!半夜裡,竟然又接到伯母的電話。 伯母說,她因為看不懂醫生的字,又拿著病歷去問醫生,到底是怎麼樣。沒想到,醫生竟然說,奶奶的肋骨裡頭疑似有腫瘤,但是他們的醫院不夠大,所以,如果要做更進一步的檢查,只能轉院到長沙的腫瘤醫院去檢查。不過,醫生也說,就算是檢查出來了,奶奶現在的身體,恐怕也是承受不了開刀治療,所以,一切就看家屬自己的決定了。 伯母在那裡不停地哭,要爸比回去,又說還沒有告訴爺爺,不知道要不要說。唉∼∼爸比媽咪被伯母哭得很緊張,但是,她說得不清不楚,爸比回去是可以的,可是,爺爺是瞞不住的,何況,爸比從要回去變不回去,再回去,要怎麼讓奶奶不起疑心呢?當然,最重要的還是,到底奶奶的情形是如何?爸比問的問題,伯母都答不上,我們怎麼繼續想接下來怎麼辦呢? 爸比決定,先跟爺爺聯絡上,既然爺爺是不能瞞的,就要爺爺先和醫生談談,了解一下情況。經過幾次溝通,爺爺說,醫生說是確定的,就是有腫瘤,只是不知道是惡性良性,爺爺也難過得不得了,要爸比趕快回家。 想到家裡必然是亂成一團,爸比毫不猶豫地就決定回家,一方面真正地了解詳情(每次問爺爺伯母,總是答得不清不楚,什麽檢查,為什麽做,為什麽不做,為什麽之前怎麼說,怎麼又變成這樣說),再來,爺爺大概也有點慌亂,對於下一步要怎麼做,也不知道怎麼才最好,爸比在,也能有個人商量,而且,如果轉院什麼的,也有人可以在醫院照顧奶奶。更重要的是,奶奶生病了,病得這麼重,爸比是她的小兒子,是一定要回去看看奶奶的啊! 於是,爸比開始準備,訂機票,請假,然後燒圓圓貝貝的照片光碟,.....一直忙到早上,最後,和剛起床的圓咪宣布爸比還是要走的事。小小的貝貝不了解,還是像平常一樣不停地叫著“爸爸,爸爸”,圓咪則紅了眼眶,又怕奶奶有事,又捨不得爸比。 但是,爸比是為人子女的,他也是有他的責任,奶奶生病,爸比心裡也很難過,尤其是聽到這樣急轉直下的消息,怎麼能不回去照顧奶奶呢?是不是啊?女兒們啊,將來要是爸比媽咪生病了,你們也是會想回來看爸比媽咪的,對不對?何況,爸比只是回去兩個禮拜,只要奶奶的事情都安頓好了,一切情形穩定了,爸比就會回來了啊! 所以,我們要在家裡乖乖的,好好的,不要讓爸比擔心,讓爸比好好照顧奶奶,等爸比回來,暑假我們就全家一起回去看奶奶,好不好啊?



昨天下午,大伯母打電話要爸比打電話回家,說奶奶的情形不太好,已經住院三天了。大伯母說得不清不楚,哭哭啼啼的,讓我們都很擔心,只好等晚上爺爺回來才能再說。 據爺爺說,好像就還是原來那些毛病,只是奶奶最近感冒了,然後可能肺部有些感染,另外吃不下飯,說肚子痛。結果遇到一個新來的醫生,做了一大堆檢查,說可能是腸堵塞什麼的,但是後來都排除了,聽爺爺說起來就好像沒有什麼太大的問題,都是一些小小毛病,只是奶奶的膽囊炎跟帕金森長期造成的疼痛,還是疼得厲害,止痛藥也不怎麼管用。但是,詳細的情形還是要明天醫生會診之後才能知道。 爸比媽咪擔心了一個晚上,好不容易挨到時間差不多,應該是可以知道結果了,趕忙打電話回家。怎麽知道,竟然變成了好像就是奶奶的樣樣症狀就都不致命,可是呢,年紀大了身體虛,醫生也是沒辦法,就只能盡力而已。爺爺的意思,要爸比立刻回家,做好最壞的打算。 聽到爺爺這樣說,爸比媽咪簡直心都涼了,怎麽突然就變成這樣呢?爸比趕快就聯絡公司,準備訂機票等回家事宜。一邊也不停地打電話問爺爺最新的情形。結果,就在爸比定好機票通知家裡的時候,爺爺竟然說,奶奶已經回家了,而爸比和奶奶講話的狀況也很穩定,不像是先前想像的那麼嚴重,奶奶也說了,不用回來,就按照我們原來的計劃暑假回來就可以了。 媽咪再打電話問爺爺的時候,爺爺也覺得好像奶奶這次的藥物有控制住疼痛,所以大概不用回來了。媽咪聽爺爺的聲音也很穩定,不像是先前那樣,況且是奶奶自己要爸比不用回來,奶奶應該是很清楚自己的身體的,何況也回家了。我們相信,這次的住院,檢查,應該就是因為奶奶感冒引起的一連串的效應,並沒有什麼新的或是更惡化的情況。 所以,爸比就聽從奶奶的話,先取消了機票。我們也終於鬆了一口氣。只是,這樣折騰兩天,爸比媽咪都累壞了,不是身體的累,而是那種心情一直緊張擔心,吃不下睡不著的,一下子聽到奶奶沒事的消息,我們的心情,也跟窗外的天氣一樣,終於露出了太陽。媽咪可以和圓咪好好的去上音樂課,爸比也可以陪貝貝出去走走了∼∼ 啊∼∼只是,經過這麼虛驚一場,我們也開始注意到爺爺家裡現在有多麼緊張,大伯的腳受傷,爺爺年紀大了,奶奶又病,爸比還遠在英國,要是真的有什麼狀況,真的連個拿主意的人都沒有。神啊,我們只能不停禱告,袮一定要保守奶奶的身體,我們不敢求她恢復健康,但是,請求你減輕她的疼痛,也求你堅強奶奶的意志,不要再一直陷入憂鬱之中。也請你一定要給奶奶多一點力氣,讓我們暑假回去的時候,奶奶還可以看看貝貝,陪貝貝玩一下。也要保守爺爺,讓他身體健康,唉∼∼是大家都要健康,大家都不要生病啦!


Their friendship. At Enchantia(4)(M)

Their ballet slipper necklaces raced and beat on they're chest's. Delphie and Rosa gasped in delight(Rosa was still scared because they need to jump out the window to appear back at Enchantia) as Delphie lead way and climbed on the window. Delphie absolutely leapt out the window without a moments hesitation. Rosa hesitated and glanced back. The door started to budge "Delphie, Rosa, my darlings. Teatime!" Rosa found herself desperate to run back to their mum, Mrs Durrand for tea and leave Enchantia to Delphie, which meant Delphie was the only First Fairy to dance and fix the problem in 5 minutes and probably get invited to the party! Delphie didn't know Rosa didn't jump along with her. "That's weird, My costume is changing into a pink leotard and tutu, like Swan Lake's Odette, and I can only hear my dance dust working." Delphie wandered "I guess she's thinking about things and maybe it won't work if you don't concentrate. Delphie's newly cut hair that hung about at where her neck meets the slope bit by her shoulder grew longer to her elbow. "Delphie!" Nutmeg and Sugar chorused "Where's Rosa?" asked Nutmeg. Delphie thought for a bit "Oh yes. She was quiet on the way so she is probably thinking abo..." Delphie now knew Rosa had chosen to stay back. It was news for all of them and she missed it! After the meeting Delphie remembered the news and flew back home, her hair went back to newly cut and landed in a flump on her bed. She climbed down the ladder and saw Rosa sitting on the window sill shocked at the way Delphie flew in. "How was it?" asked Rosa now knowing the 'Be back in a second' verse they used to say under her breath. It felt like Delphie had been there the whole time. Delphie told her the news and Rosa never decided to miss out Enchantia again.



昨天下午,大伯母打電話要爸比打電話回家,說奶奶的情形不太好,已經住院三天了。大伯母說得不清不楚,哭哭啼啼的,讓我們都很擔心,只好等晚上爺爺回來才能再說。 據爺爺說,好像就還是原來那些毛病,只是奶奶最近感冒了,然後可能肺部有些感染,另外吃不下飯,說肚子痛。結果遇到一個新來的醫生,做了一大堆檢查,說可能是腸堵塞什麼的,但是後來都排除了,聽爺爺說起來就好像沒有什麼太大的問題,都是一些小小毛病,只是奶奶的膽囊炎跟帕金森長期造成的疼痛,還是疼得厲害,止痛藥也不怎麼管用。但是,詳細的情形還是要明天醫生會診之後才能知道。 爸比媽咪擔心了一個晚上,好不容易挨到時間差不多,應該是可以知道結果了,趕忙打電話回家。怎麽知道,竟然變成了好像就是奶奶的樣樣症狀就都不致命,可是呢,年紀大了身體虛,醫生也是沒辦法,就只能盡力而已。爺爺的意思,要爸比立刻回家,做好最壞的打算。 聽到爺爺這樣說,爸比媽咪簡直心都涼了,怎麽突然就變成這樣呢?爸比趕快就聯絡公司,準備訂機票等回家事宜。一邊也不停地打電話問爺爺最新的情形。結果,就在爸比定好機票通知家裡的時候,爺爺竟然說,奶奶已經回家了,而爸比和奶奶講話的狀況也很穩定,不像是先前想像的那麼嚴重,奶奶也說了,不用回來,就按照我們原來的計劃暑假回來就可以了。 媽咪再打電話問爺爺的時候,爺爺也覺得好像奶奶這次的藥物有控制住疼痛,所以大概不用回來了。媽咪聽爺爺的聲音也很穩定,不像是先前那樣,況且是奶奶自己要爸比不用回來,奶奶應該是很清楚自己的身體的,何況也回家了。我們相信,這次的住院,檢查,應該就是因為奶奶感冒引起的一連串的效應,並沒有什麼新的或是更惡化的情況。 所以,爸比就聽從奶奶的話,先取消了機票。我們也終於鬆了一口氣。只是,這樣折騰兩天,爸比媽咪都累壞了,不是身體的累,而是那種心情一直緊張擔心,吃不下睡不著的,一下子聽到奶奶沒事的消息,我們的心情,也跟窗外的天氣一樣,終於露出了太陽。媽咪可以和圓咪好好的去上音樂課,爸比也可以陪貝貝出去走走了∼∼ 啊∼∼只是,經過這麼虛驚一場,我們也開始注意到爺爺家裡現在有多麼緊張,大伯的腳受傷,爺爺年紀大了,奶奶又病,爸比還遠在英國,要是真的有什麼狀況,真的連個拿主意的人都沒有。神啊,我們只能不停禱告,袮一定要保守奶奶的身體,我們不敢求她恢復健康,但是,請求你減輕她的疼痛,也求你堅強奶奶的意志,不要再一直陷入憂鬱之中。也請你一定要給奶奶多一點力氣,讓我們暑假回去的時候,奶奶還可以看看貝貝,陪貝貝玩一下。也要保守爺爺,讓他身體健康,唉∼∼是大家都要健康,大家都不要生病啦!



昨天,圓咪的science club讓小朋友上網找一種瀕臨絕種的動物,然後自己查那種動物的一些資料,做出一張小小(A4)的海報,圓咪說,大家都選了什麼獅子老虎之類的,只有她選了雪豹,因為她記得以前好像看過,然後就決定查出來看看。 一個小時的club時間,圓咪只能印出圖,然後寫上兩條特性就要收拾書包回家。路上,圓咪只按照慣例地告訴媽咪club做什麼,晚上,圓咪說還想看看雪豹的特性,我們就由著她去查資料。沒想到,圓咪就接著把查到的一些有趣的事情繼續寫上去,還加上小插圖,真的有點兒像張小海報呢! 今天放學的時候,圓咪告訴媽咪,她中文把小海報拿去給Mrs. Buck (club的指導老師),老師很高興地稱讚她做得很好,不但當場秀給其他老師看,還說要給圓咪一個“house point”,就帶著圓咪回教室跟Mrs. Mooney說,讓圓咪自己去加了一個house point。 呵呵,圓咪啊,媽咪真開心,不是因為你得到稱讚,而是你以前一向是不喜歡這些自然科學方面的東西,說真的,鼓勵你加入science club(其實還半用騙的,利用圓咪喜歡自己老師的心態),只是想鼓勵你,讓你知道自然科學其實也是有有趣的部分,不是那麼枯燥。看到你竟然自發性地去找資料,媽咪相信你是不再像以前那樣排斥了,這樣,就已經向前進了很大一步,因為你以前的態度,真的讓媽咪很擔心你以後在這些相關科目上的學習呢! 圓咪啊,媽咪並不想你將來要做什麼家什麼家的,不過,不希望你帶著排斥的情緒來學某些科目,那樣,對於無法避免的基礎科目,只是增加你學校生活的痛苦而已,希望你以後,不管是什麼科目,不管有沒有好成績,都要像這次一樣,開開心心地完成,好不好啊?